politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » What happens to CHUK if it fails to more than win a couple of MEPs a week on Thursday?
I have just received my freepost delivery of the CHUK Euros leaflet and I reproduce the pages that have words on it above. I’m sure many PBers will have seen it as well.
> @kyf_100 said: > > @Cicero said: > > Never mind CHUK, what about the future of the rump Conservatives? > > Never mind the bollocks, what about the Lib Dems?
They've gone populist, albeit in sandals. They need to be careful.
Delusions of grandeur from the off. Top down, superiority complex, ridden throwbacks to the time of the corporate politics that Leave and Corbyn voters rebelled against. However angrily well off, upper middle class people type from their laptops, they'll never have the fire of the downtrodden.
They should be made to write essays on the lyrics of "Common People"
Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there.
> @Cicero said: > Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there.
Hope you don't get too excited and resist the urge to become some mirror image of Farage.
Jeremy Hunt embarrassing himself in a desperate attempt to suck upto the Tory Membership.
Nothing worse than these born again Leavers who are so desperate to get the top job that they’ll say and do anything .
I’d rather have a Brexiter who nailed their colours to the mast before the vote as next PM.
For two reasons , an original Remainer will have to overcompensate to prove they’re now true believers , digging an even deeper hole for themselves , much as what’s happened to May who now realizes she promised what she couldn’t deliver .
Second , let a Brexiter own it which means we won’t have to hear the constant whining that if only a Brexiter was in charge it would all have turned out marvelous .
If that is not a gammon next to Chuk on the leaflet, what is it?
'X is broken' is very lame and retro stuff; I think Cameron campaigned on 'society is broken.'
They aren't very good, and they haven't listened to PB telling them they aren't very good. If they had, they would have gone out and hired someone competent.
Their best hope is probably still the same as it was when they originally formed - that large (or at least reasonably large) numbers of MPs from other parties all feel the need to get out of their current homes because they can no longer stick to the official line for whatever reason.
If nothing else the current polling for the main parties and splits within them would suggest that British politics fragmenting further is still a considerable possibility.
> @isam said: > Delusions of grandeur from the off. Top down, superiority complex, ridden throwbacks to the time of the corporate politics that Leave and Corbyn voters rebelled against. However angrily well off, upper middle class people type from their laptops, they'll never have the fire of the downtrodden. > > They should be made to write essays on the lyrics of "Common People"
Toffs make the best revolutionaries. Friedrich Engels loved his foxhunting.
Jeremy Hunt embarrassing himself in a desperate attempt to suck upto the Tory Membership.
Nothing worse than these born again Leavers who are so desperate to get the top job that they’ll say and do anything .
I’d rather have a Brexiter who nailed their colours to the mast before the vote as next PM.
For two reasons , an original Remainer will have to overcompensate to prove they’re now true believers , digging an even deeper hole for themselves , much as what’s happened to May who now realizes she promised what she couldn’t deliver .
Second , let a Brexiter own it which means we won’t have to hear the constant whining that if only a Brexiter was in charge it would all have turned out marvelous .
Pretty sure it will be a Boris landslide, so you get your wish.
I was going to vote for Change UK but given their complete inability to get anything of interest in the media. I have decided to vote LD in the European elections. The best thing that the MPs of Change UK can do is let the Lib Dems gobble them up! It does not make sense to carry on as Independents...
> @Ishmael_Z said: > If that is not a gammon next to Chuk on the leaflet, what is it? > > 'X is broken' is very lame and retro stuff; I think Cameron campaigned on 'society is broken.' > > They aren't very good, and they haven't listened to PB telling them they aren't very good. If they had, they would have gone out and hired someone competent.
it fails because when pressed what they would do, most of their answers are 'remain doing the same stuff'
if you wanted to embrace change, you'd be pro-brexit, non?
Jeremy Hunt embarrassing himself in a desperate attempt to suck upto the Tory Membership.
Nothing worse than these born again Leavers who are so desperate to get the top job that they’ll say and do anything .
I’d rather have a Brexiter who nailed their colours to the mast before the vote as next PM.
For two reasons , an original Remainer will have to overcompensate to prove they’re now true believers , digging an even deeper hole for themselves , much as what’s happened to May who now realizes she promised what she couldn’t deliver .
Second , let a Brexiter own it which means we won’t have to hear the constant whining that if only a Brexiter was in charge it would all have turned out marvelous .
Pretty sure it will be a Boris landslide, so you get your wish.
Still feel pretty confident in saying/betting Boris won't make the final two.
Remember the MPs control the first half of the leadership contest, doesn't matter what the members want.
> @Cicero said: > Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there.
Great news , thanks for letting us know how things are going . Really good to see the Lib Dems finally getting some reward for their second vote stand . Also it’s about bloody time voters moved on from the student fees drama.
> @BannedInParis said: > > @Ishmael_Z said: > > If that is not a gammon next to Chuk on the leaflet, what is it? > > > > 'X is broken' is very lame and retro stuff; I think Cameron campaigned on 'society is broken.' > > > > They aren't very good, and they haven't listened to PB telling them they aren't very good. If they had, they would have gone out and hired someone competent. > > it fails because when pressed what they would do, most of their answers are 'remain doing the same stuff' > > if you wanted to embrace change, you'd be pro-brexit, non?
My problem is I always read 'change' as if it were part of a crossword clue, so I see 'Change UK' and think wtf does KU mean?
Jeremy Hunt embarrassing himself in a desperate attempt to suck upto the Tory Membership.
Nothing worse than these born again Leavers who are so desperate to get the top job that they’ll say and do anything .
I’d rather have a Brexiter who nailed their colours to the mast before the vote as next PM.
For two reasons , an original Remainer will have to overcompensate to prove they’re now true believers , digging an even deeper hole for themselves , much as what’s happened to May who now realizes she promised what she couldn’t deliver .
Second , let a Brexiter own it which means we won’t have to hear the constant whining that if only a Brexiter was in charge it would all have turned out marvelous .
Pretty sure it will be a Boris landslide, so you get your wish.
Still feel pretty confident in saying/betting Boris won't make the final two.
Remember the MPs control the first half of the leadership contest, doesn't matter what the members want.
The party's MPs will be metaphorically torn limb from limb if they don't put Boris to the membership.
Honestly, I can't see the party surviving intact from that.
Jeremy Hunt embarrassing himself in a desperate attempt to suck upto the Tory Membership.
Nothing worse than these born again Leavers who are so desperate to get the top job that they’ll say and do anything .
I’d rather have a Brexiter who nailed their colours to the mast before the vote as next PM.
For two reasons , an original Remainer will have to overcompensate to prove they’re now true believers , digging an even deeper hole for themselves , much as what’s happened to May who now realizes she promised what she couldn’t deliver .
Second , let a Brexiter own it which means we won’t have to hear the constant whining that if only a Brexiter was in charge it would all have turned out marvelous .
Pretty sure it will be a Boris landslide, so you get your wish.
Still feel pretty confident in saying/betting Boris won't make the final two.
Remember the MPs control the first half of the leadership contest, doesn't matter what the members want.
The party's MPs will be metaphorically torn limb from limb if they don't put Boris to the membership.
Honestly, I can't see the party surviving intact from that.
Boris might just pull out again like he did in the last leadership election.
> > If that is not a gammon next to Chuk on the leaflet, what is it?
> >
> > 'X is broken' is very lame and retro stuff; I think Cameron campaigned on 'society is broken.'
> >
> > They aren't very good, and they haven't listened to PB telling them they aren't very good. If they had, they would have gone out and hired someone competent.
> it fails because when pressed what they would do, most of their answers are 'remain doing the same stuff'
> if you wanted to embrace change, you'd be pro-brexit, non?
My problem is I always read 'change' as if it were part of a crossword clue, so I see 'Change UK' and think wtf does KU mean?
They have all "Changed" their stance on a second referendum and implementing Brexit since they came out with a load of old tosh to get elected less than two years ago.
Jeremy Hunt embarrassing himself in a desperate attempt to suck upto the Tory Membership.
Nothing worse than these born again Leavers who are so desperate to get the top job that they’ll say and do anything .
I’d rather have a Brexiter who nailed their colours to the mast before the vote as next PM.
For two reasons , an original Remainer will have to overcompensate to prove they’re now true believers , digging an even deeper hole for themselves , much as what’s happened to May who now realizes she promised what she couldn’t deliver .
Second , let a Brexiter own it which means we won’t have to hear the constant whining that if only a Brexiter was in charge it would all have turned out marvelous .
Pretty sure it will be a Boris landslide, so you get your wish.
Still feel pretty confident in saying/betting Boris won't make the final two.
Remember the MPs control the first half of the leadership contest, doesn't matter what the members want.
The party's MPs will be metaphorically torn limb from limb if they don't put Boris to the membership.
Honestly, I can't see the party surviving intact from that.
I struggle to see this. I am told Boris polls very high with members, but surely not 'I'd die in a ditch for him' high. Takes all sorts I supose!
I don't get this Boris thing. Maybe Sussex isn't typical, but I've lost count of the number of local party members (mostly Leavers) who have spontaneously said to me personally, or gone out of their way in meetings to say, that they can't abide him. Conversely, I haven't heard anyone say they support him.
> @isam said: > Delusions of grandeur from the off. Top down, superiority complex, ridden throwbacks to the time of the corporate politics that Leave and Corbyn voters rebelled against. However angrily well off, upper middle class people type from their laptops, they'll never have the fire of the downtrodden. > > They should be made to write essays on the lyrics of "Common People"
> @Richard_Nabavi said: > I don't get this Boris thing. Maybe Sussex isn't typical, but I've lost count of the number of local party members (mostly Leavers) who have spontaneously said to me personally, or gone out of their way in meetings to say, that they can't abide him. Conversely, I haven't heard anyone say they support him.
I know a Tory member who voted Leave who said they would not want him as PM...
> @Richard_Nabavi said: > I don't get this Boris thing. Maybe Sussex isn't typical, but I've lost count of the number of local party members (mostly Leavers) who have spontaneously said to me personally, or gone out of their way in meetings to say, that they can't abide him. Conversely, I haven't heard anyone say they support him.
Change UK is chock full of what Alastair Meeks calls 'dull competence' - the sort of modern day 'officer class' of politician that we want doing things and that the arrival of the ghastly lower-middle class Brexit wave threatens to sweep away. I'm glad CHUK has shown once again that that is a total myth, and that all these people had going for them was a veneer of competence provided by big teams, plentiful finance, and media approval. Strip that away and these people are clueless.
> @isam said: > Change UK are utterly lame, as is their leaflet. They have no idea what they want nor how to get it nor how to persuade others. > > And the selfie picture is unbelievably smug. > > Have you seen the PPB? > > No. Not interested really. Why? Is it a Must See because it is so bad? > > Everything about it is bad. Wooden delivery, no passion or energy, cold looking, poor script.. Like a 6th form project by amateurs > > You be the judge, if you so wish. > > > > The use of "Remain" to start slogans is he best bit I'd say
> @Luckyguy1983 said: > Change UK is chock full of what Alastair Meeks calls 'dull competence' - the sort of modern day 'officer class' of politician that we want doing things and that the arrival of the ghastly lower-middle class Brexit wave threatens to sweep away. I'm glad CHUK has shown once again that that is a total myth, and that all these people had going for them was a veneer of competence provided by big teams, plentiful finance, and media approval. Strip that away and these people are clueless.
That applies quite broadly: Farage, May, Corbyn. The whole lot rely on the teams behind them.
> @Luckyguy1983 said: > Change UK is chock full of what Alastair Meeks calls 'dull competence' - the sort of modern day 'officer class' of politician that we want doing things and that the arrival of the ghastly lower-middle class Brexit wave threatens to sweep away. I'm glad CHUK has shown once again that that is a total myth, and that all these people had going for them was a veneer of competence provided by big teams, plentiful finance, and media approval. Strip that away and these people are clueless.
The Tory press make and break people and Change UK is no different. On the otherhand Farage is lucky at the moment, the Brexit supporting media are giving him 'the works'. However, if he fails to deliver they will turn upon him with a vengeance....
Change UK is chock full of what Alastair Meeks calls 'dull competence' - the sort of modern day 'officer class' of politician that we want doing things and that the arrival of the ghastly lower-middle class Brexit wave threatens to sweep away. I'm glad CHUK has shown once again that that is a total myth, and that all these people had going for them was a veneer of competence provided by big teams, plentiful finance, and media approval. Strip that away and these people are clueless.
It would - almost - be worth having Farage as PM to watch him enact his particular brand of “competence”. I suspect that we would be looking back at May’s Premiership as a golden age.
> @nico67 said: > > @Cicero said: > > Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there. > > Great news , thanks for letting us know how things are going . Really good to see the Lib Dems finally getting some reward for their second vote stand . Also it’s about bloody time voters moved on from the student fees drama. > > > >
Yeah, who cares about the the tripling of young peoples debts because they have the temerity to ask for an education, and by a party that claimed to oppose such a policy.
Re: the thread header, I imagine CUK will last until the next GE then cease to be and become an anecdote of how not to launch a party.
> @solarflare said: > Their best hope is probably still the same as it was when they originally formed - that large (or at least reasonably large) numbers of MPs from other parties all feel the need to get out of their current homes because they can no longer stick to the official line for whatever reason. > > If nothing else the current polling for the main parties and splits within them would suggest that British politics fragmenting further is still a considerable possibility.
I think Watson is a major power broker leading perhaps 150 Labour MPs. Much more powerful than ERG or any of the minor parties. Dissident Labour MPs will join him rather than CHUK.
> @Cicero said: > Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there.
I just wonder ... if we might be in for a massive surprise.
At the very least I think the LDs and BPs will both poll in the 20's. But I do just wonder ...
Change UK is chock full of what Alastair Meeks calls 'dull competence' - the sort of modern day 'officer class' of politician that we want doing things and that the arrival of the ghastly lower-middle class Brexit wave threatens to sweep away. I'm glad CHUK has shown once again that that is a total myth, and that all these people had going for them was a veneer of competence provided by big teams, plentiful finance, and media approval. Strip that away and these people are clueless.
It would - almost - be worth having Farage as PM to watch him enact his particular brand of “competence”. I suspect that we would be looking back at May’s Premiership as a golden age.
Sorry but I have to totally disagree. Not all PMs are of the Thatcher mould - poring over red boxes till 1am. Cameron just made announcements most of the time and flew by the seat of his pants. And he was fine as far as it goes. I'm neither expecting, nor hoping for PM Farage, but he's a good communicator, and in terms of being 'up to it' I don't see that huge gulf. In terms of his legislative agenda that's a different debate.
> @isam said: > Change UK are utterly lame, as is their leaflet. They have no idea what they want nor how to get it nor how to persuade others. > > And the selfie picture is unbelievably smug. > > Have you seen the PPB? > > No. Not interested really. Why? Is it a Must See because it is so bad? > > Everything about it is bad. Wooden delivery, no passion or energy, cold looking, poor script.. Like a 6th form project by amateurs > > You be the judge, if you so wish. > > > > The use of "Remain" to start slogans is he best bit I'd say
The last minute is utterly ridiculous - and indeed presumptuous! Heidi Allen is in no position to say there will be a televised debate this Friday. Since when does she control the Broadcasters and how can she seriously believe that they will meekly bow to her wishes? Pure fantasy.
In theory CUK should be aiming for Blairite and Tory Remainers who find the Greens or even the LDs too left-wing and would never vote for a Corbyn led Labour Party or a Boris or Raab led Tory Party.
At the moment ironically the fact we are still in the EU and May is still leading the Tories is reducing its appeal with some potential CUK voters still voting Tory. Others may have gone LD but if we do still Brexit, Boris succeeds May as Tory leader, Corbyn remains Labour leader and Cable is succeeded by a more liberal left LD leader CUK May get more of a hearing. CUK will need to improve its marketing though, the bus unveiled this morning was a PR disaster and totally uneye-catching and probably get a more visible leader than Heidi Allen, most probably Chuka
> @Richard_Nabavi said: > I don't get this Boris thing. Maybe Sussex isn't typical, but I've lost count of the number of local party members (mostly Leavers) who have spontaneously said to me personally, or gone out of their way in meetings to say, that they can't abide him. Conversely, I haven't heard anyone say they support him.
Boris won our local party members' vote for next Tory leader in Epping Forest with Raab and Leadsom joint second.
ConHome's latest Tory members poll had Boris beating Hunt, Javid and Gove comfortably head to head with Raab running him closest.
Comres at the weekend had a Boris led Tory Party on a 7% higher voteshare than it is now with the Brexit Party total halved, a bigger lift than either Raab or Rudd gave the party
Change UK is chock full of what Alastair Meeks calls 'dull competence' - the sort of modern day 'officer class' of politician that we want doing things and that the arrival of the ghastly lower-middle class Brexit wave threatens to sweep away. I'm glad CHUK has shown once again that that is a total myth, and that all these people had going for them was a veneer of competence provided by big teams, plentiful finance, and media approval. Strip that away and these people are clueless.
It would - almost - be worth having Farage as PM to watch him enact his particular brand of “competence”. I suspect that we would be looking back at May’s Premiership as a golden age.
Sorry but I have to totally disagree. Not all PMs are of the Thatcher mould - poring over red boxes till 1am. Cameron just made announcements most of the time and flew by the seat of his pants. And he was fine as far as it goes. I'm neither expecting, nor hoping for PM Farage, but he's a relatively good communicator, and in terms of being 'up to it' I don't see that huge gulf. In terms of his legislative agenda that's a different debate.
Nothing in Farage’s past suggests any sort of competence at the actual mechanics of government. Quite the opposite. He is a good communicator. But he shines because so many other politicians are so bad at at it. And because he is prepared to say whatever will get him the applause and the approval.
I see him and I see the commodity broker he used to be. I have investigated a number of such people. Lying crooks the lot of them. Farage acts, talks and behaves like them and I am afraid when I see him in action I see just another example of the sorts of people I have so enjoyed investigating over the years. I realise that this is a very particular perspective. But there you are.
It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> @justin124 said: > > @isam said: > > Change UK are utterly lame, as is their leaflet. They have no idea what they want nor how to get it nor how to persuade others. > > > > And the selfie picture is unbelievably smug. > > > > Have you seen the PPB? > > > > No. Not interested really. Why? Is it a Must See because it is so bad? > > > > Everything about it is bad. Wooden delivery, no passion or energy, cold looking, poor script.. Like a 6th form project by amateurs > > > > You be the judge, if you so wish. > > > > > > > > The use of "Remain" to start slogans is he best bit I'd say > > The last minute is utterly ridiculous - and indeed presumptuous! Heidi Allen is in no position to say there will be a televised debate this Friday. Since when does she control the Broadcasters and how can she seriously believe that they will meekly bow to her wishes? Pure fantasy.
It's also pure fantasy to assume calling for a televised debate is a vote winner? What is this, 2010? Just Westminster bubble bullshit. The country does not want politicians gassing on television but getting on to resolve the Brexit impasse one way or another.
Change UK is chock full of what Alastair Meeks calls 'dull competence' - the sort of modern day 'officer class' of politician that we want doing things and that the arrival of the ghastly lower-middle class Brexit wave threatens to sweep away. I'm glad CHUK has shown once again that that is a total myth, and that all these people had going for them was a veneer of competence provided by big teams, plentiful finance, and media approval. Strip that away and these people are clueless.
It would - almost - be worth having Farage as PM to watch him enact his particular brand of “competence”. I suspect that we would be looking back at May’s Premiership as a golden age.
Sorry but I have to totally disagree. Not all PMs are of the Thatcher mould - poring over red boxes till 1am. Cameron just made announcements most of the time and flew by the seat of his pants. And he was fine as far as it goes. I'm neither expecting, nor hoping for PM Farage, but he's a relatively good communicator, and in terms of being 'up to it' I don't see that huge gulf. In terms of his legislative agenda that's a different debate.
Nothing in Farage’s past suggests any sort of competence at the actual mechanics of government. Quite the opposite. He is a good communicator. But he shines because so many other politicians are so bad at at it. And because he is prepared to say whatever will get him the applause and the approval.
I see him and I see the commodity broker he used to be. I have investigated a number of such people. Lying crooks the lot of them. Farage acts, talks and behaves like them and I am afraid when I see him in action I see just another example of the sorts of people I have so enjoyed investigating over the years. I realise that this is a very particular perspective. But there you are.
Farage is not a team player. There is little to no evidence that he would perform even satisfactorily outside a command and control environment.
> @nico67 said: > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing. > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on . > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote . > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> @nico67 said: > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing. > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on . > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote . > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
Regardless of the party vote shares, the turnout next week is likely to reveal that the public is far from being obsessed with Brexit. They are certainly sick to death of it.
> @TheScreamingEagles said: > Jeremy Hunt embarrassing himself in a desperate attempt to suck upto the Tory Membership. > > > > Nothing worse than these born again Leavers who are so desperate to get the top job that they’ll say and do anything . > > > > I’d rather have a Brexiter who nailed their colours to the mast before the vote as next PM. > > > > For two reasons , an original Remainer will have to overcompensate to prove they’re now true believers , digging an even deeper hole for themselves , much as what’s happened to May who now realizes she promised what she couldn’t deliver . > > > > Second , let a Brexiter own it which means we won’t have to hear the constant whining that if only a Brexiter was in charge it would all have turned out marvelous . > > Pretty sure it will be a Boris landslide, so you get your wish. > > Still feel pretty confident in saying/betting Boris won't make the final two. > > Remember the MPs control the first half of the leadership contest, doesn't matter what the members want.
Boris is up to 50 Tory MPs backing him in the latest reports with Hunt first on 75 and Raab third on 20
Change UK is chock full of what Alastair Meeks calls 'dull competence' - the sort of modern day 'officer class' of politician that we want doing things and that the arrival of the ghastly lower-middle class Brexit wave threatens to sweep away. I'm glad CHUK has shown once again that that is a total myth, and that all these people had going for them was a veneer of competence provided by big teams, plentiful finance, and media approval. Strip that away and these people are clueless.
It would - almost - be worth having Farage as PM to watch him enact his particular brand of “competence”. I suspect that we would be looking back at May’s Premiership as a golden age.
Sorry but I have to totally disagree. Not all PMs are of the Thatcher mould - poring over red boxes till 1am. Cameron just made announcements most of the time and flew by the seat of his pants. And he was fine as far as it goes. I'm neither expecting, nor hoping for PM Farage, but he's a relatively good communicator, and in terms of being 'up to it' I don't see that huge gulf. In terms of his legislative agenda that's a different debate.
Nothing in Farage’s past suggests any sort of competence at the actual mechanics of government. Quite the opposite. He is a good communicator. But he shines because so many other politicians are so bad at at it. And because he is prepared to say whatever will get him the applause and the approval.
I see him and I see the commodity broker he used to be. I have investigated a number of such people. Lying crooks the lot of them. Farage acts, talks and behaves like them and I am afraid when I see him in action I see just another example of the sorts of people I have so enjoyed investigating over the years. I realise that this is a very particular perspective. But there you are.
It's a very valuable perspective. However, acting like a crook and being a successful politician are not mutually exclusive!
> @justin124 said: > > @nico67 said: > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing. > > > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on . > > > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote . > > > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters. > > Regardless of the party vote shares, the turnout next week is likely to reveal that the public is far from being obsessed with Brexit. They are certainly sick to death of it.
It probably won't, given that it is likely to be about the same as previous EU elections.
> @RobD said: > > @nico67 said: > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing. > > > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on . > > > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote . > > > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters. > > Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently?
Well today's Kantar poll has Labour on 34% with the Tories on 25%.
> @Cicero said: > Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there.
Where were you campaigning? Richmond on Thames? Round here it is all Brexit Party
> @RobD said: > > @nico67 said: > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing. > > > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on . > > > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote . > > > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters. > > Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently?
Yes great news , bar one outlier Kantar , Labour are losing a shedload of votes to the Lib Dems and Greens .
Corbyn needs to go , Keir Starmer needs to go for it over the summer and send Corbyn back to his allotment .
I’m not interested in a few more years of delusion in Labour , Corbyn will never win a GE.
> @RobD said: > > @justin124 said: > > > @nico67 said: > > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing. > > > > > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on . > > > > > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote . > > > > > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters. > > > > Regardless of the party vote shares, the turnout next week is likely to reveal that the public is far from being obsessed with Brexit. They are certainly sick to death of it. > > It probably won't, given that it is likely to be about the same as previous EU elections.
The last time we had EU elections held on a stand alone basis was in 1999 . Turnout was a mere 24%. Thereafter, they were combined with Local Elections to boost turnout. I expect it to be higher than in 1999, but will not be surprised if it does not exceed the circa 35% we saw on 2nd May.
> @justin124 said: > > @nico67 said: > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing. > > > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on . > > > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote . > > > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters. > > Regardless of the party vote shares, the turnout next week is likely to reveal that the public is far from being obsessed with Brexit. They are certainly sick to death of it.
They have not had Brexit yet despite voting for it, hence the Brexit Party is surging in the polls and will win the European elections and probably the Peterborough by election a fortnight later too
> @nico67 said: > > @RobD said: > > > @nico67 said: > > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing. > > > > > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on . > > > > > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote . > > > > > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters. > > > > Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently? > > Yes great news , bar one outlier Kantar , Labour are losing a shedload of votes to the Lib Dems and Greens . > > Corbyn needs to go , Keir Starmer needs to go for it over the summer and send Corbyn back to his allotment . > > I’m not interested in a few more years of delusion in Labour , Corbyn will never win a GE.
It doesn’t include the BP or Change UK in its original list of choices for Westminster . It includes them after people have said other to the question .
I don't think so. It's got eleven or twelve MPs and it'll show its quality over the next year or so and it'll also collect more recruits as Tories and Labour despair of their choices of Boris and Corbyn. I believe the future's bright and when the public get to see Heidi Allen more closely and regularly they'll be sold.
> @justin124 said: > > @nico67 said: > > > @RobD said: > > > > @nico67 said: > > > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing. > > > > > > > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on . > > > > > > > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote . > > > > > > > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters. > > > > > > Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently? > > > > Yes great news , bar one outlier Kantar , Labour are losing a shedload of votes to the Lib Dems and Greens . > > > > Corbyn needs to go , Keir Starmer needs to go for it over the summer and send Corbyn back to his allotment . > > > > I’m not interested in a few more years of delusion in Labour , Corbyn will never win a GE. > > What were your expectations in 2017?
Low , May imploded and many voters didn’t want the Tories to get a big majority . Labour only win an election if they narrow the gap in the over 65s .
That demographic is key and Corbyn is a big turn off for them . It’s all well and good getting younger voters but there’s simply not enough to make up the shortfall .
> @nico67 said: > > @justin124 said: > > > @nico67 said: > > > > @RobD said: > > > > > @nico67 said: > > > > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing. > > > > > > > > > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on . > > > > > > > > > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote . > > > > > > > > > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters. > > > > > > > > Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently? > > > > > > Yes great news , bar one outlier Kantar , Labour are losing a shedload of votes to the Lib Dems and Greens . > > > > > > Corbyn needs to go , Keir Starmer needs to go for it over the summer and send Corbyn back to his allotment . > > > > > > I’m not interested in a few more years of delusion in Labour , Corbyn will never win a GE. > > > > What were your expectations in 2017? > > Low , May imploded and many voters didn’t want the Tories to get a big majority . Labour only win an election if they narrow the gap in the over 65s . > > That demographic is key and Corbyn is a big turn off for them . It’s all well and good getting younger voters but there’s simply not enough to make up the shortfall . > >
I am not a Corbynite either , but in 2017 Labour exceeded the 36% won by Blair in 2005 - and the 37% and 39% managed under Harold Wilson in the February and October 1974 elections.
> @nico67 said: > One thing to bear in mind with the Kantar Poll. > > It doesn’t include the BP or Change UK in its original list of choices for Westminster . It includes them after people have said other to the question .
Which is a bit misleading as both will appear on the ballot paper
> @HYUFD said: > > @nico67 said: > > One thing to bear in mind with the Kantar Poll. > > > > It doesn’t include the BP or Change UK in its original list of choices for Westminster . It includes them after people have said other to the question . > > Which is a bit misleading as both will appear on the ballot paper
It’s quite important in polling when you don’t prompt .
If you don’t mention all the parties then that’s fine it’s a level playing field but if you say the rest and then say other it does make a difference .
> @Roger said: > I don't think so. It's got eleven or twelve MPs and it'll show its quality over the next year or so and it'll also collect more recruits as Tories and Labour despair of their choices of Boris and Corbyn. I believe the future's bright and when the public get to see Heidi Allen more closely and regularly they'll be sold. > >
The other day you were gushing over Caroline Lucas and today it is Heidi Allen.
> @HYUFD said: > > @nico67 said: > > One thing to bear in mind with the Kantar Poll. > > > > It doesn’t include the BP or Change UK in its original list of choices for Westminster . It includes them after people have said other to the question . > > Which is a bit misleading as both will appear on the ballot paper
I will be amazed if Change UK appears on my ballot paper at the next GE.
My problem is I always read 'change' as if it were part of a crossword clue, so I see 'Change UK' and think wtf does KU mean?
Kock Up.
That seems to be the most likely explanation for their website not being on the first five pages of Google results when you search for "Change UK". (I couldn't be bothered to search for any more.) I'm not making this up.
> I don't think so. It's got eleven or twelve MPs and it'll show its quality over the next year or so and it'll also collect more recruits as Tories and Labour despair of their choices of Boris and Corbyn. I believe the future's bright and when the public get to see Heidi Allen more closely and regularly they'll be sold.
The other day you were gushing over Caroline Lucas and today it is Heidi Allen.
One thing that could save Change UK is if a high profile LEADER from Labour or the Tories defected to them and/or if a large number of MPs also did. They couldn't do a takeover of the Lib Dems but they could do that with Change UK.
> @Roger said: > I don't think so. It's got eleven or twelve MPs and it'll show its quality over the next year or so and it'll also collect more recruits as Tories and Labour despair of their choices of Boris and Corbyn. I believe the future's bright and when the public get to see Heidi Allen more closely and regularly they'll be sold. > >
> @nico67 said: > Another great poll by BMG for the Lib Dems just out. The BP is ahead but we are seeing huge differences in their lead . > > BP 26 > Lab 22 > Lib Dem 19 > Con 12 > Green 10 > UKIP 3
Tories surge to 4th and overtake the Greens!
LDs now closer to Labour than Labour are to the Brexit Party
> @nico67 said: > Another great poll by BMG for the Lib Dems just out. The BP is ahead but we are seeing huge differences in their lead . > > BP 26 > Lab 22 > Lib Dem 19 > Con 12 > Green 10 > UKIP 3
> Never mind CHUK, what about the future of the rump Conservatives?
Never mind the bollocks, what about the Lib Dems?
> > @Cicero said:
> > Never mind CHUK, what about the future of the rump Conservatives?
> Never mind the bollocks, what about the Lib Dems?
They've gone populist, albeit in sandals. They need to be careful.
I'm at Headingley on Sunday, if England rest Jos Buttler for that match I'm going to riot.
They should be made to write essays on the lyrics of "Common People"
Except it wasn't fun whilst it lasted.
Perhaps in nine months we'll be (un)pleasantly surprised.
> Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there.
Hope you don't get too excited and resist the urge to become some mirror image of Farage.
Nothing worse than these born again Leavers who are so desperate to get the top job that they’ll say and do anything .
I’d rather have a Brexiter who nailed their colours to the mast before the vote as next PM.
For two reasons , an original Remainer will have to overcompensate to prove they’re now true believers , digging an even deeper hole for themselves , much as what’s happened to May who now realizes she promised what she couldn’t deliver .
Second , let a Brexiter own it which means we won’t have to hear the constant whining that if only a Brexiter was in charge it would all have turned out marvelous .
'X is broken' is very lame and retro stuff; I think Cameron campaigned on 'society is broken.'
They aren't very good, and they haven't listened to PB telling them they aren't very good. If they had, they would have gone out and hired someone competent.
If nothing else the current polling for the main parties and splits within them would suggest that British politics fragmenting further is still a considerable possibility.
> And to think people on here rated some of these clowns...
B-but I thought there was a huge gap in the centre! Voters were crying out!
> Delusions of grandeur from the off. Top down, superiority complex, ridden throwbacks to the time of the corporate politics that Leave and Corbyn voters rebelled against. However angrily well off, upper middle class people type from their laptops, they'll never have the fire of the downtrodden.
> They should be made to write essays on the lyrics of "Common People"
Toffs make the best revolutionaries. Friedrich Engels loved his foxhunting.
> If that is not a gammon next to Chuk on the leaflet, what is it?
> 'X is broken' is very lame and retro stuff; I think Cameron campaigned on 'society is broken.'
> They aren't very good, and they haven't listened to PB telling them they aren't very good. If they had, they would have gone out and hired someone competent.
it fails because when pressed what they would do, most of their answers are 'remain doing the same stuff'
if you wanted to embrace change, you'd be pro-brexit, non?
Remember the MPs control the first half of the leadership contest, doesn't matter what the members want.
> Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there.
Great news , thanks for letting us know how things are going . Really good to see the Lib Dems finally getting some reward for their second vote stand . Also it’s about bloody time voters moved on from the student fees drama.
This guy claims he hates extremism.
You can't make this stuff up.
> > @Ishmael_Z said:
> > If that is not a gammon next to Chuk on the leaflet, what is it?
> >
> > 'X is broken' is very lame and retro stuff; I think Cameron campaigned on 'society is broken.'
> >
> > They aren't very good, and they haven't listened to PB telling them they aren't very good. If they had, they would have gone out and hired someone competent.
> it fails because when pressed what they would do, most of their answers are 'remain doing the same stuff'
> if you wanted to embrace change, you'd be pro-brexit, non?
My problem is I always read 'change' as if it were part of a crossword clue, so I see 'Change UK' and think wtf does KU mean?
Honestly, I can't see the party surviving intact from that.
> Delusions of grandeur from the off. Top down, superiority complex, ridden throwbacks to the time of the corporate politics that Leave and Corbyn voters rebelled against. However angrily well off, upper middle class people type from their laptops, they'll never have the fire of the downtrodden.
> They should be made to write essays on the lyrics of "Common People"
Enough about Farage. What about CUK?
And the selfie picture is unbelievably smug.
> I don't get this Boris thing. Maybe Sussex isn't typical, but I've lost count of the number of local party members (mostly Leavers) who have spontaneously said to me personally, or gone out of their way in meetings to say, that they can't abide him. Conversely, I haven't heard anyone say they support him.
I know a Tory member who voted Leave who said they would not want him as PM...
> I don't get this Boris thing. Maybe Sussex isn't typical, but I've lost count of the number of local party members (mostly Leavers) who have spontaneously said to me personally, or gone out of their way in meetings to say, that they can't abide him. Conversely, I haven't heard anyone say they support him.
Sussex is of course unusually wise.
You be the judge, if you so wish.
The use of "Remain" to start slogans is he best bit I'd say
> Change UK are utterly lame, as is their leaflet. They have no idea what they want nor how to get it nor how to persuade others.
> And the selfie picture is unbelievably smug.
> Have you seen the PPB?
> No. Not interested really. Why? Is it a Must See because it is so bad?
> Everything about it is bad. Wooden delivery, no passion or energy, cold looking, poor script.. Like a 6th form project by amateurs
> You be the judge, if you so wish.
> The use of "Remain" to start slogans is he best bit I'd say
Finally, we are agreed!
Absolutely awful
> Change UK is chock full of what Alastair Meeks calls 'dull competence' - the sort of modern day 'officer class' of politician that we want doing things and that the arrival of the ghastly lower-middle class Brexit wave threatens to sweep away. I'm glad CHUK has shown once again that that is a total myth, and that all these people had going for them was a veneer of competence provided by big teams, plentiful finance, and media approval. Strip that away and these people are clueless.
That applies quite broadly: Farage, May, Corbyn. The whole lot rely on the teams behind them.
This is generally good thing.
> Change UK is chock full of what Alastair Meeks calls 'dull competence' - the sort of modern day 'officer class' of politician that we want doing things and that the arrival of the ghastly lower-middle class Brexit wave threatens to sweep away. I'm glad CHUK has shown once again that that is a total myth, and that all these people had going for them was a veneer of competence provided by big teams, plentiful finance, and media approval. Strip that away and these people are clueless.
The Tory press make and break people and Change UK is no different. On the otherhand Farage is lucky at the moment, the Brexit supporting media are giving him 'the works'. However, if he fails to deliver they will turn upon him with a vengeance....
> > @Cicero said:
> > Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there.
> Great news , thanks for letting us know how things are going . Really good to see the Lib Dems finally getting some reward for their second vote stand . Also it’s about bloody time voters moved on from the student fees drama.
Yeah, who cares about the the tripling of young peoples debts because they have the temerity to ask for an education, and by a party that claimed to oppose such a policy.
Re: the thread header, I imagine CUK will last until the next GE then cease to be and become an anecdote of how not to launch a party.
> Their best hope is probably still the same as it was when they originally formed - that large (or at least reasonably large) numbers of MPs from other parties all feel the need to get out of their current homes because they can no longer stick to the official line for whatever reason.
> If nothing else the current polling for the main parties and splits within them would suggest that British politics fragmenting further is still a considerable possibility.
I think Watson is a major power broker leading perhaps 150 Labour MPs. Much more powerful than ERG or any of the minor parties. Dissident Labour MPs will join him rather than CHUK.
> I must say, a party which campaigns on a leaflet featuring Chuka taking a selfie must be said to be out with the fairies.
> Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there.
I just wonder ... if we might be in for a massive surprise.
At the very least I think the LDs and BPs will both poll in the 20's. But I do just wonder ...
> Change UK are utterly lame, as is their leaflet. They have no idea what they want nor how to get it nor how to persuade others.
> And the selfie picture is unbelievably smug.
> Have you seen the PPB?
> No. Not interested really. Why? Is it a Must See because it is so bad?
> Everything about it is bad. Wooden delivery, no passion or energy, cold looking, poor script.. Like a 6th form project by amateurs
> You be the judge, if you so wish.
> The use of "Remain" to start slogans is he best bit I'd say
The last minute is utterly ridiculous - and indeed presumptuous! Heidi Allen is in no position to say there will be a televised debate this Friday. Since when does she control the Broadcasters and how can she seriously believe that they will meekly bow to her wishes? Pure fantasy.
At the moment ironically the fact we are still in the EU and May is still leading the Tories is reducing its appeal with some potential CUK voters still voting Tory. Others may have gone LD but if we do still Brexit, Boris succeeds May as Tory leader, Corbyn remains Labour leader and Cable is succeeded by a more liberal left LD leader CUK May get more of a hearing. CUK will need to improve its marketing though, the bus unveiled this morning was a PR disaster and totally uneye-catching and probably get a more visible leader than Heidi Allen, most probably Chuka
> I don't get this Boris thing. Maybe Sussex isn't typical, but I've lost count of the number of local party members (mostly Leavers) who have spontaneously said to me personally, or gone out of their way in meetings to say, that they can't abide him. Conversely, I haven't heard anyone say they support him.
Boris won our local party members' vote for next Tory leader in Epping Forest with Raab and Leadsom joint second.
ConHome's latest Tory members poll had Boris beating Hunt, Javid and Gove comfortably head to head with Raab running him closest.
Comres at the weekend had a Boris led Tory Party on a 7% higher voteshare than it is now with the Brexit Party total halved, a bigger lift than either Raab or Rudd gave the party
I see him and I see the commodity broker he used to be. I have investigated a number of such people. Lying crooks the lot of them. Farage acts, talks and behaves like them and I am afraid when I see him in action I see just another example of the sorts of people I have so enjoyed investigating over the years. I realise that this is a very particular perspective. But there you are.
I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> > @isam said:
> > Change UK are utterly lame, as is their leaflet. They have no idea what they want nor how to get it nor how to persuade others.
> >
> > And the selfie picture is unbelievably smug.
> >
> > Have you seen the PPB?
> >
> > No. Not interested really. Why? Is it a Must See because it is so bad?
> >
> > Everything about it is bad. Wooden delivery, no passion or energy, cold looking, poor script.. Like a 6th form project by amateurs
> >
> > You be the judge, if you so wish.
> >
> >
> >
> > The use of "Remain" to start slogans is he best bit I'd say
> The last minute is utterly ridiculous - and indeed presumptuous! Heidi Allen is in no position to say there will be a televised debate this Friday. Since when does she control the Broadcasters and how can she seriously believe that they will meekly bow to her wishes? Pure fantasy.
It's also pure fantasy to assume calling for a televised debate is a vote winner? What is this, 2010? Just Westminster bubble bullshit. The country does not want politicians gassing on television but getting on to resolve the Brexit impasse one way or another.
> It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
> I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
> I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
> And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently?
> It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
> I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
> I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
> And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
Regardless of the party vote shares, the turnout next week is likely to reveal that the public is far from being obsessed with Brexit. They are certainly sick to death of it.
> Jeremy Hunt embarrassing himself in a desperate attempt to suck upto the Tory Membership.
> Nothing worse than these born again Leavers who are so desperate to get the top job that they’ll say and do anything .
> I’d rather have a Brexiter who nailed their colours to the mast before the vote as next PM.
> For two reasons , an original Remainer will have to overcompensate to prove they’re now true believers , digging an even deeper hole for themselves , much as what’s happened to May who now realizes she promised what she couldn’t deliver .
> Second , let a Brexiter own it which means we won’t have to hear the constant whining that if only a Brexiter was in charge it would all have turned out marvelous .
> Pretty sure it will be a Boris landslide, so you get your wish.
> Still feel pretty confident in saying/betting Boris won't make the final two.
> Remember the MPs control the first half of the leadership contest, doesn't matter what the members want.
Boris is up to 50 Tory MPs backing him in the latest reports with Hunt first on 75 and Raab third on 20
> > @nico67 said:
> > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
> >
> > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
> >
> > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
> >
> > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> Regardless of the party vote shares, the turnout next week is likely to reveal that the public is far from being obsessed with Brexit. They are certainly sick to death of it.
It probably won't, given that it is likely to be about the same as previous EU elections.
> > @nico67 said:
> > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
> >
> > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
> >
> > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
> >
> > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently?
Well today's Kantar poll has Labour on 34% with the Tories on 25%.
> Another very solid day with the Lib Dem campaign... Not had anything so positive in ... Well, ever. So oblivion in one quarter seems to mean prosperity in another... Still not finding the TBP voters that the polls are, but I guess they must be out there.
Where were you campaigning? Richmond on Thames? Round here it is all Brexit Party
> > @nico67 said:
> > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
> >
> > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
> >
> > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
> >
> > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently?
Yes great news , bar one outlier Kantar , Labour are losing a shedload of votes to the Lib Dems and Greens .
Corbyn needs to go , Keir Starmer needs to go for it over the summer and send Corbyn back to his allotment .
I’m not interested in a few more years of delusion in Labour , Corbyn will never win a GE.
> > @justin124 said:
> > > @nico67 said:
> > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
> > >
> > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
> > >
> > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
> > >
> > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> >
> > Regardless of the party vote shares, the turnout next week is likely to reveal that the public is far from being obsessed with Brexit. They are certainly sick to death of it.
> It probably won't, given that it is likely to be about the same as previous EU elections.
The last time we had EU elections held on a stand alone basis was in 1999 . Turnout was a mere 24%. Thereafter, they were combined with Local Elections to boost turnout. I expect it to be higher than in 1999, but will not be surprised if it does not exceed the circa 35% we saw on 2nd May.
> > @nico67 said:
> > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
> >
> > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
> >
> > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
> >
> > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> Regardless of the party vote shares, the turnout next week is likely to reveal that the public is far from being obsessed with Brexit. They are certainly sick to death of it.
They have not had Brexit yet despite voting for it, hence the Brexit Party is surging in the polls and will win the European elections and probably the Peterborough by election a fortnight later too
> > @RobD said:
> > > @nico67 said:
> > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
> > >
> > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
> > >
> > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
> > >
> > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> >
> > Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently?
> Yes great news , bar one outlier Kantar , Labour are losing a shedload of votes to the Lib Dems and Greens .
> Corbyn needs to go , Keir Starmer needs to go for it over the summer and send Corbyn back to his allotment .
> I’m not interested in a few more years of delusion in Labour , Corbyn will never win a GE.
What were your expectations in 2017?
> The use of "Remain" to start slogans is he best bit I'd say
It would be if they were called The Remain Party.
However, what we have is 'Remain, Remain, Remain, Remain - Vote Change'.Makes no sense.
It doesn’t include the BP or Change UK in its original list of choices for Westminster . It includes them after people have said other to the question .
> > @nico67 said:
> > > @RobD said:
> > > > @nico67 said:
> > > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
> > > >
> > > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
> > > >
> > > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
> > > >
> > > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> > >
> > > Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently?
> >
> > Yes great news , bar one outlier Kantar , Labour are losing a shedload of votes to the Lib Dems and Greens .
> >
> > Corbyn needs to go , Keir Starmer needs to go for it over the summer and send Corbyn back to his allotment .
> >
> > I’m not interested in a few more years of delusion in Labour , Corbyn will never win a GE.
> What were your expectations in 2017?
Low , May imploded and many voters didn’t want the Tories to get a big majority . Labour only win an election if they narrow the gap in the over 65s .
That demographic is key and Corbyn is a big turn off for them . It’s all well and good getting younger voters but there’s simply not enough to make up the shortfall .
> > @justin124 said:
> > > @nico67 said:
> > > > @RobD said:
> > > > > @nico67 said:
> > > > > It’s amazing how the Lib Dems are being slated for breaking a pledge and yet the Tories and Labour are held up as if they’ve never done such a thing.
> > > > >
> > > > > I’m not saying this as a normal Lib Dem voter , it was nearly 9 years ago . Time for people to move on .
> > > > >
> > > > > I normally fall into the Labour camp but am happily voting Lib Dems for the Euros as are many other Labour voters fed up of Corbyns waffle over a second vote .
> > > > >
> > > > > And if Corbyn bails out May or enables any form of Brexit then Labour can kiss goodbye to many Labour voters.
> > > >
> > > > Have you seen Labour/Tory poll ratings recently?
> > >
> > > Yes great news , bar one outlier Kantar , Labour are losing a shedload of votes to the Lib Dems and Greens .
> > >
> > > Corbyn needs to go , Keir Starmer needs to go for it over the summer and send Corbyn back to his allotment .
> > >
> > > I’m not interested in a few more years of delusion in Labour , Corbyn will never win a GE.
> >
> > What were your expectations in 2017?
> Low , May imploded and many voters didn’t want the Tories to get a big majority . Labour only win an election if they narrow the gap in the over 65s .
> That demographic is key and Corbyn is a big turn off for them . It’s all well and good getting younger voters but there’s simply not enough to make up the shortfall .
I am not a Corbynite either , but in 2017 Labour exceeded the 36% won by Blair in 2005 - and the 37% and 39% managed under Harold Wilson in the February and October 1974 elections.
> One thing to bear in mind with the Kantar Poll.
> It doesn’t include the BP or Change UK in its original list of choices for Westminster . It includes them after people have said other to the question .
Which is a bit misleading as both will appear on the ballot paper
> It seems the government's strategy is indeed to lose.
> https://twitter.com/RobDotHutton/status/1128331683978260482
It is Labour MPs from Leave seats May needs to convince and if the Brexit Party surges in their local authority areas that might help.
The ERG hardliners and Remainer MPs will never vote for the Withdrawal Agreement
> > @nico67 said:
> > One thing to bear in mind with the Kantar Poll.
> >
> > It doesn’t include the BP or Change UK in its original list of choices for Westminster . It includes them after people have said other to the question .
> Which is a bit misleading as both will appear on the ballot paper
It’s quite important in polling when you don’t prompt .
If you don’t mention all the parties then that’s fine it’s a level playing field but if you say the rest and then say other it does make a difference .
> I don't think so. It's got eleven or twelve MPs and it'll show its quality over the next year or so and it'll also collect more recruits as Tories and Labour despair of their choices of Boris and Corbyn. I believe the future's bright and when the public get to see Heidi Allen more closely and regularly they'll be sold.
The other day you were gushing over Caroline Lucas and today it is Heidi Allen.
You old dog.
> > @nico67 said:
> > One thing to bear in mind with the Kantar Poll.
> >
> > It doesn’t include the BP or Change UK in its original list of choices for Westminster . It includes them after people have said other to the question .
> Which is a bit misleading as both will appear on the ballot paper
I will be amazed if Change UK appears on my ballot paper at the next GE.
Time to call it a day with Corbyn
That seems to be the most likely explanation for their website not being on the first five pages of Google results when you search for "Change UK". (I couldn't be bothered to search for any more.) I'm not making this up.
BP 26
Lab 22
Lib Dem 19
Con 12
Green 10
> I don't think so. It's got eleven or twelve MPs and it'll show its quality over the next year or so and it'll also collect more recruits as Tories and Labour despair of their choices of Boris and Corbyn. I believe the future's bright and when the public get to see Heidi Allen more closely and regularly they'll be sold.
> Another great poll by BMG for the Lib Dems just out. The BP is ahead but we are seeing huge differences in their lead .
> BP 26
> Lab 22
> Lib Dem 19
> Con 12
> Green 10
> UKIP 3
Tories surge to 4th and overtake the Greens!
LDs now closer to Labour than Labour are to the Brexit Party
> Another great poll by BMG for the Lib Dems just out. The BP is ahead but we are seeing huge differences in their lead .
> BP 26
> Lab 22
> Lib Dem 19
> Con 12
> Green 10
> UKIP 3
How long to crossover with labour ?