Yesterday’s ruling about Vote EU’s referendum expenses has inevitably led to those betting that the March 29th date will be achieved reviewing their positions. In recent weeks the market had been moving strongly towards it happening on time and it is still odds on.
It isn't fair. They lied. They cheated.
Note: they applies to both sides.
In any case, the amounts involved are dwarfed by the government’s £9 million attempt to tip the scales in Remain’s favour.
It is the responsibility of Mr Gordon - party’s registered campaigns officer–to ensure spending returns are accurate and rules are followed.
The watchdog’s investigation concluded Mr Gordon had committed an offence under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act (PPERA) by “knowingly or recklessly making a false declaration”.
The Commission’s report said: “The evidence provided by the party indicates that some persons within the party were aware of some of the missing payments before the spending return was submitted.
“Consequently some persons within the party were aware that the return was not complete nor correct prior to the campaigns officer signing the accompanying declaration, raising the potential that it was a false declaration.”
The watchdog said last night it was the first time they had called in police over this offence. '
It seems daft to say that someone of Jewish heritage is anti-semitic. Unless there’s a confusion between anti-semitism in general and anti Israeli Government.
Well its easier to put trust in that than put trust in our politicians, Sir Humphreys and 'expert' diplomats.
But you lawyers like to let things drag on and on (at £300ph
' WHSmith has admitted it made more than £700 by selling single tubes of toothpaste for £7.99 in a hospital.
The Pinderfields Hospital branch in Wakefield was caught selling Colgate, normally priced at £2.49, by a visitor.
The retailer blamed a pricing error and said proceeds from the sales would be donated to charity St George's Crypt.
In 2015, WHSmith was accused of exploiting hospital customers after the BBC found it was charging less on the high street. '
Actually, I am getting the privilege of a legal aid case at the moment which involves payment at a gross rate of £900 a day from which I have to pay commissions etc leaving about £650 before tax. I work that out at more like £50 an hour including preparation. Its my charitable donation for the year.
Could Nigel Farage become for the first mainland DUP MP since Andrew Hunter?
Working in an industry that is going to be greatly impacted by Brexit, and is the largest contributor to the Exchequer, kicking the can down the road to October really doesn't really leave much time to implement the deal.
As someone said Brexit will be a process not an event.
FI in general and Berlusconi in particular has been one of the main points of disagreement in the previous Lega / M5S talks.
The withdrawal bill doesn't need a huge amount of implementation.
The final deal probably will.
It wouldn’t be too outrageous of course. Thanet, like parts of Ulster is inhabited by the descendants of people who, with the support of the overlord. supplanted the indigenous population.
If Mrs May had the numbers she'd schedule the vote for June/July, but she doesn't, hence the delay.
But yes, I agree; if the house votes *down* the withdrawal bill, we will be asking for an A50 extension.
I suspect it would be granted, at the eleventh hour, and after many threats to the contrary
(1) The idea of Berlusconi l'etting' anything happen would be anathema to Di Maio. FI, having agreed not to oppose, are outside the talks afai can tell, though how much Lega have been primed to represent their interests, e.g. in pushing for possession of the telecoms ministry, is moot.
(2) As well as FI"s acquiescence one of the things that brought Lega back to the table was Di Maio's concession of an honest broker PM. My reading was that Di Maio and Salvini would split Home and Foreign between them.
I think you are right on Berlusconi s longer game of a final return, but unless he massively improves FIs own polling, it will be contingent on Lega losing faith in the coalition ratherr than FI turning against it alone and, given Berlusconi's age, it would need to happen sooner rather than later.
Anyone heard/seen anything about this polling? Or is it just wild rumour?
Cyprus seems favourite and should do well on the gratuitous flesh and good song factor, but not much value. Israel for weirdness, but not to win. Norway has good staging and the Scandi factor.
But Eurovision voting is notoriously unpredictable, so the value for me looks to be a "bad each way" approach, and top 10's
I fancy top 10'S for Slovenia, Serbia, Moldova, Italy, Ukraine, Hungary and Finland.
Warning, my Eurovision punditry is not great!
I love Eurovision.
Virtually the whole business, economic arts, and broadcast establishment was full square behind Remain, together with almost all other World leaders, and the case for Leaving the EU got battered with heavy artillery every single day in the papers and media. It was relentless and, for a long time, I thought Leave would get crushed.
Leave's offence is that it won. Nothing more, nothing less.
I did read some fellow (Twitter) suggesting Serbia to win at 501.
That will make winning GE2022 fairly crucial for the Conservatives but, also, probably too late for Labour to RON with the EU if it wins.
It might just extend those transactions, and opt-in to some extra EU programmes, though.
Or maybe it's just we stopped caring.
Thank you.
I've also put £4 on the UK at 290/1 for sh*ts and giggles. I don't think our song is actually that bad.
Not that that matters.
Oh noes! Enforcing property laws = NAZIS!
Paul Brand
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Public polling might put Labour only 2 points ahead of Tories, but one senior Conservative MP told me this week that internal polling shows a 12 point gap. Blue panic.
9:21 AM - 19 Nov 2017
The UK is one of the most racially tolerant and open places in Europe, probably the most.
Go anywhere else in Europe and you can see and feel the difference.
I wonder what "delights" us await us in the Sunday papers tonight?
The pattern that has been emerging recently is that REMAIN generally gets all their hits in through the Sunday papers... And then it all fizzles out through the week as LEAVE strike back.
Lets see.
(BTW those posts declaring smugly that we are less intolerant than other European countries is a classic PB Tory marker. Add it to the list Anazina started last night).
Songs I think are actually good: Finland, Bulgaria, Norway and Australia. And the UK isn't awful.
Germany and France aren't bad either. But I don't think the German one is distinctive enough, and the French sign in French, which doesn't help them much.
(A few years ago Brundle was forced to apologise when he criticised a track surface, as if it had been laid by pikeys).
Incidentally, I've backed D. Foxy's Eurovision suggestions. I hope Serbia do well.