NEW HAMPSHIREIf the Democratic primary for president were held today and the candidates were [see below] …Warren 26%Biden 20%Sanders 13%Booker 8%Harris 4%Patrick 4%Gillibrand 2%McAuliffe 2%Unsure 21%(Suffolk U. Poll, Democratic primary voters, 4/26-30/18)
However that ship has sailed. As, surely, has Bernie’s.
Either could, though, become kingmakers!
Who's the President? Unsure.
Who's got the best position on the economy? Unsure.
Has there ever been a scandal surrounding the candidates? Yes, Unsure.
Plenty of time for candidates to emerge, but it's unusual for the strong frontrunners to be septuagenarians and an almost septuagenarian.
I have a little money on Harris, as I think she has a decent shot of being the next generation pick.
Upon checking, I have no money on Warren, but do on a few others, so I hope this is not indicative. Long way to go to the election, of course.
Best of luck to PBers standing in today's elections, particularly if you're standing for Labour in Trafford, the Lib Dems in Sutton, or the Conservatives in Barnet.
I'm warming to him.
Senators or Governors are the best bets, but after Trump, anything goes.
Also governors tend to do better than former senators when they stand, although there are many exceptions to that rule.
I would have thought Andrew Cuomo would have to be in with a reasonable chance if he stands.
All the issues have been kicked down the road endlessly but there is no time left. May has to decide - surrender to the EU or stand up and insist on what she promised - no CU, no regulatory alignment, which right now is going to mean a no deal Brexit. She can't survive the former; she might have a chance with the latter of she takes the nation with her.
However I also have nineteen parish councillors to vote for, out of twenty-six candidates. I like doing due diligence before I vote, but that's just overwhelming. I reckon for many people it'll be recognition of a couple of names, followed by pin-in-paper time. It seems ridiculous.
To all those standing for election or who have been campaigning: Thank you.
Trump is vulnerable there anyway, and his trade war really hasn't helped.
Move away from the not open Photoshop....
Sometimes triangulation works, but sometimes distinguishing yourself clearly works too.
Well, apart from undocumented legal immigrants, natch.
I’m in London.
Class calculator is a rather blunt instrument I think. Says I am ‘elite’ - I guess because of the value of my house, which isn’t that unusual down here.
I saw a parish with 16 candidates for 15 seats. 1 poor bastard to lose.
TBH, smacks of haste and ill-prepardness.
Who thinks up these things?
Edit: sp (FFS again!)
Anyway the Tories and the Lib Dems, who have been the only ones canvassing, were still putting material through my front door at 10 pm last night. Poor sods.
Re this (fpt) -“And maybe the career opportunities wont exist in a computerised and globalised economy”, I do wonder. IT problems last week in TSB; this week with NHS breast screening - and these are by no means isolated examples. The idea that there will be no work in a computerised world strikes me as optimistic. We will probably spend our time putting right all the cock ups caused by those intelligent computers, just as we now spend our time trying to sort out the messes caused by intelligent humans.
Even some Tories are cottoning onto the idea now.
you choose
Your comment does imply you think the UK is finished though.
Is what I was told when I started being an agent many years ago.
Most usually the candidate.
The ability to manage an effective presidential campaign is to some extent an indication of executive competence (a rule of course subject to the Trump exception...).
we need a grown-up debate on tax, but we also need grown-ups spending that money wisely.
That's where Labour has problems ..
This story is very much to the point...
Basically, running before they could walk.
In what areas is this country capable of providing 'world class public services' irrespective of funding ?
Because if 'championship level public services' is the best we can produce then funding them to 'world class level' is going to be a waste of finite resources.
That all said, good luck to all PB-ers standing for election or helping out today, and good luck to TSE that he makes it back from Rome in one piece.
Tried to put a double on the locals..lib dems to win Richmond and Tories to hang on in Kingston..they would only accept singles and then only up to £50...
They are meant to be bookies.