I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
I’m not convinced the England team is multicultural in any meaningful way; it is however clearly multiracial. I also like how you assume them to be internationalists with no supporting evidence.
It must greatly diminish one’s life to view even football through a political lense.
Internationalist in the sense that they spend their working lives in the company of people from across the world and work on a stage that encompasses the world. It is a natural part of their lives. Gareth Southgate clearly understands this and what the side represents. I just love what it is and what it shows the world about us - as opposed to the unmerited, unfriendly arrogance of the John Terry, Wayne Rooney years
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
I absolutely agree with you - it would be fantastic!
(And you are right, I should just ignore the stupid sodden fuckwit.)
You would be best just to say you will ignore him - no need to go further
Nah Big G. He's a fuckwit. But he has the grace to know it.
Christ, think of what it might do to the existing fervid, swollen-headed, flag-waving nationalists.
lol. Fair point.
But then, imagine what such footballing success might do to the more atavistic of your Scotch Nationalist friends. Really. The kind of guys that march on Bannockburn with Saltires and snarls. Luckily, the chances of Scotland ever progressing beyond a thrashing by the Scilly Isles are about 0.0000%, but still.
Decades of football defeat have expunged triumphalism from the Scottish psyche. England otoh always seems to be a rice pudding skin (or penalty shoot out) away from swagger.
The thing is, England DESERVE to swagger, you guys just don't. Sorry. You come from a sometimes very beautiful, if often rather bleak, post-industrial little country which failed to colonise PANAMA. Let that sink in (and I speak as a Cornishman, so I know what insignificance allied with peripheral beauty feels like)
England, a mid sized European country, created the greatest empire in history, made the world speak its own language, invented the industrial revolution, significantly helped to win the most important war in human times, and even now arguably exerts more soft power, per capita, than any country its size.
England will never again rule the world. But the world was ruled by us, and now speaks our language, uses our laws, and - by the by - plays our sports. The English are allowed to brag, just a tad. Though I can see how it irritates the fuck out of inferior or unluckier neighbours, such as the Scotch.
Anyway, soon we will all be ruled by robots and this will ALL be irrelevant.
Let's hope we Scotch are never reduced to living on past glories and getting current thrills from jizzing over 'inferior or unluckier neighbours'. Indy wouldn't be worth a fig in that case.
I also think Scots were full partners in the Union at the time. Great thinkers on both sides of the border.
Full partners you say? Happy days.
'During the debate Mr Mundell took issue with a description of Scotland as an equal partner in the United Kingdom. Responding he said: “Scotland is not a partner of the United Kingdom, Scotland is a part of a United Kingdom.”'
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
They do give a range of options, 25% say they are ‘very proud’, and 16% are ‘Moderately proud’ so with that plus the 47% that’s quite a lot of people. I think it’s the ‘extremely proud’ being at record low, that’s what caused some on the right to see the poll as depressing.
I don’t know if there are comparable surveys in the UK.
See, the British attitudes survey collects similar data. Back in 2014 35 per cent of Brits were very proud to be British.
Christ, think of what it might do to the existing fervid, swollen-headed, flag-waving nationalists.
lol. Fair point.
But then, imagine what such footballing success might do to the more atavistic of your Scotch Nationalist friends. Really. The kind of guys that march on Bannockburn with Saltires and snarls. Luckily, the chances of Scotland ever progressing beyond a thrashing by the Scilly Isles are about 0.0000%, but still.
Decades of football defeat have expunged triumphalism from the Scottish psyche. England otoh always seems to be a rice pudding skin (or penalty shoot out) away from swagger.
Have you heard 'Football's Coming Home'? England's most iconic* football song? The subtext of which is 'We're always shit - but maybe this time we won't be'. The tune of which is hope tinged with despair. The song is iconic because it captures the mood of the England supporter brilliantly. Swagger is not really England's thing. Though I can see how it would look it from the point of view of a near-neighbour seeing blanket coverage which assumes we all want to join in. (As a republican listening to reporting of the royal wedding I sort of understand).
Football is ridiculous really. No other sport is so good at engendering a feeling of being hard done by. It's because it's low-scoring: almost any match can be reduced to 'if only...'. And the laws don't really discourage cheating. I can't really watch England play; it's too painful. I'd be delighted if they won of course, but seeing them play is torturous. It is hard to swagger when you're watching through your fingers.
*Most iconic, but not best in my view. That honour belongs to 'World in Motion'.
Which of our automotive industry experts will be the first to claim the chief executive of JLR doesn't know about manufacturing cars...
July 2000
' Japanese car maker Nissan has repeated its warning that it may shelve a £150m investment in Britain because of the strength of sterling.
The intervention will add yet more fuel to the debate about whether the UK should join Europe's single currency and government support for manufacturing industry. '
' The future of car production at Nissan's factory in Sunderland could be at risk, the automaker's president and chief executive Carlos Ghosn has warned.
It's not a question of threat, it's a reality
In an interview with BBC News Online, Mr Ghosn made it clear that the plant's future would depend on whether the UK adopted the euro. '
' Nissan's president chief executive, Carlos Ghosn, has repeated warnings that its Sunderland plant could lose production of one of its most important cars if Britain remains outside the euro. '
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Unfortunately the only time I've ever been subjected to racism was away at the bridge. Chelsea fans though, so to be expected.
It is very early days as regards the current nerve agent investigation. Do not, however, rule out a deliberate FUD incident where these two just happened to be the unlucky ones out of the hat. There is logic to such a possibility.
Most nerve agents are not designed to be persistent in normal atmospheric condition unless in a novel vector like a gel.
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
Is it not without irony that a team with a good number of members from immigrant stock are being cheered as an exemplar of the Brexit spirit.
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Unfortunately the only time I've ever been subjected to racism was away at the bridge. Chelsea fans though, so to be expected.
Sorry to hear that. Yes, Chelsea fans don’t have the best reputation....
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Depends which teams, but ethnic minority attendances at football games is rising, as it is among women. We’re a long way from where things used to be. I remember the 1980s, beyond White Hart Lane and Highbury stadiums were no-go zones if you were black. That said, I saw John Barnes’s Liverpool debut at Arsenal. His own side’s fans were throwing bananas at him from the Clock End.
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Unfortunately the only time I've ever been subjected to racism was away at the bridge. Chelsea fans though, so to be expected.
Sorry to hear that. Yes, Chelsea fans don’t have the best reputation....
Their chants about Jews when they come to the lane is probably the worst I've heard in football. Worse than ours about Judas Campbell having HIV.
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Unfortunately the only time I've ever been subjected to racism was away at the bridge. Chelsea fans though, so to be expected.
Sorry to hear that. Yes, Chelsea fans don’t have the best reputation....
Their chants about Jews when they come to the lane is probably the worst I've heard in football. Worse than ours about Judas Campbell having HIV.
Bloke at work is getting married on Saturday afternoon!!
I had to message all of the guests for our engagement party on Saturday that we'd be have the football on and more than enough beer to go around. Lots of sighs of relief among my mates.
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Depends which teams, but ethnic minority attendances at football games is rising, as it is among women. We’re a long way from where things used to be. I remember the 1980s, beyond White Hart Lane and Highbury stadiums were no-go zones if you were black. That said, I saw John Barnes’s Liverpool debut at Arsenal. His own side’s fans were throwing bananas at him from the Clock End.
Why was a Spurs fan at an Arsenal vs Liverpool game ?
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Depends which teams, but ethnic minority attendances at football games is rising, as it is among women. We’re a long way from where things used to be. I remember the 1980s, beyond White Hart Lane and Highbury stadiums were no-go zones if you were black. That said, I saw John Barnes’s Liverpool debut at Arsenal. His own side’s fans were throwing bananas at him from the Clock End.
Why was a Spurs fan at an Arsenal vs Liverpool game ?
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Depends which teams, but ethnic minority attendances at football games is rising, as it is among women. We’re a long way from where things used to be. I remember the 1980s, beyond White Hart Lane and Highbury stadiums were no-go zones if you were black. That said, I saw John Barnes’s Liverpool debut at Arsenal. His own side’s fans were throwing bananas at him from the Clock End.
Certainly at Leicester we have a very multicultural crowd, around me are quite a lot of Koreans, Chines and Japanese students as well as numbers of various South Asian communities, East Europeans and Afro Carribeans. There is a majority of WWC Leicester folk, but not as dominant as it once was. L1 next to the away fans is more hardcore.It
I took one of m y Greek friends, who supports PAOK, and he couldn't believe how safe and family friendly it was. PAOK has a history of trouble! He has promised to take me if we get the chance.
Bloke at work is getting married on Saturday afternoon!!
I had to message all of the guests for our engagement party on Saturday that we'd be have the football on and more than enough beer to go around. Lots of sighs of relief among my mates.
Now the only thing you have to worry about is a good result to make the guests happy....
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Unfortunately the only time I've ever been subjected to racism was away at the bridge. Chelsea fans though, so to be expected.
Sorry to hear that. Yes, Chelsea fans don’t have the best reputation....
Their chants about Jews when they come to the lane is probably the worst I've heard in football. Worse than ours about Judas Campbell having HIV.
It’s quite fitting that John Terry was their captain for so long.
Bloke at work is getting married on Saturday afternoon!!
I wonder whether he’ll watch the match after the ceremony at his reception. I guess it depends on what time he’s getting married, as if it’s after 3pm the match will have already started!
Christ, think of what it might do to the existing fervid, swollen-headed, flag-waving nationalists.
lol. Fair point.
But then, imagine what such footballing success might do to the more atavistic of your Scotch Nationalist friends. Really. The kind of guys that march on Bannockburn with Saltires and snarls. Luckily, the chances of Scotland ever progressing beyond a thrashing by the Scilly Isles are about 0.0000%, but still.
Decades of football defeat have expunged triumphalism from the Scottish psyche. England otoh always seems to be a rice pudding skin (or penalty shoot out) away from swagger.
Have you heard 'Football's Coming Home'? England's most iconic* football song? The subtext of which is 'We're always shit - but maybe this time we won't be'. The tune of which is hope tinged with despair. The song is iconic because it captures the mood of the England supporter brilliantly. Swagger is not really England's thing. Though I can see how it would look it from the point of view of a near-neighbour seeing blanket coverage which assumes we all want to join in. (As a republican listening to reporting of the royal wedding I sort of understand).
Football is ridiculous really. No other sport is so good at engendering a feeling of being hard done by. It's because it's low-scoring: almost any match can be reduced to 'if only...'. And the laws don't really discourage cheating. I can't really watch England play; it's too painful. I'd be delighted if they won of course, but seeing them play is torturous. It is hard to swagger when you're watching through your fingers.
*Most iconic, but not best in my view. That honour belongs to 'World in Motion'.
Oh, I quite agree that there are plenty of differing strands in English attitudes to football amongst many other things. However none other than the sage of Primrose Hill has said that England deserves to swagger, so that's definitely one of those strands.
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
On the pitch (not necessarily off it yet) is one of the most marvelously positive examples of racial harmony to be found in England which gives some of us great happiness and hope for the future.
Looking at the celebrations in all the cities after the game it was noticeable how multiracial the crowds were. It real feelgood stuff.
True but that is a long way from elements at an actual football match.
Depends which teams, but ethnic minority attendances at football games is rising, as it is among women. We’re a long way from where things used to be. I remember the 1980s, beyond White Hart Lane and Highbury stadiums were no-go zones if you were black. That said, I saw John Barnes’s Liverpool debut at Arsenal. His own side’s fans were throwing bananas at him from the Clock End.
Why was a Spurs fan at an Arsenal vs Liverpool game ?
*Most iconic, but not best in my view. That honour belongs to 'World in Motion'.
You've got to hold and give But do it at the right time You can be slow or fast But you must get to the line They'll always hit you and hurt you Defend and attack There's only one way to beat them Get round the back
Catch me if you can 'Cause I'm the England man And what you're looking at Is the master plan We ain't no hooligans This ain't a football song Three lions on my chest I know we can't go wrong
Bloke at work is getting married on Saturday afternoon!!
I had to message all of the guests for our engagement party on Saturday that we'd be have the football on and more than enough beer to go around. Lots of sighs of relief among my mates.
Now the only thing you have to worry about is a good result to make the guests happy....
Lol, we've got enough booze to celebrate or drown sorrows. Though I think most people I know are happy that we've made it this far and won't be too sad of we get knocked out by a better team now. We've given a good account for the first time since 2002 IMO.
Have you heard 'Football's Coming Home'? England's most iconic* football song? The subtext of which is 'We're always shit - but maybe this time we won't be'. The tune of which is hope tinged with despair. The song is iconic because it captures the mood of the England supporter brilliantly. Swagger is not really England's thing. Though I can see how it would look it from the point of view of a near-neighbour seeing blanket coverage which assumes we all want to join in. (As a republican listening to reporting of the royal wedding I sort of understand).
Football is ridiculous really. No other sport is so good at engendering a feeling of being hard done by. It's because it's low-scoring: almost any match can be reduced to 'if only...'. And the laws don't really discourage cheating. I can't really watch England play; it's too painful. I'd be delighted if they won of course, but seeing them play is torturous. It is hard to swagger when you're watching through your fingers.
*Most iconic, but not best in my view. That honour belongs to 'World in Motion'.
May I humbly proffer "England's Irie", with the immortal line "My wife's lactating and I'm spectating: it's a football thing"
*Most iconic, but not best in my view. That honour belongs to 'World in Motion'.
You've got to hold and give But do it at the right time You can be slow or fast But you must get to the line They'll always hit you and hurt you Defend and attack There's only one way to beat them Get round the back
Catch me if you can 'Cause I'm the England man And what you're looking at Is the master plan We ain't no hooligans This ain't a football song Three lions on my chest I know we can't go wrong
Bloke at work is getting married on Saturday afternoon!!
I had to message all of the guests for our engagement party on Saturday that we'd be have the football on and more than enough beer to go around. Lots of sighs of relief among my mates.
Now the only thing you have to worry about is a good result to make the guests happy....
Lol, we've got enough booze to celebrate or drown sorrows. Though I think most people I know are happy that we've made it this far and won't be too sad of we get knocked out by a better team now. We've given a good account for the first time since 2002 IMO.
Yeah the media like to go wild but I'm sure most people will be pleased with what we've done so far whatever happens. Hope it goes well, the football and the party, mainly the football though!
Harry Kane have been allayed in the aftermath of his team’s bruising knockout success over Colombia and the England captain is set to lead the side into Saturday’s World Cup quarter-final against Sweden.
Kane, the tournament’s leading scorer with six goals from three appearances, had experienced discomfort in his calf after the game. But he has since declared himself fit after undergoing a massage to relieve cramp.
I've not been paying much attention to the football although I had a strange epiphany before the tournament where I decided I was going to support England for once. It's probably a bit dangerous to read too much politically into national team success but there are a couple of examples to bear in mind. Germany (or West Germany) to be specific winning the world cup in 1990 was a galvanising moment for Germans pre-unification as was France's multi-racial success on home soil in 1998. Were either of them more than symbolic? Hard to say and certainly the former seems more enduring than the latter.
Weirdly it has also made me think a bit more about being Welsh and Welsh identity. Speaking to people in work today quite a few were intrigued by the footy if not really emotionally invested. I think it's only really the hardcore Cardiff and Swansea fans who tend to be properly England hostile (they spend all their time playing English teams) some people do support England - more common if they are Liverpool/Man Utd fans too and speaking to a couple of women one was of the view that she felt she ought to support England as Wales weren't there and another who started off ambivalent but ended up cheering for England because she was so appalled at the dirty play of the Colombians.
I don't think it is true though. A cry for decency and fewer buffoons and braggarts is one of those things that people say they want but actions don't bear that out, by and large. The biggest buffoons and braggarts destroy themselves in the end of course, but as for decency, well there is a reason our leaders often act so poorly toward one another - they get rewarded for doing so. If that were not the case, they'd surely have stopped doing it.
Bloke at work is getting married on Saturday afternoon!!
I had to message all of the guests for our engagement party on Saturday that we'd be have the football on and more than enough beer to go around. Lots of sighs of relief among my mates.
Now the only thing you have to worry about is a good result to make the guests happy....
Lol, we've got enough booze to celebrate or drown sorrows. Though I think most people I know are happy that we've made it this far and won't be too sad of we get knocked out by a better team now. We've given a good account for the first time since 2002 IMO.
Well if England do lose I hope it would be with a less shameful performance than they did in 2002.
And if its a choice of Mr Nice Guy and a QF defeat or a braggart who wins the WC ?
The biggest braggart I've seen as a football manager was Brian Clough but fans loved him and he was said to be the 'peoples choice' to be England manager.
Braggarts are idolised if they are able to make good their brags on your behalf.
Which of our automotive industry experts will be the first to claim the chief executive of JLR doesn't know about manufacturing cars...
Last year JLR sold 621K cars. 138K in Europe. 117K in UK, 128K in USA, 146K in China, Rest ROW.
New tariffs will be only on EU mainland cars (10%) and car parts imported from the EU (4.5%).
Jaguar exports 18 billion of cars per year so 621k - 117k = 504k. Av per per car = 18 bill /504K = 35.7K per car
So EU sales to JLR = 35.7K x 138K = 4.9bill so 10% tariff is 490 mill.
So JLR say tariff bill 1.2bill this means 710mill for tariffs on parts. At 4.5% this means the parts bill 15,77 bill from the EU. 40% of parts from EU, so add in 60% from UK means total parts bill = 39.4bill.
So JLR has sales of circa 20 bill and a parts bill of 40bill. Something smells fishy.
And if its a choice of Mr Nice Guy and a QF defeat or a braggart who wins the WC ?
The biggest braggart I've seen as a football manager was Brian Clough but fans loved him and he was said to be the 'peoples choice' to be England manager.
Braggarts are idolised if they are able to make good their brags on your behalf.
And if its a choice of Mr Nice Guy and a QF defeat or a braggart who wins the WC ?
The biggest braggart I've seen as a football manager was Brian Clough but fans loved him and he was said to be the 'peoples choice' to be England manager.
Braggarts are idolised if they are able to make good their brags on your behalf.
Yes, and the Tories will also "be toast" if they wreck the economy and trash Britain`s reputation. Both of which they are already doing very successfully.
Yes, and the Tories will also "be toast" if they wreck the economy and trash Britain`s reputation. Both of which they are already doing very successfully.
I think the expression you are looking for is "f*** Business"
In an unpatriotic act of astounding proportions, I have laid a little off on England and invested in France (world cup that is, rather than country with first president of the EU).
Yes, and the Tories will also "be toast" if they wreck the economy and trash Britain`s reputation. Both of which they are already doing very successfully.
Croatia are the better team but Russia have the crowd with them and playing on home soil. I'm actually not entirely sure which one I'd rather play if we beat Sweden but it might be Croatia... despite their magnificent midfield.
I imagine the vast majority will just enjoy the games and pay little attention to political point scoring related to it other than those who already care.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves...Sweden are not the most exciting team, they are kinda of what England have tried to be, but much much better at the defence side of things.
England will have to play their best game of the tournament to beat them.
I think there is a decent chance we lose this one. If they can hold off the initial assault by just parking the bus in defence, we will get sloppy and let one in in the second half.
I would have Sweden as slight favourites. Unlike previous games, for once England have more talent but Sweden haven’t been making mistakes and different players seem to be able to slot into their system with little noticeable difference.
For England to win, alli and sterling have to play incredibly well and stones in particular not make any mistakes.
Or luck falls England's way.
Never underestimate how much luck affects a single match.
Over a full season it tends to equal out but to win the WC you need to get it at the right time.
For example I've never seen a goal quite like Germany's goal in the 1990 semi-final.
Belatedly reading through all the comments, I think this represents at most 1% of Remainers. I don't know anyone - Remainer or Leaver (except for those of Scottish descent) who doesn't wish England the best in the World Cup.
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
I'm afraid this guy is no more representative of remainers than Paul Mason is of leavers.
Belatedly reading through all the comments, I think this represents at most 1% of Remainers. I don't know anyone - Remainer or Leaver (except for those of Scottish descent) who doesn't wish England the best in the World Cup.
It must be an appallingly difficult time for our Scottish bretheren who still haven't got over 1966
So it is only under Tory PMs that we win penalty shoot-outs:
1996 v. Spain (PM Major) 2018 v. Colombia (PM May)
Bloody hell Sunil, have you been resaerching that for the past 24 hours? - hope you took some down time
Especially given the fact that a stunning 100% of our WC wins came under a Labour government.
There is still time. Friday's Chequers meeting could see mass resignations from the Cabinet, next week a vote of no confidence triggered by JRM's ERG, May resigns, and Her Majesty sends for Jezza on Friday 13th, just in time for Sunday's World Cup Final.
Belatedly reading through all the comments, I think this represents at most 1% of Remainers. I don't know anyone - Remainer or Leaver (except for those of Scottish descent) who doesn't wish England the best in the World Cup.
It must be an appallingly difficult time for our Scottish bretheren who still haven't got over 1966
Re: the Simon Bruni tweet it does represent a strand of left-wing default anti-British thought and probably reflects JC's views at least before he became leader. However, I can see no relation to the Remain/Leave axis of any significance.
I can claim an element of neutrality regarding the World cup as football is of zero interest to me. Most of the players are over-hyped, over-sexed and over-paid whatever their racial, class or religious backgrounds.
There may be a connection yet to uncovered between Mr Bruni and Emily Thornbury of course. Get on it Guido!
Belatedly reading through all the comments, I think this represents at most 1% of Remainers. I don't know anyone - Remainer or Leaver (except for those of Scottish descent) who doesn't wish England the best in the World Cup.
And it does prompt the question - of which set of c*nts is SeanT representative ?
Re: the Simon Bruni tweet it does represent a strand of left-wing default anti-British thought and probably reflects JC's views at least before he became leader. However, I can see no relation to the Remain/Leave axis of any significance.
I can claim an element of neutrality regarding the World cup as football is of zero interest to me. Most of the players are over-hyped, over-sexed and over-paid whatever their racial, class or religious backgrounds.
There may be a connection yet to uncovered between Mr Bruni and Emily Thornbury of course. Get on it Guido!
Re: the Simon Bruni tweet it does represent a strand of left-wing default anti-British thought and probably reflects JC's views at least before he became leader. However, I can see no relation to the Remain/Leave axis of any significance.
I can claim an element of neutrality regarding the World cup as football is of zero interest to me. Most of the players are over-hyped, over-sexed and over-paid whatever their racial, class or religious backgrounds.
There may be a connection yet to uncovered between Mr Bruni and Emily Thornbury of course. Get on it Guido!
Re: the Simon Bruni tweet it does represent a strand of left-wing default anti-British thought and probably reflects JC's views at least before he became leader. However, I can see no relation to the Remain/Leave axis of any significance.
I can claim an element of neutrality regarding the World cup as football is of zero interest to me. Most of the players are over-hyped, over-sexed and over-paid whatever their racial, class or religious backgrounds.
There may be a connection yet to uncovered between Mr Bruni and Emily Thornbury of course. Get on it Guido!
This somewhat reminds me of SeanT's early post about how he had lost feelings for international football and it was all about sex now... before a few days (maybe a week or so) later declaring that only remainers weren't happy about England's win because they are traitors....
This is a slightly different spin on it and all in one post except the left this time are the traitors...
From what I've seen the left* seem to care a lot more than the right and are more supportive, more of the hope the lads do well in soccerball today type sort of join in comments from right wingers who really don't care.
This isn't necessarily a representative sample though, plenty of right wingers are big football fans as well.
Also I think I have discovered something more annoying than people who aren't working class talking about what the working class want, people who don't care how the England team do talking about how others don't care how the England team do....
Re: the Simon Bruni tweet it does represent a strand of left-wing default anti-British thought and probably reflects JC's views at least before he became leader. However, I can see no relation to the Remain/Leave axis of any significance.
I can claim an element of neutrality regarding the World cup as football is of zero interest to me. Most of the players are over-hyped, over-sexed and over-paid whatever their racial, class or religious backgrounds.
There may be a connection yet to uncovered between Mr Bruni and Emily Thornbury of course. Get on it Guido!
Anti-British? Equating the England football team with Britain is one of the reasons why so many Scottish and Welsh people always support whoever England are playing!!
Re: the Simon Bruni tweet it does represent a strand of left-wing default anti-British thought and probably reflects JC's views at least before he became leader. However, I can see no relation to the Remain/Leave axis of any significance.
I can claim an element of neutrality regarding the World cup as football is of zero interest to me. Most of the players are over-hyped, over-sexed and over-paid whatever their racial, class or religious backgrounds.
There may be a connection yet to uncovered between Mr Bruni and Emily Thornbury of course. Get on it Guido!
Labour has also called for a bank holiday to celebrate England's inevitable victory on Sunday week.
The link with Simon Bruni you have missed is both Bruni and Corbyn are fluent in Spanish.
No rush - there was evidence only yesterday that he has likened support for England with Nazi Germany. I have not the link but it was on here and in some papers. The fluency in Spanish is unconnected with anything relevant.
Corbyn signs EDMs on just about everything. In 2012-13 he signed 687, the average was under 100. Quite a lot of them were about the suffragettes, but he found time to sign one on Aberystwyth Farmers' Market and three on Iran (two supportive of it).
And if its a choice of Mr Nice Guy and a QF defeat or a braggart who wins the WC ?
The biggest braggart I've seen as a football manager was Brian Clough but fans loved him and he was said to be the 'peoples choice' to be England manager.
Braggarts are idolised if they are able to make good their brags on your behalf.
The key point is delivery. If you do that you move beyond braggart status.
In any case, Southgate has delivered: he’s built a team that makes English people feel good about themselves and their country. That is not an achievement to be sniffed at given how rarely it has happened.
Re: the Simon Bruni tweet it does represent a strand of left-wing default anti-British thought and probably reflects JC's views at least before he became leader. However, I can see no relation to the Remain/Leave axis of any significance.
I can claim an element of neutrality regarding the World cup as football is of zero interest to me. Most of the players are over-hyped, over-sexed and over-paid whatever their racial, class or religious backgrounds.
There may be a connection yet to uncovered between Mr Bruni and Emily Thornbury of course. Get on it Guido!
Anti-British? Equating the England football team with Britain is one of the reasons why so many Scottish and Welsh people always support whoever England are playing!!
Crowd scenes of the 1966 crowd sho only the odd St Georges Cross. Loads of Union Jacks.
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
I’m not convinced the England team is multicultural in any meaningful way; it is however clearly multiracial. I also like how you assume them to be internationalists with no supporting evidence.
It must greatly diminish one’s life to view even football through a political lense.
Internationalist in the sense that they spend their working lives in the company of people from across the world and work on a stage that encompasses the world. It is a natural part of their lives. Gareth Southgate clearly understands this and what the side represents. I just love what it is and what it shows the world about us - as opposed to the unmerited, unfriendly arrogance of the John Terry, Wayne Rooney years
I will do a Kevin Keegan , I would love it if England won the world cup. I was to young to remember 66. Shed a tear last last night , when we at last won a penalty shoot out. Just because some twat does a tweet , you make that assumption .
That's your side, that is. That's the kind of people you Remainers are. Traitors is too kind a word for you guys, so I won't use it, with respect to OGH. But don't get me wrong, I am very tempted to call you all TRAITORS but it goes a tad too far. So I shall resist the TRAITOR comparison.
What an utter tit you are Sean!
Ha, ha! Not impressive to be wound-up by SeanT going through the motions. He can do a lot better. But he also has a point: how can anyone be so divorced from reality that they think like that bloke? If England’s young, multicultural, internationalist, patriotic and humble team win the World Cup it will be one of the top five moments of my life. I cannot allow myself to contemplate it too much because it would be too fantastic. This England side is exactly the one I want representing my country. It is what we are: a million miles from the narrow-minded, inward-looking nostalgists and the suspicious xenophobes who have somehow found their way into high office and positions of influence. If we can win with a team like this one, how can it be anything other than utterly magnificent?
I’m not convinced the England team is multicultural in any meaningful way; it is however clearly multiracial. I also like how you assume them to be internationalists with no supporting evidence.
It must greatly diminish one’s life to view even football through a political lense.
Internationalist in the sense that they spend their working lives in the company of people from across the world and work on a stage that encompasses the world. It is a natural part of their lives. Gareth Southgate clearly understands this and what the side represents. I just love what it is and what it shows the world about us - as opposed to the unmerited, unfriendly arrogance of the John Terry, Wayne Rooney years
Terry and Rooney played with foreigners too.
They did. But that is only one part of the equation, if you go back to my original post. John Terry, of course, had certain issues around race.
I don't like football, and think it's a corrupt cesspit from the very top down.
Having said that, I wish the England team well and hope we win, as it matters so much to so many of my fellow countrymen. I might even watch and England final.
Re: the Simon Bruni tweet it does represent a strand of left-wing default anti-British thought and probably reflects JC's views at least before he became leader. However, I can see no relation to the Remain/Leave axis of any significance.
I can claim an element of neutrality regarding the World cup as football is of zero interest to me. Most of the players are over-hyped, over-sexed and over-paid whatever their racial, class or religious backgrounds.
There may be a connection yet to uncovered between Mr Bruni and Emily Thornbury of course. Get on it Guido!
Labour has also called for a bank holiday to celebrate England's inevitable victory on Sunday week.
The link with Simon Bruni you have missed is both Bruni and Corbyn are fluent in Spanish.
No rush - there was evidence only yesterday that he has likened support for England with Nazi Germany. I have not the link but it was on here and in some papers. The fluency in Spanish is unconnected with anything relevant.
And if its a choice of Mr Nice Guy and a QF defeat or a braggart who wins the WC ?
The biggest braggart I've seen as a football manager was Brian Clough but fans loved him and he was said to be the 'peoples choice' to be England manager.
Braggarts are idolised if they are able to make good their brags on your behalf.
The key point is delivery. If you do that you move beyond braggart status.
In any case, Southgate has delivered: he’s built a team that makes English people feel good about themselves and their country. That is not an achievement to be sniffed at given how rarely it has happened.
Yes, I agree. Southgate has built a team with a certain likeability that has been absent in England teams for years. A bit of harmless sporting patriotism doesn't go amis at a time when jingoism over Brexit is the staple.
Which of our automotive industry experts will be the first to claim the chief executive of JLR doesn't know about manufacturing cars...
'During the debate Mr Mundell took issue with a description of Scotland as an equal partner in the United Kingdom. Responding he said: “Scotland is not a partner of the United Kingdom, Scotland is a part of a United Kingdom.”'
Alien Bodies
No aliens, either alive or dead have ever been taken to Porton Down or any other Dstl site.
Cannabis Cultivation
Dstl and its predecessors do not and have never grown cannabis at Porton Down.
' Japanese car maker Nissan has repeated its warning that it may shelve a £150m investment in Britain because of the strength of sterling.
The intervention will add yet more fuel to the debate about whether the UK should join Europe's single currency and government support for manufacturing industry. '
October 2002
' The future of car production at Nissan's factory in Sunderland could be at risk, the automaker's president and chief executive Carlos Ghosn has warned.
It's not a question of threat, it's a reality
In an interview with BBC News Online, Mr Ghosn made it clear that the plant's future would depend on whether the UK adopted the euro. '
January 2004
' Nissan's president chief executive, Carlos Ghosn, has repeated warnings that its Sunderland plant could lose production of one of its most important cars if Britain remains outside the euro. '
When a company is going to shut a factory it does so without posturing beforehand.
Most nerve agents are not designed to be persistent in normal atmospheric condition unless in a novel vector like a gel.
And yes, SeanT can do better...
Little English is the answer
1996 v. Spain (PM Major)
2018 v. Colombia (PM May)
He knows it's over, and it never really began
But in his heart it was so real
I took one of m y Greek friends, who supports PAOK, and he couldn't believe how safe and family friendly it was. PAOK has a history of trouble! He has promised to take me if we get the chance.
But do it at the right time
You can be slow or fast
But you must get to the line
They'll always hit you and hurt you
Defend and attack
There's only one way to beat them
Get round the back
Catch me if you can
'Cause I'm the England man
And what you're looking at
Is the master plan
We ain't no hooligans
This ain't a football song
Three lions on my chest
I know we can't go wrong
E is for England
England begins with an E.
We'll all be smiling
When we're in Italy.
I've been distracting myself with a bit of study and some music.. Do any of you know the Pimps Of Joytime? https://youtu.be/eQvkUtdxriE
Harry Kane have been allayed in the aftermath of his team’s bruising knockout success over Colombia and the England captain is set to lead the side into Saturday’s World Cup quarter-final against Sweden.
Kane, the tournament’s leading scorer with six goals from three appearances, had experienced discomfort in his calf after the game. But he has since declared himself fit after undergoing a massage to relieve cramp.
Weirdly it has also made me think a bit more about being Welsh and Welsh identity. Speaking to people in work today quite a few were intrigued by the footy if not really emotionally invested. I think it's only really the hardcore Cardiff and Swansea fans who tend to be properly England hostile (they spend all their time playing English teams) some people do support England - more common if they are Liverpool/Man Utd fans too and speaking to a couple of women one was of the view that she felt she ought to support England as Wales weren't there and another who started off ambivalent but ended up cheering for England because she was so appalled at the dirty play of the Colombians.
The biggest braggart I've seen as a football manager was Brian Clough but fans loved him and he was said to be the 'peoples choice' to be England manager.
Braggarts are idolised if they are able to make good their brags on your behalf.
New tariffs will be only on EU mainland cars (10%) and car parts imported from the EU (4.5%).
Jaguar exports 18 billion of cars per year so 621k - 117k = 504k. Av per per car = 18 bill /504K = 35.7K per car
So EU sales to JLR = 35.7K x 138K = 4.9bill so 10% tariff is 490 mill.
So JLR say tariff bill 1.2bill this means 710mill for tariffs on parts. At 4.5% this means the parts bill 15,77 bill from the EU.
40% of parts from EU, so add in 60% from UK means total parts bill = 39.4bill.
So JLR has sales of circa 20 bill and a parts bill of 40bill.
Something smells fishy.
I can claim an element of neutrality regarding the World cup as football is of zero interest to me. Most of the players are over-hyped, over-sexed and over-paid whatever their racial, class or religious backgrounds.
There may be a connection yet to uncovered between Mr Bruni and Emily Thornbury of course.
Get on it Guido!
Labour has also called for a bank holiday to celebrate England's inevitable victory on Sunday week.
The link with Simon Bruni you have missed is both Bruni and Corbyn are fluent in Spanish.
Now, if he was into motorsport he'd be an utterly fine fellow ...
This is a slightly different spin on it and all in one post except the left this time are the traitors...
From what I've seen the left* seem to care a lot more than the right and are more supportive, more of the hope the lads do well in soccerball today type sort of join in comments from right wingers who really don't care.
This isn't necessarily a representative sample though, plenty of right wingers are big football fans as well.
Also I think I have discovered something more annoying than people who aren't working class talking about what the working class want, people who don't care how the England team do talking about how others don't care how the England team do....
*English ones anyway.
In any case, Southgate has delivered: he’s built a team that makes English people feel good about themselves and their country. That is not an achievement to be sniffed at given how rarely it has happened.
I don't think the England flag became popular until the 1980's. Correct for England as a team of course, but a definite cultural shift.
Having said that, I wish the England team well and hope we win, as it matters so much to so many of my fellow countrymen. I might even watch and England final.
But good on him for knowing as much as he does.