It is very hard to think of any other organisation where a deputy can operate in the manner that Tom Watson is doing at the moment. His response to the defection of nine MPs has been very much to sympathize recognising the culture within the party that led to their decisions. He’s also forwarded to the leadership 50 cases of anti-semitism which he wants investigating.
Finally someone seems to be serious about dealing with this cancer.
Gained his mandate on a lie.
Would lose any election now.
It would leave Watson joining the Tiggers probably. Along with many of the other 170 odd left who voted no confidence in Corbyn.
Would almost certainly lead to an inevitable GE
shome mishtake shurely - ed.
I once had my work edited (pro bono) by a professional copyeditor. Among the changes were sixteen misspellings of "led" as "lead".
Where there is no vacancy, nominations may be sought by potential challengers each year prior to the annual session of Party conference. In this case any nomination must be supported by 20 per cent of the combined Commons members of the PLP and members of the EPLP.
So Tom Watson is up against a deadline: he'll surely get challenged given what he is up to, but he can't be challenged for a few months.
Watson is definitely on a mission from his unique power-base... which will end in one of a bunch of ways, all of which he can probably live with. Frustratingly for Corbyn, he's couching it in loyal language which couldn't at all be construed* as moving against the leadership (*by anyone with a reading age of 9 or less).
1. Corbyn goes.. he is in pole position for the job.
2. Corbyn reforms.. Watson is happy to be in Labour again.
3. Corbyn ignores him.. Watson's new anti-Momentum group grows in stature ahead of whenever the vacancy arises.
4. Corbyn ignores him.. Watson joins his mate Ian Austin and watches as Corbyn's Lab implodes; becomes leading player in a new grouping.
5. Corbyn or supporters move against him in some way.. see option 4.
(Sorry, I mean Hizballah, of course.)
Where was the Leader this morning when Jon Lansman was being questioned on Radio 4 about the Party's psoition on AS and a possible 2nd referendum?
Hard to defend a Leader who is as inactive as Corbyn on such vital policy matters.
"all the 27 would show maximum understanding and goodwill"
Without the Front Bench doing so it would be hard to find 20%
If my reading of Lansbury's interview on the Today programme this morning is correct, I should say Momentum's paymaster is as effed off with the Leader as anybody.
If that exists I'd drop this issue. It won't though he is dishonest.
Not much to do in the short term but enjoy some relaxing time in the sunshine down the allotments.
Surely, even from their purist point of view, they need a critical mass of Blairite/Brownite running dogs to make any headway in parliament? If Watson leaves with a few dozen more moderates.. they'll be in a very poor position.
Without his assistance, how are we all to understand what is going on in Venezuela?
If the dam breaks Corbyn can't rely upon half of his MPs.
They haven't had a defection in, ooh, ages.
Valid nominations shall be printed in the final agenda for Party conference, together
with the names of the nominating organisations and Commons members of the PLP supporting the nominations. In the case of a vacancy under E [election where there's a vacancy] below this information shall be included with the documentation circulated with any ballot
D. Timing of an election
i. When the PLP is in opposition in the House of Commons, the election of the leader and deputy leader shall take place at each annual session of Party conference.
I’ll get my coat...
‘Austerity, That’s What I Know’: The Making of a U.K. Millennial Socialist
Alex McIntyre, 19, was brought up in a Britain being reshaped by government cuts. He gave up on capitalism after a year in college."
However, there is a question how Labour can continue to be a functional party, and although Corbyn is just one person, his fellow travellers are numerous.
May has been can-kicking for three straight months, all the while denying she is doing anything of the sort.
"Socialism, That's What I Knew". The making of a middle aged Centrist
Nigel Foremain, 54, grew up in a Britain wrecked by the Winter of Discontent. He went to a bog standard comp with lefty teachers and gave up on the Labour Party a year after leaving school."
Sorry, BOGOF. From Javid's point of view, it's two for the price of one, and the more important half in the long term (and for betting purposes) is that it boosts him at the expense of future leadership rivals Jeremy Hunt (as he is straying into foreign affairs) and Boris (since, as rehearsed before) any of the attacks on Corbyn can be later re-targeted.