politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » The November WH2020 Democratic debate and another reminder that they do these things better in the country where Boris was born
Overnight we have had the latest Democratic party debate as part of the prolonged process to determine who should fight against Donald Trump in the presidential election next November.
Read the full story here
What "harm involved" are you talking about? And are you just restricting to the side effects of the cannabis itself? Or are you including in "harm involved" the stabbings and other fatal and non-fatal gang violence that prohibition is causing both now and has caused historically?
We have been debating this issue now for decades, we don't have relatively little or no knowledge in this area.
A good line by Amy Klobuchar. Maybe Mike's onto another winner. A sense of humour goes a long way.
You all clearly have false memories.
Australian TV debates are mammothly better than UK ones too. Maybe when we're on the second page of this thread we'll be upto where UK TV networks place.
From the BBC
"Sajid Javid is quizzed on Boris Johnson's comments yesterday that the initial benefit of raising the threshold at which people start paying National Insurance contributions would "put £500 into the pockets of everybody".
In fact, that's not the correct figure. The Conservatives' own press release says the benefit from raising the threshold to £9,500 in 2020-21 would be £100 per year. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) says it would be £85 per year.
So did Mr Johnson get his sums wrong or spin the figures?
"I don't think there's any spinning going on, he's just given a straight answer," replies Mr Javid.
But he gave the wrong answer, the presenter points out
Mr Javid says: "We're setting out the detail today. The £500 figure is not exactly £500, it's something slightly lower than £500."
"In a separate interview with ITV News, Mr Johnson talked about the benefit from raising the threshold to £9,500 saying: "It's about £500 a year." The reporter challenged him saying: "That's not what you are guaranteeing. You are guaranteeing about £100 next year and there's an ambition for £500."
But Mr Johnson was adamant: "You are not right there. We are going to £9,500 threshold initially and then the ambition is to get to the £12,500 threshold. But the initial cut that we are making does offer a £500 cut for every working person."
Also someone pointed out it would be many many years before CPI took 9500-12500 unless we are going for hyperinflation post brexit.
I promise to sign up to the government memory realignment programme as soon as the new Home Secretary announces it.
This is one of the major reasons that the UK will outperform the EZ over the next decade.
2022 if the Tories raise inflation to 15% (they've done it before, just saying
I remember saying a year ago that I expected after Brexit once the uncertainty goes away that the UK will outperform the EZ and I was laughed at here for that.
I'd have this as :.
Fresh air
30 furlongs
No chance
right now.
Let's see what the manifesto says on Sunday.
My guess is that Johnson is completely innumerate. He did classics at Uni and then worked as a hack where he made up numbers. He is always very careless with anything quantitative which is a clear sign of innumeracy. Do we know what he got in his maths A level?
Come up with an idea, overegg it a bit; get a row going about your idea and dominate the morning news with said idea.
Looks like the bus again to me.
That was an increase of over £16bn on the previous financial year.
Long term economic plan was the phrase.
Some talk it will be on sunday
Accident? Hmmmm.......
Bristol North West looks to be one. Any others?
14 sexual charges altogether
"It's easier to raise a few billion than a few million for projects in this country."
Also, this article from only a few weeks ago explains the likely impact
Prince Andrew
Labour Manifesto launch
"He denies all the allegations, which include one attempted rape, one intent to rape, 10 sexual assaults and two indecent assaults.
The offences are alleged to have happened between June 2008 and November 2014.
His QC, Gordon Jackson, indicated that Mr Salmond will plead not guilty, and judge Lady Dorrian set the trial date for 9 March next year. The trial is expected to last about four weeks."
That is some serious jail time if found guilty.
Yeah someone knows what they are doing, and Labour is just unlucky.
It goes both ways and theres a lot of gut feeling thinking on it, which is fine for us all as you note, but the hypocritical presentation is one side is about science of it and others are not. Thats bollocks.
The most powerful data modelling technique in politics at the moment, is something called MRP. It stands for “multilevel regression with post-stratification” — not exactly catchy — and the number of people who fully understand it in the UK can be counted on two hands."
Is that better, worse, or about the same? What about if they try the same sort of trick this time round?
(Looks for egg-on-face emoji)
Parties getting more disciplined at driving the message home would also be helpful. hence the pre-leaking of the key commitments, and possibly the Tories are releasing on Sunday to help candidates who still have other jobs (or family commitments) be more able to get their arguments together.
Pretty well deserved after his debate performance.
..."We should build on ObamaCare, provide the plan I put forward before anybody in here, adding a Medicare option in that plan and not make people choose. Allow people to choose, I should say," Biden said, hitting plans from Sanders and Warren to expand Medicaid to all Americans.
Later, he claimed to have been endorsed by the "only" African American woman ever elected to the United States Senate — while standing several podiums away from the second African American woman elected to the United States Senate...