I have not covered myself with glory during the 2020 US presidential election so far. To date, I have tipped, successively, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden for victory – and I’m not exactly convinced at the moment that it’ll be any of them.
Or just an elderly stutterer.
How the Democrats went through all the rigmarole of the primaries just to choose him is beyond me.
“There was a young man from Darjeeling
Who got on a bus bound for Ealing,
The sign on the door
Said “Don’t spit on the floor”,
So he leaned back and spat on the ceiling.”
I've been handed some very disturbing news this morning on low quality and home made PPE being distributed to London hospitals. Three verified senior people have corroborated the story and put it down to cost. If we're spending £50-70bn on keeping the nation in work, I think £200-300m on keeping our doctors and nurses alive and healthy isn't too much to ask
Running an election campaign from opposition in the middle of a crisis is really difficult, there's a fine line between presenting an alternative vision and mindless government-bashing when they're up to their necks in something not entirely of their own making.
Head-to-head debates between Trump and Biden could get very ugly though, Trump won't be afraid to call his opponent out as being mentally sick.
"to take exercise, no more than once a day, either alone or with other members of the household"
Which would seem pointless, since you can go out as many times as you like for shopping, to get money, to get medicines, etc.
Nevertheless the difference in wording between the Welsh and English Regulations is peculiar.
1 He is not Bernie Sanders
2 He is not Donald Trump
Other than that the USA is truly in a very bad place.
I definitely think he's favourite to beat Trump now.
The Cuomo bet doesn't appeal. He won't have time at the minute to be doing anything but crisis management. And New York is going to be really badly hit - his record may not look all that good come November through no fault of his own.
Finally - what kind of sway does Biden have in choosing the nominee if he steps aside? Quite a bit I'd imagine. That makes me think Bernie is very, very unlikely.
Just been out for my weekly shop.
Streets very quite. Even so with narrow pavements it is hard to keep to the 2M rule. Lots of joggers out making things more difficult. Frankly this seems self indulgent in this area.
Tried to shop at local Iceland. Checked their website last night to confirm 09:00 opening. Actual opening time is 10:00 (opening times sign over-written) but shop is full of people. Random undisciplined queue outside, overheard mumbles that 09:00 to 10:00 is reserved for NHS staff, but no signs or staff to confirm this, so gave up. (poor effort Iceland)
Sainsburys on way home; barriers and signage outside, but no queue and shop quiet. Inside staff all had PPE, plenty of stuff on shelves, with signs restricting purchase numbers for certain items. Got all I went for. (good effort Sainsbuys)
1) Make appointments
2) Decide which brown people to bomb
(2) mostly depends on (1).
President Biden would appoint a bunch of people who showed they were competent and effective during the Obama administration and not go out on any particular limb over (2). That's all it takes to be the best president they've had in decades.
But then I find the choices Americans make hard to understand a lot of the time.
Though this transplant surgeon doesn't look obese.
Since then he has exceeded expectations is his all round awfulness. Now, his incompetence, stupidity and arrogance is going to be the cause of multiple times the deaths of Americans that bin Laden achieved. And yet his polling is improving, his likely opponent is incredibly weak and he may be elected again. As I said, a completely different country.
Trump's rating is still only hovering around 50% which means he was not going to be re elected by a landslide provided the Democrats picked a centrist alternative, however his ratings are up on the 35 to 40% they were for most of last year which means he is no longer at Carter 1980 levels and a sitting duck
I can see why Trump might like her
I was thinking of Whitmer for Biden
The problem with it is that Biden has ALWAYS been prone to stumbles and brain freezes. It was a feature of his Senate career, of his 1988 Presidential run, his 2008 run, and a concern in his VP debates in 2008 and 2012.
There's nothing degenerative about it - it's just the way he is.
And this "mental condition" thing is unfair. Being a less than perfect media performer isn't a mental condition - you try performing consistently at a high level under the glare of media attention. He wasn't the best performer on the debate stage, but wasn't the worst either. And, aside from a highly effective Harris attack in an earlier debate, a lot of very capable debaters (the forensic Warren, combative Klobuchar, populist Sanders, and slick Buttigieg) pushed at but never really breached Biden's defences.
Are quite a lot of people who are obese not pre-diabetic? Maybe that is enough to increase the risk.
What really needs to happen at the moment is for the Labour party to pick an electable leader so that as events do unfold we have a realistic choice at the end of it all.
His core support in the first primaries was beyond a joke and he was only bouyed by the demographics of SC, had california had been primaried first he would have been done.
I think he might actualy loose this election. His story isn't without baggage. You can throw everything at Trump but Hunter Biden will be ressurrected every time you do. Plus if he does loose this will be perceived as the second democratic stich up. What happens to the youth of the party. Those under 45 will become even more disenfranchised and their politics will slide further from the mainstream.
The Sanders camp will be able to say with legitamacy 'you could have voted for the candidate championing health care at the time it is most expedient to do so'. You need to fight a populist with a populist and to me Biden is a suit, the new Hillary and a political insder.
Trump may even fight on a healthcare ticket! Why not do a Boris, steal your opponents policies, legitamise them and let your tame media broadcast how they were your ideas in the first place.
Numerous warnings were issued but these were not heeded, Richard Horton wrote in The Lancet. He cited an example from his journal on 20 January, pointing to a global epidemic:
Errhhh...now when was that tweet he posted saying nothing to see here....
One is an incoherent narcissist with no clue what he’s doing who warps facts to suit his reality and is vicious in his attacks on people who criticise him for his behaviour.
The other is of course the President of the United States.
We've had Dunkirk, now it's the Battle of Britain.
Interesting... something that would definitely justify future investigation...
11.2% increase in cases
I don't blame Neil Ferguson. He only had the very suspicious Chinese data to go on to begin with.
Its all in the minutes that have been released from those meetings. If it hadn't have spread, we would have the same people screaming like they did when the government ordered all that Tamiflu that went to waste. Saying all that money spent could have gone on x instead.
The Guardian
Had an edition distributed on the website
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the Commentariat
And could only win it back
By increased poll numbers. Would it not in that case be simpler
for the Commentariat
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
Insulin has many functions and actions on top of the obvious one on blood sugar. High blood insulin is a significant association of inflammation, but the biology is quite complex.
C) anybody thinks it’s relevant
We can hopeful resume Or not petty party politics in 12 months time