I've been through the list of undeclared Tory MPs and there are 25 that might consider voting for Rory Stewart IMO:
Guto Bebb, Tracey Crouch, Jonathan Djanogly, George Freeman, Cheryl Gillan, Damian Green, Justine Greening, Sam Gyimah, Philip Hammond, Stephen Hammond, Richard Harrington, George Hollingbery, Nick Hurd, Alister Jack, Phillip Lee, Jeremy Lefroy, Theresa May, Paul Maynard, Sarah Newton, Jesse Norman, Neil O'Brien, Daniel Poulter, Jeremy Quin, Julian Smith, William Wragg.
Those 25 would take him from 14 to 39 votes.
You also need to consider switchers from Hunt.
Yes, someone like Peter Bottomley would be quite likely to switch from Hunt to Stewart.
Blimey! I had no idea he was still around!
A mere whippersnapper at 74 compared to a few others (Dennis Skinner most notably). Amazing how some of these MPs stick around for decades, almost anonymously in some cases, albeit with moments of high profile for some. Peter Bottomley, Geoffrey Robinson, Barry Sheerman, Jeremy Corbyn, who would have thought they'd still be here after all this time?
Cheryl Gillan is 1922. She doesn't vote iirc.
There were 313 votes last time so she must have a vote too.
Seems to me that Tories are sleep walking into another May-style PM f-ck up.
So much this.
Boris is taking exactly the same approach to Brexit as May did: promise an indeterminate end-state that will magically keep everyone happy, and believe you can get there by force of personality and your negotiating skill.
In theory a leadership election should be the chance for the members to pull the party back from the brink. In practice, they appear to be gleefully cheering it over the cliff.
Completely wrong.
Boris is actually committing to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, it is Rory who is actually continuity May by threatening to extend forever rather than actually deliver Brexit
Boris cannot commit to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal. He just hasn’t got the votes in the House.
He has if he wins an immediate GE and gets a majority
Yes, and pigs might be able to fly if they had wings.
1) by what mechanism could PM Johnson trigger an immediate GE?
2) have you seen the polls? the SCons are not going to save Johnson as they saved May in 2017
If Johnson wants an election, Grandpa Magic has to give him one - he's spent the last two years demanding one, he can hardly turn it down because he looks like he will lose.
So the choice is Jeff Bridges' stunt double from Dumb & Dumber, or James Bond?
If that’s the choice, number 1 all the way please. I'm not a Boris fan but I think I have a pretty good idea of his motivations. That's immensely preferable to me than a member of our friendly neighbourhood spook community. Hope it's not true.
Come on!
Scottish gentry (minor) Scion of an ancient albeit scruffy House Eton educated Former governor of Iraqi province Friends with President of Afghanistan Charming and beautiful wife
It could almost be a character from an Ian Fleming novel
What’s not to like?
Those who knew him in Iraq don't speak highly of his efforts there.......
To be fair he was barely 30!
If you're good enough, you're old enough.
If not....
(One of my neighbours came across him out there. Not a fan.)
So to clarify, some bloke you talk to over the fence while watering the camelia doesn’t like him
Just watching part 4 of the Thatcher doc... mid term hypothetical polls had her behind in 87, and a Labour landslide on the cards...
Have just finished watching the final part on iplayer.
The "wets" were out in force...
Its gratifying to know that everything the likes of Heseltine, Patten and Clarke worked for their entire careers (namely the UK stuck inside a United States Of Europe) is currently in tatters...
NI backstop with a referendum in NI to ratify is surely the best option, but is there time given Boris would need to win a GE ?
Genius move if true.
Enables a FTA for GB and gets the ERG on board and removes the temporary CU for GB true but ensures NI voters likely back the backstop so the DUP can't blame him and the way is clear for the WA to get through even on the current Commons or with a Tory majority after a snap general election
Someone from Boris's team must have been reading this board, because right back at the beginning of this process, I suggested a referendum in Northern Ireland.
There are only two problems with this excellent idea (of mine):
1. The DUP 2. The ERG
And the fact it's a crazy plan.
The best deal we have with the EU is the current deal. It's crazy we are even thinking of ditching it. Only thick xenophobic mofos think otherwise.
Can I just say that this statement from @Philip_Thompson (fpt) -
“Let me be abundantly clear, it is preferable to me that the Troubles restart than the backstop is agreed, though I don't want or expect either.”
must rate as one of the most repulsive I’ve read here - or anywhere.
To prefer the death or maiming of people in Ireland and here to an agreement which will come to an end when a trade agreement is signed..... well, words fail me.
Philip Thompson is Sid and Doris. I think he's spent time in Australia. You've heard the one about the bloke walking through the outback carrying a sheep over his shoulder.
Rory Stewart - ‘the Florence of Belgravia years’ - serialised in tomorrow’s Telegraph. He shockingly had a portrait of himself painted when he left Eton - whereas Boris didn’t take up the offer.
What essential insights we are getting about our potential PM candidates!
I've been through the list of undeclared Tory MPs and there are 25 that might consider voting for Rory Stewart IMO:
Guto Bebb, Tracey Crouch, Jonathan Djanogly, George Freeman, Cheryl Gillan, Damian Green, Justine Greening, Sam Gyimah, Philip Hammond, Stephen Hammond, Richard Harrington, George Hollingbery, Nick Hurd, Alister Jack, Phillip Lee, Jeremy Lefroy, Theresa May, Paul Maynard, Sarah Newton, Jesse Norman, Neil O'Brien, Daniel Poulter, Jeremy Quin, Julian Smith, William Wragg.
Those 25 would take him from 14 to 39 votes.
You also need to consider switchers from Hunt.
Yes, someone like Peter Bottomley would be quite likely to switch from Hunt to Stewart.
Blimey! I had no idea he was still around!
A mere whippersnapper at 74 compared to a few others (Dennis Skinner most notably). Amazing how some of these MPs stick around for decades, almost anonymously in some cases, albeit with moments of high profile for some. Peter Bottomley, Geoffrey Robinson, Barry Sheerman, Jeremy Corbyn, who would have thought they'd still be here after all this time?
Cheryl Gillan is 1922. She doesn't vote iirc.
There were 313 votes last time so she must have a vote too.
Tory members want someone who believes in Brexit now, hence why Boris leads with them comfortably with Raab second. I cannot see Tory members picking a Remainer for some time to come
Yes, not till November, by which time it will be too late.
Most Tory members would rather defect to the Brexit Party if we are still in the EU in November I suspect than vote for a Remainer
In that case the electorate will be more Remainer heavy!
In which case the handful of Tory MPs left if they have not been completely wiped out will be taken over by the LDs anyway
So the choice is Jeff Bridges' stunt double from Dumb & Dumber, or James Bond?
If that’s the choice, number 1 all the way please. I'm not a Boris fan but I think I have a pretty good idea of his motivations. That's immensely preferable to me than a member of our friendly neighbourhood spook community. Hope it's not true.
Come on!
Scottish gentry (minor) Scion of an ancient albeit scruffy House Eton educated Former governor of Iraqi province Friends with President of Afghanistan Charming and beautiful wife
It could almost be a character from an Ian Fleming novel
What’s not to like?
A wife acquired from another man, she was previously married to an academic who lost out to Rory's charms in Afghanistan when they were doing academic research
So the choice is Jeff Bridges' stunt double from Dumb & Dumber, or James Bond?
If that’s the choice, number 1 all the way please. I'm not a Boris fan but I think I have a pretty good idea of his motivations. That's immensely preferable to me than a member of our friendly neighbourhood spook community. Hope it's not true.
Come on!
Scottish gentry (minor) Scion of an ancient albeit scruffy House Eton educated Former governor of Iraqi province Friends with President of Afghanistan Charming and beautiful wife
It could almost be a character from an Ian Fleming novel
What’s not to like?
Those who knew him in Iraq don't speak highly of his efforts there.......
To be fair he was barely 30!
If you're good enough, you're old enough.
If not....
(One of my neighbours came across him out there. Not a fan.)
So to clarify, some bloke you talk to over the fence while watering the camelia doesn’t like him
Bit more than that, to be fair. Some bloke I have lengthy dinners with doesn't like him. He tells me why, over those lengthy dinners.
If Rory Stewart had suggested this idea his head would already be on a pike.
Ruth Davidson currently cannot even beat the Brexit Party in Scotland let alone the SNP and she should thank Boris he will get a FTA polling shows most Scots far prefer to No Deal
I've been through the list of undeclared Tory MPs and there are 25 that might consider voting for Rory Stewart IMO:
Guto Bebb, Tracey Crouch, Jonathan Djanogly, George Freeman, Cheryl Gillan, Damian Green, Justine Greening, Sam Gyimah, Philip Hammond, Stephen Hammond, Richard Harrington, George Hollingbery, Nick Hurd, Alister Jack, Phillip Lee, Jeremy Lefroy, Theresa May, Paul Maynard, Sarah Newton, Jesse Norman, Neil O'Brien, Daniel Poulter, Jeremy Quin, Julian Smith, William Wragg.
Those 25 would take him from 14 to 39 votes.
You also need to consider switchers from Hunt.
Yes, someone like Peter Bottomley would be quite likely to switch from Hunt to Stewart.
Blimey! I had no idea he was still around!
A mere whippersnapper at 74 compared to a few others (Dennis Skinner most notably). Amazing how some of these MPs stick around for decades, almost anonymously in some cases, albeit with moments of high profile for some. Peter Bottomley, Geoffrey Robinson, Barry Sheerman, Jeremy Corbyn, who would have thought they'd still be here after all this time?
Cheryl Gillan is 1922. She doesn't vote iirc.
She votes and she also counts the votes. Not many jobs where you do that.
Just watching part 4 of the Thatcher doc... mid term hypothetical polls had her behind in 87, and a Labour landslide on the cards...
Not a landslide, she trailed by a few points and Kinnock cut the Tory lead to 4 points at one stage in the 1987 campaign before she got her second albeit narrower Tory landslide
NI backstop with a referendum in NI to ratify is surely the best option, but is there time given Boris would need to win a GE ?
Genius move if true.
Enables a FTA for GB and gets the ERG on board and removes the temporary CU for GB true but ensures NI voters likely back the backstop so the DUP can't blame him and the way is clear for the WA to get through even on the current Commons or with a Tory majority after a snap general election
Someone from Boris's team must have been reading this board, because right back at the beginning of this process, I suggested a referendum in Northern Ireland.
There are only two problems with this excellent idea (of mine):
1. The DUP 2. The ERG
And the fact it's a crazy plan.
The best deal we have with the EU is the current deal. It's crazy we are even thinking of ditching it. Only thick xenophobic mofos think otherwise.
Sad times...
What an insightful approach. The same sentiment only without the insults designed to make yourself feel superior might have seen remain sentiment rise a lot higher a lot quicker. Seriously, other than giving yourself a sense of self satisfaction what is the point of just going 'Leave is terrible'?
I think you would get along very well with the Farages of the world, two sides of the same coin, and ones which feed off each other, secretly happy to see things polarised to extremes.
Gets points for honesty at least though.
Fortunately, the awfulness of leave and remain supporters has little bearing on the way a lot of people vote, so I'll join you in voting remain in any future referendum, but your bitterness and Farage like behaviour makes it less than pleasant.
I've been through the list of undeclared Tory MPs and there are 25 that might consider voting for Rory Stewart IMO:
Guto Bebb, Tracey Crouch, Jonathan Djanogly, George Freeman, Cheryl Gillan, Damian Green, Justine Greening, Sam Gyimah, Philip Hammond, Stephen Hammond, Richard Harrington, George Hollingbery, Nick Hurd, Alister Jack, Phillip Lee, Jeremy Lefroy, Theresa May, Paul Maynard, Sarah Newton, Jesse Norman, Neil O'Brien, Daniel Poulter, Jeremy Quin, Julian Smith, William Wragg.
Those 25 would take him from 14 to 39 votes.
You also need to consider switchers from Hunt.
Yes, someone like Peter Bottomley would be quite likely to switch from Hunt to Stewart.
Blimey! I had no idea he was still around!
A mere whippersnapper at 74 compared to a few others (Dennis Skinner most notably). Amazing how some of these MPs stick around for decades, almost anonymously in some cases, albeit with moments of high profile for some. Peter Bottomley, Geoffrey Robinson, Barry Sheerman, Jeremy Corbyn, who would have thought they'd still be here after all this time?
Cheryl Gillan is 1922. She doesn't vote iirc.
There were 313 votes last time so she must have a vote too.
She just won't publically declare.
Graham Brady, Theresa May, Charles Walker, Geoffrey Clifton-Brown and Bob Blackman also didn't reveal how they voted. The latter 3 were also on the "stage" in addition to Cheryl Gillan when the result of the first ballot was announced.
I don't compromise on this principle. Democracy comes before everything else.
Which is why you've been such a forthright voice against the UK's oligarchical media, its hollowing-out of local government, its complete absence of effective regional government, its totally unrepresentative electoral system, its resort to "advisory" referendums without any protection from dark money and foreign influence, and its decades of diminishing political engagement among the public...
On the latest YouGov the Brexit Party would win more seats than the Tories and the Brexit Party and Tories and DUP would have a majority in the Commons combined so it would be PM Farage actually
On the polling, if you chose the right dates to look at it, David Cameron won a big majority in 2010, Nick Clegg won 100+ seats in 2010, Ed Miliband became PM in a hung parliament in 2015, and Theresa May won a massive landslide in 2017.
You really do need to learn to look at least half a step beyond the polling.
In 2015 the LDs were trounced after betraying their promise to reverse tuition fees, the Tories would similarly be trounced at the hands of the Brexit Party if they failed to deliver Brexit.
As the SNP showed in 2015 voters who feel betrayed can easily shift from traditional loyalties
I've been through the list of undeclared Tory MPs and there are 25 that might consider voting for Rory Stewart IMO:
Guto Bebb, Tracey Crouch, Jonathan Djanogly, George Freeman, Cheryl Gillan, Damian Green, Justine Greening, Sam Gyimah, Philip Hammond, Stephen Hammond, Richard Harrington, George Hollingbery, Nick Hurd, Alister Jack, Phillip Lee, Jeremy Lefroy, Theresa May, Paul Maynard, Sarah Newton, Jesse Norman, Neil O'Brien, Daniel Poulter, Jeremy Quin, Julian Smith, William Wragg.
Those 25 would take him from 14 to 39 votes.
You also need to consider switchers from Hunt.
Yes, someone like Peter Bottomley would be quite likely to switch from Hunt to Stewart.
Blimey! I had no idea he was still around!
A mere whippersnapper at 74 compared to a few others (Dennis Skinner most notably). Amazing how some of these MPs stick around for decades, almost anonymously in some cases, albeit with moments of high profile for some. Peter Bottomley, Geoffrey Robinson, Barry Sheerman, Jeremy Corbyn, who would have thought they'd still be here after all this time?
Cheryl Gillan is 1922. She doesn't vote iirc.
There were 313 votes last time so she must have a vote too.
She just won't publically declare.
Graham Brady, Theresa May, Charles Walker, Geoffrey Clifton-Brown and Bob Blackman also didn't reveal how they voted. The latter 3 were also on the "stage" when the result of the first ballot was announced.
I wonder who Tezza did vote for? Stewart, presumably, as he likes her deal.
I've been through the list of undeclared Tory MPs and there are 25 that might consider voting for Rory Stewart IMO:
Guto Bebb, Tracey Crouch, Jonathan Djanogly, George Freeman, Cheryl Gillan, Damian Green, Justine Greening, Sam Gyimah, Philip Hammond, Stephen Hammond, Richard Harrington, George Hollingbery, Nick Hurd, Alister Jack, Phillip Lee, Jeremy Lefroy, Theresa May, Paul Maynard, Sarah Newton, Jesse Norman, Neil O'Brien, Daniel Poulter, Jeremy Quin, Julian Smith, William Wragg.
Those 25 would take him from 14 to 39 votes.
You also need to consider switchers from Hunt.
Yes, someone like Peter Bottomley would be quite likely to switch from Hunt to Stewart.
Blimey! I had no idea he was still around!
A mere whippersnapper at 74 compared to a few others (Dennis Skinner most notably). Amazing how some of these MPs stick around for decades, almost anonymously in some cases, albeit with moments of high profile for some. Peter Bottomley, Geoffrey Robinson, Barry Sheerman, Jeremy Corbyn, who would have thought they'd still be here after all this time?
Cheryl Gillan is 1922. She doesn't vote iirc.
There were 313 votes last time so she must have a vote too.
She just won't publically declare.
Graham Brady, Theresa May, Charles Walker, Geoffrey Clifton-Brown and Bob Blackman also didn't reveal how they voted. The latter 3 were also on the "stage" when the result of the first ballot was announced.
I wonder who Tezza did vote for? Stewart, presumably, as he likes her deal.
If Rory does get through tomorrow's vote (still not certain, but he seems to have a shot), I don't see any route by which he gets further, particularly given how he seems to be viewed by many Tory members. But I wonder if we'll see the sort of doing down comments that the BXP faced for 'underperforming' sky high expectations as though it diminshed what the acheived, and that a failure to get through to the final two will be presented as a big failure for Rory because he and his supporters have gotten a bit overexcited.
NI backstop with a referendum in NI to ratify is surely the best option, but is there time given Boris would need to win a GE ?
Genius move if true.
Enables a FTA for GB and gets the ERG on board and removes the temporary CU for GB true but ensures NI voters likely back the backstop so the DUP can't blame him and the way is clear for the WA to get through even on the current Commons or with a Tory majority after a snap general election
Someone from Boris's team must have been reading this board, because right back at the beginning of this process, I suggested a referendum in Northern Ireland.
There are only two problems with this excellent idea (of mine):
1. The DUP 2. The ERG
And the fact it's a crazy plan.
The best deal we have with the EU is the current deal. It's crazy we are even thinking of ditching it. Only thick xenophobic mofos think otherwise.
Sad times...
What an insightful approach. The same sentiment only without the insults designed to make yourself feel superior might have seen remain sentiment rise a lot higher a lot quicker. Seriously, other than giving yourself a sense of self satisfaction what is the point of just going 'Leave is terrible'?
I think you would get along very well with the Farages of the world, two sides of the same coin, and ones which feed off each other, secretly happy to see things polarised to extremes.
Gets points for honesty at least though.
Fortunately, the awfulness of leave and remain supporters has little bearing on the way a lot of people vote, so I'll join you in voting remain in any future referendum, but your bitterness and Farage like behaviour makes it less than pleasant.
Yes I am bitter about politics at the moment. Lying disingenuous politicians have made this country a f*cking laughing stock.
Brexit sucks and it stinks! To be honest, I respect Farage far more than turds like Johnson.
On the latest YouGov the Brexit Party would win more seats than the Tories and the Brexit Party and Tories and DUP would have a majority in the Commons combined so it would be PM Farage actually
On the polling, if you chose the right dates to look at it, David Cameron won a big majority in 2010, Nick Clegg won 100+ seats in 2010, Ed Miliband became PM in a hung parliament in 2015, and Theresa May won a massive landslide in 2017.
You really do need to learn to look at least half a step beyond the polling.
In 2015 the LDs were trounced after betraying their promise to reverse tuition fees, the Tories would similarly be trounced at the hands of the Brexit Party if they failed to deliver Brexit.
As the SNP showed in 2015 voters who feel betrayed can easily shift from traditional loyalties
You read too much into things from one scenerio to another. The LD were the protest vote party in 2010. They were then a party of govt in 2015. In 2015 the SNP new leader was in peak honeymoon whereas the Tories and Labour were pretty much unchanged from 2010. You really should not believe the rubbish in the Brexit supporting media with regards the Brexit party. They have failed to deliver the sort of results some media outlets have predicted.
The Borisites' panic over Rory is palpable. Why? The membership chose IDS over Ken Clarke; the vast majority of them chose to humiliate their own PM by voting TPB at the euro-elections. It's unthinkable that Boris, Mr Brexit, won't get their endorsement. Why are they so spooked?
I think Boris really wouldn't like to have Rory in the members' ballot. Maybe it's time for his team to start organising some tactical voting to keep him out. Lend a few votes to Hunt and Gove.
You can't put the American people first and the British people first, Katie, you have to choose which one you're loyal to...ah. Yes. Yes, I see your problem. Look, will somebody just lob that girl an American passport and put her out of her misery...
If Rory does get through tomorrow's vote (still not certain, but he seems to have a shot), I don't see any route by which he gets further, particularly given how he seems to be viewed by many Tory members. But I wonder if we'll see the sort of doing down comments that the BXP faced for 'underperforming' sky high expectations as though it diminshed what the acheived, and that a failure to get through to the final two will be presented as a big failure for Rory because he and his supporters have gotten a bit overexcited.
Good night all.
I can envisage a lot of Javid supporters going over to Rory.
Just watching part 4 of the Thatcher doc... mid term hypothetical polls had her behind in 87, and a Labour landslide on the cards...
Not a landslide, she trailed by a few points and Kinnock cut the Tory lead to 4 points at one stage in the 1987 campaign before she got her second albeit narrower Tory landslide
Possibly the last ever Tory landslide? For those who were there, the very thought was inconceivable. It seemed like she'd just go on and on for ever.
Fascinating front page from the Telegraph, in a reversal of what you'd think might be its stance to someone who in background so extraordinarily resembles the profile of a duty-bound James Bond. This is because the subtext is : anyone not fully behind Brexit must be part of an "establishment plot".
The billionaire tax exiles owning the press, the hedge fund donors to both Tory and Brexit causes, and their political representatives in the Commons and the Lords, are not "the establishment", of course.
The Borisites' panic over Rory is palpable. Why? The membership chose IDS over Ken Clarke; the vast majority of them chose to humiliate their own PM by voting TPB at the euro-elections. It's unthinkable that Boris, Mr Brexit, won't get their endorsement. Why are they so spooked?
You can't put the American people first and the British people first, Katie, you have to choose which one you're loyal to...ah. Yes. Yes, I see your problem. Look, will somebody just lob that girl an American passport and put her out of her misery...
Her implication seems to be that Sadiq Khan is not one of "the British people". It's just racism.
Just watching part 4 of the Thatcher doc... mid term hypothetical polls had her behind in 87, and a Labour landslide on the cards...
Not a landslide, she trailed by a few points and Kinnock cut the Tory lead to 4 points at one stage in the 1987 campaign before she got her second albeit narrower Tory landslide
Possibly the last ever Tory landslide? For those who were there, the very thought was inconceivable. It seemed like she'd just go on and on for ever.
Possibly the last Tory landslide until Boris maybe, likely to be the best Tory leader since Thatcher
You can't put the American people first and the British people first, Katie, you have to choose which one you're loyal to...ah. Yes. Yes, I see your problem. Look, will somebody just lob that girl an American passport and put her out of her misery...
Though I suggest a property in Alabama or Ohio rather than San Francisco or New York would be advisable
England are playing Afghanistan tomorrow at Old Trafford. I wonder if any cricket records will be set, such as highest ever innings total if England bat first.
Leavers before 2016: Other countries are interfering in our politics! This is intolerable! We must leave the EU and make our own decisions! Leavers after 2016: The American President and the Italian Deputy Prime Minister want to depose the British Mayor of London! We must obey them!
England are playing Afghanistan tomorrow at Old Trafford. I wonder if any cricket records will be set, such as highest ever innings total if England bat first.
Unlikely. Missing Roy, perhaps Morgan, perhaps even Buttler. Second use of pitch which turned first time out, so Rashid will be a handful. Hope ours is too.
England are playing Afghanistan tomorrow at Old Trafford. I wonder if any cricket records will be set, such as highest ever innings total if England bat first.
Unlikely. Missing Roy, perhaps Morgan, perhaps even Buttler. Second use of pitch which turned first time out, so Rashid will be a handful. Hope ours is too.
Sounds right. It'll be disappointing if England don't bowl Afghanistan out inside 30 overs.
Just watching part 4 of the Thatcher doc... mid term hypothetical polls had her behind in 87, and a Labour landslide on the cards...
Not a landslide, she trailed by a few points and Kinnock cut the Tory lead to 4 points at one stage in the 1987 campaign before she got her second albeit narrower Tory landslide
Possibly the last ever Tory landslide? For those who were there, the very thought was inconceivable. It seemed like she'd just go on and on for ever.
Possibly the last Tory landslide until Boris maybe, likely to be the best Tory leader since Thatcher
In your opinion. Mind you, I was always dubious about him becoming leader. So. I reserve my cynicism for another day .
Unlike Jezza, it is totally believable he was a spy. Jezza on the other hand was simply a useful idiot for the enemy (and still is with his positions on Iran and Russia).
#SackTomWatson now trending on Twitter, looks like Labour will not be going for EUref2 then
If you get something trending then it becomes party policy, that's the way it works right???
You jest but look at all the 'climate emergency' bollocks. Most politicians fall over themselves these days to get on Twitter's side.
"Climate emergency" is not bollocks my right-wing friend. Unfortunately, it is very real!
It totally devalues the word "emergency"!
Surely merely declaring an emergency is enough to save the planet? And then set a target to achieve something in 31 years time alongside setting up a committee to report in 12 months.
What will the middle classes be willing to sacrifice though - and I mean sacrifice:
giving up their spare bedrooms to a needy family living in energy inefficient housing?
finding 40 other people to agree to stop going on holidays by plane to offset the impact of the emissions that will be created by their new born baby?
insisting their woke daughters - inspired by their climate change strike at school - walk everywhere to visit their friends or go to their ballet classes in the pouring rain rather than expecting to be driven everywhere?
refusing to buy Chinese made mobile phones until they decide to stop building the 150 airports planned before we even start on the Heathrow fourth runway - and yes we know they are doing loads on renewables and emit less per head (but there are 1.4 billion of them to our 65 million).
If its an emergency - what exactly are we going to do today and not 30 years hence? Or if as rumoured we only have ten years left anyway - why not enjoy it like everyone outside western Europe, Canada and Australia intends to as far as they can?
England are playing Afghanistan tomorrow at Old Trafford. I wonder if any cricket records will be set, such as highest ever innings total if England bat first.
#SackTomWatson now trending on Twitter, looks like Labour will not be going for EUref2 then
If you get something trending then it becomes party policy, that's the way it works right???
You jest but look at all the 'climate emergency' bollocks. Most politicians fall over themselves these days to get on Twitter's side.
"Climate emergency" is not bollocks my right-wing friend. Unfortunately, it is very real!
It totally devalues the word "emergency"!
Surely merely declaring an emergency is enough to save the planet? And then set a target to achieve something in 31 years time alongside setting up a committee to report in 12 months.
What will the middle classes be willing to sacrifice though - and I mean sacrifice:
giving up their spare bedrooms to a needy family living in energy inefficient housing?
finding 40 other people to agree to stop going on holidays by plane to offset the impact of the emissions that will be created by their new born baby?
insisting their woke daughters - inspired by their climate change strike at school - walk everywhere to visit their friends or go to their ballet classes in the pouring rain rather than expecting to be driven everywhere?
refusing to buy Chinese made mobile phones until they decide to stop building the 150 airports planned before we even start on the Heathrow fourth runway - and yes we know they are doing loads on renewables and emit less per head (but there are 1.4 billion of them to our 65 million).
If its an emergency - what exactly are we going to do today and not 30 years hence? Or if as rumoured we only have ten years left anyway - why not enjoy it like everyone outside western Europe, Canada and Australia intends to as far as they can?
I suppose with the NHS in the state it is, waiting 31 years in the emergency room is quite common.
refusing to buy Chinese made mobile phones until they decide to stop building the 150 airports planned
That doesn't make sense.
Chinese phones may (or may not) have lower energy input costs than Korean ones. Whether the Chinese government is spending on Gross Capital Formation is irrelevant.
Can I just say that this statement from @Philip_Thompson (fpt) -
“Let me be abundantly clear, it is preferable to me that the Troubles restart than the backstop is agreed, though I don't want or expect either.”
must rate as one of the most repulsive I’ve read here - or anywhere.
To prefer the death or maiming of people in Ireland and here to an agreement which will come to an end when a trade agreement is signed..... well, words fail me.
There's currently no shortage of people in this country prepared to say (or at least imply (or at least I can't see another way of interpreting what they're saying)) that increased stabbings are preferable to allowing Stop & Search.
refusing to buy Chinese made mobile phones until they decide to stop building the 150 airports planned
That doesn't make sense.
Chinese phones may (or may not) have lower energy input costs than Korean ones. Whether the Chinese government is spending on Gross Capital Formation is irrelevant.
I think it was more about making a tokenist stand against the actions of the Chinese government?
Still glad you are happy with the plan to commandeer the spare rooms of the better off to house poorer families so we can use energy more efficiently. Starting no doubt with the family homes of public school educated double barrelled limate change protestors. Surely they need to suffer too to save the planet?
Galton & Simpson, Clement and La Frenais, John Sullivan, Ben Elton, Richard Curtis, Jimmy Perry & David Croft, Armando Iannucci, Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Antony Jay, Jonathan Lynn, Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Chris Morris...
refusing to buy Chinese made mobile phones until they decide to stop building the 150 airports planned
That doesn't make sense.
Chinese phones may (or may not) have lower energy input costs than Korean ones. Whether the Chinese government is spending on Gross Capital Formation is irrelevant.
I think it was more about making a tokenist stand against the actions of the Chinese government?
Still glad you are happy with the plan to commandeer the spare rooms of the better off to house poorer families so we can use energy more efficiently. Starting no doubt with the family homes of public school educated double barrelled limate change protestors. Surely they need to suffer too to save the planet?
I was merely pointing out that there was at least one logical fallacy in there
Galton & Simpson, Clement and La Frenais, John Sullivan, Ben Elton, Richard Curtis, Jimmy Perry & David Croft, Armando Iannucci, Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Antony Jay, Jonathan Lynn, Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Chris Morris...
refusing to buy Chinese made mobile phones until they decide to stop building the 150 airports planned
That doesn't make sense.
Chinese phones may (or may not) have lower energy input costs than Korean ones. Whether the Chinese government is spending on Gross Capital Formation is irrelevant.
I think it was more about making a tokenist stand against the actions of the Chinese government?
Still glad you are happy with the plan to commandeer the spare rooms of the better off to house poorer families so we can use energy more efficiently. Starting no doubt with the family homes of public school educated double barrelled limate change protestors. Surely they need to suffer too to save the planet?
I was merely pointing out that there was at least one logical fallacy in there
We don't have time for logical fallacies - the UK parliament and Leo Varadkar have declared an emergency! Its been six weeks since the former and what has been done - its all very worrying?
Galton & Simpson, Clement and La Frenais, John Sullivan, Ben Elton, Richard Curtis, Jimmy Perry & David Croft, Armando Iannucci, Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Antony Jay, Jonathan Lynn, Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Chris Morris...
Galton & Simpson, Clement and La Frenais, John Sullivan, Ben Elton, Richard Curtis, Jimmy Perry & David Croft, Armando Iannucci, Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Antony Jay, Jonathan Lynn, Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Chris Morris...
Galton & Simpson, Clement and La Frenais, John Sullivan, Ben Elton, Richard Curtis, Jimmy Perry & David Croft, Armando Iannucci, Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Antony Jay, Jonathan Lynn, Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Chris Morris...
If I had to guess how the votes of the 4 candidates who are not standing in the second round will be redistributed tomorrow, this is what I'd forecast:
Hancock (20 votes): Stewart 13, Johnson 3, Javid 2, Hunt 1, Gove 1. Leadsom (11 votes): Johnson 6, Raab 3, Gove 1, Javid 1. Harper (10 votes): Johnson 5, Stewart 2, Hunt 1, Gove 1, Javid 1. McVey (9 votes): Johnson 5, Raab 2, Gove 1, Javid 1.
Johnson +19 Stewart +15 Raab + 5 Javid +5 Gove +4 Hunt +2
Galton & Simpson, Clement and La Frenais, John Sullivan, Ben Elton, Richard Curtis, Jimmy Perry & David Croft, Armando Iannucci, Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Antony Jay, Jonathan Lynn, Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Chris Morris...
Weren't they BBC writers?
Yes. Now consider all the fine ITV male writers, such as, um. Hold on, I know this. Er...
(Seriously. I got as far as Tony Warren, now I'm stuck. I am getting senile in my old age... )
Galton & Simpson, Clement and La Frenais, John Sullivan, Ben Elton, Richard Curtis, Jimmy Perry & David Croft, Armando Iannucci, Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Antony Jay, Jonathan Lynn, Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Chris Morris...
Weren't they BBC writers?
Yes. Now consider all the fine ITV male writers, such as, um. Hold on, I know this. Er...
(Seriously. I got as far as Tony Warren, now I'm stuck. I am getting senile in my old age... )
Boris is actually committing to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, it is Rory who is actually continuity May by threatening to extend forever rather than actually deliver Brexit, hence why May voted for him. Hunt and Gove are not much different either.
Nigel Farage is several steps ahead of you (and of Boris):
I do agree with you that if Boris does not deliver Brexit by October 31st we may end up with PM Farage instead to finally deliver what the 52% voted for
We won't end up with PM Farage, but you do need to ask yourself why Farage is setting up this attack line now. He's not stupid.
On the latest YouGov the Brexit Party would win more seats than the Tories and the Brexit Party and Tories and DUP would have a majority in the Commons combined so it would be PM Farage actually
Per Betfair, the Brexit Party is currently odds on to win 0-9 seats.
Galton & Simpson, Clement and La Frenais, John Sullivan, Ben Elton, Richard Curtis, Jimmy Perry & David Croft, Armando Iannucci, Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Antony Jay, Jonathan Lynn, Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Chris Morris...
Weren't they BBC writers?
Yes. Now consider all the fine ITV male writers, such as, um. Hold on, I know this. Er...
(Seriously. I got as far as Tony Warren, now I'm stuck. I am getting senile in my old age... )
To be fair, from the article, it does seem like they are talking mainly about the teams who write jokes for programmes that are not sitcoms.
NI backstop with a referendum in NI to ratify is surely the best option, but is there time given Boris would need to win a GE ?
Genius move if true.
Enables a FTA for GB and gets the ERG on board and removes the temporary CU for GB true but ensures NI voters likely back the backstop so the DUP can't blame him and the way is clear for the WA to get through even on the current Commons or with a Tory majority after a snap general election
Someone from Boris's team must have been reading this board, because right back at the beginning of this process, I suggested a referendum in Northern Ireland.
There are only two problems with this excellent idea (of mine):
1. The DUP 2. The ERG
And the fact it's a crazy plan.
The best deal we have with the EU is the current deal. It's crazy we are even thinking of ditching it. Only thick xenophobic mofos think otherwise.
Sad times...
You clearly have an idea fixe
However, for the record:
1. The current deal with the E.U. no longer exists. According to your metric the “best” outcome we can end up with is E.U. membership plus ignored referendum. That’s worse than the position before the referendum.
2. The current E.U. deal is not static - there is unending pressure towards ever closer union. For me this was probably the key factor in voting Leave. Today’s arrangement is barely adequate and will get worse as time goes on
Rory Stewart - ‘the Florence of Belgravia years’ - serialised in tomorrow’s Telegraph. He shockingly had a portrait of himself painted when he left Eton - whereas Boris didn’t take up the offer.
What essential insights we are getting about our potential PM candidates!
So the choice is Jeff Bridges' stunt double from Dumb & Dumber, or James Bond?
If that’s the choice, number 1 all the way please. I'm not a Boris fan but I think I have a pretty good idea of his motivations. That's immensely preferable to me than a member of our friendly neighbourhood spook community. Hope it's not true.
Come on!
Scottish gentry (minor) Scion of an ancient albeit scruffy House Eton educated Former governor of Iraqi province Friends with President of Afghanistan Charming and beautiful wife
It could almost be a character from an Ian Fleming novel
What’s not to like?
A wife acquired from another man, she was previously married to an academic who lost out to Rory's charms in Afghanistan when they were doing academic research
Your implied misogyny is extraordinary
Women are not “acquired”.
I don’t know his relationship history but they appear to be happily married snd that’s what matters
Just watching part 4 of the Thatcher doc... mid term hypothetical polls had her behind in 87, and a Labour landslide on the cards...
Not a landslide, she trailed by a few points and Kinnock cut the Tory lead to 4 points at one stage in the 1987 campaign before she got her second albeit narrower Tory landslide
I remember the 87 GE, it was my first political bet. I won a pint off my brother having guessed the size of the Tory majority. Labour were never in the running to win, the question was merely how much they could reduce the Tory majority by. At the time Maggie looked to be in control forever. Within a few years she was defenestrated by her own party.
The "wets" were out in force...
Its gratifying to know that everything the likes of Heseltine, Patten and Clarke worked for their entire careers (namely the UK stuck inside a United States Of Europe) is currently in tatters...
The best deal we have with the EU is the current deal. It's crazy we are even thinking of ditching it. Only thick xenophobic mofos think otherwise.
Sad times...
"Are you shearing'?"
"No mate. find your own".
What essential insights we are getting about our potential PM candidates!
I think you would get along very well with the Farages of the world, two sides of the same coin, and ones which feed off each other, secretly happy to see things polarised to extremes.
Gets points for honesty at least though.
Fortunately, the awfulness of leave and remain supporters has little bearing on the way a lot of people vote, so I'll join you in voting remain in any future referendum, but your bitterness and Farage like behaviour makes it less than pleasant.
As the SNP showed in 2015 voters who feel betrayed can easily shift from traditional loyalties
Good night all.
Brexit sucks and it stinks! To be honest, I respect Farage far more than turds like Johnson.
Is there a rule I've missed about 10% + 1 or something?
The billionaire tax exiles owning the press, the hedge fund donors to both Tory and Brexit causes, and their political representatives in the Commons and the Lords, are not "the establishment", of course.
England are playing Afghanistan tomorrow at Old Trafford. I wonder if any cricket records will be set, such as highest ever innings total if England bat first.
Leavers after 2016: The American President and the Italian Deputy Prime Minister want to depose the British Mayor of London! We must obey them!
Who the hell ends up in the places he did, doing what he has done, as a random civilian?
What will the middle classes be willing to sacrifice though - and I mean sacrifice:
giving up their spare bedrooms to a needy family living in energy inefficient housing?
finding 40 other people to agree to stop going on holidays by plane to offset the impact of the emissions that will be created by their new born baby?
insisting their woke daughters - inspired by their climate change strike at school - walk everywhere to visit their friends or go to their ballet classes in the pouring rain rather than expecting to be driven everywhere?
refusing to buy Chinese made mobile phones until they decide to stop building the 150 airports planned before we even start on the Heathrow fourth runway - and yes we know they are doing loads on renewables and emit less per head (but there are 1.4 billion of them to our 65 million).
If its an emergency - what exactly are we going to do today and not 30 years hence? Or if as rumoured we only have ten years left anyway - why not enjoy it like everyone outside western Europe, Canada and Australia intends to as far as they can?
Chinese phones may (or may not) have lower energy input costs than Korean ones. Whether the Chinese government is spending on Gross Capital Formation is irrelevant.
Still glad you are happy with the plan to commandeer the spare rooms of the better off to house poorer families so we can use energy more efficiently. Starting no doubt with the family homes of public school educated double barrelled limate change protestors. Surely they need to suffer too to save the planet?
That won't be awkward...I am speaking to you because, looks at watch, thinks...9 min 45s left...
Or something.
Jezza will probably claim the US have faked the photos.
Hancock (20 votes): Stewart 13, Johnson 3, Javid 2, Hunt 1, Gove 1.
Leadsom (11 votes): Johnson 6, Raab 3, Gove 1, Javid 1.
Harper (10 votes): Johnson 5, Stewart 2, Hunt 1, Gove 1, Javid 1.
McVey (9 votes): Johnson 5, Raab 2, Gove 1, Javid 1.
Johnson +19
Stewart +15
Raab + 5
Javid +5
Gove +4
Hunt +2
(Seriously. I got as far as Tony Warren, now I'm stuck. I am getting senile in my old age...
Weather is dry:
However, for the record:
1. The current deal with the E.U. no longer exists. According to your metric the “best” outcome we can end up with is E.U. membership plus ignored referendum. That’s worse than the position before the referendum.
2. The current E.U. deal is not static - there is unending pressure towards ever closer union. For me this was probably the key factor in voting Leave. Today’s arrangement is barely adequate and will get worse as time goes on
Women are not “acquired”.
I don’t know his relationship history but they appear to be happily married snd that’s what matters