Ladbrokes and Betfair have now got markets up on the first big hurdle in WH2020 – the Iowa Caucuses which are scheduled for February 3rd next year. Because of their historical importance and that so many Democrats are contenders this looks set to be a hugely significant day.
If a hard border does come about that will drive Ireland back to talks. So we can refuse the backstop until they drop it.
If a hard border does not come about then it will show the backstop to be the heaping pile of bovine manure we always said it was.
Either way, so long as we hold firm we win.
Northern Ireland will suffer far more than Ireland will.
If we do leave with the backstop as currently formulated OR revoke then you win.
Bet for straight cost of Conservative Party membership, as I will not be a member if we sign up to the backstop. I'm happy with that. Deal?
Good read for any history buffs on the nonsense that is Yellowhammer
If that is a huge problem then I'm happy for the bet as you describe but I will retain bragging rights if what we end up with looks, smells, and feels like a backstop.
Even if NI changes its mind [and NI nationalists won't change their mind, 98% already back the backstop and we are ignoring them] it won't necessarily change the UK's mind.
The drive for the backstop is coming from Ireland. If Ireland says they have an alternative the EU has no justification to stay firm anymore.
Dealers in the Tories are either ok with or resigned to no deal, or currently fooling themselves so they can justify doing nothing.
Step 1 - it's not happening
Step 2 - it could happen but we wont back it
Step 3 - its happening and it's too late for us to stop it Perhaps he intends to move back to the country and change seats?
Any change to PD is not meaningful.
It won't get through the commons with the backstop but the makeup of those who voted down the WA and their reasons fit doing so does not put the backstop high on the list vs stopping any form of brexit .
Nice to know Brexit works for some.
Taking the UK out [and thus taking "Northern Ireland will suffer far more than Ireland will" out of your original post] a hard border will drive Ireland back into negotiations because Ireland doesn't want to have a hard border.
The "insurance policy" will have brought about what it was supposed to insure against. So why continue to demand it?
Easy to disagree with but you seem to have gotten stuck on the opening for reasons that escape me before you even tried to disagree.
Therefore only around 114 should "find Brexit bizarre and offensive".
Any MPs who voted to trigger Article 50 but oppose Brexit are themselves bizarre.
Here's a more balanced view of the seemingly likely descent into self-inflicted harm. Sadly plausible...
However, in the real world it will not be the backstop that drives the UK back to the negotiating table, it will be what’s happening more broadly as the result of No Deal. I get you think everything will be fine. If it isn’t, though, we’ll be back for a deal. And that’s why there’s no reason for the EU/Ireland to agree anything now. Either there won’t be any problems, or they get the backstop.
Do you really think they will separate in any way from Europe to help the UK out of a mess the UK created themselves?
I suppose you could call it the "Union Dividend"......
BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese national working at Britain’s Hong Kong consulate has been detained in China’s border city of Shenzhen for violating the law, the Chinese foreign ministry said on Wednesday, likely worsening already strained ties between Beijing and London.
Hard border = resurgence of terrorist activity = need for British troops to protect border posts and officials.
At the height of Op Banner there were 40,000-odd forces on the ground sent by the UK government (HMF, plus UDR plus RUC).
Those days are gone. The army is now around 80,000 strong so to replicate the Op Banner manning would take the entire British army. Leaving no wiggle room for quelling any troublesome middle Eastern dictators or a pesky Russia for example.
We simply could not cope.
If you think that, you should get a new government......
If you are going to LIE at least try and make it believable.
What is the combined public spend on LHR3 and HS2 up to now ?
Nicola's a liar too then?
And Eck?
And the IndyRef white paper:
Cons 42!!
Lab 28
LDs 15
Brexit 5
Green 3
It suits halfwitted rabid unionists like Carlotta that want to crow about how bad Scotland is , nothing else. Scottish Government are given a set of rigged numbers and have to get on with it as there are no other numbers.
Mind you those Brexit numbers are too low..
That almost entirely explains the Conservatives being 42% in the former and about 32% in the latter.
Cory Booker might have a day in the sun.
We could end up with two winners, one getting the most delegates and another getting the most votes, with the latter having more votes than the former by quite a margin.
Where will NI "consent" for changes to EURegs come from?
Much as I wouldn't mind that poll it does have "outlier" written all over it.....Two thirds of the Brexit Party going to Con......nah.....
St Albans Hertfordshire LIB gain from CON : Anne Main
A: GERS is produced by Scottish Government statisticians. It is designated as a National Statistics product, which means that it is produced independently of Scottish Ministers and has been assessed by the UK Statistics Authority as being produced in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics. This means the statistics have been found to meet user needs, to be methodologically sound, explained well and produced free of political interference.
So if 2 people vote, for candidate A, that'll have more impact than if 100,00 vote total and 80,000 back candidate A?
This reminds me of why subscription models for books, with a pre-determined pool for paying authors, is so daft.
Corresponds to a whacking great VI share in Scotland. 50% ish?
This is GE 2017 run up repeated.
Boris has so far been very assured so unsurprising it is showing up in the polls.
By Wednesday morning, nearly 10,000 people had signed up on Facebook to attend the proposed event that would allow people to sit in deck chairs looking out to sea as "Great Britain wakes up as a closed institution" while enjoying "Dutch chips, French wine and German beer."
Another 60,000 have expressed interest in the Oct. 31 party at Wijk aan Zee, northwest of Amsterdam.
The plan is the brainchild of documentary maker Ron Toekook, who tells Dutch broadcaster NOS it will be "as if you are saying goodbye to a good friend who you hope will return sometime."
I'm starting to actually no blame remainers for No-Deal, They had the power to get the WA on-board, and they went for No-Brexit or bust....
Well guess what, we're getting bust now.
With all polls currently, my rule of thumb is to look at how the No Deal/anti-No Deal votes stack up. This poll is at the top end for No Deal parties, but is broadly in line with the others we have seen. The key, of course, is vote allocation within the two blocs.
My guess is it is an outlier on the high side but it isn't a number the SNP can reach if they're polling sub 40% however the maths is done.
Reluctantly, I must say that this poll has “rogue” written all over it.