Max not a good look especially in advance of your wedding.
What's his wedding got to do with anything ?
Championing a potentially misogynist sentiment in advance of your own wedding (assuming he is marrying a woman) is I don't think well-judged.
Does what he said really constitute misogyny?
I think insulting women because they are women can be seen as misogynist.
Was he insulting women because they are women?
He was insulting feminists many of whom are women. People of course dismiss feminism out of hand without thought of the principles behind it like drunk Ukippers even some on here.
Many Conservatives are women. If someone insults Conservatives does that mean they're insulting women?
Yeah good hair to split. Even Theresa slapped him down but to you lot he's doing a-ok.
I never said he's doing a ok. I just thought your logic was awful.
That's a judgement on you. Not Theresa or anyone else.
Yes you are right. Insulting women, or applauding it, is great prep for a life of wedded bliss.
"The British public knew exactly what they were voting for"
This isn't Brexit
"I don't agree"
If Brexiteers can't agree if this is Brexit or not, how the fuck can they claim we knew what we were voting for?
It's a damn shame the Referendum voting form didn't spell out in some small print at the bottom what 'Leave' vote meant e.g. exit EU, SM, CU.
Blame Cameron
No. Cameron wanted us to remain. It was up to leave to decide what 'leave' meant (and means). Something they're singularly incapable of doing.
Cameron made enough Tories believe he could back Leave that they felt betrayed when he didn't. His mismanagement of the whole issue is at the root of this.
Indeed it is. History will not be kind to him, and rightly so. He bequeathed an impossible legacy to May, who managed to make it worse, but even someone with the wisdom of Solomon and the leadership skills of Moses would have struggled to reassemble the shattered fragments of party and national unity that Cameron left in his wake.
"The EU referendum shows how the sovereignty of Britain's people can now trump its Parliament," Vernon Bogdanor.
Didn't this bloke teach Cameron?
And based on this deal the EU and ECJ will trump both parliament and the sovereignty of the British people. Accept their rules or face the consequences!
Well yes, that's how international trade agreements are enforced. For all of Brexiteers' enthusiasm for "out own trade deals" they don't seem to understand the basics...
Rubbish. You show that you know nothing of trade deals. Most come with joint arbitration panels or ISDS services. The EU are trying it on with ECJ jurisdiction and they know it, unfortunately they also know there are enough enablers such as yourself who are ready to sell out our nation.
He bequeathed an impossible legacy to May, who managed to make it worse, but even someone with the wisdom of Solomon and the leadership skills of Moses would have struggled to reassemble the shattered fragments of party and national unity that Cameron left in his wake.
With hindsight, that was the mistake.
the party should have split after the referendum, as it looks likely to do now
"The EU referendum shows how the sovereignty of Britain's people can now trump its Parliament," Vernon Bogdanor.
Didn't this bloke teach Cameron?
And based on this deal the EU and ECJ will trump both parliament and the sovereignty of the British people. Accept their rules or face the consequences!
Well yes, that's how international trade agreements are enforced. For all of Brexiteers' enthusiasm for "out own trade deals" they don't seem to understand the basics...
Rubbish. You show that you know nothing of trade deals. Most come with joint arbitration panels or ISDS services. The EU are trying it on with ECJ jurisdiction and they know it, unfortunately they also know there are enough enablers such as yourself who are ready to sell out our nation.
They're not trying it on when measured against our asks which go well beyond a typical trade deal. We want frictionless trade, which is well beyond what an FTA would give us.
Away from Brexit for a minute, there was an interesting poll conducted in Germany which put the CSU as a national option and CDU as a separate option to Bavarian voters. The result was not good for the CDU, FDP or AfD in particular.
CDU 22 CSU 18 SPD 17 Left 12 AfD 11 Green 10 FDP 6
I think the threat from Merkel to run candidates in Bavaria if the CSU do try and split off would easily be matched with a CSU threat to run candidates nationally, then it's anyone's game as to who becomes the larger party at the next election. There's also no workable coalition if CSU run nationally, they, AfD and the FDP probably have the most in common in terms of migration, EU scepticism and lower taxes, but they wouldn't have enough to make it over the line without the CDU or SPD. On the other side a grand coalition with the CDU and SPD would not work either, and including the greens in there to get the numbers would be the death of the CDU as a major force in German politics as voters desert them for the CSU.
Definitely one to keep an eye on, hopefully INSA make this a regular poll.
CSU were always the Bavarian branch of the CDU/CSU coalition, so I'm surprised that teh CSU doesn't come higher in this poll. "According to German Federal Electoral Law, members of a parliamentary group which share the same basic political aims must not compete with one another in any federal state.[3] The CSU contests elections only in Bavaria, while the CDU operates in the other 15 states of Germany. The CSU also reflects the particular concerns of the largely rural, Catholic south"
"The British public knew exactly what they were voting for"
This isn't Brexit
"I don't agree"
If Brexiteers can't agree if this is Brexit or not, how the fuck can they claim we knew what we were voting for?
It's a damn shame the Referendum voting form didn't spell out in some small print at the bottom what 'Leave' vote meant e.g. exit EU, SM, CU.
Blame Cameron
No. Cameron wanted us to remain. It was up to leave to decide what 'leave' meant (and means). Something they're singularly incapable of doing.
Cameron called the Referendum:
[Vilos Cohaagen voice] "First you gave the Leavers their Referendum, and then you let them win it!"
Your point being?
Er, Blame Cameron, as pointed out above?
No. Blame leavers. Cameron had no choice but to call a referendum due to leavers' constant stropping and the resultant threat of UKIP. It was also, IMO, the right thing to do: the EU had changed so much that people needed to be given a say.
But leave failed, and continues to fail, to come up with something workable. That isn't Cameron's fault.
You're a leaver. Blame yourself for this mess, not Cameron.
Presumably Boris has to choose between resigning now and looking as if he’s been bounced into it, or crossing his fingers that he’ll have a plausible opportunity to flounce on ‘principle’ when the next betrayal comes along, thereby redeeming himself as the hero of all true Brexiters.
That sounds about right, I think he has until the end of the working day to figure out whether he wants to cling on at the FCO for another few months or have a go at the top prize though. There won't be another chance as good as this to bring May down. Davis has opened the door for him.
If he doesn’t go today, Boris will end up as impotent as David Miliband when he failed to resign with James Purnell back in 2009.
"The British public knew exactly what they were voting for"
This isn't Brexit
"I don't agree"
If Brexiteers can't agree if this is Brexit or not, how the fuck can they claim we knew what we were voting for?
It's a damn shame the Referendum voting form didn't spell out in some small print at the bottom what 'Leave' vote meant e.g. exit EU, SM, CU.
Blame Cameron
No. Cameron wanted us to remain. It was up to leave to decide what 'leave' meant (and means). Something they're singularly incapable of doing.
Cameron called the Referendum:
[Vilos Cohaagen voice] "First you gave the Leavers their Referendum, and then you let them win it!"
Your point being?
Er, Blame Cameron, as pointed out above?
No. Blame leavers. Cameron had no choice but to call a referendum due to leavers' constant stropping and the resultant threat of UKIP. It was also, IMO, the right thing to do: the EU had changed so much that people needed to be given a say.
But leave failed, and continues to fail, to come up with something workable. That isn't Cameron's fault.
You're a leaver. Blame yourself for this mess, not Cameron.
Me? Are you kidding? Hey, I was with you all the time! That was beautiful! Did you see the way the Leavers fell into our trap? Ha Ha!
"The EU referendum shows how the sovereignty of Britain's people can now trump its Parliament," Vernon Bogdanor.
Didn't this bloke teach Cameron?
And based on this deal the EU and ECJ will trump both parliament and the sovereignty of the British people. Accept their rules or face the consequences!
Well yes, that's how international trade agreements are enforced. For all of Brexiteers' enthusiasm for "out own trade deals" they don't seem to understand the basics...
Rubbish. You show that you know nothing of trade deals. Most come with joint arbitration panels or ISDS services. The EU are trying it on with ECJ jurisdiction and they know it, unfortunately they also know there are enough enablers such as yourself who are ready to sell out our nation.
They're not trying it on when measured against our asks which go well beyond a typical trade deal. We want frictionless trade, which is well beyond what an FTA would give us.
If you want free trade, what point is there in deliberately adding friction? Yet that is what you seem to think is logical for the EU.
Brexit is turning Britain into Belgium: two blocs that will never agree with each other.
At least 3 blocs: the largest one being those who want to remain in the EU, and 2 or more blocs who want to leave the EU but won’t accept the other bloc’s/blocs’ approach to it. If in doubt, the British approach would be to go with the plurality, so remain it is.
Max not a good look especially in advance of your wedding.
What's his wedding got to do with anything ?
Championing a potentially misogynist sentiment in advance of your own wedding (assuming he is marrying a woman) is I don't think well-judged.
Does what he said really constitute misogyny?
I think insulting women because they are women can be seen as misogynist.
Was he insulting women because they are women?
He was insulting feminists many of whom are women. People of course dismiss feminism out of hand without thought of the principles behind it like drunk Ukippers even some on here.
There seems to be some confusion here between "feminists" and "women".
I'd venture that may be because they don't like obnoxious bigots, which is how many of the more prominent feminists come across.
Reading the piece, Raab seems to be aiming his remarks at the tiny minority, and possibly an even tinier teeny-tiny minority within that tiny minority.
55m55 minutes ago
UK, Survation poll:
EU membership referendum
by household income per year
max. £19,999 | REMAIN 45%, LEAVE 55%
£20,000 - £39.999 | REMAIN 44%, LEAVE 56%
£40,000+ | REMAIN 65%, LEAVE 35%
Field work: 7/07/18
Sample size: 211 + 278 + 278"
the party should have split after the referendum, as it looks likely to do now
"According to German Federal Electoral Law, members of a parliamentary group which share the same basic political aims must not compete with one another in any federal state.[3] The CSU contests elections only in Bavaria, while the CDU operates in the other 15 states of Germany. The CSU also reflects the particular concerns of the largely rural, Catholic south"
But leave failed, and continues to fail, to come up with something workable. That isn't Cameron's fault.
You're a leaver. Blame yourself for this mess, not Cameron.
Maybe he can't find his ministerial car and is trying to find the number for Aston's taxis!
The most recent large scale research for the Fawcett Society I am aware of found that 91% of women refuse to be called "feminists".
I'd venture that may be because they don't like obnoxious bigots, which is how many of the more prominent feminists come across.
Reading the piece, Raab seems to be aiming his remarks at the tiny minority, and possibly an even tinier teeny-tiny minority within that tiny minority.