politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Compulsory face mask wearing – the Brexit divide
Above is today’s polling from YouGov on the compulsory wearing of face masks when at work. As can be seen there’s a relatively tight split, within the margin of error, on whether those sampled back or oppose the idea.
Scott must be devastated by that poll. He has worked so hard retweeting everyone who says anything negative about the Government and they have gone up in the poll
So the only gtoup of people that actually are over all in favour of compulsion are the authoritarian left and the remainers who still don't like the fact some peasants didn't vote as they were told to.
I have said I expect a uturn will come on the compulsion and I think those percentages make it look more likely as it's people more likely to vote tory that appear to reject compulsion
I don't think it should need to be compulsory, I think people 100% should do the right thing and wear a mask without the government needing to compel it. Where does that put me?
I don't think it should need to be compulsory, I think people 100% should do the right thing and wear a mask without the government needing to compel it. Where does that put me?
As I'm not interested at all in celebrity tittle tattle I've not been following this Johnny Depp story at all. Is there much to it? Should I be changing my avatar?
I don't think it should need to be compulsory, I think people 100% should do the right thing and wear a mask without the government needing to compel it. Where does that put me?
So the only gtoup of people that actually are over all in favour of compulsion are the authoritarian left and the remainers who still don't like the fact some peasants didn't vote as they were told to.
I have said I expect a uturn will come on the compulsion and I think those percentages make it look more likely as it's people more likely to vote tory that appear to reject compulsion
So the only gtoup of people that actually are over all in favour of compulsion are the authoritarian left and the remainers who still don't like the fact some peasants didn't vote as they were told to.
I have said I expect a uturn will come on the compulsion and I think those percentages make it look more likely as it's people more likely to vote tory that appear to reject compulsion
(Not sure why Mike decided to focus on polling on masks at work in particular)
Raving bonkers. It's also incredibly racist, arguing that people of colour don't engage in rational thinking, are innumerate, don't work hard, don't plan for the future, can't delay their gratification, can't stick to schedules, can't make decisions. It's a white-supremacist worldview, which seems very odd!
John Harris is a national treasure. George Mondibot can be entertaining if you don’t take him too seriously. I also enjoy Richard Williams, especially when he writes about other than sport. I forget her name but the girl that does “how to cook the perfect...” is great magazine style journalism.
But then you have the downsides. Polly is tiresome, predictable and boring. And Owen Jones offensive and painful to my mental faculties.
It’s a shame because the Graun is at times capable of world class investigative journalism but has such a chip on its shoulder that its content is mostly unreadable dirge. Too many on its payroll have insufficiently few grey hairs and world views so narrow their output reads like parody.
The most irritating thing is the online comments section when you accidentally scroll below the article. Not that the Mail is better of course but at least they are self aware enough to give the audience some T&A (and curiously have an excellent science / technology editor).
Raving bonkers. It's also incredibly racist, arguing that people of colour don;t engage in rational thinking, are innumerate, don't work hard, don't plan for the future, can't delay their gratification, can't stick to schedules, can't make decisions. It's a white-supremacist worldview, which seems very odd!
Take away the attribution, and I would have genuinely guessed that this was a KKK leaflet, or something vile from Stormfront.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
R just above 1. Reported cases no longer decreasing. That's the negative. Incidence very low (except for some known hotspots). That's the positive. Managing this will need a lot of thought and care!
OK, my guess - hopefully educated - but a guess, on the current UK transmission of COVID by where it was contracted. This would, of course, have looked very different in March.
Non-public workplaces (esp. industrial, food) - 33% Domestic transmission within household - 38% Domestic transmission inter household (including a small contribution from at home care work and private transport) - 6% Pubs, restaurants, hospitality Inc staff - 6% Public transport Inc staff / taxis - 5% Hospital, mefical and care settings Inc staff - 3% (if it were still greater, deaths would still be higher) Retail and public facing service Inc staff but exc education - 4% Education and childcare settings - 2% Open air settings - 1% Contracted abroad - 1%
Raving bonkers. It's also incredibly racist, arguing that people of colour don't engage in rational thinking, are innumerate, don't work hard, don't plan for the future, can't delay their gratification, can't stick to schedules, can't make decisions. It's a white-supremacist worldview, which seems very odd!
If non white people were to follow that advice it would certainly guarantee a "white supremacy" for a very long time to come.
As it is it will be judged entirely on what race the author was.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
and it is a genuine contribution to a tricky discussion (my opinion as a white, centre right liberal male) including, naturally, lots to disagree with.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
So you think the protestant work ethic is universal, not cultural? Clue's in the name.
To be honest, I don't even understand what that graphic is trying to say to people. Are these things bad because they are "white"? Are they good despite being "typically white"? Do non-whites not do these things, or should they avoid them, or what?
Woke has gone so far it has entered a parallel universe outwith my comprehension. I am not jesting. I don't get it.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
It was asked why China has suddenly decided to come out all nasty to the world. I think the answer is that it has placed its bets on a Biden win in November and takes the view that, if he wins, Biden will be essentially Obama Mark 2, namely will want to avoid conflict and so will bend over backwards to do anything to calm China down. So China is probably thinking that the more it sabre rattles, the more Biden (or his successor) will look to give give aways.
Raving bonkers. It's also incredibly racist, arguing that people of colour don't engage in rational thinking, are innumerate, don't work hard, don't plan for the future, can't delay their gratification, can't stick to schedules, can't make decisions. It's a white-supremacist worldview, which seems very odd!
It didn't say what you say it says. Read it carefully. You are making unjustified inferences.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
So you think the protestant work ethic is universal, not cultural? Clue's in the name.
To be honest, I don't even understand what that graphic is trying to say to people. Are these things bad because they are "white"? Are they good despite being "typically white"? Do non-whites not do these things, or should they avoid them, or what?
Woke has gone so far it has entered a parallel universe outwith my comprehension. I am not jesting. I don't get it.
Yeah, we really have gone insane in the far future of *checks notes* 1990.
And I don't know why you're trying to read into it more than what it says. You're the one who's putting this "white = bad" narriative on it
As I'm not interested at all in celebrity tittle tattle I've not been following this Johnny Depp story at all. Is there much to it? Should I be changing my avatar?
What? Wait. So your not a Johhny Depp look alike????
As I'm not interested at all in celebrity tittle tattle I've not been following this Johnny Depp story at all. Is there much to it? Should I be changing my avatar?
All I've read is the headlines Mr T, and it seem to me that Depp, whether or not his version of events has any relation to reality, has done himself absolutely no favours. I don't know whether he has sought advice from anyone, but if he has, it's not from his friends.
and it is a genuine contribution to a tricky discussion (my opinion as a white, centre right liberal male) including, naturally, lots to disagree with.
I have a feeling that anyone who thinks that hard work is a white thing hasn't met many... Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Peruvians, Nepalese Sherpas etc...
Raving bonkers. It's also incredibly racist, arguing that people of colour don't engage in rational thinking, are innumerate, don't work hard, don't plan for the future, can't delay their gratification, can't stick to schedules, can't make decisions. It's a white-supremacist worldview, which seems very odd!
It didn't say what you say it says. Read it carefully. You are making unjustified inferences.
Well, perhaps you could explain what, for example, the bullet points in 'Emphasis scientific method' in the graphic detailing 'White Culture' are supposed to mean if it's not what I thought they mean.
and it is a genuine contribution to a tricky discussion (my opinion as a white, centre right liberal male) including, naturally, lots to disagree with.
I have a feeling that anyone who thinks that hard work is a white thing hasn't met many... Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Peruvians, Nepalese Sherpas etc...
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
So you think the protestant work ethic is universal, not cultural? Clue's in the name.
To be honest, I don't even understand what that graphic is trying to say to people. Are these things bad because they are "white"? Are they good despite being "typically white"? Do non-whites not do these things, or should they avoid them, or what?
Woke has gone so far it has entered a parallel universe outwith my comprehension. I am not jesting. I don't get it.
Yes, you have failed to understand what it says - even with it embedded as it is in a page explaining exactly what is says - yet you still felt moved to post about it as some example of something or other.
Raving bonkers. It's also incredibly racist, arguing that people of colour don't engage in rational thinking, are innumerate, don't work hard, don't plan for the future, can't delay their gratification, can't stick to schedules, can't make decisions. It's a white-supremacist worldview, which seems very odd!
It didn't say what you say it says. Read it carefully. You are making unjustified inferences.
Well, perhaps you could explain what, for example, the bullet points in 'Emphasis scientific method' in the graphic detailing 'White Culture' are supposed to mean if it's not what I thought they mean.
You need somebody to explain why having less of an emphasis on quantitative over qualitative analysis is different from being innumerate?
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
So you think the protestant work ethic is universal, not cultural? Clue's in the name.
To be honest, I don't even understand what that graphic is trying to say to people. Are these things bad because they are "white"? Are they good despite being "typically white"? Do non-whites not do these things, or should they avoid them, or what?
Woke has gone so far it has entered a parallel universe outwith my comprehension. I am not jesting. I don't get it.
Yeah, we really have gone insane in the far future of *checks notes* 1990.
Yes it was written by one Judith Katz in 1990. It doesn't look any better in her original. It reads like White Supremacism.
I swear to god someone could posts 218 random character on twitter and end it with "..to defend free speech" and people would be posting here as a Brave New Intervention in the Woke Cancel Culture Wars Which Are Destroying Western Civilisation.
I don't think it should need to be compulsory, I think people 100% should do the right thing and wear a mask without the government needing to compel it. Where does that put me?
Millions of people agree with that position.
Last time I read an article, Japan agreed with a voluntary position and about 75% of people wore one in close proximity to others. If so, the other 25% who did not presumably objected to masks. It's a free country (or not, in the UK case).
and it is a genuine contribution to a tricky discussion (my opinion as a white, centre right liberal male) including, naturally, lots to disagree with.
I have a feeling that anyone who thinks that hard work is a white thing hasn't met many... Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Peruvians, Nepalese Sherpas etc...
Not very culturally aware, really.
Good point, well made.
Come to think of it, the section on Communication is practically the rule set for a several South East Asian countries.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
So you think the protestant work ethic is universal, not cultural? Clue's in the name.
To be honest, I don't even understand what that graphic is trying to say to people. Are these things bad because they are "white"? Are they good despite being "typically white"? Do non-whites not do these things, or should they avoid them, or what?
Woke has gone so far it has entered a parallel universe outwith my comprehension. I am not jesting. I don't get it.
Yeah, we really have gone insane in the far future of *checks notes* 1990.
And I don't know why you're trying to read into it more than what it says. You're the one who's putting this "white = bad" narriative on it
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
Raving bonkers. It's also incredibly racist, arguing that people of colour don't engage in rational thinking, are innumerate, don't work hard, don't plan for the future, can't delay their gratification, can't stick to schedules, can't make decisions. It's a white-supremacist worldview, which seems very odd!
It didn't say what you say it says. Read it carefully. You are making unjustified inferences.
Well, perhaps you could explain what, for example, the bullet points in 'Emphasis scientific method' in the graphic detailing 'White Culture' are supposed to mean if it's not what I thought they mean.
You need somebody to explain why having less of an emphasis on quantitative over qualitative analysis is different from being innumerate?
No, I need someone to explain how a graphic claiming that examples of 'white culture' which include 'Objective, rational linear thinking; Cause and effect relationships; Quantitative emphasis' isn't incredibly racist. What is non-white culture - sorcery and voodoo?
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
So you think the protestant work ethic is universal, not cultural? Clue's in the name.
To be honest, I don't even understand what that graphic is trying to say to people. Are these things bad because they are "white"? Are they good despite being "typically white"? Do non-whites not do these things, or should they avoid them, or what?
Woke has gone so far it has entered a parallel universe outwith my comprehension. I am not jesting. I don't get it.
Yeah, we really have gone insane in the far future of *checks notes* 1990.
And I don't know why you're trying to read into it more than what it says. You're the one who's putting this "white = bad" narriative on it
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
What is interesting about that list, is that the exact opposite is the racist stereotype of various minorities.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
So you think the protestant work ethic is universal, not cultural? Clue's in the name.
To be honest, I don't even understand what that graphic is trying to say to people. Are these things bad because they are "white"? Are they good despite being "typically white"? Do non-whites not do these things, or should they avoid them, or what?
Woke has gone so far it has entered a parallel universe outwith my comprehension. I am not jesting. I don't get it.
Yeah, we really have gone insane in the far future of *checks notes* 1990.
And I don't know why you're trying to read into it more than what it says. You're the one who's putting this "white = bad" narriative on it
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
What is interesting about that list, is that the exact opposite is the racist stereotype of various minorities.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
So you think the protestant work ethic is universal, not cultural? Clue's in the name.
To be honest, I don't even understand what that graphic is trying to say to people. Are these things bad because they are "white"? Are they good despite being "typically white"? Do non-whites not do these things, or should they avoid them, or what?
Woke has gone so far it has entered a parallel universe outwith my comprehension. I am not jesting. I don't get it.
Yeah, we really have gone insane in the far future of *checks notes* 1990.
And I don't know why you're trying to read into it more than what it says. You're the one who's putting this "white = bad" narriative on it
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
Could one of the the right-wingers getting their knickers in a twist about this please point out the bits where it says either or both of "only white people have these characteristics" or "these characteristics are bad"? Because if it isn't saying either of those things (hint: it isn't), then I fail to see what the problem is.
Raving bonkers. It's also incredibly racist, arguing that people of colour don't engage in rational thinking, are innumerate, don't work hard, don't plan for the future, can't delay their gratification, can't stick to schedules, can't make decisions. It's a white-supremacist worldview, which seems very odd!
It didn't say what you say it says. Read it carefully. You are making unjustified inferences.
Well, perhaps you could explain what, for example, the bullet points in 'Emphasis scientific method' in the graphic detailing 'White Culture' are supposed to mean if it's not what I thought they mean.
You need somebody to explain why having less of an emphasis on quantitative over qualitative analysis is different from being innumerate?
No, I need someone to explain how a graphic claiming that examples of 'white culture' which include 'Objective, rational linear thinking; Cause and effect relationships; Quantitative emphasis' isn't incredibly racist. What is non-white culture - sorcery and voodoo?
I wonder what that means the Ghanian culture of advancement through education is?
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
So you think the protestant work ethic is universal, not cultural? Clue's in the name.
To be honest, I don't even understand what that graphic is trying to say to people. Are these things bad because they are "white"? Are they good despite being "typically white"? Do non-whites not do these things, or should they avoid them, or what?
Woke has gone so far it has entered a parallel universe outwith my comprehension. I am not jesting. I don't get it.
Yeah, we really have gone insane in the far future of *checks notes* 1990.
And I don't know why you're trying to read into it more than what it says. You're the one who's putting this "white = bad" narriative on it
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
Could one of the the right-wingers getting their knickers in a twist about this please point out the bits where it says either or both of "only white people have these characteristics" or "these characteristics are bad"? Because if it isn't saying either of those things (hint: it isn't), then I fail to see what the problem is.
As a lover of good curry, I am particularly offended by this bit about "typical white food"
Could one of the the right-wingers getting their knickers in a twist about this please point out the bits where it says either or both of "only white people have these characteristics" or "these characteristics are bad"? Because if it isn't saying either of those things (hint: it isn't), then I fail to see what the problem is.
You are right, it doesn't say that only white people have these characteristics. It's even worse than that - it says that some people of colour have internalized these characteristics (grey box on the graphic). What a disgrace: people of colour internalizing rational thinking!
So, the Number 10 Grayling stitch-up fails spectacularly. If they cannot even get that right, you do have to wonder about their ability to deal with slightly bigger issues like trade deals, saving the economy, keeping the UK together and managing the covid-19 pandemic.
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
I'm not freaking out, I am genuinely bewildered as to why a museum dedicated to racial justice should be putting out this insane literature, which manages to offend just about everyone of every race
Anyhoo. After chucking that cat at you pigeons, I must go do some hard protestant work. Peace to all
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
In the last millennium, what other voluntary settlers were there? I don't think there were, before about 1900, many black people who went voluntarily to the US. And the 'protestant work ethic' isn't, so far as I can see, particularly protestant.
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
I would associate that value list far more with Korean society than the US.
What I find most interesting about the poll question is how it isn't that highly polarised.
The compulsory wearing highlights presents ideologically difficulties for those who, like ex-UKIP MP Douglas Carswell, want less state interference without acknowledging that means more are likely to die.
This also goes the other way. I'm sure many shop owners are worried that requiring masks will hurt any recovery in sales and the longer this drags on and job losses bite there may a revolt against those pushing for ever more restrictions.
I swear to god someone could posts 218 random character on twitter and end it with "..to defend free speech" and people would be posting here as a Brave New Intervention in the Woke Cancel Culture Wars Which Are Destroying Western Civilisation.
It is reactionary right wing propaganda of the most tedious and obvious variety. I'm by equal measure surprised and disappointed to see how many posters swallow it.
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
I would associate that value list far more with Korean society than the US.
Well there are quite a few Protestants in Korea....
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
In the last millennium, what other voluntary settlers were there? I don't think there were, before about 1900, many black people who went voluntarily to the US. And the 'protestant work ethic' isn't, so far as I can see, particularly protestant.
The Chinese in California, at least for the construction of the transcontinental railroad in the 1860s. But no idea of relative numbers. Very hard working, of course, or they wouldn't be there (and very much appreciated by the management).
The Chinese in California, at least for the construction of the transcontinental railroad in the 1860s. But no idea of relative numbers. Very hard working, of course, or they wouldn't be there (and very much appreciated by the management).
And quite a lot of Japanese emigrated to the West coast states, I believe - but maybe they came later.
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
I would associate that value list far more with Korean society than the US.
Okay? The article is about how traits associated with white culture have become treated as the default or norm in the US as a result of long-standing white dominance of US institutions. If you're saying that a lot of very similar traits are also treated as the default in Korea because they're also present in Korean culture then I don't really see how that's relevant.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
Raving bonkers. It's also incredibly racist, arguing that people of colour don't engage in rational thinking, are innumerate, don't work hard, don't plan for the future, can't delay their gratification, can't stick to schedules, can't make decisions. It's a white-supremacist worldview, which seems very odd!
It didn't say what you say it says. Read it carefully. You are making unjustified inferences.
Well, perhaps you could explain what, for example, the bullet points in 'Emphasis scientific method' in the graphic detailing 'White Culture' are supposed to mean if it's not what I thought they mean.
You need somebody to explain why having less of an emphasis on quantitative over qualitative analysis is different from being innumerate?
No, I need someone to explain how a graphic claiming that examples of 'white culture' which include 'Objective, rational linear thinking; Cause and effect relationships; Quantitative emphasis' isn't incredibly racist. What is non-white culture - sorcery and voodoo?
Why don't you - and others - look into it instead of reacting like Pavlov's dogs?
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
I'm not freaking out, I am genuinely bewildered as to why a museum dedicated to racial justice should be putting out this insane literature, which manages to offend just about everyone of every race
Anyhoo. After chucking that cat at you pigeons, I must go do some hard protestant work. Peace to all
Genuinely bewildered. Are you really? I sense not.
Okay? The article is about how traits associated with white culture have become treated as the default or norm in the US as a result of long-standing white dominance of US institutions.
So, to be clear, Objective rational linear thinking and emphasis on cause and effect is evidence of 'white* dominance of US institutions'? Really? In the annals of utterly bonkers nonsense, that is a quite spectacular example.
* by which they don't actually seem to mean white, they've equated skin colour with the culture of a subset of northern European settlers, but we'll let that racist logical error pass
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
I would associate that value list far more with Korean society than the US.
Okay? The article is about how traits associated with white culture have become treated as the default or norm in the US as a result of long-standing white dominance of US institutions. If you're saying that a lot of very similar traits are also treated as the default in Korea because they're also present in Korean culture then I don't really see how that's relevant.
Could one of the the right-wingers getting their knickers in a twist about this please point out the bits where it says either or both of "only white people have these characteristics" or "these characteristics are bad"? Because if it isn't saying either of those things (hint: it isn't), then I fail to see what the problem is.
You are right, it doesn't say that only white people have these characteristics. It's even worse than that - it says that some people of colour have internalized these characteristics (grey box on the graphic). What a disgrace: people of colour internalizing rational thinking!
As Symbols of Whiteness!
The point missing going on here is absolutely spectacular. Truly jaw droppingly stunning.
I don't even necessarily agree with the thesis but at least I have the decency to understand it before slating it for things it isn't saying.
and it is a genuine contribution to a tricky discussion (my opinion as a white, centre right liberal male) including, naturally, lots to disagree with.
I have a feeling that anyone who thinks that hard work is a white thing hasn't met many... Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Peruvians, Nepalese Sherpas etc...
Not very culturally aware, really.
Good point, well made.
I am sure when I was much younger, in less racially sensitive times, I would hear the expression "work(s) like a ..." I won't complete the sentence, for obvious reasons, but the word wasn't "Protestant" or "Korean".
Okay? The article is about how traits associated with white culture have become treated as the default or norm in the US as a result of long-standing white dominance of US institutions.
So, to be clear, Objective rational linear thinking and emphasis on cause and effect is evidence of 'white* dominance of US institutions'? Really? In the annals of utterly bonkers nonsense, that is a quite spectacular example.
* by which they don't actually seem to mean white, they've equated skin colour with the culture of a subset of northern European settlers, but we'll let that racist logical error pass
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
I would associate that value list far more with Korean society than the US.
Okay? The article is about how traits associated with white culture have become treated as the default or norm in the US as a result of long-standing white dominance of US institutions. If you're saying that a lot of very similar traits are also treated as the default in Korea because they're also present in Korean culture then I don't really see how that's relevant.
It says, in the original, that "common characteristics of US white people, most of the time" are -
Self reliance Planning for the future Nuclear families The avoidance of conflict Politeness Hard work Working before playing Respect for authority Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent Punctuality Objective and rational thinking Protection of property Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
I'd like to know Katz' sources for this, or if she just made it up. I'm certainly not giving a blanket agreement to all of it, or necessarily any of it. My issue is with you- and the original tweeter- freaking out over things which don't really seem particularly outlandish.
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
I would associate that value list far more with Korean society than the US.
Okay? The article is about how traits associated with white culture have become treated as the default or norm in the US as a result of long-standing white dominance of US institutions. If you're saying that a lot of very similar traits are also treated as the default in Korea because they're also present in Korean culture then I don't really see how that's relevant.
Do you really associate modern US culture with -
Planning for the future The avoidance of conflict Politeness Respect for authority Objective and rational thinking Belief in cause and effect
Could one of the the right-wingers getting their knickers in a twist about this please point out the bits where it says either or both of "only white people have these characteristics" or "these characteristics are bad"? Because if it isn't saying either of those things (hint: it isn't), then I fail to see what the problem is.
You are right, it doesn't say that only white people have these characteristics. It's even worse than that - it says that some people of colour have internalized these characteristics (grey box on the graphic). What a disgrace: people of colour internalizing rational thinking!
As Symbols of Whiteness!
The point missing going on here is absolutely spectacular. Truly jaw droppingly stunning.
I don't even necessarily agree with the thesis but at least I have the decent to understand it before slating it for things it isn't saying.
Well, I think I understand the English language pretty damned well, but I really can't see how the text in that grey box can be interpreted as anything other than how I interpreted it.
As I'm not interested at all in celebrity tittle tattle I've not been following this Johnny Depp story at all. Is there much to it? Should I be changing my avatar?
Been pretty bad, what a pair of divvies , she crapped in the bed supposedly as a joke , he hung her yorkshire terrier out the car window at speed etc, just a litany of drink, drugs and debauchery
and it is a genuine contribution to a tricky discussion (my opinion as a white, centre right liberal male) including, naturally, lots to disagree with.
Defecating on a carpet is a genuine contribution. If you think it has merit, please say so and explain why.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
To Kinablu its not the message that matters but who carries it and even a true thing is invalid if spoken by the wrong mouth
It's the C word. Context. Context is key. Without context there is no truth. And an integral part of context - especially with Twitter - is who is tweeting.
If it's an extremist, one is well advised to treat with caution and seek the reasons why the bald content is misleading and the message is false.
and it is a genuine contribution to a tricky discussion (my opinion as a white, centre right liberal male) including, naturally, lots to disagree with.
Thank you and hats off.
If only more would take a leaf instead of doing the Pavlov's dogs routine.
It was asked why China has suddenly decided to come out all nasty to the world. I think the answer is that it has placed its bets on a Biden win in November and takes the view that, if he wins, Biden will be essentially Obama Mark 2, namely will want to avoid conflict and so will bend over backwards to do anything to calm China down. So China is probably thinking that the more it sabre rattles, the more Biden (or his successor) will look to give give aways.
That sounds more like Trumpery than how the world actually works.
OFF TOPIC - This from Texas Monthly 2020 Runoff Roundup
Former Travis County GOP chair and B-list Austin crank Robert Morrow has suffered a stinging defeat in his bid to serve on the State Board of Education. GOP voters were apparently not in the mood for Morrow’s ideas for Texas schoolchildren, including pole-dancing classes for high-schoolers and teaching that Lyndon Johnson assassinated John Kennedy.
Morrow is losing 78-22 to Lani Popp, who has a lovely name and seems wisely to have stayed off Twitter, her challenger’s preferred medium for anime porn. Current Travis County GOP chair Matt Mackowiak must be relieved that he will not have to follow through on his promise to “light [himself] on fire” if Morrow wins.
I see the tweeter is the proud author of the following work -
THE VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
What does who tweets something have to do with whether the thing tweeted is accurate or not? If it isn't, they are disreputable. If it is, then it doesn't matter whether they have views or interpretations others would not share, since we are not obliged to share the view or interpretation they hold. If their interpretation is suspect or incorrect, that's an entirely separate matter.
Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, is making face coverings mandatory for shoppers in all its stores from Monday.
Politically quite significant in the US, I think.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2020/jul/15/coronavirus-live-news-update-covid-19-cases-latest-updates-india-lockdown (at 16:46)
Con -7
Lab +2
LD -5
SNP +10
All those Uyghurs in the re-socialisation campuses in China need work to help them rejoin society, after all.
I have said I expect a uturn will come on the compulsion and I think those percentages make it look more likely as it's people more likely to vote tory that appear to reject compulsion
Truly bizarre
John Harris is a national treasure. George Mondibot can be entertaining if you don’t take him too seriously. I also enjoy Richard Williams, especially when he writes about other than sport. I forget her name but the girl that does “how to cook the perfect...” is great magazine style journalism.
But then you have the downsides. Polly is tiresome, predictable and boring. And Owen Jones offensive and painful to my mental faculties.
It’s a shame because the Graun is at times capable of world class investigative journalism but has such a chip on its shoulder that its content is mostly unreadable dirge. Too many on its payroll have insufficiently few grey hairs and world views so narrow their output reads like parody.
The most irritating thing is the online comments section when you accidentally scroll below the article. Not that the Mail is better of course but at least they are self aware enough to give the audience some T&A (and curiously have an excellent science / technology editor).
Woke is just Weird
The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President - and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time.
It's genuine. See here
R just above 1. Reported cases no longer decreasing. That's the negative.
Incidence very low (except for some known hotspots). That's the positive.
Managing this will need a lot of thought and care!
Non-public workplaces (esp. industrial, food) - 33%
Domestic transmission within household - 38%
Domestic transmission inter household (including a small contribution from at home care work and private transport) - 6%
Pubs, restaurants, hospitality Inc staff - 6%
Public transport Inc staff / taxis - 5%
Hospital, mefical and care settings Inc staff - 3% (if it were still greater, deaths would still be higher)
Retail and public facing service Inc staff but exc education - 4%
Education and childcare settings - 2%
Open air settings - 1%
Contracted abroad - 1%
Thoughts please.
As it is it will be judged entirely on what race the author was.
and it is a genuine contribution to a tricky discussion (my opinion as a white, centre right liberal male) including, naturally, lots to disagree with.
Woke has gone so far it has entered a parallel universe outwith my comprehension. I am not jesting. I don't get it.
It was asked why China has suddenly decided to come out all nasty to the world. I think the answer is that it has placed its bets on a Biden win in November and takes the view that, if he wins, Biden will be essentially Obama Mark 2, namely will want to avoid conflict and so will bend over backwards to do anything to calm China down. So China is probably thinking that the more it sabre rattles, the more Biden (or his successor) will look to give give aways.
And I don't know why you're trying to read into it more than what it says. You're the one who's putting this "white = bad" narriative on it
I don't know whether he has sought advice from anyone, but if he has, it's not from his friends.
Not very culturally aware, really.
Your buttons are so easily pushed.
http://www.cascadia.edu/discover/about/diversity/documents/Some Aspects and Assumptions of White Culture in the United States.pdf
She seems to be a fringe academic/author, who has been writing about this since the late 70s.
So obscure amazon gives the wrong info on her book
The difference is that this fringe position has now moved mainstream, and is being pumped out by a respected and important US museum
Self reliance
Planning for the future
Nuclear families
The avoidance of conflict
Hard work
Working before playing
Respect for authority
Giving kids their own rooms, so they can be independent
Objective and rational thinking
Protection of property
Belief in cause and effect
That's what is says "characterises most American white people"
Is it really that shocking. for example, to claim that the protestant work ethic a) is culturally dominant in the US and b) primarily originated with white settlers? Is it fair to characterise that claim as saying that only white people work hard?
Steak and potatoes: “bland is best”
Anyhoo. After chucking that cat at you pigeons, I must go do some hard protestant work. Peace to all
This also goes the other way. I'm sure many shop owners are worried that requiring masks will hurt any recovery in sales and the longer this drags on and job losses bite there may a revolt against those pushing for ever more restrictions.
Would you like to know what EYE sense you are?
* by which they don't actually seem to mean white, they've equated skin colour with the culture of a subset of northern European settlers, but we'll let that racist logical error pass
The point missing going on here is absolutely spectacular. Truly jaw droppingly stunning.
I don't even necessarily agree with the thesis but at least I have the decency to understand it before slating it for things it isn't saying.
"work(s) like a ..."
I won't complete the sentence, for obvious reasons, but the word wasn't "Protestant" or "Korean".
Planning for the future
The avoidance of conflict
Respect for authority
Objective and rational thinking
Belief in cause and effect
Because I don't....
The mixing and meshing of different cultures is something to celebrate.
Frank Furedi"
If it's an extremist, one is well advised to treat with caution and seek the reasons why the bald content is misleading and the message is false.
And if ye so seek, ye shall usually find.
If only more would take a leaf instead of doing the Pavlov's dogs routine.
Former Travis County GOP chair and B-list Austin crank Robert Morrow has suffered a stinging defeat in his bid to serve on the State Board of Education. GOP voters were apparently not in the mood for Morrow’s ideas for Texas schoolchildren, including pole-dancing classes for high-schoolers and teaching that Lyndon Johnson assassinated John Kennedy.
Morrow is losing 78-22 to Lani Popp, who has a lovely name and seems wisely to have stayed off Twitter, her challenger’s preferred medium for anime porn. Current Travis County GOP chair Matt Mackowiak must be relieved that he will not have to follow through on his promise to “light [himself] on fire” if Morrow wins.
Basically, the argument is a simple one: by accepting slightly more onerous restrictions now, you avoid a hard lock down (either de facto or de jure).