A pity James Cleverly has dropped out of the Tory leadership race as he was one of the more able candidates but in the end he was realistic about his chances
Er, surely if it's No Deal no one needs to work with anyone: just sit back as the crash plays out before our eyes. I'm not saying this is a good thing, but the Tories don't have to go grovelling to Nigel just yet. At least retain a semblance of dignity for as long as you can.
This is perhaps equally concerning: https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/no-sweet-spot-for-spore-in-us-china-tensions ...Last year, China consumed about US$155 billion worth of semiconductors, around 40 per cent of global consumption. But only 5 per cent to 6 per cent was produced in China. It is likely that a large percentage of what was made locally was by foreign manufacturers located in China but vulnerable to US restrictions.
Globally, high-end chip design and manufacture is dominated by just three companies: Taiwan Semiconductor, Samsung and Intel. The last is an American company. The other two are from countries highly dependent on the US for their security....
US/China conflict is slowly ratcheting up, and given the principals involved, mistakes could very easily happen.
"Globally, high-end chip design and manufacture is dominated by just three companies: Taiwan Semiconductor, Samsung and Intel. The last is an American company. The other two are from countries highly dependent on the US for their security...."
Hmmm. High-end chip manufacture (fabrication) is TSMC, Samsung and Intel; sure. They are the only three volume players at the cutting edge of fabrication now that GlobalFoundaries are abandoning the cutting-edge.
However, in design they are not, and there are other big players, such as ARM, Apple, and AMD (all the A's).
In addition, fabrication equipment is heavily reliant on other companies, such as ASML in the Netherlands. China not having access to ASML or other equivalent kit would very much hurt them. Likewise, the tools to design chips are vital, such as the offerings from Cadence.
Chip design and fabrication is really an international trade. AIUI if the US manage to restrict western countries from trading in these areas with Chinese ones, then the Chinese fabs are well and truly f***ed.
Semenya wins appeal. Good for her, but the definition of female is going to be needed to be tightened up now. Y Chromosone = ineligible.
I hate to point this out, but IIRC Caster Semenya has a Y chromosome (quite a few, in fact). What she doesn't have (and never has had) is a penis. Was it that that you were thinking of?
I didn't actually realise she had a Y chromosone ! No, I'm specifically putting it that a Y chromosone should mean ineligibility for female track events.
You’ve probably breached several of the latest -isms by posting that.
It’s a 3 bedroom semi with a modest garden - it’s location (close to my daughter’s school) is why it has a silly valuation.
So yes, the price would fall about 15% for every 1% of tax, and I’d have to move somewhere a lot further away (and probably move schools)
I actually think a % tax rate is a reasonably sensible idea - provided it replaces other taxes - but needs to be phased in over quite a long period of time.
The curious thing will be how do they handle differences in prices between regions. Round my neck of the woods a decent 4 bedroom house is £200,000 say, down in Buckinghamshire it would be £800,000 but both would currently be council band D and pay the same amount.
And in super prime London it would be £7m...
For a house in council tax band level D (so worth 68,001 - £88,000 in 1991)?
I'm going to curse Dominic Raab for the rest of my life.
A reliable source tells me 'What is happening is Raab is underwhelming MPs, he's actively scaring MPs, he comes across as a very cold fish, the true TIT (Theresa in trousers), and that's helping Boris.'
Actually I think Corbyn's proposal of reintroducing the old Rates is not a bad one, although the transition to get there would be electorally brave. Also it should be a flat rate, not a percentage increasing with value, which is distorting.
I do like the pretence that for rented property it would be owners not renters who pay it. I suppose that will fool some people.
Trying to come up with a wholly fair method of funding local Government which doesn't surrender all control to central Government isn't easy. It falls because the nation isn't economically homogenous - there are, in relative terms and not surprisingly, rich bits and poor bits. Central Government comes in and helps out the poor bits with a bit of redistribution from central funding but in terms of funding local Government the disparity means some Councils get a big slice of grant and others have to be almost self-sufficient.
I wonder if the answer to seeking a single form of local Government funding is not to try - could there not be different funding models and tax-raising models so you'd have an "urban" model based on denser population, a "suburban" model which brings some notion of property values into the equation and a "rural" model based on land values?
Confusing? Maybe but it would be a recognition of where and how we were instead of some form of egalitarian one-size-fits-all model which creates huge anomalies and disparities.
Er, surely if it's No Deal no one needs to work with anyone: just sit back as the crash plays out before our eyes. I'm not saying this is a good thing, but the Tories don't have to go grovelling to Nigel just yet. At least retain a semblance of dignity for as long as you can.
Presumably John Redwood is suggesting that having failed to do a deal with Labour MPs, the government should approach the large group of Brexit Party MPs and get support in parliament from them.
It's an innovative proposal, but I think there might be just a tiny little flaw..
It's initially electorally brave. But it should be possible to design the policy so that most people pay much less in council tax/housing tax. That should make it electorally popular in the longer term.
The problem is that those getting a saving (probably a small saving in practice) won't be very grateful but the smaller number getting a massive hit will make a lot of noise. The papers will be full of horror stories of old ladies losing the homes they've lived in for 50 years etc etc. It's a really difficult thing to do - which is why we haven't even had what should be an uncontroversial updating of the council tax bands.
True. It also may be particularly unpopular in Islington. If the tax can be deferred until sale then little old ladies won't lose their home, they'll just pass on less dosh. Nevertheless something like this has to happen at some point.
A pity James Cleverly has dropped out of the Tory leadership race as he was one of the more able candidates but in the end he was realistic about his chances
It's initially electorally brave. But it should be possible to design the policy so that most people pay much less in council tax/housing tax. That should make it electorally popular in the longer term.
The problem is that those getting a saving (probably a small saving in practice) won't be very grateful but the smaller number getting a massive hit will make a lot of noise. The papers will be full of horror stories of old ladies losing the homes they've lived in for 50 years etc etc. It's a really difficult thing to do - which is why we haven't even had what should be an uncontroversial updating of the council tax bands.
True. It also may be particularly unpopular in Islington. If the tax can be deferred until sale then little old ladies won't lose their home, they'll just pass on less dosh. Nevertheless something like this has to happen at some point.
If I lived in Islington, I'd cross the Lib Dem box in blood at the next election.
So he is a former 'business partner' of a company which let British steel go into administration - so its his fault British steel went into administration?
Some people might think a self made man of a single mother who became a multi millionaire who wants to represent his home town in parliament (despite all the rubbish which would no doubt be thrown at him) when he could have an easier life enjoying his said millions might be someone worth celebrating.
Yes sometimes businesses fail but its risk takers like Mike Greene who create wealth and provide the taxes to fund public services. Obviously something FT journalists don't quite get?
Still as the saying goes you know when you are winning when they start getting personal.....
I'm going to curse Dominic Raab for the rest of my life.
A reliable source tells me 'What is happening is Raab is underwhelming MPs, he's actively scaring MPs, he comes across as a very cold fish, the true TIT (Theresa in trousers), and that's helping Boris.'
Early days but it looks like Hunt, Gove and Johnson in this race to me. Raab might gobble up the McVey, Baker, and Leadsom support but he won’t go any further.
And Hancock and the Saj just haven’t got enough momentum.
I'm going to curse Dominic Raab for the rest of my life.
A reliable source tells me 'What is happening is Raab is underwhelming MPs, he's actively scaring MPs, he comes across as a very cold fish, the true TIT (Theresa in trousers), and that's helping Boris.'
Early days but it looks like Hunt, Gove and Johnson in this race to me. Raab might gobble up the McVey, Baker, and Leadsom support but he won’t go any further.
And Hancock and the Saj just haven’t got enough momentum.
At the moment I am backing candidates I expect to make it to the first round at least, which is as far down the list as Hancock.
I have to say that I am not at all impressed with TM decision to prolong her resignation as leader until the 7th June. I have been loyal to her, and consider her deal as the best on offer, but that does not mean I cannot have a go at this delay which serves no purpose but creates the space for every man/woman and their dog to stand for leader and then PM
She made the right decision to continue as interim PM awaiting the election of her successor but the last two weeks have been painful to watch as she became irrelevant and yesterdays story
We could have been into the leadership election already and for that I do criticise her unreservedly
May remains PM mid July, she just ceases being Tory leader on Friday, perhaps in hope that the rise of the Brexit Party and the threat of PM Boris and No Deal could yet win round enough Labour MPs from Leave seats to put her Withdrawal Agreement forward again and get a legacy
Er, surely if it's No Deal no one needs to work with anyone: just sit back as the crash plays out before our eyes. I'm not saying this is a good thing, but the Tories don't have to go grovelling to Nigel just yet. At least retain a semblance of dignity for as long as you can.
Presumably John Redwood is suggesting that having failed to do a deal with Labour MPs, the government should approach the large group of Brexit Party MPs and get support in parliament from them.
It's an innovative proposal, but I think there might be just a tiny little flaw..
If we could just get a few dozen more Labour MPs jailed for perverting the course of justice, then the plan might work.
In the late 90s I was fortunate to buy my first flat with a chunky mortgage. I have made a couple of moves but have always lived in my flat and owned no other property in the U.K.
With some help from my Dad I bought my last house for about £4.5m (I can feel the sympathy already). Virtually all of the equity I put in was paper gains on previous properties.
Assuming a 1% tax I would be charged almost half my post-tax income in new taxes. That simply isn’t affordable.
This illustrates how good Corbyn's proposal is.
Exactly. If your £4mn in equity had come from your hard work or even via capital gains on another asset you'd have already been taxed on it. A proper wealth or land tax is long overdue, and there are of course deferral oprions (or equity release provided by the private sector) to make sure you or the proverbial little old lady are not out on your ear.
So he is a former 'business partner' of a company which let British steel go into administration - so its his fault British steel went into administration?
Some people might think a self made man of a single mother who became a multi millionaire who wants to represent his home town in parliament (despite all the rubbish which would no doubt be thrown at him) when he could have an easier life enjoying his said millions might be someone worth celebrating.
Yes sometimes businesses fail but its risk takers like Mike Greene who create wealth and provide the taxes to fund public services. Obviously something FT journalists don't quite get?
Still as the saying goes you know when you are winning when they start getting personal.....
If Mike Greene has created wealth as you say, then it would be a good idea to point to the wealth he has created. Whilst there is a place in the economy for asset strippers (somebody has to strip the meat off the corpse and make stew), they're not usually counted in the wealth creation bracket. Or have I misunderstood?
Incredible. The Tory party is losing it completely. And this from one of its elder statesmen. Bonkers. It is like they are willing the end...
Given in all the last 3 Westminster polls the Brexit Party lead the Tories you may not like Farage but he cannot be ignored
Since when did governing parties start inviting the opposition in as soon as they are ahead in the polls? You’re only saying that because you think he’s one of you, or perhaps more accurately, you’re one of them.
Is Greybull serially inept or is something ungood happening?
The Chris Grayling of PICs.
It wasn't a rhetorical question.
Greybull's targets are all in deep trouble. So what if none of them continue to trade under the old names - the question is, what money has been made, what jobs saved? The answer is, we really don't know.
So he is a former 'business partner' of a company which let British steel go into administration - so its his fault British steel went into administration?
Some people might think a self made man of a single mother who became a multi millionaire who wants to represent his home town in parliament (despite all the rubbish which would no doubt be thrown at him) when he could have an easier life enjoying his said millions might be someone worth celebrating.
Yes sometimes businesses fail but its risk takers like Mike Greene who create wealth and provide the taxes to fund public services. Obviously something FT journalists don't quite get?
Still as the saying goes you know when you are winning when they start getting personal.....
Isn't the problem that Greybull are asset strippers who break up failing companies, and keep some of the lucrative parts? Vultures are an essential part of the ecosystem, but when they are following you then it is not a good sign. Capitalism raw in tooth and claw, better to not be on the receiving end!
Incredible. The Tory party is losing it completely. And this from one of its elder statesmen. Bonkers. It is like they are willing the end...
Given in all the last 3 Westminster polls the Brexit Party lead the Tories you may not like Farage but he cannot be ignored
Since when did governing parties start inviting the opposition in as soon as they are ahead in the polls? You’re only saying that because you think he’s one of you, or perhaps more accurately, you’re one of them.
I voted Tory in the European Parliament elections but most Tory members and 2017 Tory voters who voted voted Brexit Party, if Boris or Raab or McVey wins Farage may well be consulted on any Brexit renegotiation
Semenya wins appeal. Good for her, but the definition of female is going to be needed to be tightened up now. Y Chromosone = ineligible.
I hate to point this out, but IIRC Caster Semenya has a Y chromosome (quite a few, in fact). What she doesn't have (and never has had) is a penis. Was it that that you were thinking of?
I didn't actually realise she had a Y chromosone ! No, I'm specifically putting it that a Y chromosone should mean ineligibility for female track events.
Is that a Y chromosone in any single cell in the body? Some people have mosaicism/chimerism
You mean he is happy to meet a guy who has locked up 1 million Muslims in concentration camps for 're-education' but not a man who still allows 90% of the world's Muslims tourist visas for his country (i.e. the ones not from seven failed/hostile states on a list picked originally by Obama - some of which also have sizeable Christian populations who experience the same restrictions and the majority of which have the death penalty for gay people)?
Incredible. The Tory party is losing it completely. And this from one of its elder statesmen. Bonkers. It is like they are willing the end...
Given in all the last 3 Westminster polls the Brexit Party lead the Tories you may not like Farage but he cannot be ignored
Since when did governing parties start inviting the opposition in as soon as they are ahead in the polls? You’re only saying that because you think he’s one of you, or perhaps more accurately, you’re one of them.
I voted Tory in the European Parliament elections but most Tory members and 2017 Tory voters who voted voted Brexit Party, if Boris or Raab or McVey wins Farage may well be consulted on any Brexit renegotiation
Remember the song Trump used to recite during his campaign... Don’t complain when Farage bites you.
“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in”
Raab's price looks wrong, he must have more than a 4% chance I think.
Raab has drifted wildly since his manifesto included sending small boys up chimneys.
I don't care, he still is 4th in the endorsements with plenty of hardcore ERG in the undecided category. I'm not saying he's the likely winner and I'm not putting all my eggs in his basket. He should be > 4% chance to win though.
Semenya wins appeal. Good for her, but the definition of female is going to be needed to be tightened up now. Y Chromosone = ineligible.
I hate to point this out, but IIRC Caster Semenya has a Y chromosome (quite a few, in fact). What she doesn't have (and never has had) is a penis. Was it that that you were thinking of?
I didn't actually realise she had a Y chromosone ! No, I'm specifically putting it that a Y chromosone should mean ineligibility for female track events.
Then you know nothing about human genetics. Penty of women albeit a small proportion have a Y Chromosome. There are also men who have XX and XXY chromosomes.
I'm going to curse Dominic Raab for the rest of my life.
A reliable source tells me 'What is happening is Raab is underwhelming MPs, he's actively scaring MPs, he comes across as a very cold fish, the true TIT (Theresa in trousers), and that's helping Boris.'
Early days but it looks like Hunt, Gove and Johnson in this race to me. Raab might gobble up the McVey, Baker, and Leadsom support but he won’t go any further.
And Hancock and the Saj just haven’t got enough momentum.
This Tory race is like a Masters leaderboard; only the big hitters will be left as we get to the back nine.
Sounds as if it's over for ChUK. I think everyone agreed that the chances of their lasting and making any impact were always remote. Nevertheless, the romantic in me always finds something strangely beautiful about that which shines spectacularly, for however short a time, before fading into nothingness.
Perhaps mumsnet was about to endorse her - and pulled out before any damage was done?
Still I like Andrea - hopefully Boris will give her a job this time round. If he had made the effort before Gove announced in 2016 she wouldn't have stood and Boris would probably have become PM.
I think leaving either a) a party that has been taken over by swiveleyed nationalists or alternatively leaving b) a party that has been taken over by Marxists and anti-Semites is not lacking in principles.
Unless you, of course, you are a swivel-eyed nationalist, and anti-Semite, a Marxist, or possible a mixture of all of these repugnant moronic philosophies.
I'm going to curse Dominic Raab for the rest of my life.
A reliable source tells me 'What is happening is Raab is underwhelming MPs, he's actively scaring MPs, he comes across as a very cold fish, the true TIT (Theresa in trousers), and that's helping Boris.'
Early days but it looks like Hunt, Gove and Johnson in this race to me. Raab might gobble up the McVey, Baker, and Leadsom support but he won’t go any further.
And Hancock and the Saj just haven’t got enough momentum.
This Tory race is like a Masters leaderboard; only the big hitters will be left as we get to the back nine.
I've no idea what that means, but it sounds right!
Today seems to be the beginning of the end for the palookas, which is a shame because it has been nice while it lasted.
Hmmm. High-end chip manufacture (fabrication) is TSMC, Samsung and Intel; sure. They are the only three volume players at the cutting edge of fabrication now that GlobalFoundaries are abandoning the cutting-edge.
However, in design they are not, and there are other big players, such as ARM, Apple, and AMD (all the A's).
In addition, fabrication equipment is heavily reliant on other companies, such as ASML in the Netherlands. China not having access to ASML or other equivalent kit would very much hurt them. Likewise, the tools to design chips are vital, such as the offerings from Cadence.
Chip design and fabrication is really an international trade. AIUI if the US manage to restrict western countries from trading in these areas with Chinese ones, then the Chinese fabs are well and truly f***ed.
But, I’ve lost track of what they all are.
A reliable source tells me 'What is happening is Raab is underwhelming MPs, he's actively scaring MPs, he comes across as a very cold fish, the true TIT (Theresa in trousers), and that's helping Boris.'
I wonder if the answer to seeking a single form of local Government funding is not to try - could there not be different funding models and tax-raising models so you'd have an "urban" model based on denser population, a "suburban" model which brings some notion of property values into the equation and a "rural" model based on land values?
Confusing? Maybe but it would be a recognition of where and how we were instead of some form of egalitarian one-size-fits-all model which creates huge anomalies and disparities.
It's an innovative proposal, but I think there might be just a tiny little flaw..
I am heavily exposed on Stewart and Leadsom too, in part because I was trying to clawback on Boris.
Jacob hates Khan
Trump likes Farage
Redwood likes Farage
See Jacob jump!
See Redwood jump!
Trump likes Boris
Jacob likes Boris
Trump likes Boris
Redwood likes Boris
See Jacob jump!
See Redwood jump!
(Sung to the tune of Frere Jacque...
Some people might think a self made man of a single mother who became a multi millionaire who wants to represent his home town in parliament (despite all the rubbish which would no doubt be thrown at him) when he could have an easier life enjoying his said millions might be someone worth celebrating.
Yes sometimes businesses fail but its risk takers like Mike Greene who create wealth and provide the taxes to fund public services. Obviously something FT journalists don't quite get?
Still as the saying goes you know when you are winning when they start getting personal.....
And Hancock and the Saj just haven’t got enough momentum.
Rory Stewart remains a bit strong at 25-30...
It is going to prove an epic fail for "the lay the leading Tory" mantra.
Greybull's targets are all in deep trouble. So what if none of them continue to trade under the old names - the question is, what money has been made, what jobs saved? The answer is, we really don't know.
well, reasons.
Pakistan won a cricket match as well.
“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in”
The ones who are too short are Leadsom (still) and Rory Stewart, who should be about 500/1
Still Conte may not be PM for much longer.
Eldest son said this morning: “Why could Corbyn make time to join this demo but not the one for a People’s Vote?”
First Widdecombe, then Murray - who will be the next to 'unretire'?
What a mess.
Still I like Andrea - hopefully Boris will give her a job this time round. If he had made the effort before Gove announced in 2016 she wouldn't have stood and Boris would probably have become PM.
Unless you, of course, you are a swivel-eyed nationalist, and anti-Semite, a Marxist, or possible a mixture of all of these repugnant moronic philosophies.