Nyetimber is very good, although having said that I've been a bit disappointed with the last couple of bottles I've tried. What really did impress me though was their rosé. I was served it before a posh dinner, and I was bowled over by it, without knowing what it was to start with. As a general rule of thumb, rosé fizz/champagne is almost invariably worse than the equivalent white, but this was a noble exception.
Of course, Nyetimber no longer has the field to itself - there are hundred of champagne-style English sparkling wines now, and many of them are excellent.
Have you ever tried Renishaw Hall ?
I've got a bottle I was thinking of opening on Sunday but would like to know what to expect.
Didn't realise Renishaw Hall produced a wine ! I can vouch for the quality of the gardens though - well worth a visit if you're ever in the northern midlands.
Thanks for the tip - will give it a visit at some point.
Perhaps it’s time for May to threaten resignation if the Grieve amendment passes.
Time for Grieve and Sour-by 's constituency chairpersons to have word in their shell like.
Soubry's constituency has had strongly pro-EU MPs for 40 years (Soubry/me/Lester) - it is simply not a deselectable issue there. *I'm* probably the least pro-EU of the three and I'm in favour of eventually becoming a single country (I do concede it's not perfect!). The seat did in fact narrowly vote Leave, but not with any great enthusiasm, and UKIP et al have never got anywhere there.
You're in favour of becoming a single COUNTRY ?!
Yes - I've lived half my life on the Continent and think the perception of differences is vastly exagerrated. There are more cultural differences between, say, London and Haslemere than between London and Vienna or between Haslemere and rural Denmark (and I've lived in all of them).
But I think it should be gradual, over say 50 years, with more and more shared competence over time. The day of the nation state trying to influence matters on its own is fading, as even Trump will discover.
I lived for years in Australia and think the differences between us and there are greatly exaggerated. I've got family in Canada and think the differences between us and there are greatly exaggerated. Heck even the USA and UK differences are greatly exaggerated.
Speaking of Trump should we be in the same nation state as him? If not, why not?
Perhaps it’s time for May to threaten resignation if the Grieve amendment passes.
Time for Grieve and Sour-by 's constituency chairpersons to have word in their shell like.
Soubry's constituency has had strongly pro-EU MPs for 40 years (Soubry/me/Lester) - it is simply not a deselectable issue there. *I'm* probably the least pro-EU of the three and I'm in favour of eventually becoming a single country (I do concede it's not perfect!). The seat did in fact narrowly vote Leave, but not with any great enthusiasm, and UKIP et al have never got anywhere there.
Or, more succinctly and accurately, for 40 years Broxtowe has had MPs who have taken no interest in their constituents views in Europe, even to the extent that they have voted to hand over powers without a referendum despite being elected on a manifesto pledge to hold one.
The reporting coming from the child internment camps in America is staggering.
One wonders what the parents were thinking sending their children to a foreign country alone.
They weren't. The authorities are splitting the families up.
Are the kids born in the USA ?
No but what difference does that make? The families are travelling to the USA together then getting split up.
Yes, they should all be deported together and held together until they are.
Trump's new policy is to arrest the adults so they go to jail and the children go into care (since the children haven't committed a crime and their parents are in jail). Some parents have been deported and the children been left behind and "lost" so the children are somewhere in the USA and nobody knows where.
Has May just tried to shaft the remainer rebels and thereby set her self up for another cliff edge next week? Or am I missing some twist?
Another cliff edge next week.
On Monday the Lords will add the Grieve amendment and send it back to the Commons. On Wednesday the Commons will vote on it. This time Grieve and co won't be fooled by last minute offers on the floor of the house or by the PM in her office behind the Speaker's chair.
Last time the Government had a majority of 28. There were two Tory rebels (Soubry and Clarke) and five Labour rebels (Stringer, Hoey, Campbell, Field and Mann).
I think there are about 15-20 Tory rebels including Sourby and Clarke. They need 16 for a dead heat (assuming no more labour rebels). It will be tight.
EDIT: I forgot the new Lewisham MP. 16 for Grieve to win. I think he will.
16 is a lot to vote against, as opposed to abstaining. My guess is that the government will edge it (Kelvin Hopkins also voted with them).
Heidi Allen and Phillip Lee abstained this week but are now likely to vote against. Grieve , Woolaston, Sandbach, Djanogly, Hammond,Neild and Morgan are likely to do the same. Labour will be up one following Lewisham. Not many more needed!
The reporting coming from the child internment camps in America is staggering.
One wonders what the parents were thinking sending their children to a foreign country alone.
They weren't. The authorities are splitting the families up.
Are the kids born in the USA ?
No but what difference does that make? The families are travelling to the USA together then getting split up.
Yes, they should all be deported together and held together until they are.
Trump's new policy is to arrest the adults so they go to jail and the children go into care (since the children haven't committed a crime and their parents are in jail). Some parents have been deported and the children been left behind and "lost" so the children are somewhere in the USA and nobody knows where.
Has May just tried to shaft the remainer rebels and thereby set her self up for another cliff edge next week? Or am I missing some twist?
Another cliff edge next week.
On Monday the Lords will add the Grieve amendment and send it back to the Commons. On Wednesday the Commons will vote on it. This time Grieve and co won't be fooled by last minute offers on the floor of the house or by the PM in her office behind the Speaker's chair.
Last time the Government had a majority of 28. There were two Tory rebels (Soubry and Clarke) and five Labour rebels (Stringer, Hoey, Campbell, Field and Mann).
I think there are about 15-20 Tory rebels including Sourby and Clarke. They need 16 for a dead heat (assuming no more labour rebels). It will be tight.
EDIT: I forgot the new Lewisham MP. 16 for Grieve to win. I think he will.
16 is a lot to vote against, as opposed to abstaining. My guess is that the government will edge it (Kelvin Hopkins also voted with them).
Heidi Allen and Phillip Lee abstained this week but are now likely to vote against. Grieve , Woolaston, Sandbach, Djanogly, Hammond,Neild and Morgan are likely to do the same. Labour will be up one following Lewisham. Not many more needed!
Be interesting if its a tie and the Speaker cast the final vote. Under Speaker Dennison's rule he should vote against but I suspect Bercow would break with convention.
The Remainers cannot stop NO DEAL in any event. If there is no agreed withdrawal treaty then we are taken out via A50. Some politicians are deluded into thinking that they have power to influence when they do not.
Last week people were thinking May was a secret Remainer. Now she is full Brexit.
Actually, she is just May May - whatever for her to remain as PM.
The reporting coming from the child internment camps in America is staggering.
One wonders what the parents were thinking sending their children to a foreign country alone.
They weren't. The authorities are splitting the families up.
Are the kids born in the USA ?
No but what difference does that make? The families are travelling to the USA together then getting split up.
Yes, they should all be deported together and held together until they are.
Trump's new policy is to arrest the adults so they go to jail and the children go into care (since the children haven't committed a crime and their parents are in jail). Some parents have been deported and the children been left behind and "lost" so the children are somewhere in the USA and nobody knows where.
The reporting coming from the child internment camps in America is staggering.
One wonders what the parents were thinking sending their children to a foreign country alone.
They weren't. The authorities are splitting the families up.
Are the kids born in the USA ?
No but what difference does that make? The families are travelling to the USA together then getting split up.
Yes, they should all be deported together and held together until they are.
Trump's new policy is to arrest the adults so they go to jail and the children go into care (since the children haven't committed a crime and their parents are in jail). Some parents have been deported and the children been left behind and "lost" so the children are somewhere in the USA and nobody knows where.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the administration's policy last month.
"So, if you cross the border unlawfully, even a first offense, we're going to prosecute you," Sessions told a gathering of the Association of State Criminal Investigative Agencies. "If you're smuggling a child, we're going to prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you, probably, as required by law. If you don't want your child to be separated, then don't bring them across the border illegally."
Has May just tried to shaft the remainer rebels and thereby set her self up for another cliff edge next week? Or am I missing some twist?
I think there are about 15-20 Tory rebels including Sourby and Clarke.
Sourby? Freudian slip?
I must say I don't really know how many of these rebels there are supposed to be - I know rebels will always talk up their numbers, but outside the most recalcitrant trio of Clarke, Grieve and Soubry I cannot think of any off the top of my head, so most will be less prominent even if there are 15-20 I assume.
Soubry, Morgan, Wollaston, Djanogly, Hammond, Allen, Lefroy, Neill, Grieve, Clarke, Sandbach, Heald, Spelman, Masterton and allegedly more still to come out.
Many Cons MPs are furious with the current leadership but simply do not vote against their own government. It’s one reason I think JRM et al have kept quiet.
I can’t see those MPs changing unless there is substantive movement towards a hard Brexit by May.
Will the Remainers in the payroll vote with the Government even in the likelihood of a no deal ? That will change the arithmetic.
The reporting coming from the child internment camps in America is staggering.
One wonders what the parents were thinking sending their children to a foreign country alone.
They weren't. The authorities are splitting the families up.
Are the kids born in the USA ?
No but what difference does that make? The families are travelling to the USA together then getting split up.
If they were born in the USA they would have some claim for citizenship.
As it is splitting up the families looks pretty mindless.
No these are migrants and its not just illegal migrants this is happening to.
Sounds totally mad.
It is utterly horrendous. It is being done as a consviousactnof harm against the migrant famil8es. The authorities are basically saying "if you try to migrate to the US we will take your children away from.you as an actofnpunishment and deterent"
Then when US politicians try to get access to the children to monitor their conditions they are being refused access.
WASHINGTON — A top official with the Department of Health and Human Services told members of Congress on Thursday that the agency had lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children it placed with sponsors in the United States, raising concerns they could end up in the hands of human traffickers or be used as laborers by people posing as relatives. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/04/26/us/politics/migrant-children-missing.html
1475 children "lost", separated from their family and then given to a non-relative and now can't be contacted.
The reporting coming from the child internment camps in America is staggering.
One wonders what the parents were thinking sending their children to a foreign country alone.
They weren't. The authorities are splitting the families up.
Are the kids born in the USA ?
No but what difference does that make? The families are travelling to the USA together then getting split up.
If they were born in the USA they would have some claim for citizenship.
As it is splitting up the families looks pretty mindless.
No these are migrants and its not just illegal migrants this is happening to.
Sounds totally mad.
It is utterly horrendous. It is being done as a consviousactnof harm against the migrant famil8es. The authorities are basically saying "if you try to migrate to the US we will take your children away from.you as an actofnpunishment and deterent"
Then when US politicians try to get access to the children to monitor their conditions they are being refused access.
In front of our very eyes a country is becoming nasty. Shades of the '30s. Just don't say it cannot happen again.
4000 plus Americans dead due to botched disaster relief in Puerto Rico, hundreds of children 'lost' after being forcibly separated from their families.
Massive insurance premium hikes coming in October and no Hillary to run against.
I'm feeling pretty happy about my 3/1 on Dem control of the House.
Now is the time for the showdown with the rebels. TM could not continue to remain even handed. She has chosen the 300 or so loyal MPs against the 14-16 rebels and if I was her I would do the same.
She may lose and may even resign if she loses but the impasse has to be addressed and the rebels may end up with Boris if they are not careful (not that I will vote for him)
The reporting coming from the child internment camps in America is staggering.
One wonders what the parents were thinking sending their children to a foreign country alone.
They weren't. The authorities are splitting the families up.
Are the kids born in the USA ?
No but what difference does that make? The families are travelling to the USA together then getting split up.
If they were born in the USA they would have some claim for citizenship.
As it is splitting up the families looks pretty mindless.
No these are migrants and its not just illegal migrants this is happening to.
Sounds totally mad.
It is utterly horrendous. It is being done as a consviousactnof harm against the migrant famil8es. The authorities are basically saying "if you try to migrate to the US we will take your children away from.you as an actofnpunishment and deterent"
Then when US politicians try to get access to the children to monitor their conditions they are being refused access.
In front of our very eyes a country is becoming nasty. Shades of the '30s. Just don't say it cannot happen again.
This is something that shouldn't be able to happen in a developed western nation. It's horrifying.
The reporting coming from the child internment camps in America is staggering.
One wonders what the parents were thinking sending their children to a foreign country alone.
They weren't. The authorities are splitting the families up.
Are the kids born in the USA ?
No but what difference does that make? The families are travelling to the USA together then getting split up.
If they were born in the USA they would have some claim for citizenship.
As it is splitting up the families looks pretty mindless.
No these are migrants and its not just illegal migrants this is happening to.
Sounds totally mad.
It is utterly horrendous. It is being done as a consviousactnof harm against the migrant famil8es. The authorities are basically saying "if you try to migrate to the US we will take your children away from.you as an actofnpunishment and deterent"
Then when US politicians try to get access to the children to monitor their conditions they are being refused access.
In front of our very eyes a country is becoming nasty. Shades of the '30s. Just don't say it cannot happen again.
Do you mean Italy, Austria and Germany? They don't seem so keen on migrants, again. Oh, and they are all in the EU.
Perhaps it’s time for May to threaten resignation if the Grieve amendment passes.
Time for Grieve and Sour-by 's constituency chairpersons to have word in their shell like.
Soubry's constituency has had strongly pro-EU MPs for 40 years (Soubry/me/Lester) - it is simply not a deselectable issue there. *I'm* probably the least pro-EU of the three and I'm in favour of eventually becoming a single country (I do concede it's not perfect!). The seat did in fact narrowly vote Leave, but not with any great enthusiasm, and UKIP et al have never got anywhere there.
You're in favour of becoming a single COUNTRY ?!
Yes - I've lived half my life on the Continent and think the perception of differences is vastly exagerrated. There are more cultural differences between, say, London and Haslemere than between London and Vienna or between Haslemere and rural Denmark (and I've lived in all of them).
But I think it should be gradual, over say 50 years, with more and more shared competence over time. The day of the nation state trying to influence matters on its own is fading, as even Trump will discover.
Fair enough. I disagree of course, but fair enough. But surely asking our consent along the way would be ( would have been?) a good idea? The Irish have had votes along the way at each treaty. Now, again, I’ve got my views on them being asked to “vote again to get the right answer”, but at least they’ve had a say, and the Irish Govt could move on from a solid base of consent.
We had nothing from 1975 - 2016 and I think the basis of the consent of the people was gradually eroded as the EEC of 9 morphed into an EU of 28. The reneging on the Constitution/Lisbon vote promised by all three main parties was appalling. A breach of faith. It also helped sow the wind in my view.
By all means campaign openly for a USE, but please could we have openness about the ultimate destination ( you are clear, others are more dissembling I feel sure), and please do not presume consent on big constitutional matters even if we were ever “in” again in the future. Take the people with you by open verified persuasion. Oh and make sure there is a direct way to fire those in power. That reassures people a lot.
4000 plus Americans dead due to botched disaster relief in Puerto Rico, hundreds of children 'lost' after being forcibly separated from their families.
Massive insurance premium hikes coming in October and no Hillary to run against.
I'm feeling pretty happy about my 3/1 on Dem control of the House.
The Remainers cannot stop NO DEAL in any event. If there is no agreed withdrawal treaty then we are taken out via A50. Some politicians are deluded into thinking that they have power to influence when they do not.
Last week people were thinking May was a secret Remainer. Now she is full Brexit.
Actually, she is just May May - whatever for her to remain as PM.
Perhaps it’s time for May to threaten resignation if the Grieve amendment passes.
Time for Grieve and Sour-by 's constituency chairpersons to have word in their shell like.
The seat did in fact narrowly vote Leave, but not with any great enthusiasm
How do you judge that? Are there seats which voted Leave by the same proportion, but with greater enthusiasm?
I just don't know how that enthusiasm is measured.
By the lack of questions about Europe at all the hustings events, and by the low support for Referendum and UKIP at successive elections. The subject just rarely came up.
Yes, but it probably rarely came up at other places which voted Leave by the same proportion, I don't get how that measures enthusiasm. By the things you've judged it by it should not have voted Leave at all, but it did, so using that same evidence to judge how enthusiastically they did so seems suspect.
Trump supporters care more about a fictional pizza based peadophole ring than the federal government facilitating child trafficking.
I've got family in Canada and think the differences between us and there are greatly exaggerated.
Heck even the USA and UK differences are greatly exaggerated.
Speaking of Trump should we be in the same nation state as him? If not, why not?
As it is splitting up the families looks pretty mindless.
Actually, she is just May May - whatever for her to remain as PM.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the administration's policy last month.
"So, if you cross the border unlawfully, even a first offense, we're going to prosecute you," Sessions told a gathering of the Association of State Criminal Investigative Agencies. "If you're smuggling a child, we're going to prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you, probably, as required by law. If you don't want your child to be separated, then don't bring them across the border illegally."
Then when US politicians try to get access to the children to monitor their conditions they are being refused access.
1475 children "lost", separated from their family and then given to a non-relative and now can't be contacted.
Massive insurance premium hikes coming in October and no Hillary to run against.
I'm feeling pretty happy about my 3/1 on Dem control of the House.
She may lose and may even resign if she loses but the impasse has to be addressed and the rebels may end up with Boris if they are not careful (not that I will vote for him)
We had nothing from 1975 - 2016 and I think the basis of the consent of the people was gradually eroded as the EEC of 9 morphed into an EU of 28. The reneging on the Constitution/Lisbon vote promised by all three main parties was appalling. A breach of faith. It also helped sow the wind in my view.
By all means campaign openly for a USE, but please could we have openness about the ultimate destination ( you are clear, others are more dissembling I feel sure), and please do not presume consent on big constitutional matters even if we were ever “in” again in the future. Take the people with you by open verified persuasion. Oh and make sure there is a direct way to fire those in power. That reassures people a lot.
CSU issue ultimatum to Merkel