Woken up to a lovely sunny day in Kerela. Was treated to an impressive Christmas eve meal last night in my hotel. A buffet with some stunning Indian dishes and also roast turkey for those that wished to partake.
Incidentally, the country I'm currently in, the socialist paradise of Nicaragua, is probably the best place in the world, except maybe Venezuela, to realise the bullet we dodged on 12th December. GDP fell by 4% last year, will shrink by between 5% and 8% this year, and probably continue shrinking for a couple more years. This follows years of repression of peaceful protests, with hundreds killed and 200 people per day seeking asylum in Costa Rica, swamping their immigration authorities. The protesters are described by the First Lady as "criminals", "vampires in search of blood" and "minuscule and toxic groups."
Corbyn, despite his obsession with Latin America, has been as deafeningly silent on the disaster unfolding in this country as he has been on Venezuela since the extent of that country's catastrophe became so obvious that not even he could deny it.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
21 down. Eden’s trouble (and strife) = wife, was Clarissa Spencer Churchill. In relation to Winston Churchill, she was his niece. And remarkably she is still alive.
Channel 5 is showing Scrooge, with Alistair Sim. BBC2 has Scrooge with Albert Finney. ITV has A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey. BBC1 is missing a trick here!
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
Luckily I'm not flying this thing! I do have news for @TheScreamingEagles - BA categorises Die Hard under "Festive Cheer". If the flag carrier thinks it is a Christmas movie, that settles it.
Luckily I'm not flying this thing! I do have news for @TheScreamingEagles - BA categorises Die Hard under "Festive Cheer". If the flag carrier thinks it is a Christmas movie, that settles it.
I was sad when Great Escape got demoted to Easter.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
We had flu jabs
you were injected by the flu, and then got the flu?
Yes, 24 down is Non. What Pm is after is noon, (afternoon). Nothing = 0. Noon, less 0 = Non. To veto, or say no to, in Brussels, is “Non”. As in De Gaulle’s famous “Non” to Macmillan. “Ne pleurez pas, milord”.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
We had flu jabs
you were injected by the flu, and then got the flu?
We had flu jabs about six weeks ago. But this year's flu is (unusually) mostly Influenza B which was not what the makers of the vaccine expected. The result is that we have little (or no) immunity to it via the flu jab.
The real culprit is my daughter's school, as (a) it's had a big problem with flu cases, and (b) she (Julia) was patient zero in our family.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
We had flu jabs
you were injected by the flu, and then got the flu?
We had flu jabs about six weeks ago. But this year's flu is (unusually) mostly Influenza B which was not what the makers of the vaccine expected. The result is that we have little (or no) immunity to it via the flu jab.
The real culprit is my daughter's school, as (a) it's had a big problem with flu cases, and (b) she (Julia) was patient zero in our family.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
We had flu jabs
you were injected by the flu, and then got the flu?
We had flu jabs about six weeks ago. But this year's flu is (unusually) mostly Influenza B which was not what the makers of the vaccine expected. The result is that we have little (or no) immunity to it via the flu jab.
The real culprit is my daughter's school, as (a) it's had a big problem with flu cases, and (b) she (Julia) was patient zero in our family.
It’s a worldwide problem
Don't worry. Boris will sort it out! Merry Christmas.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
what time is the joke scheduled for?
He’s with Carrie,* and they’re both overseas...so not today.
*As it is the season of goodwill, I will not make jokes about broads...
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
what time is the joke scheduled for?
He’s with Carrie,* and they’re both overseas...so not today.
*As it is the season of goodwill, I will not make jokes about broads...
9 across. Yes, Republic. Soldiers = RE, Royal Engineers. Left = L. In charge = IC. Local = pub. RE + PUB + L I C = Republic. A government, for instance.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
what time is the joke scheduled for?
Thanks for asking. In fact last Christmas' joke was so good that it rather left the legendary Kipper Tie rendition in the shade and I decided therefore that it definitely deserved another outing as follows:
A man joins a monastery and takes a vow of silence: he's allowed to say two words every seven years. After the first seven years, the elders bring him in and ask for his two words. "Cold floors," he says. They nod and send him away. Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throat and says, "Bad food." They nod and send him away. Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throat and says, "I quit." They nod and say: "Understood, you've been doing nothing but complain ever since you got here!"
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
what time is the joke scheduled for?
Thanks for asking. In fact last Christmas' joke was so good that it rather left the legendary Kipper Tie rendition in the shade and I decided therefore that it definitely deserved another outing as follows:
A man joins a monastery and takes a vow of silence: he's allowed to say two words every seven years. After the first seven years, the elders bring him in and ask for his two words. "Cold floors," he says. They nod and send him away. Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throat and says, "Bad food." They nod and send him away. Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throat and says, "I quit." They nod and say: "Understood, you've been doing nothing but complain ever since you got here!"
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
what time is the joke scheduled for?
He’s with Carrie,* and they’re both overseas...so not today.
*As it is the season of goodwill, I will not make jokes about broads...
Hard at work touring the colonies I believe.
Wasn't it Christmas in Downing Street and New Year in Mustique? No Chequers if so -- is his resignation over Theresa May's Chequers deal too recent?
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
what time is the joke scheduled for?
Thanks for asking. In fact last Christmas' joke was so good that it rather left the legendary Kipper Tie rendition in the shade and I decided therefore that it definitely deserved another outing as follows:
A man joins a monastery and takes a vow of silence: he's allowed to say two words every seven years. After the first seven years, the elders bring him in and ask for his two words. "Cold floors," he says. They nod and send him away. Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throat and says, "Bad food." They nod and send him away. Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throat and says, "I quit." They nod and say: "Understood, you've been doing nothing but complain ever since you got here!"
Reminds me of a Russian joke:
Ivan and Vladimir leave for their Dacha, with a crate of vodka.
On the third day Ivan asks Vladimir "Do you think we should get something to eat?" Vladimir replies "Did we come here to drink or to talk?
15 down. Yes, Archangel. Sly = arch. Investor = angel. Arch+angel = archangel. Michael is one of the archangels. I couldn’t come up with a way of making that one a political clue.
Three Jewish gentlemen were complaining about their sons. 1st Jewish gentleman: "I sent my son to Israel on holiday and he came back a Christian" 2nd Jewish gentleman: "I sent my son to Israel to a kibbutz and HE came back a Christian". 3rd Jewish gentlemen: "I sent my son to Israel to university and HE came back a Christian too". All three gentlemen fall on their knees, clasp their hands and pray to God. God says "You think you have problems. I sent my son to Israel ...."
You know what I liked about BoJo's Christmas message? It wasn't just some generic message about good will to all men, it was a message to persecuted Christian's around the world. Saying his government will help them and will be engaged with their plight.
I hope he follows through. But I hope he also criticizes the likes of China as well for their genocidal treatment of their Muslim minority soon.
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
We had flu jabs
you were injected by the flu, and then got the flu?
BREAKING: Statement from Station CO Gp Capt Harry Stashe "Moments ago #RAFLuton scambled our Quick Reaction Airplanes after an unidentified aircraft entered our air space, Pilot Flt Lt Dave "Blitzy" Blitzen shot the aircraft down. A search is now on for the crew #Christmas
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
what time is the joke scheduled for?
Thanks for asking. In fact last Christmas' joke was so good that it rather left the legendary Kipper Tie rendition in the shade and I decided therefore that it definitely deserved another outing as follows:
A man joins a monastery and takes a vow of silence: he's allowed to say two words every seven years. After the first seven years, the elders bring him in and ask for his two words. "Cold floors," he says. They nod and send him away. Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throat and says, "Bad food." They nod and send him away. Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throat and says, "I quit." They nod and say: "Understood, you've been doing nothing but complain ever since you got here!"
You know what I liked about BoJo's Christmas message? It wasn't just some generic message about good will to all men, it was a message to persecuted Christian's around the world. Saying his government will help them and will be engaged with their plight.
I hope he follows through. But I hope he also criticizes the likes of China as well for their genocidal treatment of their Muslim minority soon.
Will be usual empty rhetoric and soon forgotten when on to next soundbite.
15 down. Yes, Archangel. Sly = arch. Investor = angel. Arch+angel = archangel. Michael is one of the archangels. I couldn’t come up with a way of making that one a political clue.
Lol I have no chance on this. First time I've ever come across that particular synonym for sly
I will listen to the Boris Christmas Message later.
His message for Eid will be interesting, as one of the projects that needs serious application is supporting the development of a version of Islam that can be indigenous to a pluralist society - and in this country we have prominent lobby groups beholden to all the versions that still hold sway in the ME.
To my eye that is partly due to a failure on the part of the UK to get to grips with fairly poisonous educational materials dripping in from eg Saudi and Iran during the 70s / 80s / 90s.
Luckily I'm not flying this thing! I do have news for @TheScreamingEagles - BA categorises Die Hard under "Festive Cheer". If the flag carrier thinks it is a Christmas movie, that settles it.
No wonder BA are so poorly regarded.
British Airways has taken a nosedive in UK passengers’ opinions and is now rated just above Ryanair at the bottom end of the airline rankings.
The flag carrier was among the worst rated for food, seat comfort and value for money on both short and long-haul services in the annual Which? poll.
3 down. Yes, Chuka Umunna. A period (of play) in polo is a chukka. Talking or saying out loud “chukka” gives “chuka”. Female is Una and NUM returned is MUN. MUN blocked by UNA = U(MUN)NA. Politician = Chuka Umunna. I couldn’t in all honesty ascribe him to a particular political party with any confidence, as that could well have changed by the time the crossword was published!
It's almost 8pm in Los Angeles, and family rcs1000 is struck low by the Influenza B virus. We're popping Tamiflu like they're smarties, and are grumpy as hell.
Oh dear ... doesn't your all-singing, all-dancing fully inclusive American medical insurance policy include provision for annual flu jabs? Folk like your Mum & Dad and including yours truly get ours for free over here doncha know. Small wonder you're feeling grumpy ... Happy Christmas.
what time is the joke scheduled for?
He’s with Carrie,* and they’re both overseas...so not today.
*As it is the season of goodwill, I will not make jokes about broads...
Yes, 17 across is Johnny Mercer. Can = johnny, as in toilet. Just = mere, as in “mere minutes away“. Cope at first = c. Right = R. Jonny + Mer(c)e + r = Tory.
My late wife and I used to open our presents on Xmas eve (I think the Germans do that) second time round I have to wait till after Breakfast on Xmas Day!
One day off from news and politics, best wishes to all PBers and their families - and especially to those for whom it’s going to be difficult to celebrate this year.
Merry Christmas PB. Hope you all have a good one. I'm at work for the 3rd Christmas Day in a row, but by choice this time, so don't feel too sorry for me.
14 across. Yes, Milk Snatcher. American activist = (Harvey) Milk. Bit = snatch, as in a snatch of music. Monarch = ER, (Elizabeth Regina). Altogether = Maggie Thatcher, so called.
Luckily I'm not flying this thing! I do have news for @TheScreamingEagles - BA categorises Die Hard under "Festive Cheer". If the flag carrier thinks it is a Christmas movie, that settles it.
No wonder BA are so poorly regarded.
British Airways has taken a nosedive in UK passengers’ opinions and is now rated just above Ryanair at the bottom end of the airline rankings.
The flag carrier was among the worst rated for food, seat comfort and value for money on both short and long-haul services in the annual Which? poll.
Woken up to a lovely sunny day in Kerela. Was treated to an impressive Christmas eve meal last night in my hotel. A buffet with some stunning Indian dishes and also roast turkey for those that wished to partake.
Corbyn, despite his obsession with Latin America, has been as deafeningly silent on the disaster unfolding in this country as he has been on Venezuela since the extent of that country's catastrophe became so obvious that not even he could deny it.
22 Across Ashley
Mr. 1000, I hope your pestilence abates promptly (some of my family are coughing and sputtering a lot so I imagine that'll be how I spend Boxing Day).
If you are reading this, my new phone works properly on PB! A key test passed.
Channel 5 is showing Scrooge, with Alistair Sim. BBC2 has Scrooge with Albert Finney. ITV has A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey. BBC1 is missing a trick here!
I was sad when Great Escape got demoted to Easter.
The real culprit is my daughter's school, as (a) it's had a big problem with flu cases, and (b) she (Julia) was patient zero in our family.
Happy Christmas, and good health!
*As it is the season of goodwill, I will not make jokes about broads...
11 Across. Negate
A man joins a monastery and takes a vow of silence: he's allowed to say two words every seven years.
After the first seven years, the elders bring him in and ask for his two words. "Cold floors," he says. They nod and send him away.
Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throat and says, "Bad food." They nod and send him away.
Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words. He clears his throat and says, "I quit."
They nod and say: "Understood, you've been doing nothing but complain ever since you got here!"
Ivan and Vladimir leave for their Dacha, with a crate of vodka.
On the third day Ivan asks Vladimir "Do you think we should get something to eat?" Vladimir replies "Did we come here to drink or to talk?
Three Jewish gentlemen were complaining about their sons.
1st Jewish gentleman: "I sent my son to Israel on holiday and he came back a Christian"
2nd Jewish gentleman: "I sent my son to Israel to a kibbutz and HE came back a Christian".
3rd Jewish gentlemen: "I sent my son to Israel to university and HE came back a Christian too".
All three gentlemen fall on their knees, clasp their hands and pray to God.
God says "You think you have problems. I sent my son to Israel ...."
I hope he follows through. But I hope he also criticizes the likes of China as well for their genocidal treatment of their Muslim minority soon.
BREAKING: Statement from Station CO Gp Capt Harry Stashe "Moments ago #RAFLuton scambled our Quick Reaction Airplanes after an unidentified aircraft entered our air space, Pilot Flt Lt Dave "Blitzy" Blitzen shot the aircraft down. A search is now on for the crew #Christmas
I will listen to the Boris Christmas Message later.
His message for Eid will be interesting, as one of the projects that needs serious application is supporting the development of a version of Islam that can be indigenous to a pluralist society - and in this country we have prominent lobby groups beholden to all the versions that still hold sway in the ME.
To my eye that is partly due to a failure on the part of the UK to get to grips with fairly poisonous educational materials dripping in from eg Saudi and Iran during the 70s / 80s / 90s.
British Airways has taken a nosedive in UK passengers’ opinions and is now rated just above Ryanair at the bottom end of the airline rankings.
The flag carrier was among the worst rated for food, seat comfort and value for money on both short and long-haul services in the annual Which? poll.
U(MUN)NA. Politician = Chuka Umunna. I couldn’t in all honesty ascribe him to a particular political party with any confidence, as that could well have changed by the time the crossword was published!
The experiment continues.
Right now in Islington the Corbyn household is settling down to watch the Queens speech.
BTW I have only just discovered that Johnny Mercer's middle name is Luther.
One day off from news and politics, best wishes to all PBers and their families - and especially to those for whom it’s going to be difficult to celebrate this year.
19 Down. Mervyn