politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Peace in our time but not for long as Mrs May will soon run out of road to kick the can
Here it is – “unity amendment”“Customs Arrangement as part of the framework for the future partnership”
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What is even the point of all this can kicking? It's not buying us more time it seems, just using up our time.
And that point holds just as true for the Tories trying to stave off a confrontation between their various factions.
Easy to forget about Brexit in these moments.
Unless Parliament votes to stay in the EEA this week we will need a Free Trade deal still. A Free Trade deal is not going to happen by Brexit next March but that was never likely given Canada took seven years to negotiate its deal with the EU.
The most terrible word in politics has been mentioned.
Bring on the no deal.
I spoke to someone who has worked for every Tory leader since Thatcher and I mentioned Olly Letwin's disasters.
He said Letwin's not interested in personal glory, he's prepared to be the fall guy when PMs float a ballon.
If Letwin is as incompetent as people think do you honestly let Thatcher would have kept on promoting him?
The Remainers desire to water-down Brexit results in the hardest of hard Brexit.
(definition of 'irony' in future dictionaries)
John Major left Blair and Brown with a strong and growing economy and a government that had won the Gulf War on the basis of a strong international coalition, they left office with unemployment rocketing, the country heading for bankruptcy and a deeply unpopular war which took years to resolve and which half the UK's allies refused to partake in.
No deal will macerate our economy. And they don't care.
Easiest deal in history...
And Brexiteer rewriting of history to make those who warned and campaigned against it the villains is as doomed as the project itself
Wake me up when a Brexiteer is negotiating...
In order to be taken seriously in a negotiation you need the other party to think you are prepared to walk away. That no deal would be better than a bad deal. You don't do that by hollow platitudes that simply piss off people but achieve nothing you do that by preparing for a Plan B.
Having a Plan B doesn't mean that is your desired outcome. It just means you're not screwed if you don't get Plan A.
We didn't do that so now the EU quite frankly are looking at us like vultures do ... and who can blame them?
Where the fuck have you been?
Hammond - remainer
Davis has no power, he's an idiot for not resigning when he was denied the opportunity to plan for no deal Brexit, but that's about it.
Clueless as every Scott. I keep saying it, you need to stick to copying from twatter. You can't do original thought.
You Leavers own this.
You can't be a finance minister who threatens to leave the Euro if that's not the platform you were elected on.
That's democracy...
As you well know TMay overrules him on any critical issues, so any vital decisions are kiboshed.
Perhaps he should resign. Perhaps he will.
Try not to overwork that brain cell, it's not cut out for original thought.
Sharp operator Barnier vs. certified moron Davis - was the result ever in doubt? Jeez!
Lisbon was signed without a referendum despite the platform MPs were elected on being that there would be one. Surely that should be not allowed according to your principles?
Whenever I want to have a laugh at PB's Leavers I go and read the thread where Alastair pointed out doing trade deals takes a lot more than two years.
PB Leavers said it would be very easy and Alastair was wrong.
Let us say the false premise that the EU are being difficult, what about the rest of the world, surely the likes of Fox and Davis will have sorted out a load of trade deals with no EU countries in principle?
It is also a myth to suggest the government has not been pushing for a comprehensive system of mutual recognition which was on May's radar as she made clear at the Mansion House speech in March.
After all, while the government of Greece did in the end capitulate several years ago, they did manage to get popular support for not doing so - and where popular support can be garnered like that, then even by accident someone will eventually take the plunge and not capitulate. Speaking with such certainty that it must happen ignores that possibility.
Not to mention his 'disco and drugs' thoughts.
Since then he's shoveled millions to Kids Company, put important documents in a park bin, had to be kept under lock and key during general elections and let a burglar into his house in the middle of the night.
On Brexit day we are set to sign under 10 trade deals with our existing partners, out of about 40 in total.
Fox is a complete and utter disaster of a minister.
Fox, Davis and Boris should have all been sacked a long time ago.
Its not exactly a new idea.
Be great to avoid those tariffs but it's not worth selling our soul over.
So I don't really know that your faith in the buck stopping with them holds much water. It's another thing that might be reasonable to happen but no certainty.
I keep hoping TMay is playing a long game where she proves that she has been as reasonable as possible with the EU, and shows how appalling the demands the EU are making.
Then she will have the country's support for full Brexit as we have no choice.
Sadly, though, you are probably right and she is just spineless.
In terms of implementing Brexit Corbyn's policy is virtually identical to May's
Him to them: "I have been told by multiple teams of lawyers for different parties that I must keep my trap shut."
Cummings-committee correspondence.
Not a clue between them
What are these people thinking of?
This sort of thing gets trotted out in safe seats and one party councils all the time, from all sides. You hear people like the Greens all the time talking about how 'people are tired of being taken for granted' by the big two or the like.
But it never seems to be true. Or if they do feel like they are being taken for granted, they don't mind it as much as the prospect of someone else taking over. More likely, they like the one party state they have. So it is just a lazy cliche really.
The Leave voters were entitled to think their elected government would exercise a degree of competence in executing the referendum result.
And not nearly SO dull as the Brexiteers.
Before the vote it was going to be brilliant. Freedom. Prosperity. A beacon to the World.
Then not quite as bad as the Black Death.
Now, worse than staying,
And all the while, for 2 years, the steady monotone whine of "It's not our fault"
Yes, it fucking is.
You wanted it. You voted for it. You own it.
But couldn't do much because the experts in the civil service said what Vote Leave were promising was undeliverable and contradictory.
Two years on and they were right, Leavers still haven't worked out what type of Leave they want.
The best case Brexit was a terminal clusterfuck that would stagnate the economy, knock points off trade and cause bitterness and resentment for a generation.
And the government are working night and day to deliver that.
(And no I'm not whining about it not being my fault. It probably was a mistake, and though this is not what I expected nor was inevitable my vote was my vote in the end).
Clarke's work in the 1950s was brilliantly interesting and highly readable.
Night all
Step 1: Catch your unicorn...