While all sorts of attention has been given to the splits within the Conservative and Labour parties there has been very little coverage of the fact that UKIP, which won the 2014 UK euro elections, has been totally divided over the past 5 years. Barely a 3rd of 24 UKIP MEPs elected in May 2014 are still within the fold.
And yes I can see the Brexit party doing well. I can also see the TIGgers doing very well if they are a party. For Labour and the Tories the result will be dire especially if a Remain party that isn't the Lib Dems stand.
The problem with seeing any EU Parliament elections as a mini-referendum is Labour. Their official policy headline will still be formally for Brexit (albeit a Labour unicorn Brexit) but many of their members and voters will see their support as being for voting Remain in another referendum.
Is there a department Grayling has ever done well at? Why on Earth he has gotten to the Cabinet and stayed there is beyond me.
Contrast with people like Gove at Justice and the difference is remarkable.
When UK businesses stop stockpiling then the EU27 is going to get hit even more.
I would put forward the theory that for the EU27 now (exception Ireland) when Germany sneezes the rest of the EU gets flu.
We have one of the most useless Cabinets in history. Utterly useless.
1. George Galloway
2. Piers Morgan
3. Andrew Bridgen
4. Christopher Chope
5. Chris Williamson
I rank them 1,3,5,4,2 (first being worst). But open to persuasion.
The internet is just a much more talented and quick version of headline writers from years gone by!
Floater said:
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Nice Avatar pic Malc - is it new or have I not being paying attention?
Been there a while now. I got my grandson one of these painted in the TIKI colours etc, very nice. Also got him this one recently.
If you accepted that, though, you'd have the same argument from Chukka that he's the true inheritor of the Miliband dynasty!
I like CW.
Even a caretaker PM who sought to change as little as possible would take the opportunity to shuffle him off.
Other than that yep - the Labour party clearly has a antisemitism issue that has taken hold of the body and is going to be utterly impossible to remove.
The party is finished. Watson needs to lead his people out of this cesspit.
This is Leninism. Pure and simple.
Who knows who the next target will be, especially if they are in government? But whichever group gets targeted (I'd guess journalists, then academics), then all the CLPs will support whatever is being done by these kinds of numbers.
I reckon that if they could turf out the ringleaders, maybe a couple of thousand people, then the rest would fall into line in a different environment. If Corbyn stood aside and the central party organisation rallied behind Watson I reckon he could probably purge the ranks and steady the ship, but there's a lot of work to be done.
While they dither the virus takes over the host.
not sure if academics will - the non-scientists here are all pretty much Team JC, while the scientists get on with doing science.
It may be too late, but I expect Watson and others will have to have that proved to themselves by experience.
Corbyn, McDonnell, Williamson and Diane spend a night camping in the forest, only to find the Star of David scratched into every tree trunk. Oscar cert.
Mrs J won't object as we got married on the real one, and I can just say it's a tribute to our love.
The UK will not be just fine if Corbyn's gang take over.
(And yes, I agree with your later point about Umunna - I was being slightly flippant
Grayling obviously doesn't by enough.
Of course this whole ferry fiasco may cause Grayling to rightly get the chop - but the civil servants wont' feel the pain.
Frankly he is about the biggest embarrassment in the Tory party and that has a lot of competition.