So this is all over bar the shouting - Johnson will be taking us out of the EU with this Deal.
The key thing now for all people of sound mind and good character is that he is not allowed the MASSIVE triumph of doing so on the iconic date of 31 October.
He has to miss the deadline for there to be a fighting chance of avoiding a big GE win for him and the motliest set of Tories we have seen in many a long year.
It is worth continuing the guerilla warfare in parliament purely in order to achieve this objective. He must NOT be allowed to get Brexit done by that magic date.
And in the pointless-save-for-being-spiteful blocking of Brexit until after this date, the parties doing that blocking are going to get an even bigger kick up the arse than they might have done before.....
So this is all over bar the shouting - Johnson will be taking us out of the EU with this Deal.
The key thing now for all people of sound mind and good character is that he is not allowed the MASSIVE triumph of doing so on the iconic date of 31 October.
He has to miss the deadline for there to be a fighting chance of avoiding a big GE win for him and the motliest set of Tories we have seen in many a long year.
It is worth continuing the guerilla warfare in parliament purely in order to achieve this objective. He must NOT be allowed to get Brexit done by that magic date.
And in the pointless-save-for-being-spiteful blocking of Brexit until after this date, the parties doing that blocking are going to get an even bigger kick up the arse than they might have done before.....
You seriously follow that overgrown schoolboys dubious blog?
For moments of amusement like that, yes, I dip in briefly.
And because of the simple pleasure that posting links to it on here seems to excessively rile some folk....
I occasionally ‘dip in’ to bolster my view that I’m happy with my opinions, if I ever really struggle I just go to the comments to realize why I think like I do.
I mainly log on to see if Jolyon has lost again.
After tax and death lawyers will always make money
I think with the notable exception of Messrs Slant, Honeyplace and Morecombe, even lawyers don't tend to make much money once they are dead.
This is the remain argument but it has to be on any ballot as confirmed by Dominic Grieve
Indeed Farage would be in the Supreme Court immediately if his party was so disenfranchised
This is just another example of remain trying to influence the ballot for their own cause
What's the legal basis for a claim by a party which has no representation in Parliament?
Dominic Grieve has led the opposition to brexit and he is a former attorney general
He would not say it if he did not believe it
But was it a legal point or that he thinks it morally should be included? No lawyer here, but I cannot see what the justification would be on such a political quesiton.
Fairness to the total leave vote I assume
However, the panic from remainers is not surprising and when having a go at me, they need to listen to Dominic Grieve. He is the one who said it
You have, with the greatest respect, misunderstood what he said.
He was making a political point. Not a legal one. There is no legal basis, as far as I can see, for a party with no representation in Parliament to judicially review an Act of Parliament setting out the terms of an EU referendum. Happy to be corrected if one of the many lawyers on here thinks otherwise.
IANAL, but I suspect that given that they will be overturning an Electoral Commission recommendation on a highly political matter to the disadvantage of one side, the courts might explore natural justice.
Parliament determines the options. In an Act. The Electoral Commission would not be involved before then. There would be no overturning of anything involved. I don't see how "natural justice" would even begin to found a claim or who it would be against.
All interesting but theoretical since I don't expect there to be a 2nd referendum.
Incidentally, I hope you have looked up the Parthenopean Republic and Nelson's rather dismal role in the whole affair and now realise Napoleon was the good guy.
I've never been a fan of the Duke of Bronte, mainly because of his silly name.
I much prefer my fellow Irishman, Arthur Wellesley
I think there is something about stable and horses you might want to look up .....
You seriously follow that overgrown schoolboys dubious blog?
For moments of amusement like that, yes, I dip in briefly.
And because of the simple pleasure that posting links to it on here seems to excessively rile some folk....
I occasionally ‘dip in’ to bolster my view that I’m happy with my opinions, if I ever really struggle I just go to the comments to realize why I think like I do.
I mainly log on to see if Jolyon has lost again.
After tax and death lawyers will always make money
The costs incurred (let alone the horrific death toll) as a result of the misuse and promotion of these drugs will exceed this every month. An absolute sweet heart deal that will undoubtedly ensure that Trump has no problem funding re-election.
Isn't that just the compensation for those two Ohio counties? Presumably many more will follow.
Incidentally, I am seeing more and more prescription opioid abuse here. Sadly it looks as once more we will copy the USA, 15 years behind.
Yes I had misread it and assumed it was some sort of global settlement. Charles put me right. I would agree about the risks of opioid abuse here. These things seem to be handed out like sweeties.
The costs incurred (let alone the horrific death toll) as a result of the misuse and promotion of these drugs will exceed this every month. An absolute sweet heart deal that will undoubtedly ensure that Trump has no problem funding re-election.
This is two *counties* in Ohio
Google tells me there are 88 counties in the State. Just taking the three distributors mentioned, that implies $10bn for all of Ohio. Ohio will - I suspect - be one of the harder hit States, and these are probably the worst hit counties. But you will still be looking at >$100bn for all of the US.
And then you have the drugmarkers as well as the distributors (e.g. the Sacklers are contributing $11bn personally)
Right, I had misread it. Can the pharma industry in fact survive this disaster?
There were relatively few people peddling this shit.
By volume it was Mallinckrodt, Teva, Par, and Purdue/Rhodes
So this is all over bar the shouting - Johnson will be taking us out of the EU with this Deal.
The key thing now for all people of sound mind and good character is that he is not allowed the MASSIVE triumph of doing so on the iconic date of 31 October.
He has to miss the deadline for there to be a fighting chance of avoiding a big GE win for him and the motliest set of Tories we have seen in many a long year.
It is worth continuing the guerilla warfare in parliament purely in order to achieve this objective. He must NOT be allowed to get Brexit done by that magic date.
And in the pointless-save-for-being-spiteful blocking of Brexit until after this date, the parties doing that blocking are going to get an even bigger kick up the arse than they might have done before.....
Just you see.
What will we see?
A load of geordie and Mackem MPs going round in circles in a lifeboat waving to dozens of their NW and Midlands colleagues in similarly amusingly crammed lifeboats whilst clown music plays and they all munch on ships biscuits A delightful whimsy in 100 parts
Are you predicting Tory gains in Newcastle and Sunderland? It’s a view...
Not the city of Newcastle but the outskirts are vulnerable and I've clearly said on here many times that if Labour poll under 25% then theyll lose Sunderland Central to the Tories. Clearly if they recover in the campaign they wont. I see nothing to suggest they will recover. They are loathed, and moribund
Edit - I remember a Mr Senior on here poo pooing my suggestions of LD seats that would be lost in 2015. And certain guffawing at my suggestion of Con gain Ayrshire South in 2017 too. We will see.
Which outskirts?
Tynemouth? Gateshead? Jarrow? Blyth Valley? Blaydon? Wansbeck? South Shields? North Tyneside?
Which ones are vulnerable?
f the air and offer you a bet on a seat in sunderland and one in geordieland framed around the situation at the time.
So after saying the outskirts of Newcastle are vulnerable, you now say none are really that vulnerable. Glad we cleared that up!
So this is all over bar the shouting - Johnson will be taking us out of the EU with this Deal.
The key thing now for all people of sound mind and good character is that he is not allowed the MASSIVE triumph of doing so on the iconic date of 31 October.
He has to miss the deadline for there to be a fighting chance of avoiding a big GE win for him and the motliest set of Tories we have seen in many a long year.
It is worth continuing the guerilla warfare in parliament purely in order to achieve this objective. He must NOT be allowed to get Brexit done by that magic date.
And in the pointless-save-for-being-spiteful blocking of Brexit until after this date, the parties doing that blocking are going to get an even bigger kick up the arse than they might have done before.....
TSE this is difficult, I’ve been to over 100 Yeovil games at home and away and never heard any racist chants, it is actually a friendly club. The danger is that you motivate one element to go into the away fans with the objective of actually achieving what you suggest. The fact that they have delivered up the two perpetrators to the police from the videos taken is a credit to YTFC. The worst racism I ever heard at YTFC was that we hated Weymouth. Ban the offenders and if there is evidence of endemic racism then clearly come down like a ton of bricks.
The costs incurred (let alone the horrific death toll) as a result of the misuse and promotion of these drugs will exceed this every month. An absolute sweet heart deal that will undoubtedly ensure that Trump has no problem funding re-election.
This is two *counties* in Ohio
Google tells me there are 88 counties in the State. Just taking the three distributors mentioned, that implies $10bn for all of Ohio. Ohio will - I suspect - be one of the harder hit States, and these are probably the worst hit counties. But you will still be looking at >$100bn for all of the US.
And then you have the drugmarkers as well as the distributors (e.g. the Sacklers are contributing $11bn personally)
Right, I had misread it. Can the pharma industry in fact survive this disaster?
There were relatively few people peddling this shit.
By volume it was Mallinckrodt, Teva, Par, and Purdue/Rhodes
Incidentally, I hope you have looked up the Parthenopean Republic and Nelson's rather dismal role in the whole affair and now realise Napoleon was the good guy.
I've never been a fan of the Duke of Bronte, mainly because of his silly name.
I much prefer my fellow Irishman, Arthur Wellesley
I think there is something about stable and horses you might want to look up .....
I suspect that you wouldn't regard me as an Irishman either
There were I think three games this week, Man Ute makes four where it is claimed racist behavior has occurred. What is the answer? It has to be stamped out, individuals must be punished and failures by clubs stewards to deal with it when reported must also be punished.
The costs incurred (let alone the horrific death toll) as a result of the misuse and promotion of these drugs will exceed this every month. An absolute sweet heart deal that will undoubtedly ensure that Trump has no problem funding re-election.
This is two *counties* in Ohio
Google tells me there are 88 counties in the State. Just taking the three distributors mentioned, that implies $10bn for all of Ohio. Ohio will - I suspect - be one of the harder hit States, and these are probably the worst hit counties. But you will still be looking at >$100bn for all of the US.
And then you have the drugmarkers as well as the distributors (e.g. the Sacklers are contributing $11bn personally)
Right, I had misread it. Can the pharma industry in fact survive this disaster?
There were relatively few people peddling this shit.
By volume it was Mallinckrodt, Teva, Par, and Purdue/Rhodes
Wow, thanks for the link. I hesitate to say that it makes bankers look relatively harmless but the similarities between this mindset and the complete abuse of mortgage credit in the run up to the GFC is hard to ignore.
VAR evens out over the season. Liverpool was on the wrong end of a VAR goal following a foul., but got a very soft VAR penalty the week before.
Fake news, the Mane penalty was the right decision.
We've had two potential bone breaking challenges on Liverpool players in two matches without appropriate sanction.
VAR really is shit.
VAR is about giving the right decision. Mane gota soft penalty, Man U got a goal allowed.
Seconds before Hamza Choudhury tackled Salah, Salah had fouled Soyuncu, pushing him in the back to gain the ball. If the ref had blown the whistle for that, then no Choudhury tackle. Karma.
So this is all over bar the shouting - Johnson will be taking us out of the EU with this Deal.
The key thing now for all people of sound mind and good character is that he is not allowed the MASSIVE triumph of doing so on the iconic date of 31 October.
He has to miss the deadline for there to be a fighting chance of avoiding a big GE win for him and the motliest set of Tories we have seen in many a long year.
It is worth continuing the guerilla warfare in parliament purely in order to achieve this objective. He must NOT be allowed to get Brexit done by that magic date.
And in the pointless-save-for-being-spiteful blocking of Brexit until after this date, the parties doing that blocking are going to get an even bigger kick up the arse than they might have done before.....
Just you see.
What will we see?
A load of geordie and Mackem MPs going round in circles in a lifeboat waving to dozens of their NW and Midlands colleagues in similarly amusingly crammed lifeboats whilst clown music plays and they all munch on ships biscuits A delightful whimsy in 100 parts
How ridiculous.
You think Geordies and Mackems would share a lifeboat?
There were I think three games this week, Man Ute makes four where it is claimed racist behavior has occurred. What is the answer? It has to be stamped out, individuals must be punished and failures by clubs stewards to deal with it when reported must also be punished.
CCTV, Lifetime Bans and absolute Zero Tolerance.
I think the fans should be punished more than the stewards.
Reading the bill it is clear why the DUP are so annoyed.
I think I know why the ERG are backing this bill, we can go for WTO Brexit next year.
Remainers missed a chance to lock the UK into a customs union with the EU by voting down May's deal?
I'm fine with No Deal, the government's own analysis shows the poorest get hit the hardest with No Deal, is only fair they get the biggest Brexit Dividend.
I'm with Govey, sustained No Deal means we Rejoin, the reactions of Leavers when they have to swallow the Euro and Schengen will be worth it.
Any more room on that particular bench? Budge up.... I will bring the popcorn
So this is all over bar the shouting - Johnson will be taking us out of the EU with this Deal.
The key thing now for all people of sound mind and good character is that he is not allowed the MASSIVE triumph of doing so on the iconic date of 31 October.
He has to miss the deadline for there to be a fighting chance of avoiding a big GE win for him and the motliest set of Tories we have seen in many a long year.
It is worth continuing the guerilla warfare in parliament purely in order to achieve this objective. He must NOT be allowed to get Brexit done by that magic date.
And in the pointless-save-for-being-spiteful blocking of Brexit until after this date, the parties doing that blocking are going to get an even bigger kick up the arse than they might have done before.....
Just you see.
What will we see?
A load of geordie and Mackem MPs going round in circles in a lifeboat waving to dozens of their NW and Midlands colleagues in similarly amusingly crammed lifeboats whilst clown music plays and they all munch on ships biscuits A delightful whimsy in 100 parts
How ridiculous.
You think Geordies and Mackems would share a lifeboat?
When it comes to ships I know the good burghers of Sunderland mackem and the fellows of Newcastle tackem and perhaps never the Twain shall meet
There were I think three games this week, Man Ute makes four where it is claimed racist behavior has occurred. What is the answer? It has to be stamped out, individuals must be punished and failures by clubs stewards to deal with it when reported must also be punished.
CCTV, Lifetime Bans and absolute Zero Tolerance.
I think the fans should be punished more than the stewards.
If proven guilty I’d bang them up for a long time, the video I’ve watched showed YTFC fans remonstrating with the idiots and asking stewards to eject them. The danger of this is it being gamed by people for advantage. No idea what the answer is
Reading the bill it is clear why the DUP are so annoyed.
I think I know why the ERG are backing this bill, we can go for WTO Brexit next year.
Remainers missed a chance to lock the UK into a customs union with the EU by voting down May's deal?
I'm fine with No Deal, the government's own analysis shows the poorest get hit the hardest with No Deal, is only fair they get the biggest Brexit Dividend.
I'm with Govey, sustained No Deal means we Rejoin, the reactions of Leavers when they have to swallow the Euro and Schengen will be worth it.
Any more room on that particular bench? Budge up.... I will bring the popcorn
Incidentally, I hope you have looked up the Parthenopean Republic and Nelson's rather dismal role in the whole affair and now realise Napoleon was the good guy.
I've never been a fan of the Duke of Bronte, mainly because of his silly name.
I much prefer my fellow Irishman, Arthur Wellesley
I think there is something about stable and horses you might want to look up .....
I suspect that you wouldn't regard me as an Irishman either
We Irish are a friendly and hospitable people. So if you want to join us, who am I to stop you.
Even were the timetable approved, how would anything get through the Lords in 3 days? Much easier to get amendments in there.
Lords could also easily filibuster this as we saw before.
If there are the votes to pass it (and remove amendments made in the Lords) in the Commons I don't see that it would be wise for the Lords to play more than a few rounds of ping pong. That's a big if (at least in passing it unamended in the Commons), but at some point obstruction is counter productive.
Wonder whether the floodgates will open against Bercow when he no longer has the protection of the Chair?
Trouble is that there are lots of MPs who would also face such claims. So for fear of being bitten themselves they won't want to do any biting themselves, I suspect.
The costs incurred (let alone the horrific death toll) as a result of the misuse and promotion of these drugs will exceed this every month. An absolute sweet heart deal that will undoubtedly ensure that Trump has no problem funding re-election.
Isn't that just the compensation for those two Ohio counties? Presumably many more will follow.
Incidentally, I am seeing more and more prescription opioid abuse here. Sadly it looks as once more we will copy the USA, 15 years behind.
Yes I had misread it and assumed it was some sort of global settlement. Charles put me right. I would agree about the risks of opioid abuse here. These things seem to be handed out like sweeties.
And who does the handing out? Are they not to be held responsible?
There were I think three games this week, Man Ute makes four where it is claimed racist behavior has occurred. What is the answer? It has to be stamped out, individuals must be punished and failures by clubs stewards to deal with it when reported must also be punished.
CCTV, Lifetime Bans and absolute Zero Tolerance.
I think the fans should be punished more than the stewards.
If proven guilty I’d bang them up for a long time, the video I’ve watched showed YTFC fans remonstrating with the idiots and asking stewards to eject them. The danger of this is it being gamed by people for advantage. No idea what the answer is
That's why I think the fans should be punished and should face lifetime bans. AFAIK you need to register to get football tickets, if you are found guilty of this you should be put on a lifetime and national database. I don't know if there's any national communications or linkup with this but there should be - banned from one club, banned from all.
PS it is very easy indeed to sign up to get seats for the opposition. A few members of my family and I once signed up to Man Utd membership in order to get tickets to a Man Utd v Liverpool League Cup game on my brother's birthday to which it was impossible to get Away seats. Went to Old Trafford wearing a Liverpool football shirt under my jacket - steward saw my shirt and advised me to zip up my jacket and keep it zipped through the game - and not to cheer if we scored, which we didn't we lost 1-0 - we were unique probably in the stand not to cheer when Utd scored.
Still not that cut and dried in my opinion. No two situations are exactly same why it’s dodgy quoting like that. Last winter there was sense government thought they could Bring same back time again like salami tactics. This time there hasn’t been a proper division on deal yet.
Wonder whether the floodgates will open against Bercow when he no longer has the protection of the Chair?
Trouble is that there are lots of MPs who would also face such claims. So for fear of being bitten themselves they won't want to do any biting themselves, I suspect.
Time will tell.
I notice the Telegraph has disabled comments on this piece which is somewhat unusual...
There were I think three games this week, Man Ute makes four where it is claimed racist behavior has occurred. What is the answer? It has to be stamped out, individuals must be punished and failures by clubs stewards to deal with it when reported must also be punished.
CCTV, Lifetime Bans and absolute Zero Tolerance.
I think the fans should be punished more than the stewards.
If proven guilty I’d bang them up for a long time, the video I’ve watched showed YTFC fans remonstrating with the idiots and asking stewards to eject them. The danger of this is it being gamed by people for advantage. No idea what the answer is
That's why I think the fans should be punished and should face lifetime bans. AFAIK you need to register to get football tickets, if you are found guilty of this you should be put on a lifetime and national database. I don't know if there's any national communications or linkup with this but there should be - banned from one club, banned from all.
PS it is very easy indeed to sign up to get seats for the opposition. A few members of my family and I once signed up to Man Utd membership in order to get tickets to a Man Utd v Liverpool League Cup game on my brother's birthday to which it was impossible to get Away seats. Went to Old Trafford wearing a Liverpool football shirt under my jacket - steward saw my shirt and advised me to zip up my jacket and keep it zipped through the game - and not to cheer if we scored, which we didn't we lost 1-0 - we were unique probably in the stand not to cheer when Utd scored.
I’m a scouser that before going to Spain ended up in Somerset, there is no doubt that there are pockets of racism in Somerset but football has actually been a brilliant eye opener to many people’s views given how many ethnic minority players have played for them. I love the concept of community club and genuine local support. The best example to football is the Mersey side derby when there is no segregation and no problems.
The costs incurred (let alone the horrific death toll) as a result of the misuse and promotion of these drugs will exceed this every month. An absolute sweet heart deal that will undoubtedly ensure that Trump has no problem funding re-election.
Isn't that just the compensation for those two Ohio counties? Presumably many more will follow.
Incidentally, I am seeing more and more prescription opioid abuse here. Sadly it looks as once more we will copy the USA, 15 years behind.
Yes I had misread it and assumed it was some sort of global settlement. Charles put me right. I would agree about the risks of opioid abuse here. These things seem to be handed out like sweeties.
And who does the handing out? Are they not to be held responsible?
It is the result of a pay-as-you-go Health System. He who pays the piper calls the tune. The patient pays and the doctor provides...
Also, given the cost of healthcare in the US, it is cheaper to hand out pain killers to mask the symptoms that it is to fix the problem.
The behaviour of a fuckwit who has presided over the whole of the Commons being brought into disrepute. The damage this Parliament has done to the standing of our democratic systems will take decades to repair. And Bercow is one of the prime villains.
Wonder whether the floodgates will open against Bercow when he no longer has the protection of the Chair?
Trouble is that there are lots of MPs who would also face such claims. So for fear of being bitten themselves they won't want to do any biting themselves, I suspect.
It is about time Bercow got some heat. He's not a very nice bloke at all.
Separate YouGov tables from the same poll of 20/21st October also give latest Westminster VI totals for the four largest parties, allowing VI %s to be worked out before stripping out Other Parties/DK/Non Voters.
Depending on how much of the balance is other parties as opposed to DK/NV, I judge that the headline VI will (if it is ever published) be something like Con 36, Lab 21.5, LD 18.5, BXP 10, Green 6
The poll was taken yesterday and today, so much for Hilary Benn's 'cunning plan' to force Boris to ask for an extension putting Labour in the lead as Tory voters desert for the Brexit Party.
Boris and Cummings have outwitted the diehard Remainers again as the Tory lead has actually increased again, looks like all their smugness yesterday was shortlived
The behaviour of a fuckwit who has presided over the whole of the Commons being brought into disrepute. The damage this Parliament has done to the standing of our democratic systems will take decades to repair. And Bercow is one of the prime villains.
You know no-one would even know the name John Bercow if it wasn't for the referendum....
Cummings may want one. He's much more comfortable with the referendum format than party politics.
I must admit I always thought that it was his view that that a second referendum would be necessary.
If it was built up like that by Cameron government from start I understand it’s smart democratic practice little different to what government have enforced on unions in this country, win a vote to be able to go and negotiate, and then put the deal agreed back to gain sign off on it and make change.
Built in from the start solid and sensible I think, but sprung these many years later open to cries of goal post shifting.
If it had been built like that from start, who would have had a problem with it? If so is it a key democratic principle in British industrial law you are arguing with?
If the consequences weren't so drastic it would be highly amusing for the programme motion to be voted down and the EU refuse an extension. Then we could watch the opposition shit bricks trying to ram it all through
If the consequences weren't so drastic it would be highly amusing for the programme motion to be voted down and the EU refuse an extension. Then we could watch the opposition shit bricks trying to ram it all through
TSE this is difficult, I’ve been to over 100 Yeovil games at home and away and never heard any racist chants, it is actually a friendly club. The danger is that you motivate one element to go into the away fans with the objective of actually achieving what you suggest. The fact that they have delivered up the two perpetrators to the police from the videos taken is a credit to YTFC. The worst racism I ever heard at YTFC was that we hated Weymouth. Ban the offenders and if there is evidence of endemic racism then clearly come down like a ton of bricks.
Of course you haven't heard racist chants at Yeovil games!
I mean, I remember the last time I was at one. And I spoke to the guy next to me.
"Hi!" I bellowed
"Hello. You. Yes you over there." I continued
I mean he could have been chanting, but I doubt the sound would have carried.
If the consequences weren't so drastic it would be highly amusing for the programme motion to be voted down and the EU refuse an extension. Then we could watch the opposition shit bricks trying to ram it all through
VONC and Revoke might be done in a day
I was told that a VONC would take too long in the context of why Letwin's amendment was needed.
Separate YouGov tables from the same poll of 20/21st October also give latest Westminster VI totals for the four largest parties, allowing VI %s to be worked out before stripping out Other Parties/DK/Non Voters.
Depending on how much of the balance is other parties as opposed to DK/NV, I judge that the headline VI will (if it is ever published) be something like Con 36, Lab 21.5, LD 18.5, BXP 10, Green 6
The poll was taken yesterday and today, so much for Hilary Benns 'cunning plan' to force Boris to ask for an extension putting Labour in the lead as Tory voters desert for the Brexit Party.
Boris and Cummings have outwitted the diehard Remainers again as the Tory lead has actually increased again, looks like all their smugness yesterday was shortlived
Nobody has a clue what the Al deal is, it’s only supported because Al himself isn’t shitting all over it if you can find one individual who actually has taken the trouble to read it then they probably post on here. I actually spent five minutes where I objectively explained why I thought there were problems with the deal to bring everybody round to actually look at the thing.
If the consequences weren't so drastic it would be highly amusing for the programme motion to be voted down and the EU refuse an extension. Then we could watch the opposition shit bricks trying to ram it all through
VONC and Revoke might be done in a day
I was told that a VONC would take too long in the context of why Letwin's amendment was needed.
Let's see if that's still true on October 31st if we're headed for a No Deal crash-out
If the consequences weren't so drastic it would be highly amusing for the programme motion to be voted down and the EU refuse an extension. Then we could watch the opposition shit bricks trying to ram it all through
Bizarely the deal has a better chance of going through than the programme motion .
The costs incurred (let alone the horrific death toll) as a result of the misuse and promotion of these drugs will exceed this every month. An absolute sweet heart deal that will undoubtedly ensure that Trump has no problem funding re-election.
Isn't that just the compensation for those two Ohio counties? Presumably many more will follow.
Incidentally, I am seeing more and more prescription opioid abuse here. Sadly it looks as once more we will copy the USA, 15 years behind.
Yes I had misread it and assumed it was some sort of global settlement. Charles put me right. I would agree about the risks of opioid abuse here. These things seem to be handed out like sweeties.
And who does the handing out? Are they not to be held responsible?
In the USA a lot of the opioids were from Pill Mill pain clinics, where for a $300 10 minute consultation you walk out with a prescription worth 10 times that.
There is a significant secondary market too, where pensioners get legitimate prescriptions, then resell the drugs to addicts.
Increasingly the market has shifted to illegal Chinese synthetic goods and Mexican heroin, sold via a Deliveroo style system. Just as I gamble without ever going in a betting shop, there is no need to find a pusher anymore.
The events in Sinaloa and County Lines here show where the money is.
The behaviour of a fuckwit who has presided over the whole of the Commons being brought into disrepute. The damage this Parliament has done to the standing of our democratic systems will take decades to repair. And Bercow is one of the prime villains.
You know no-one would even know the name John Bercow if it wasn't for the referendum....
Simply not true. He has been a fuckwit all his life. People seem to have forgotten he was a nasty little piece of right wing shit when he was in the Monday Club and has always been a self serving little turd ever since.
I happen to think that the vast majority of his rulings over Brexit have been correct. I said the same about his decision today. It is not anything to do with his decision making that makes him a piece of dwarfish sputum, it is the way he always bigs himself up - often by taking advantage of his position to launch personal attacks on people.
His was hardly suited to be an MP. He is certainly utterly unsuited to be Speaker. The sooner he is consigned to history the better.
If the consequences weren't so drastic it would be highly amusing for the programme motion to be voted down and the EU refuse an extension. Then we could watch the opposition shit bricks trying to ram it all through
VONC and Revoke might be done in a day
I was told that a VONC would take too long in the context of why Letwin's amendment was needed.
Let's see if that's still true on October 31st if we're headed for a No Deal crash-out
Which was my point when I was questioning why Letwin was even needed. It didn't go down well.
The costs incurred (let alone the horrific death toll) as a result of the misuse and promotion of these drugs will exceed this every month. An absolute sweet heart deal that will undoubtedly ensure that Trump has no problem funding re-election.
Isn't that just the compensation for those two Ohio counties? Presumably many more will follow.
Incidentally, I am seeing more and more prescription opioid abuse here. Sadly it looks as once more we will copy the USA, 15 years behind.
Yes I had misread it and assumed it was some sort of global settlement. Charles put me right. I would agree about the risks of opioid abuse here. These things seem to be handed out like sweeties.
And who does the handing out? Are they not to be held responsible?
In the USA a lot of the opioids were from Pill Mill pain clinics, where for a $300 10 minute consultation you walk out with a prescription worth 10 times that.
There is a significant secondary market too, where pensioners get legitimate prescriptions, then resell the drugs to addicts.
Increasingly the market has shifted to illegal Chinese synthetic goods and Mexican heroin, sold via a Deliveroo style system. Just as I gamble without ever going in a betting shop, there is no need to find a pusher anymore.
The events in Sinaloa and County Lines here show where the money is.
It's surreal discussing the drug market in such terms. Reminds me of a piece about Albanian gangs dominating the cocaine trade in the UK, and it seemed like an unintentional praising of their business model, and their committment to quality and low prices pushed down to the consumers through sound logistics.
The behaviour of a fuckwit who has presided over the whole of the Commons being brought into disrepute. The damage this Parliament has done to the standing of our democratic systems will take decades to repair. And Bercow is one of the prime villains.
You know no-one would even know the name John Bercow if it wasn't for the referendum....
Simply not true. He has been a fuckwit all his life. People seem to have forgotten he was a nasty little piece of right wing shit when he was in the Monday Club and has always been a self serving little turd ever since.
I happen to think that the vast majority of his rulings over Brexit have been correct. I said the same about his decision today. It is not anything to do with his decision making that makes him a piece of dwarfish sputum, it is the way he always bigs himself up - often by taking advantage of his position to launch personal attacks on people.
His was hardly suited to be an MP. He is certainly utterly unsuited to be Speaker. The sooner he is consigned to history the better.
Richard....a lovely piece off roasting. Complimenti comrade....and I really do mean that.....
The costs incurred (let alone the horrific death toll) as a result of the misuse and promotion of these drugs will exceed this every month. An absolute sweet heart deal that will undoubtedly ensure that Trump has no problem funding re-election.
Isn't that just the compensation for those two Ohio counties? Presumably many more will follow.
Incidentally, I am seeing more and more prescription opioid abuse here. Sadly it looks as once more we will copy the USA, 15 years behind.
Yes I had misread it and assumed it was some sort of global settlement. Charles put me right. I would agree about the risks of opioid abuse here. These things seem to be handed out like sweeties.
And who does the handing out? Are they not to be held responsible?
Yes they are. But then you have GPs with 10 minute appointments and obnoxious and desperate people looking for prescriptions which will get them to leave within the 10 minutes. It would take the patience and consistency of a saint not to give in sometimes at first and then more often.
You seriously follow that overgrown schoolboys dubious blog?
For moments of amusement like that, yes, I dip in briefly.
And because of the simple pleasure that posting links to it on here seems to excessively rile some folk....
I occasionally ‘dip in’ to bolster my view that I’m happy with my opinions, if I ever really struggle I just go to the comments to realize why I think like I do.
I mainly log on to see if Jolyon has lost again.
After tax and death lawyers will always make money
I think with the notable exception of Messrs Slant, Honeyplace and Morecombe, even lawyers don't tend to make much money once they are dead.
Cummings may want one. He's much more comfortable with the referendum format than party politics.
I must admit I always thought that it was his view that that a second referendum would be necessary.
If it was built up like that by Cameron government from start I understand it’s smart democratic practice little different to what government have enforced on unions in this country, win a vote to be able to go and negotiate, and then put the deal agreed back to gain sign off on it and make change.
Built in from the start solid and sensible I think, but sprung these many years later open to cries of goal post shifting.
If it had been built like that from start, who would have had a problem with it? If so is it a key democratic principle in British industrial law you are arguing with?
In fairness to Cameron (dish-faced twat that he is), although that's obviously a much better process, it wasn't really available to him at the time: The EU wouldn't have negotiated if the British had merely said they were *thinking* of leaving, so the UK would have had to pull the Article 50 lever, and at that time it wasn't clear that there was also a "Revoke" option to unpull it if the second referendum said "nvm".
Separate YouGov tables from the same poll of 20/21st October also give latest Westminster VI totals for the four largest parties, allowing VI %s to be worked out before stripping out Other Parties/DK/Non Voters.
Depending on how much of the balance is other parties as opposed to DK/NV, I judge that the headline VI will (if it is ever published) be something like Con 36, Lab 21.5, LD 18.5, BXP 10, Green 6
The poll was taken yesterday and today, so much for Hilary Benn's 'cunning plan' to force Boris to ask for an extension putting Labour in the lead as Tory voters desert for the Brexit Party.
Boris and Cummings have outwitted the diehard Remainers again as the Tory lead has actually increased again, looks like all their smugness yesterday was shortlived
On the figures above it actually shows a quarter per cent swing from Con (-1) to Lab (-0.5). As you find these movements so thrilling I thought you'd like to have the exact figure.
The last thing Parliament needs is a route map to dither and long delay. That is not a public service.
As you point out its the last thing they need...because they already have it. One thing we know for certain is thta Grieve and others are masters of utilising procedures to delay. If Boris had a Grieve on his side he really would get it through this week rather than posturing about doing so.
The costs incurred (let alone the horrific death toll) as a result of the misuse and promotion of these drugs will exceed this every month. An absolute sweet heart deal that will undoubtedly ensure that Trump has no problem funding re-election.
Isn't that just the compensation for those two Ohio counties? Presumably many more will follow.
Incidentally, I am seeing more and more prescription opioid abuse here. Sadly it looks as once more we will copy the USA, 15 years behind.
Yes I had misread it and assumed it was some sort of global settlement. Charles put me right. I would agree about the risks of opioid abuse here. These things seem to be handed out like sweeties.
And who does the handing out? Are they not to be held responsible?
Yes they are. But then you have GPs with 10 minute appointments and obnoxious and desperate people looking for prescriptions which will get them to leave within the 10 minutes. It would take the patience and consistency of a saint not to give in sometimes at first and then more often.
An Emergency Dept troubled by this sort of client adopted a no opioid as outpatient policy. Opioids were only for inpatients, it worked pretty quickly, though initially quite stressful. Those clients moved on.
The last thing Parliament needs is a route map to dither and long delay. That is not a public service.
Disagree, for the sake of good governance there should always be an option to dither and delay unless absolutely unavoidable (continued government funding, incoming meteor impact, panzers rolling through Clacton etc).
Sometimes all the options turn out to be bad, or it's impossible to pass the good ones, and it's better to do nothing than do something disastrous.
If the consequences weren't so drastic it would be highly amusing for the programme motion to be voted down and the EU refuse an extension. Then we could watch the opposition shit bricks trying to ram it all through
VONC and Revoke might be done in a day
I was told that a VONC would take too long in the context of why Letwin's amendment was needed.
Let's see if that's still true on October 31st if we're headed for a No Deal crash-out
Which was my point when I was questioning why Letwin was even needed. It didn't go down well.
The analogy I'd use is if the ship I am on hits an iceberg it's got lifeboats I can escape on and I will certainly use them if it comes to that.
John Redwood is in a foul mood today in the chamber
Knows he is voting for BINO and consumed by self loathing.
BINO? I thought it was an evil Tory deal leading to a Singapore-style race-to-the-bottom with a side-dish of chlorinated chicken?
It's a bit of both, and could be a bit more of one or a bit more of the other, but human nature being what it is we will both expect the worst. It is worse than what we have now, whatever happens.
The last thing Parliament needs is a route map to dither and long delay. That is not a public service.
Disagree, for the sake of good governance there should always be an option to dither and delay unless absolutely unavoidable (continued government funding, incoming meteor impact, panzers rolling through Clacton etc).
Sometimes all the options turn out to be bad, or it's impossible to pass the good ones, and it's better to do nothing than do something disastrous.
They are testing that to destruction though. When given time they fill it. Boris only got something done when he could not wile away the time as well.
By volume it was Mallinckrodt, Teva, Par, and Purdue/Rhodes
By value J&J was high up the list
Good article
We've had two potential bone breaking challenges on Liverpool players in two matches without appropriate sanction.
VAR really is shit.
Is that not punishment enough?
Wonder whether the floodgates will open against Bercow when he no longer has the protection of the Chair?
Seconds before Hamza Choudhury tackled Salah, Salah had fouled Soyuncu, pushing him in the back to gain the ball. If the ref had blown the whistle for that, then no Choudhury tackle. Karma.
You think Geordies and Mackems would share a lifeboat?
I think the fans should be punished more than the stewards.
PS it is very easy indeed to sign up to get seats for the opposition. A few members of my family and I once signed up to Man Utd membership in order to get tickets to a Man Utd v Liverpool League Cup game on my brother's birthday to which it was impossible to get Away seats. Went to Old Trafford wearing a Liverpool football shirt under my jacket - steward saw my shirt and advised me to zip up my jacket and keep it zipped through the game - and not to cheer if we scored, which we didn't we lost 1-0 - we were unique probably in the stand not to cheer when Utd scored.
Does that count?
I notice the Telegraph has disabled comments on this piece which is somewhat unusual...
Also, given the cost of healthcare in the US, it is cheaper to hand out pain killers to mask the symptoms that it is to fix the problem.
Boris and Cummings have outwitted the diehard Remainers again as the Tory lead has actually increased again, looks like all their smugness yesterday was shortlived
Built in from the start solid and sensible I think, but sprung these many years later open to cries of goal post shifting.
If it had been built like that from start, who would have had a problem with it? If so is it a key democratic principle in British industrial law you are arguing with?
I mean, I remember the last time I was at one. And I spoke to the guy next to me.
"Hi!" I bellowed
"Hello. You. Yes you over there." I continued
I mean he could have been chanting, but I doubt the sound would have carried.
There is a significant secondary market too, where pensioners get legitimate prescriptions, then resell the drugs to addicts.
Increasingly the market has shifted to illegal Chinese synthetic goods and Mexican heroin, sold via a Deliveroo style system. Just as I gamble without ever going in a betting shop, there is no need to find a pusher anymore.
The events in Sinaloa and County Lines here show where the money is.
And I don't want to embarrass [X]
I suspect you may be able to guess who it is
I happen to think that the vast majority of his rulings over Brexit have been correct. I said the same about his decision today. It is not anything to do with his decision making that makes him a piece of dwarfish sputum, it is the way he always bigs himself up - often by taking advantage of his position to launch personal attacks on people.
His was hardly suited to be an MP. He is certainly utterly unsuited to be Speaker. The sooner he is consigned to history the better.
Sometimes all the options turn out to be bad, or it's impossible to pass the good ones, and it's better to do nothing than do something disastrous.
I'd still much rather avoid the iceberg though.
Any Labour MP voting for this as a way of guaranteeing rights is deluded .