"Coronavirus dies out within 70 days no matter how we tackle it, claims professor Prof Isaac Ben-Israel claims that his analysis shows that the virus is self-limiting and peaks at 40 days before entering a rapid decline" (£)
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Just seen her on the BBC News channel. Not a good appointment in my opinion.
Identity politics on steroids. She said this about the Grenfell Tower fire:
"Had that been a block full of white people in there, they would have done everything to get them out as fast as possible and make sure that they do what they needed to do."
Any form of Keirgasm there may have been is now history.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Mid forties - I had my annual medical just before lockdown & was given an MMR booster as being born in the 70s I was eligible. I pointed out I had caught all 3 as a kid. No dice. Ended up with a sore arm for half a day...
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
"Coronavirus dies out within 70 days no matter how we tackle it, claims professor Prof Isaac Ben-Israel claims that his analysis shows that the virus is self-limiting and peaks at 40 days before entering a rapid decline" (£)
I posted that maybe the virus just lasts 4 months and then just goes away about a month ago and was laughed at.
The Corona Virus is not a student on a gap year!
No but it is very odd
It's like any other virus. It will only stop once it has no more hosts to infect. At the moment it is being limited by social distancing, but if things return to normal it would flare up again until a good chunk of the population has been infected. Even in downtown New York where they have been hit hardest, only 20% have had it.
The oddness is how it is destroying some countries and others are getting off very lightly, (Compare Vietnam to Italy), its odd how it is killing far more men than women and the fact that BAME are much more likely to die.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Once you remember that the basic definition of Institutional Racism is that if the outcome is biased against a protected group then it is racism.
I once caused a bunch of Greens to have... a moment.. when I demonstrated that the Green Belt policy is racist in these terms.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Just seen her on the BBC News channel. Not a good appointment in my opinion.
What the hell are Labour implying here? That the NHS is racist and not bothering to treat minorities? Seems unlikely. That it is some big right-wing conspiracy to kill off minorities? How? That the virus itself is racist and needs to be sent on an awareness course?
The constant calling-everyone-racist did as much damage as vacillating over Brexit to Labour's election chances in December.* Just stop it.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
Again not properly controlled data. They just took raw numbers of deaths per 100k in the UK. But proportion of BAME in London and Birmingham far higher than average per 100k.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
Not sure that being on the front page of the Times makes something true these days...
More seriously, I thought it was due to the geographical concentration of the outbreaks. Correct for that, and there's not significant difference.
"Coronavirus dies out within 70 days no matter how we tackle it, claims professor Prof Isaac Ben-Israel claims that his analysis shows that the virus is self-limiting and peaks at 40 days before entering a rapid decline" (£)
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown.
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
No, just for the government to tell us what plans and options they are considering. A bit like they have done in Scotland. As a result of which others will be able to comment. Is it too much to expect that the government will be listening and will refine its plans if it sees fit?
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Will Labour claim that the government is putting the economy ahead of BAME lives when the measures are eased?
I have no idea as to.the efficacy of Trumps idea but it shoupd not be dismissed just because it came from Trump. Its not as tho we are talking about taking gulps of concentrated bleach....
Well if you take it in small enough doses no poison will harm you but you can be sure there are fuckwits out there who will hear the words of GOB [the Great Orange Berk] and swig it down like whiskey.
He's a menace as well as an embarrassment.
There is no accounting for stupidity. They walk amongst us.
But not, perhaps, for long.
V good.
Mostly I think Trump is a loon but this idea needs investigating rather than it being dismissed it out of hand. If someone other than Trump had suggested it i feel sure the response would have been entirely different.
It's being dismissed because Trump hasn't a clue about whether it would be effective or not, he has not done the slightest bit of research into the science he just says the first thing that comes into his head to make himself look good.
As soon as someone dies from injecting themselves with disinfectant he will call it "fake news" and then lie about ever having said it in the first place and his base are so thick they will believe him.
The press really are getting quite tedious on this subject. From the moment the lockdown happened they've been demanding to know when it will end, after previously demanding to know why it hadn't started already.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Will Labour claim that the government is putting the economy ahead of BAME lives when the measures are eased?
The Twitter loons are claiming that *now*, after all.
How is social distancing going to apply to rugby union?
I would be very happy if scrums were abolished. They take ages to set up, at least half of them collapse or need to be retaken for some reason. The game would be massively improved if instead a lineout was taken at the same level even if it doues mean moving the action from the centre of the field to about 10m in from touch.
I realise that doesn't properly answer the question.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Will Labour claim that the government is putting the economy ahead of BAME lives when the measures are eased?
The Twitter loons are claiming that *now*, after all.
I bet Boris has secretly managed to bury a load of bodies in the grounds of Chequers over the past week or so...
Trump' s Alan Partridge impression has sent the commentariat into such a state, if he does win in November they are going to struggle to find a vocabulary to describe such an event.
And yet the Dems have almost gone out of the way to say to the public “go on, we dare you.”
I doubt whether any event has ever shaken up the dems like Trump's Victory.
They come back with Joe Biden? seriously? that's their guy?
Might not be in Obama's league, but ten times better than Trump. He'll choose competent aides and stop Trumps dangerous policies.
"Coronavirus dies out within 70 days no matter how we tackle it, claims professor Prof Isaac Ben-Israel claims that his analysis shows that the virus is self-limiting and peaks at 40 days before entering a rapid decline" (£)
I posted that maybe the virus just lasts 4 months and then just goes away about a month ago and was laughed at.
The Corona Virus is not a student on a gap year!
No but it is very odd
It's like any other virus. It will only stop once it has no more hosts to infect. At the moment it is being limited by social distancing, but if things return to normal it would flare up again until a good chunk of the population has been infected. Even in downtown New York where they have been hit hardest, only 20% have had it.
The oddness is how it is destroying some countries and others are getting off very lightly, (Compare Vietnam to Italy), its odd how it is killing far more men than women and the fact that BAME are much more likely to die.
""We believe this is due to the X chromosome, which in humans contains 10% of all microRNAs detected so far in the genome. The roles of many remain unknown, but several X chromosome-located strands of microRNA have important functions in immunity and cancer." Simply put, these findings suggest that the mechanisms of the female X chromosome have a strong impact on genealogy and can give women an "immunological advantage". https://www.menshealth.com/uk/health/a31112508/coronavirus-men-women/
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Will Labour claim that the government is putting the economy ahead of BAME lives when the measures are eased?
The Twitter loons are claiming that *now*, after all.
Trump' s Alan Partridge impression has sent the commentariat into such a state, if he does win in November they are going to struggle to find a vocabulary to describe such an event.
And yet the Dems have almost gone out of the way to say to the public “go on, we dare you.”
I doubt whether any event has ever shaken up the dems like Trump's Victory.
They come back with Joe Biden? seriously? that's their guy?
Might not be in Obama's league, but ten times better than Trump. He'll choose competent aides and stop Trumps dangerous policies.
10 times better than trump is very faint praise.
Well that's true, but that's the choice. Biden is not an idiot like Trump, he will do the right thing in most cases.
"Coronavirus dies out within 70 days no matter how we tackle it, claims professor Prof Isaac Ben-Israel claims that his analysis shows that the virus is self-limiting and peaks at 40 days before entering a rapid decline" (£)
I posted that maybe the virus just lasts 4 months and then just goes away about a month ago and was laughed at.
The Corona Virus is not a student on a gap year!
No but it is very odd
It's like any other virus. It will only stop once it has no more hosts to infect. At the moment it is being limited by social distancing, but if things return to normal it would flare up again until a good chunk of the population has been infected. Even in downtown New York where they have been hit hardest, only 20% have had it.
The oddness is how it is destroying some countries and others are getting off very lightly, (Compare Vietnam to Italy), its odd how it is killing far more men than women and the fact that BAME are much more likely to die.
""We believe this is due to the X chromosome, which in humans contains 10% of all microRNAs detected so far in the genome. The roles of many remain unknown, but several X chromosome-located strands of microRNA have important functions in immunity and cancer." Simply put, these findings suggest that the mechanisms of the female X chromosome have a strong impact on genealogy and can give women an "immunological advantage". https://www.menshealth.com/uk/health/a31112508/coronavirus-men-women/
So to ensure fairness, men should get the vaccine first? Positive discrimination and all that.
The big one from that study is home outbreaks. Once you have one person in your home who gets it, very high transmission rate. Moving to a forced remote isolation in uni dorms / hotels / conference centres has to be in the plan going forward, otherwise every one case, immediately become another 2-3 straight away.
Provided the isolation hotels aren't too grim you probably don't need the *forced* part, as most people don't want to infect their friends and families, and it's a game of averages where the strategy only works slightly less well if a few people don't cooperate. If you rub people up the wrong way with too much coercion you risk people avoiding reporting their symptoms, which is the worst of all worlds.
Anything of a lesser standard than Claridges....screw you guys, I'm going home :-)
More seriously though, most uni halls these days are en-suite and perfectly pleasant, and normally divided into small flat type units each with their own kitchen / living area. TV, internet, your own en-suite room, that seems perfectly reasonable.
As somebody who owns a purpose built modern student house or two built on the site of a former business, I love the idiots who decided that student halls should all be ensuite. It is born out of a desire to use students as a cash-cow. Universities love 'em; students don't.
In about 2010 our local uni chucked out 400 rooms in purpose built houses they had been leasing for 15 years or so partly because they did not have all-ensuites.
All were refurbished to a high standard, and put back on the market at rents far below the Uni equivalent, whilst significantly increasing the margin due to the disappearance of the monstrous Uni markup.
Students like them.
Meanwhile the Uni spent the next n years having to offer £700 cashbacks to students to persuade them to move into their gin-palaces.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Will Labour claim that the government is putting the economy ahead of BAME lives when the measures are eased?
'In 1888, the first medical use of H2O2 was described by Love as efficacious in treating numerous diseases, including scarlet fever, diphtheria, nasal catarrh, acute coryza, whooping cough, asthma hay fever and tonsillitis (Love, 1888). Similarly, Oliver and collaborators reported that intravenous injection of H2O2 was efficacious in treating influenza pneumonia in the epidemic following World War I (Oliver et al., 1920). Despite its beneficial effects, in the 1940s medical interest in further research on H2O2 was slowed down by the emerging development of new prescription medicines.' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3417441/
One nil to Trump?
They used lot of weird stuff in the 1920s; most of it (like H2O2) with marginal efficacy. The second paper you cite has zero to do with injecting bleach, but about therapeutic approaches to targeting hydrogen peroxide metabolism... in stroke victims: ...We believe that the therapeutic potential of drugs targeting H2O2 metabolism needs to be explored in depth at a preclinical level in order to transform their theoretical use in brain ischaemia in a true clinical application....
In the mid to late 40's Hydrogen Peroxide was used as a disinfectant wound cleanser for minor skin injuries. Recall being told that the frothing was the cleansing. Quite an encouragement to use it.
It's still used as a topical disinfectant, in mouthwash, and of course to bleach hair (and it's undoubtedly effective in cleaning surfaces). Injecting, not so much.
Quite, but given that, here is what we know:
- H202 kills viruses - it's used to clean ambulances - H202 could kill or harm you if you ingest or inject it in excessive quantity or at excessive concentrations - H202 will not kill you if you ingest or inject it in small enough quantities and at low enough concentrations
What we don't yet know, is whether there is any crossover in the Venn diagram between being effective at killing viruses and being non-injurious to human health.
**IF** there is, and if this can be established by recognised testing, then if administered professionally, you have an all-purpose front-line weapon against viruses, regardless of specifics, that is cheap, quick, and easy to administer, in all countries.
The big one from that study is home outbreaks. Once you have one person in your home who gets it, very high transmission rate. Moving to a forced remote isolation in uni dorms / hotels / conference centres has to be in the plan going forward, otherwise every one case, immediately become another 2-3 straight away.
Provided the isolation hotels aren't too grim you probably don't need the *forced* part, as most people don't want to infect their friends and families, and it's a game of averages where the strategy only works slightly less well if a few people don't cooperate. If you rub people up the wrong way with too much coercion you risk people avoiding reporting their symptoms, which is the worst of all worlds.
Anything of a lesser standard than Claridges....screw you guys, I'm going home :-)
More seriously though, most uni halls these days are en-suite and perfectly pleasant, and normally divided into small flat type units each with their own kitchen / living area. TV, internet, your own en-suite room, that seems perfectly reasonable.
Anecdata !
As somebody who owns a purpose built student house or two, I love the idiots who decided that student halls should all be ensuite. It is born out of a desire to use students as a cash-cow. Universities love 'em; students don't.
In about 2010 our local uni chucked out 400 rooms in purpose built houses they had been leasing for 15 years or so partly because they did not have all-ensuites.
All were refurbished to a high standard, and put back on the market at rents far below the Uni equivalent, whilst significantly increasing the margin due to the disappearance of the monstrous Uni markup.
Meanwhile the Uni spent the next n years having to offer £700 cashbacks to students to persuade them to move into their gin-palaces.
Currently we continue to have our student tenants signed up the previous November / December for the following Sept/Oct, and achieve high satisfaction.
When I was in uni accommodation for my first year there were six to a single bathroom, with only a basin in your room for washing your face and doing your teeth!
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
The press really are getting quite tedious on this subject. From the moment the lockdown happened they've been demanding to know when it will end, after previously demanding to know why it hadn't started already.
Having said that (which I agree with) that is a better effort than most.
The big one from that study is home outbreaks. Once you have one person in your home who gets it, very high transmission rate. Moving to a forced remote isolation in uni dorms / hotels / conference centres has to be in the plan going forward, otherwise every one case, immediately become another 2-3 straight away.
Provided the isolation hotels aren't too grim you probably don't need the *forced* part, as most people don't want to infect their friends and families, and it's a game of averages where the strategy only works slightly less well if a few people don't cooperate. If you rub people up the wrong way with too much coercion you risk people avoiding reporting their symptoms, which is the worst of all worlds.
Anything of a lesser standard than Claridges....screw you guys, I'm going home :-)
More seriously though, most uni halls these days are en-suite and perfectly pleasant, and normally divided into small flat type units each with their own kitchen / living area. TV, internet, your own en-suite room, that seems perfectly reasonable.
Anecdata !
As somebody who owns a purpose built student house or two, I love the idiots who decided that student halls should all be ensuite. It is born out of a desire to use students as a cash-cow. Universities love 'em; students don't.
In about 2010 our local uni chucked out 400 rooms in purpose built houses they had been leasing for 15 years or so partly because they did not have all-ensuites.
All were refurbished to a high standard, and put back on the market at rents far below the Uni equivalent, whilst significantly increasing the margin due to the disappearance of the monstrous Uni markup.
Meanwhile the Uni spent the next n years having to offer £700 cashbacks to students to persuade them to move into their gin-palaces.
Currently we continue to have our student tenants signed up the previous November / December for the following Sept/Oct, and achieve high satisfaction.
For any politicians reading...I have said this before....uni halls (both uni and private ones) one of the biggest scandals going in the expanded higher education sector.
They are no longer cheap and form a considerable percentage of a students outgoings every year and they pull all sorts of funny business like making them pay for time they aren't there.
A room in halls now regularly cost more than renting a whole privately owned house in the town they are located and come with all sorts of conditions that screw over students.
"Coronavirus dies out within 70 days no matter how we tackle it, claims professor Prof Isaac Ben-Israel claims that his analysis shows that the virus is self-limiting and peaks at 40 days before entering a rapid decline" (£)
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
Not sure that being on the front page of the Times makes something true these days...
More seriously, I thought it was due to the geographical concentration of the outbreaks. Correct for that, and there's not significant difference.
That rather begs the question of cause and effect.
'In 1888, the first medical use of H2O2 was described by Love as efficacious in treating numerous diseases, including scarlet fever, diphtheria, nasal catarrh, acute coryza, whooping cough, asthma hay fever and tonsillitis (Love, 1888). Similarly, Oliver and collaborators reported that intravenous injection of H2O2 was efficacious in treating influenza pneumonia in the epidemic following World War I (Oliver et al., 1920). Despite its beneficial effects, in the 1940s medical interest in further research on H2O2 was slowed down by the emerging development of new prescription medicines.' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3417441/
One nil to Trump?
They used lot of weird stuff in the 1920s; most of it (like H2O2) with marginal efficacy. The second paper you cite has zero to do with injecting bleach, but about therapeutic approaches to targeting hydrogen peroxide metabolism... in stroke victims: ...We believe that the therapeutic potential of drugs targeting H2O2 metabolism needs to be explored in depth at a preclinical level in order to transform their theoretical use in brain ischaemia in a true clinical application....
In the mid to late 40's Hydrogen Peroxide was used as a disinfectant wound cleanser for minor skin injuries. Recall being told that the frothing was the cleansing. Quite an encouragement to use it.
It's still used as a topical disinfectant, in mouthwash, and of course to bleach hair (and it's undoubtedly effective in cleaning surfaces). Injecting, not so much.
Quite, but given that, here is what we know:
- H202 kills viruses - it's used to clean ambulances - H202 could kill or harm you if you ingest or inject it in excessive quantity or at excessive concentrations - H202 will not kill you if you ingest or inject it in small enough quantities and at low enough concentrations
What we don't yet know, is whether there is any crossover in the Venn diagram between being effective at killing viruses and being non-injurious to human health.
**IF** there is, and if this can be established by recognised testing, then if administered professionally, you have an all-purpose front-line weapon against viruses, regardless of specifics, that is cheap, quick, and easy to administer, in all countries.
Given how effective it is at killing other viruses, don't you think this would have been tested by now? The fact we haven't been doing that for the past decades suggest there is no overlap whatsoever.
"Coronavirus dies out within 70 days no matter how we tackle it, claims professor Prof Isaac Ben-Israel claims that his analysis shows that the virus is self-limiting and peaks at 40 days before entering a rapid decline" (£)
I posted that maybe the virus just lasts 4 months and then just goes away about a month ago and was laughed at.
The Corona Virus is not a student on a gap year!
No but it is very odd
It's like any other virus. It will only stop once it has no more hosts to infect. At the moment it is being limited by social distancing, but if things return to normal it would flare up again until a good chunk of the population has been infected. Even in downtown New York where they have been hit hardest, only 20% have had it.
The oddness is how it is destroying some countries and others are getting off very lightly, (Compare Vietnam to Italy), its odd how it is killing far more men than women and the fact that BAME are much more likely to die.
""We believe this is due to the X chromosome, which in humans contains 10% of all microRNAs detected so far in the genome. The roles of many remain unknown, but several X chromosome-located strands of microRNA have important functions in immunity and cancer." Simply put, these findings suggest that the mechanisms of the female X chromosome have a strong impact on genealogy and can give women an "immunological advantage". https://www.menshealth.com/uk/health/a31112508/coronavirus-men-women/
So to ensure fairness, men should get the vaccine first? Positive discrimination and all that.
Nothing to do with fairness, doing that could well save many lives.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Just seen her on the BBC News channel. Not a good appointment in my opinion.
Identity politics on steroids. She said this about the Grenfell Tower fire:
"Had that been a block full of white people in there, they would have done everything to get them out as fast as possible and make sure that they do what they needed to do."
Any form of Keirgasm there may have been is now history.
The party remains dominated by factions and Starmer seemsunable [ or unwilling] to break free.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
Not sure that being on the front page of the Times makes something true these days...
More seriously, I thought it was due to the geographical concentration of the outbreaks. Correct for that, and there's not significant difference.
That rather begs the question of cause and effect.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Will Labour claim that the government is putting the economy ahead of BAME lives when the measures are eased?
The Twitter loons are claiming that *now*, after all.
All of them?
No - not all of them. This is because some Twitter loons are claiming that the virus is fake, some are claiming you cure it by {insert madness here} etc...
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Is it? Starmer is not claiming that. In practice there seems to be a clear pattern in response to which it is perfectly reasonable to expect an urgent epidemiological investigation. That may identify new appropriate actions to protect the population now, or it might just identify that there aren't any simple policy responses. A competant government wouldn't drag its heels in looking at the problem.
Why isn't Labour doing an enquiry into why more men die than women?
A notable elephant in the room, and particularly interesting given that there are more older women than men.
I wonder if Sir Kingsley is lining himself up for another faceplant by appointing Doreen Lawrence to do this enquiry. He seems to be demadning instant verdicts in areas where evidence does not even exist yet.
But I have just observed Doreen Lawrence on Sky declaring that it is all due to racism in society.
If she knows the answer, then Sir Kenneth's report can be written without an enquiry.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
Not sure that being on the front page of the Times makes something true these days...
More seriously, I thought it was due to the geographical concentration of the outbreaks. Correct for that, and there's not significant difference.
That rather begs the question of cause and effect.
Population density is the likely culprit.
As somebody previously pointed out, the proportion of CV among BAME in some Northern towns where they form a significant proportion of the population is low. One would guess, because shock horror, population density is much lower.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
Not sure that being on the front page of the Times makes something true these days...
More seriously, I thought it was due to the geographical concentration of the outbreaks. Correct for that, and there's not significant difference.
That's why the Bangladeshi example is interesting. They are disproportionately city dwellers, poor, living in larger and multigenerational families in cramped conditions, have religious affiliations which have a somewhat deontological view of transmission, have a greater than average tendency to diabetes, basically have all the factors that were used to debunk BAME vulnerability, and yet they suffer less severely.
I think its worth a look. Identifying why very fractionally different genomes respond differently might well be a way towards a vaccine/treatment.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Is it? Starmer is not claiming that. In practice there seems to be a clear pattern in response to which it is perfectly reasonable to expect an urgent epidemiological investigation. That may identify new appropriate actions to protect the population now, or it might just identify that there aren't any simple policy responses. A competant government wouldn't drag its heels in looking at the problem.
They are looking into it. The egg-heads were asked about it and they said they have been closely monitoring the data. And the government have commissioned a study.
Mostly I think Trump is a loon but this idea needs investigating rather than it being dismissed it out of hand. If someone other than Trump had suggested it i feel sure the response would have been entirely different.
If somone else suggested this we would be saying he's as mad as Trump. #
To be fair to oyu, we could put one of those medical students, who has been temporarily promoted to doctor, onto this one. A paper titled "On the rebuttal of disinfectant taken internally as a treatment for Covid-19" with decent biological justification could be written in half an hour. There you go investigation over! Now lets get on with following propper leads!
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
Not sure that being on the front page of the Times makes something true these days...
More seriously, I thought it was due to the geographical concentration of the outbreaks. Correct for that, and there's not significant difference.
That rather begs the question of cause and effect.
Population density is the likely culprit.
As somebody previously pointed out, the proportion of CV among BAME in some Northern towns where they form a significant proportion of the population is low. One would guess, because shock horror, population density is much lower.
Not to mention, things like average room size and overall property size?
No cricket until at least 1st July. Of all sports that could manage with a testing and no crowds, cricket seems like ideal candidate.
No, golf's the ideal candidate for first sport back.
Unlike tennis and cricket, noone else need touch your balls. Or your cock in the case of badminton.
Yeah, but nobody wants to watch golf ;-)
No, more seriously, you are absolutely right. Players can easily stand well apart on the tee and greens at all times. Really missing the Masters, for me, it is THE MAJOR, of the year.
Thinking seriously about cricket....isn't the problem with the umpires?
And presumably no fielder, including the wicketkeeper, would be allowed too close to the batsman?
The ball. Eventually everyone in the fielding team, excepting the wicketkeeper, will hold the ball and there's normally at least one player in the team who polishes it.
Gloves could be worn, but I'm not sure how you protect the umpires and wicketkeepers. The practice of polishing the ball could be banned. I know this would handicap the Australians, but too bad.
Seriously, there are a number of sports where post-C19 changes might be for the better.
Gloves wouldn't help.
Gloves only work if they're disposable, handled properly and replaced very regularly - otherwise they're just as effective carriers of the disease as hands since you don't absorb the virus through the skin on your hands.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Is it? Starmer is not claiming that. In practice there seems to be a clear pattern in response to which it is perfectly reasonable to expect an urgent epidemiological investigation. That may identify new appropriate actions to protect the population now, or it might just identify that there aren't any simple policy responses. A competant government wouldn't drag its heels in looking at the problem.
They are looking into it. The egg-heads were asked about it and they said they have been closely monitoring the data. And the government have commissioned a study.
Labour are just playing politics.
And it's not an epidemiological study,
Starmer himself said "but it seems we've approached this differently by going straight to the representative groups and we will feed this back to them"
So they are just going to chat to those groups and see how they have been affected. In no way is this attempt to answer the question of whether or not they have been disproportionately impacted.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
Not sure that being on the front page of the Times makes something true these days...
More seriously, I thought it was due to the geographical concentration of the outbreaks. Correct for that, and there's not significant difference.
That rather begs the question of cause and effect.
Population density is the likely culprit.
As somebody previously pointed out, the proportion of CV among BAME in some Northern towns where they form a significant proportion of the population is low. One would guess, because shock horror, population density is much lower.
Not to mention, things like average room size and overall property size?
Again, coming back to the idea of how to best deal with somebody who becomes infected in a multi-person household. In a small flat, I don't see how you stop transmission to every other member.
In a detached house with large rooms and multiple bathrooms, you stand a much better chance of being able to isolate that individual away from everybody.
The press really are getting quite tedious on this subject. From the moment the lockdown happened they've been demanding to know when it will end, after previously demanding to know why it hadn't started already.
Having said that (which I agree with) that is a better effort than most.
Not nearly as tedious as the government briefings, which this rather neatly skewers. It's no good complaining the media are acting like children when you speak to them - and the rest of the country - like two year olds.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
I guess they would argue even if you control for demographics, gross numbers are higher, therefore a disproportionate effect.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
Is it? Starmer is not claiming that. In practice there seems to be a clear pattern in response to which it is perfectly reasonable to expect an urgent epidemiological investigation. That may identify new appropriate actions to protect the population now, or it might just identify that there aren't any simple policy responses. A competant government wouldn't drag its heels in looking at the problem.
They are looking into it. The egg-heads were asked about it and they said they have been closely monitoring the data. And the government have commissioned a study.
Labour are just playing politics.
And it's not an epidemiological study,
Starmer himself said "but it seems we've approached this differently by going straight to the representative groups and we will feed this back to them"
So they are just going to chat to those groups and see how they have been affected. In no way is this attempt to answer the question of whether or not they have been disproportionately impacted.
So like after the London riots, when some "researchers" just went and asked the little s##ts why were you robbing JD Sports and let them spout utter BS about its cos of the racist poo-poo innit. And presented this as cold hard factual reasons for the riots.
Not nearly as tedious as the government briefings, which this rather neatly skewers. It's no good complaining the media are acting like children when you speak to them - and the rest of the country - like two year olds.
It's because the press demanded daily briefings that they are boring and repetitive. They literally asked for it.
Also not helped by the tedious and banal questions they put up every day.
The big one from that study is home outbreaks. Once you have one person in your home who gets it, very high transmission rate. Moving to a forced remote isolation in uni dorms / hotels / conference centres has to be in the plan going forward, otherwise every one case, immediately become another 2-3 straight away.
Provided the isolation hotels aren't too grim you probably don't need the *forced* part, as most people don't want to infect their friends and families, and it's a game of averages where the strategy only works slightly less well if a few people don't cooperate. If you rub people up the wrong way with too much coercion you risk people avoiding reporting their symptoms, which is the worst of all worlds.
Anything of a lesser standard than Claridges....screw you guys, I'm going home :-)
More seriously though, most uni halls these days are en-suite and perfectly pleasant, and normally divided into small flat type units each with their own kitchen / living area. TV, internet, your own en-suite room, that seems perfectly reasonable.
Anecdata !
As somebody who owns a purpose built student house or two, I love the idiots who decided that student halls should all be ensuite. It is born out of a desire to use students as a cash-cow. Universities love 'em; students don't.
In about 2010 our local uni chucked out 400 rooms in purpose built houses they had been leasing for 15 years or so partly because they did not have all-ensuites.
All were refurbished to a high standard, and put back on the market at rents far below the Uni equivalent, whilst significantly increasing the margin due to the disappearance of the monstrous Uni markup.
Meanwhile the Uni spent the next n years having to offer £700 cashbacks to students to persuade them to move into their gin-palaces.
Currently we continue to have our student tenants signed up the previous November / December for the following Sept/Oct, and achieve high satisfaction.
For any politicians reading...I have said this before....uni halls (both uni and private ones) one of the biggest scandals going in the expanded higher education sector.
They are no longer cheap and form a considerable percentage of a students outgoings every year and they pull all sorts of funny business like making them pay for time they aren't there.
A room in halls now regularly cost more than renting a whole privately owned house in the town they are located and come with all sorts of conditions that screw over students.
I think that's fair.
I have figures of our Uni increasing student rents by approx 50% on top of inflation over the period 2000-2010, whilst not giving us anything over inflation, and doing no improvements (except included internet) to the facilities.
"Coronavirus dies out within 70 days no matter how we tackle it, claims professor Prof Isaac Ben-Israel claims that his analysis shows that the virus is self-limiting and peaks at 40 days before entering a rapid decline" (£)
I posted that maybe the virus just lasts 4 months and then just goes away about a month ago and was laughed at.
I can only see the start of the article so commenting a bit blind, but (if the data show a 70-day trend) then 40 days may be the time it takes for countries to take it seriously and a further 30 days for lockdowns to be effective. Are there any examples where no measures have been taken and such a trend seen?
Alternative - masses of asymptomatic infections or the susceptible population much lower than thought, but no real evidence for either of those yet.
Not nearly as tedious as the government briefings, which this rather neatly skewers. It's no good complaining the media are acting like children when you speak to them - and the rest of the country - like two year olds.
The media demanded these. Does Merkel or Macron do daily ones?
Mr. Urquhart, I recall a Sky chap asking some masked youths about their robbing ways and they claimed it was down to cuts to the educational maintenance allowance.
Goodness knows why the electorate's been losing faith in political journalism.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
Not sure that being on the front page of the Times makes something true these days...
More seriously, I thought it was due to the geographical concentration of the outbreaks. Correct for that, and there's not significant difference.
That rather begs the question of cause and effect.
Population density is the likely culprit.
As somebody previously pointed out, the proportion of CV among BAME in some Northern towns where they form a significant proportion of the population is low. One would guess, because shock horror, population density is much lower.
Not to mention, things like average room size and overall property size?
Again, coming back to the idea of how to best deal with somebody who becomes infected in a multi-person household. In a small flat, I don't see how you stop transmission to every other member.
In a detached house with large rooms and multiple bathrooms, you stand a much better chance of being able to isolate that individual away from everybody.
Quite. Not to mention if Granny is staying in the granny flat annexe vs the spare room.
I know a couple of people, out in the sticks (big houses), who are reserving the granny flat (actually used for an au pair, but the au pairs have gone home) as the isolation space if someone in the family catches COVID.
Gloves only work if they're disposable, handled properly and replaced very regularly - otherwise they're just as effective carriers of the disease as hands since you don't absorb the virus through the skin on your hands.
Could we inject the ball with hydrogen peroxide or disinfectant?
No cricket until at least 1st July. Of all sports that could manage with a testing and no crowds, cricket seems like ideal candidate.
No, golf's the ideal candidate for first sport back.
Unlike tennis and cricket, noone else need touch your balls. Or your cock in the case of badminton.
Yeah, but nobody wants to watch golf ;-)
No, more seriously, you are absolutely right. Players can easily stand well apart on the tee and greens at all times. Really missing the Masters, for me, it is THE MAJOR, of the year.
Thinking seriously about cricket....isn't the problem with the umpires?
And presumably no fielder, including the wicketkeeper, would be allowed too close to the batsman?
The ball. Eventually everyone in the fielding team, excepting the wicketkeeper, will hold the ball and there's normally at least one player in the team who polishes it.
Gloves could be worn, but I'm not sure how you protect the umpires and wicketkeepers. The practice of polishing the ball could be banned. I know this would handicap the Australians, but too bad.
Seriously, there are a number of sports where post-C19 changes might be for the better.
Gloves wouldn't help.
Gloves only work if they're disposable, handled properly and replaced very regularly - otherwise they're just as effective carriers of the disease as hands since you don't absorb the virus through the skin on your hands.
Slightly less effective carriers of the disease, assuming you touch your face a lot less when wearing gloves.
No cricket until at least 1st July. Of all sports that could manage with a testing and no crowds, cricket seems like ideal candidate.
No, golf's the ideal candidate for first sport back.
Unlike tennis and cricket, noone else need touch your balls. Or your cock in the case of badminton.
Yeah, but nobody wants to watch golf ;-)
No, more seriously, you are absolutely right. Players can easily stand well apart on the tee and greens at all times. Really missing the Masters, for me, it is THE MAJOR, of the year.
Thinking seriously about cricket....isn't the problem with the umpires?
And presumably no fielder, including the wicketkeeper, would be allowed too close to the batsman?
The ball. Eventually everyone in the fielding team, excepting the wicketkeeper, will hold the ball and there's normally at least one player in the team who polishes it.
Gloves could be worn, but I'm not sure how you protect the umpires and wicketkeepers. The practice of polishing the ball could be banned. I know this would handicap the Australians, but too bad.
Seriously, there are a number of sports where post-C19 changes might be for the better.
Gloves wouldn't help.
Gloves only work if they're disposable, handled properly and replaced very regularly - otherwise they're just as effective carriers of the disease as hands since you don't absorb the virus through the skin on your hands.
Test the players. Only those that test negative can play. No need for social distancing.
Do you know what criteria is used for nclusion in these graphics? I think the Nigera has just appeared, and eg. South Korea is not included when they had lots of cases in February and Finland would be a good comparison for Sweden.
No cricket until at least 1st July. Of all sports that could manage with a testing and no crowds, cricket seems like ideal candidate.
No, golf's the ideal candidate for first sport back.
Unlike tennis and cricket, noone else need touch your balls. Or your cock in the case of badminton.
Yeah, but nobody wants to watch golf ;-)
No, more seriously, you are absolutely right. Players can easily stand well apart on the tee and greens at all times. Really missing the Masters, for me, it is THE MAJOR, of the year.
Thinking seriously about cricket....isn't the problem with the umpires?
And presumably no fielder, including the wicketkeeper, would be allowed too close to the batsman?
The ball. Eventually everyone in the fielding team, excepting the wicketkeeper, will hold the ball and there's normally at least one player in the team who polishes it.
Gloves could be worn, but I'm not sure how you protect the umpires and wicketkeepers. The practice of polishing the ball could be banned. I know this would handicap the Australians, but too bad.
Seriously, there are a number of sports where post-C19 changes might be for the better.
Gloves wouldn't help.
Gloves only work if they're disposable, handled properly and replaced very regularly - otherwise they're just as effective carriers of the disease as hands since you don't absorb the virus through the skin on your hands.
Test the players. Only those that test negative can play. No need for social distancing.
Northumberland Street was heaving today at lunch time. Lockdown is on its way out...
My definition of heaving means people packed in less than a meter apart. Was it really that packed?
Not quite. This is second hand information however I’m told that for the first time in weeks, although not quite its normal level, definitely busier, and having to actively avoid walking into people.
I see Barnier is still wanting us to sign on the dotted line their choices of a "level playing field" for a future agreement. No point requesting an extension in June then if they stick to that then, just rip off the bandage at the end of December if they refuse to back down.
Northumberland Street was heaving today at lunch time. Lockdown is on its way out...
My definition of heaving means people packed in less than a meter apart. Was it really that packed?
Not quite. This is second hand information however I’m told that for the first time in weeks, although not quite its normal level, definitely busier, and having to actively avoid walking into people.
OK. If it isn't busier than normal times, I don't think it can be described as heaving.
I see Barnier is still wanting us to sign on the dotted line their choices of a "level playing field" for a future agreement. No point requesting an extension in June then if they stick to that then, just rip off the bandage at the end of December if they refuse to back down.
Do you know what criteria is used for nclusion in these graphics? I think the Nigera has just appeared, and eg. South Korea is not included when they had lots of cases in February and Finland would be a good comparison for Sweden.
I decide which 12 countries to include out of the 100+ available.
I've included Nigeria for some time. There is a representative from major developing countries (India, Brazil, Nigeria) plus Russia. The criteria is what interests me.
Labour calls for 'public debate' over lifting lockdown
What do they want a people's assembly? Maureen from Margate gets a say in when to lift the lockdown rather than the likes of Professor Witty and Vallance?
Sir Keir said it was "extremely concerning" to see the "disproportionate toll" coronavirus was having on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
"We cannot afford to treat this as an issue to investigate once the crisis is over. We must address it now."
So going to use incomplete and misleading data to draw conclusions ? Like his list of PPE providers then...Glad he isn't anywhere near the medical trials.
Hasn't that already been debunked?
Don't think so. Its on the front page of the Times today. What is odd, that I had not heard before, is that Bangladeshis are proportionally less likely to get the virus badly than the indigenous white population. Blacks are particularly badly affected.
Not sure that being on the front page of the Times makes something true these days...
More seriously, I thought it was due to the geographical concentration of the outbreaks. Correct for that, and there's not significant difference.
That rather begs the question of cause and effect.
Population density is the likely culprit.
Cultural differences, like how close-knit the community is, are probably also a factor.
Regardless, it's surely worth studying to understand the transmission better, even if the answer does just turn out to be that it spreads faster in high density areas. But it might give some clearer indication as to, for example, when and how religious institutions can resume services.
I see Barnier is still wanting us to sign on the dotted line their choices of a "level playing field" for a future agreement. No point requesting an extension in June then if they stick to that then, just rip off the bandage at the end of December if they refuse to back down.
Who cares?
Well precisely.
If nobody cares then just get it done. Rip off the bandage, no extension, we move on while nobody cares. Face a post-COVID recovery plan in our new arrangements.
Northumberland Street was heaving today at lunch time. Lockdown is on its way out...
My definition of heaving means people packed in less than a meter apart. Was it really that packed?
Not quite. This is second hand information however I’m told that for the first time in weeks, although not quite its normal level, definitely busier, and having to actively avoid walking into people.
OK. If it isn't busier than normal times, I don't think it can be described as heaving.
On a much smaller scale, Sale Moor also busier than I've seen it for weeks - long queues outside the butcher and baker, florists has reopened, and all on-street parking spaces on the main road taken.
Not nearly as tedious as the government briefings, which this rather neatly skewers. It's no good complaining the media are acting like children when you speak to them - and the rest of the country - like two year olds.
The media demanded these. Does Merkel or Macron do daily ones?
I don't really care about that, or whether briefing should be daily or weekly. It is the refusal to discuss anything beyond the most banal version of the current government line that bothers me.
Not nearly as tedious as the government briefings, which this rather neatly skewers. It's no good complaining the media are acting like children when you speak to them - and the rest of the country - like two year olds.
The media demanded these. Does Merkel or Macron do daily ones?
I don't really care about that, or whether briefing should be daily or weekly. It is the refusal to discuss anything beyond the most banal version of the current government line that bothers me.
Because it hasn't changed. The reason the others don't do them so frequently is because they have nothing new to update the public on. The advice is the same.
I see Barnier is still wanting us to sign on the dotted line their choices of a "level playing field" for a future agreement.
To continue the cricket theme: doing what the other side least want you to do is generally a good tactic.
Indeed. Some don't seem to have understood that the EU are the opposition during these negotiations.
We can be friendly with Australians even during the Ashes but on the pitch our batsmen and bowlers need to do what's best for England not what the Australians want us to do.
From the Telegraph's live page it seems as though the government offered 20,000 tests through their new scheme which were snapped up in minutes. They might have no trouble reaching the target after all.
From the Telegraph's live page it seems as though the government offered 20,000 tests through their new scheme which were snapped up in minutes. They might have no trouble reaching the target after all.
I think when the media were asking why the government weren't letting more people get them, we can see why now. I don't wonder how many of them are the same sort of people who go to A&E claiming they are now deaf after coming off a long haul flight.
In a country driven by legal action, what happens when someone dies from Trump's new treatment?
The president of the USA is exempt from prosecution. He could be impeached though!!!
Yes and no.
In terms of prosecution, DOJ policy is not to indict a sitting President for a federal crime. It's often wrongly said to be a constitutional rule, but isn't - it's just established DOJ policy.
For state crimes, he could be prosecuted. Presumably here the alleged conduct would cross state lines (as it's advice projected indiscriminately across the nation) so it would be a federal crime or nothing. But if, as he once commented, he shot someone in Time Square then he could be prosecuted for that. Arguably, he could pardon himself if convicted - that's unclear though.
In terms of civil suits, there's no immunity in the case of acts unrelated to the duties of office. So, if the President personally whacks me with a golf club causing me various medical expenses, I can sue for damages. He might argue that it should be stayed until after he leaves office to discourage politically-motivated actions. But he's not immune (if it's stayed I could recommence in 2021 or 2025) and wouldn't necessarily succeed in that.
If it wend to court, he'd probably argue that comments in a press conference, however bizarre and off-piste, are in the course of his duties of office. He'd probably also argue that he didn't, in fact, encourage self-medication. I'm with him on that - he ludicrously argued that it's a promising area for further medical research, but not that people use if as a DIY cure (someone may, but they'd need to be pretty disturbed, and you can't be sued for someone totally misconstruing what you said and acting on it).
Sum total is that he's very unlikely to be prosecuted and someone could bring a civil suit but would be unlikely to get far while he's in office.
8 weeks and a day since I visited Central London (Liverpool Street station - um, to trainspot a new Class 745 intercity unit ) 8 weeks since I rode the Tube anywhere (Gants Hill to Epping via Hainault and Woodford and back) 7 weeks and 6 days since I flew from Luton to Aberdeen (to see my brother, his wife and their newborn son!) 7 weeks since I did the train from Aberdeen to Inverness and back 6 weeks and a day since I rode any plane, train or bus at all (plane from Aberdeen to Southend, two trains from Southend Airport to Romford via Shenfield, bus from Romford to Gants Hill) 5 weeks and 6 days since I visited a really big Sainsbury's 5 weeks and 2 days since I did any shopping at all (local shops/pharmacy) - though I also visited Valentines Park
8 weeks and a day since I visited Central London (Liverpool Street station - um, to trainspot a new Class 745 intercity unit ) 8 weeks since I rode the Tube anywhere (Gants Hill to Epping via Hainault and Woodford and back) 7 weeks and 6 days since I flew from Luton to Aberdeen (to see my brother, his wife and their newborn son!) 7 weeks since I did the train from Aberdeen to Inverness and back 6 weeks and a day since I rode any plane, train or bus at all (plane from Aberdeen to Southend, two trains from Southend Airport to Romford via Shenfield, bus from Romford to Gants Hill) 5 weeks and 6 days since I visited a really big Sainsbury's 5 weeks and 2 days since I did any shopping at all (local shops/pharmacy) - though I also visited Valentines Park
"Had that been a block full of white people in there, they would have done everything to get them out as fast as possible and make sure that they do what they needed to do."
Any form of Keirgasm there may have been is now history.
In reality, its politics innit. They will claim austerity, racism, yadda yadda, meant that BAME community much more exposed and the government were at fault for this.
My retired nurse mother also thought it was daft.
I once caused a bunch of Greens to have... a moment.. when I demonstrated that the Green Belt policy is racist in these terms.
The constant calling-everyone-racist did as much damage as vacillating over Brexit to Labour's election chances in December.* Just stop it.
*Disclaimer - I have no idea if this is true.
Reminds me of this tweet...
More seriously, I thought it was due to the geographical concentration of the outbreaks. Correct for that, and there's not significant difference.
It isn't as if the government haven't already said they are closely monitoring the data on this issue and will be performing a proper study.
On the upside, it probably cheered up Boris and Dom.
As soon as someone dies from injecting themselves with disinfectant he will call it "fake news" and then lie about ever having said it in the first place and his base are so thick they will believe him.
The Twitter loons are claiming that *now*, after all.
I realise that doesn't properly answer the question.
Simply put, these findings suggest that the mechanisms of the female X chromosome have a strong impact on genealogy and can give women an "immunological advantage".
I suggest awarding the people harassing her Iron Crosses, Second class.
The ones with the swastika in the middle, to make it really obvious.
Biden is not an idiot like Trump, he will do the right thing in most cases.
As somebody who owns a purpose built modern student house or two built on the site of a former business, I love the idiots who decided that student halls should all be ensuite. It is born out of a desire to use students as a cash-cow. Universities love 'em; students don't.
In about 2010 our local uni chucked out 400 rooms in purpose built houses they had been leasing for 15 years or so partly because they did not have all-ensuites.
All were refurbished to a high standard, and put back on the market at rents far below the Uni equivalent, whilst significantly increasing the margin due to the disappearance of the monstrous Uni markup.
Students like them.
Meanwhile the Uni spent the next n years having to offer £700 cashbacks to students to persuade them to move into their gin-palaces.
- H202 kills viruses - it's used to clean ambulances
- H202 could kill or harm you if you ingest or inject it in excessive quantity or at excessive concentrations
- H202 will not kill you if you ingest or inject it in small enough quantities and at low enough concentrations
What we don't yet know, is whether there is any crossover in the Venn diagram between being effective at killing viruses and being non-injurious to human health.
**IF** there is, and if this can be established by recognised testing, then if administered professionally, you have an all-purpose front-line weapon against viruses, regardless of specifics, that is cheap, quick, and easy to administer, in all countries.
They are no longer cheap and form a considerable percentage of a students outgoings every year and they pull all sorts of funny business like making them pay for time they aren't there.
A room in halls now regularly cost more than renting a whole privately owned house in the town they are located and come with all sorts of conditions that screw over students.
Fruit loops are always diverse.
But I have just observed Doreen Lawrence on Sky declaring that it is all due to racism in society.
If she knows the answer, then Sir Kenneth's report can be written without an enquiry.
I think its worth a look. Identifying why very fractionally different genomes respond differently might well be a way towards a vaccine/treatment.
Labour are just playing identity politics.
If somone else suggested this we would be saying he's as mad as Trump. #
To be fair to oyu, we could put one of those medical students, who has been temporarily promoted to doctor, onto this one. A paper titled "On the rebuttal of disinfectant taken internally as a treatment for Covid-19" with decent biological justification could be written in half an hour.
There you go investigation over! Now lets get on with following propper leads!
Gloves only work if they're disposable, handled properly and replaced very regularly - otherwise they're just as effective carriers of the disease as hands since you don't absorb the virus through the skin on your hands.
Starmer himself said "but it seems we've approached this differently by going straight to the representative groups and we will feed this back to them"
So they are just going to chat to those groups and see how they have been affected. In no way is this attempt to answer the question of whether or not they have been disproportionately impacted.
In a detached house with large rooms and multiple bathrooms, you stand a much better chance of being able to isolate that individual away from everybody.
Not nearly as tedious as the government briefings, which this rather neatly skewers.
It's no good complaining the media are acting like children when you speak to them - and the rest of the country - like two year olds.
Also not helped by the tedious and banal questions they put up every day.
I have figures of our Uni increasing student rents by approx 50% on top of inflation over the period 2000-2010, whilst not giving us anything over inflation, and doing no improvements (except included internet) to the facilities.
Alternative - masses of asymptomatic infections or the susceptible population much lower than thought, but no real evidence for either of those yet.
Goodness knows why the electorate's been losing faith in political journalism.
I know a couple of people, out in the sticks (big houses), who are reserving the granny flat (actually used for an au pair, but the au pairs have gone home) as the isolation space if someone in the family catches COVID.
The president of the USA is exempt from prosecution. He could be impeached though!!!
I've included Nigeria for some time. There is a representative from major developing countries (India, Brazil, Nigeria) plus Russia. The criteria is what interests me.
You can make your own selection at https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus
EDIT Here are confirmed cases including South Korea and Norway. It gets a bit cluttered above 12 countries.
Regardless, it's surely worth studying to understand the transmission better, even if the answer does just turn out to be that it spreads faster in high density areas. But it might give some clearer indication as to, for example, when and how religious institutions can resume services.
If nobody cares then just get it done. Rip off the bandage, no extension, we move on while nobody cares. Face a post-COVID recovery plan in our new arrangements.
It is the refusal to discuss anything beyond the most banal version of the current government line that bothers me.
We can be friendly with Australians even during the Ashes but on the pitch our batsmen and bowlers need to do what's best for England not what the Australians want us to do.
Yes it might be interesting if the minister riffed a few ideas, but the journos cannot be trusted with that.
In terms of prosecution, DOJ policy is not to indict a sitting President for a federal crime. It's often wrongly said to be a constitutional rule, but isn't - it's just established DOJ policy.
For state crimes, he could be prosecuted. Presumably here the alleged conduct would cross state lines (as it's advice projected indiscriminately across the nation) so it would be a federal crime or nothing. But if, as he once commented, he shot someone in Time Square then he could be prosecuted for that. Arguably, he could pardon himself if convicted - that's unclear though.
In terms of civil suits, there's no immunity in the case of acts unrelated to the duties of office. So, if the President personally whacks me with a golf club causing me various medical expenses, I can sue for damages. He might argue that it should be stayed until after he leaves office to discourage politically-motivated actions. But he's not immune (if it's stayed I could recommence in 2021 or 2025) and wouldn't necessarily succeed in that.
If it wend to court, he'd probably argue that comments in a press conference, however bizarre and off-piste, are in the course of his duties of office. He'd probably also argue that he didn't, in fact, encourage self-medication. I'm with him on that - he ludicrously argued that it's a promising area for further medical research, but not that people use if as a DIY cure (someone may, but they'd need to be pretty disturbed, and you can't be sued for someone totally misconstruing what you said and acting on it).
Sum total is that he's very unlikely to be prosecuted and someone could bring a civil suit but would be unlikely to get far while he's in office.
8 weeks and a day since I visited Central London (Liverpool Street station - um, to trainspot a new Class 745 intercity unit
8 weeks since I rode the Tube anywhere (Gants Hill to Epping via Hainault and Woodford and back)
7 weeks and 6 days since I flew from Luton to Aberdeen (to see my brother, his wife and their newborn son!)
7 weeks since I did the train from Aberdeen to Inverness and back
6 weeks and a day since I rode any plane, train or bus at all (plane from Aberdeen to Southend, two trains from Southend Airport to Romford via Shenfield, bus from Romford to Gants Hill)
5 weeks and 6 days since I visited a really big Sainsbury's
5 weeks and 2 days since I did any shopping at all (local shops/pharmacy) - though I also visited Valentines Park
Trains... must have trains...