£500M Well spent on new passport. I mean it's not as if public services could do with half a billion is it.
Surely they're redesigned or reprinted from time to time, and this time they just add 'make it blue' to the spec sheet, why would it cost anything it wouldn't already cost to manufacture them, I'm confused?
Do they have the exact number of magenta ones or will that stock be scrapped?
You are talking utter horseshit...again..
“The UK passport is routinely redesigned every five years to guard against counterfeiting. We are launching the procurement process now to ensure there is sufficient time to produce and design UK passports from 2019 when the current contract ends."
So as the poster said, in terms of colour change, all that will be different is the spec sheet will say "blue". All the rest of the redesign / print is standard operating procedure to guard against counterfeiting.
While I am totally ambivalent towards the colour, it is a total non-issue in terms of cost.
Ah so its nil then
OK Daily Express is my Horse Shit newspaper of choice
UKBritain's blue passport RETURNS - £500m project will REPLACE pink EU document after Brexit
Right - a project that was already happening, with one detail changed.
£500M Well spent on new passport. I mean it's not as if public services could do with half a billion is it.
Surely they're redesigned or reprinted from time to time, and this time they just add 'make it blue' to the spec sheet, why would it cost anything it wouldn't already cost to manufacture them, I'm confused?
Do they have the exact number of magenta ones or will that stock be scrapped?
You are talking utter horseshit...again..
“The UK passport is routinely redesigned every five years to guard against counterfeiting. We are launching the procurement process now to ensure there is sufficient time to produce and design UK passports from 2019 when the current contract ends."
So as the poster said, in terms of colour change, all that will be different is the spec sheet will say "blue". All the rest of the redesign / print is standard operating procedure to guard against counterfeiting.
While I am totally ambivalent towards the colour, it is a total non-issue in terms of cost.
Ah so its nil then
The last contract was basically the same. So yes nil.
If you want to exclude foreign firms from government tenders, you can expect to sign free trade agreements with... absolutely no one.
There was quite a fuss in 2009, when the company that won the contract then wanted to send printing to Malta iirc. Eventually didn't happen because of said fuss.
Hardly matters either - until 2011/2012 or so UK passports were printed all over the globe.
£500M Well spent on new passport. I mean it's not as if public services could do with half a billion is it.
Have you been reading those fake news websites again?
Yes it's only costing 72 pounds and 10 shillings.
Or perhaps it's completely free and no old ones will be written off at all
You really need to stop reading the likes of the Canary....
Daily Express actually
Well that's nearly as bad...
The Express story doesn't say the change will cost £500m either. It too makes clear the current contract ends in 2019, and tenders have been invited for the new one. It just says that the project costs that much and will replace the passport colour, not that that is all it does.
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
£500M Well spent on new passport. I mean it's not as if public services could do with half a billion is it.
Surely they're redesigned or reprinted from time to time, and this time they just add 'make it blue' to the spec sheet, why would it cost anything it wouldn't already cost to manufacture them, I'm confused?
Do they have the exact number of magenta ones or will that stock be scrapped?
You are talking utter horseshit...again..
“The UK passport is routinely redesigned every five years to guard against counterfeiting. We are launching the procurement process now to ensure there is sufficient time to produce and design UK passports from 2019 when the current contract ends."
So as the poster said, in terms of colour change, all that will be different is the spec sheet will say "blue". All the rest of the redesign / print is standard operating procedure to guard against counterfeiting.
While I am totally ambivalent towards the colour, it is a total non-issue in terms of cost.
Ah so its nil then
The last contract was basically the same. So yes nil.
Zero stock wasted?
Give it a rest, you are making an idiot of yourself.
The cost of a choosing a different colour is zero. The redesign happens every 5 years, it is put out to tender and winner does the redesign and production. In the EU, out the EU, red, blue or bright pink, its the same.
You clearly don't remember the redesign a few years ago. Mrs Bucket did her nut because she said it was sexist.
£500M Well spent on new passport. I mean it's not as if public services could do with half a billion is it.
Surely they're redesigned or reprinted from time to time, and this time they just add 'make it blue' to the spec sheet, why would it cost anything it wouldn't already cost to manufacture them, I'm confused?
Do they have the exact number of magenta ones or will that stock be scrapped?
You are talking utter horseshit...again..
“The UK passport is routinely redesigned every five years to guard against counterfeiting. We are launching the procurement process now to ensure there is sufficient time to produce and design UK passports from 2019 when the current contract ends."
So as the poster said, in terms of colour change, all that will be different is the spec sheet will say "blue". All the rest of the redesign / print is standard operating procedure to guard against counterfeiting.
While I am totally ambivalent towards the colour, it is a total non-issue in terms of cost.
Ah so its nil then
The last contract was basically the same. So yes nil.
Zero stock wasted?
Sounds like they cannot reuse any stock for the next contract even if the colour stays the same, because of all the other features and redesigns. So yes, even with wasted stock the cost from making them blue would appear to be zero.
As the Express says
As part of its tender, De La Rue is expected to undertake major design changes to the passport to combat identity fraud
Even the Express story doesn't say what you thought it said, it doesn't say the change will cost money, just that it is part of the contract tender.
Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell, chairman of the Flags and Heraldry Committee, said: “It’s a matter of identity. Having the pink European passports has been a source of humiliation. It merged us into one European identity, which isn’t what we are."
I am not sure which I find most startling Andrew Rosindell's 'source of humiliation' comment (really? - get a life!) or that there is a Flags and Heraldry Committee... FFS!
Well, people have been crying about the humiliation of the burgundy ones being taken away too, so some people are just seeking things to be humiliated by. On the Committee, well, you know you are low on favours if that is the committee you get lumped with.
I kid, although it sounds more like a hobby group best suited to an all-parliamentary group
Fair enough, I guess it keeps them out of harm's way.
Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell, chairman of the Flags and Heraldry Committee, said: “It’s a matter of identity. Having the pink European passports has been a source of humiliation. It merged us into one European identity, which isn’t what we are."
I am not sure which I find most startling Andrew Rosindell's 'source of humiliation' comment (really? - get a life!) or that there is a Flags and Heraldry Committee... FFS!
Well, people have been crying about the humiliation of the burgundy ones being taken away too, so some people are just seeking things to be humiliated by. On the Committee, well, you know you are low on favours if that is the committee you get lumped with.
I kid, although it sounds more like a hobby group best suited to an all-parliamentary group
Fair enough, I guess it keeps them out of harm's way.
Doing a google of it, it would appear that it is just an all-party parliamentary group, with no more official status within parliament than the all party parliamentary group on Hadrian's Wall
£500M Well spent on new passport. I mean it's not as if public services could do with half a billion is it.
Surely they're redesigned or reprinted from time to time, and this time they just add 'make it blue' to the spec sheet, why would it cost anything it wouldn't already cost to manufacture them, I'm confused?
Do they have the exact number of magenta ones or will that stock be scrapped?
You are talking utter horseshit...again..
“The UK passport is routinely redesigned every five years to guard against counterfeiting. We are launching the procurement process now to ensure there is sufficient time to produce and design UK passports from 2019 when the current contract ends."
So as the poster said, in terms of colour change, all that will be different is the spec sheet will say "blue". All the rest of the redesign / print is standard operating procedure to guard against counterfeiting.
While I am totally ambivalent towards the colour, it is a total non-issue in terms of cost.
Ah so its nil then
The last contract was basically the same. So yes nil.
Zero stock wasted?
Sounds like they cannot reuse any stock for the next contract even if the colour stays the same, because of all the other features and redesigns. So yes, even with wasted stock the cost from making them blue would appear to be zero.
As the Express says
As part of its tender, De La Rue is expected to undertake major design changes to the passport to combat identity fraud
Even the Express story doesn't say what you thought it said, it doesn't say the change will cost money, just that it is part of the contract tender.
He will be complaining about the cost of redesigned bank notes next....think of all those notes that get taken out of service and burned!!!! I blame Brexit.
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
Why wouldn't we reciprocate? It should be: UK nationals, Commonwealth citizens, all other nationalities.
And the Guardian are being a bit cheeky there. The color change isn't going to cause queues for British travelers, leaving the EU will.
£500M Well spent on new passport. I mean it's not as if public services could do with half a billion is it.
Surely they're redesigned or reprinted from time to time, and this time they just add 'make it blue' to the spec sheet, why would it cost anything it wouldn't already cost to manufacture them, I'm confused?
Do they have the exact number of magenta ones or will that stock be scrapped?
You are talking utter horseshit...again..
“The UK passport is routinely redesigned every five years to guard against counterfeiting. We are launching the procurement process now to ensure there is sufficient time to produce and design UK passports from 2019 when the current contract ends."
So as the poster said, in terms of colour change, all that will be different is the spec sheet will say "blue". All the rest of the redesign / print is standard operating procedure to guard against counterfeiting.
While I am totally ambivalent towards the colour, it is a total non-issue in terms of cost.
Ah so its nil then
OK Daily Express is my Horse Shit newspaper of choice
UKBritain's blue passport RETURNS - £500m project will REPLACE pink EU document after Brexit
Britain's blue passport RETURNS - £500m project will REPLACE pink EU document after Brexit
BRITAIN’S iconic dark blue passports are set to make a return as part of a £500million post-Brexit redesign. By CAROLINE WHEELER AND CAMILLA TOMINEY, EXCLUSIVE
And we are in for an Arctic Blast
I'm guessing that's the cost of the passport contract, which would happen regardless of color choice. Heavens knows why you'd think changing a color on a passport costs £500mn,
The question looks loaded - it asks specifically whether respondents want to be an independent Scotland in the EU - which will increase Remain sympathy. Unless they asked that last time, it's notcomparable with the one they're claiming a +6 from.
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
It’s often quicker to go through the non EU channels anyway (where the airport distinguishes). The EU route isn’t designed to be quicker - if significant numbers of people are redirected then the staff will just be reallocated accordingly.
£500M Well spent on new passport. I mean it's not as if public services could do with half a billion is it.
Surely they're redesigned or reprinted from time to time, and this time they just add 'make it blue' to the spec sheet, why would it cost anything it wouldn't already cost to manufacture them, I'm confused?
Do they have the exact number of magenta ones or will that stock be scrapped?
You are talking utter horseshit...again..
“The UK passport is routinely redesigned every five years to guard against counterfeiting. We are launching the procurement process now to ensure there is sufficient time to produce and design UK passports from 2019 when the current contract ends."
So as the poster said, in terms of colour change, all that will be different is the spec sheet will say "blue". All the rest of the redesign / print is standard operating procedure to guard against counterfeiting.
While I am totally ambivalent towards the colour, it is a total non-issue in terms of cost.
Ah so its nil then
OK Daily Express is my Horse Shit newspaper of choice
UKBritain's blue passport RETURNS - £500m project will REPLACE pink EU document after Brexit
Britain's blue passport RETURNS - £500m project will REPLACE pink EU document after Brexit
BRITAIN’S iconic dark blue passports are set to make a return as part of a £500million post-Brexit redesign. By CAROLINE WHEELER AND CAMILLA TOMINEY, EXCLUSIVE
The question looks loaded - it asks specifically whether respondents want to be an independent Scotland in the EU - which will increase Remain sympathy. Unless they asked that last time, it's notcomparable with the one they're claiming a +6 from.
Ah, since you're on I can remember to ask - when you were in Parliament, did you belong to any particularly interesting all-party parliamentary groups? There's so many, on just about everything it seems.
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
Why wouldn't we reciprocate? It should be: UK nationals, Commonwealth citizens, all other nationalities.
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
Why wouldn't we reciprocate? It should be: UK nationals, Commonwealth citizens, all other nationalities.
Surely two options:
British Citizens
Jonny Foreigners
You are absurd - Johnny or Jane Foreigner, thank you, it's the 21st century.
Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell, chairman of the Flags and Heraldry Committee, said: “It’s a matter of identity. Having the pink European passports has been a source of humiliation. It merged us into one European identity, which isn’t what we are."
I am not sure which I find most startling Andrew Rosindell's 'source of humiliation' comment (really? - get a life!) or that there is a Flags and Heraldry Committee... FFS!
There isn't really. There's an all-party parliamentary group (there are hundreds, on everything from Sri Lanka to Iceland - basically any interest that one has can be pursued) of a few backbench MPs which the newspaper calls a "committee". Tom Watson's a vice-chair, I see!
Something predicted hours after the vote, if not before it - it will surely be razor tight when the question next arises, and despite the regaining of ground by unionists in the GE, clearly they are simply too many independence supporters in Scotland for the question not to be asked again at some point.
I think it is clear th I have to say that I am not that bothered either way. I wish the scots the best if they want to become independent and rejoin the EU. Its their choice. Maybe the UK has outlived its purpose, if so then it is sad, but so be it.
Given the SNP lost almost half their MPs in June, the DUP has won 2 NI elections since the referendum and Wales voted Leave anyway and Plaid is still miles behind Welsh Labour, the union is now arguably stronger thsn it was before the Brexit vote.
Maybe: but it is just a moment in time. I'm more interested about what is happening over time, the big picture (sorry for the cliche)
Even so, malcolmg is quoting a survey that suggests that 49% of scots would vote to leave the UK and rejoin the EU as an independent scotland; so there are good reasons to cast doubt on your certainty.
Now that the Euro crisis has abated, joining the Euro solves the currency issue.
A curveball might be if a Northern Irish border poll comes first and is lost by the unionists. That could go either way in terms of its psychological impact in Scotland, but I’d expect the zeitgeist to be that the union is no longer fit for purpose.
There will.never be an Irish border poll while the DUP remains the largest party in Northern Ireland or indeed until SF and the SDLP win a majority at Stormont. Despite your predictions Unionist parties have won more seats than nationalists in every election in the UK since the EU referendum
The most recent survey by Lucid Talk had 56/34% favouring the UK. Public support for maintaing the UK in its constituent parts is pretty strong.
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
Why wouldn't we reciprocate? It should be: UK nationals, Commonwealth citizens, all other nationalities.
And the Guardian are being a bit cheeky there. The color change isn't going to cause queues for British travelers, leaving the EU will.
Yes, that would make sense. My mother always objected to queueing up with foreigners to enter her own country. I can't say it ever bothered me. It's not as if our immigration is as big of pain in the arse as US immigration.
Mind you, I remember making the mistake of sharing a night train compartment with an African in pre Schengen days. Between ticket inspectors, passports and customs in great detail neither of us got much sleep, though perhaps she was a bit dodgy as at one border she was hauled off under guard.
Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell, chairman of the Flags and Heraldry Committee, said: “It’s a matter of identity. Having the pink European passports has been a source of humiliation. It merged us into one European identity, which isn’t what we are."
I am not sure which I find most startling Andrew Rosindell's 'source of humiliation' comment (really? - get a life!) or that there is a Flags and Heraldry Committee... FFS!
There isn't really. There's an all-party parliamentary group (there are hundreds, on everything from Sri Lanka to Iceland) of a few backbench MPs which has chosen to call itself a "committee".
Apparently pigeon racing is pretty popular with parliamentarians given the size of its All-party group.
Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell, chairman of the Flags and Heraldry Committee, said: “It’s a matter of identity. Having the pink European passports has been a source of humiliation. It merged us into one European identity, which isn’t what we are."
I am not sure which I find most startling Andrew Rosindell's 'source of humiliation' comment (really? - get a life!) or that there is a Flags and Heraldry Committee... FFS!
There isn't really. There's an all-party parliamentary group (there are hundreds, on everything from Sri Lanka to Iceland) of a few backbench MPs which has chosen to call itself a "committee".
Apparently pigeon racing is pretty popular with parliamentarians given the size of its All-party group.
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
Why wouldn't we reciprocate? It should be: UK nationals, Commonwealth citizens, all other nationalities.
Surely two options:
British Citizens
Jonny Foreigners
You are absurd - Johnny or Jane Foreigner, thank you, it's the 21st century.
I guess it's not very modern or feminist to want just freedom of female movement?
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
And the Guardian are being a bit cheeky there. The color change isn't going to cause queues for British travelers, leaving the EU will.
That is a bit silly. Many have lost their minds over this one.
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
We will also have to apply online three days in advance and pay €10 for a visa waiver under the ETIAS scheme starting 2020. https://www.etiaseurope.eu/
Edit. Although it looks like the validity of the waiver is 5 years, so maybe not such an overhead.
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
Why wouldn't we reciprocate? It should be: UK nationals, Commonwealth citizens, all other nationalities.
And the Guardian are being a bit cheeky there. The color change isn't going to cause queues for British travelers, leaving the EU will.
Surely we should be encouraging tourists and foreign business types? That's why we won't reciprocate.
Something predicted hours after the vote, if not before it - it will surely be razor tight when the question next arises, and despite the regaining of ground by unionists in the GE, clearly they are simply too many independence supporters in Scotland for the question not to be asked again at some point.
I think it is clear th I have to say that I am not that bothered either way. I wish the scots the best if they want to become independent and rejoin the EU. Its their choice. Maybe the UK has outlived its purpose, if so then it is sad, but so be it.
Given the SNP lost almost half their MPs in June, the DUP has won 2 NI elections since the referendum and Wales voted Leave anyway and Plaid is still miles behind Welsh Labour, the union is now arguably stronger thsn it was before the Brexit vote.
Maybe: but it is just a moment in time. I'm more interested
Now that the Euro crisis has abated, joining the Euro solves the currency issue.
A curveball might be if a Northern Irish border poll comes first and is lost by the unionists. That could go either way in terms of its psychological impact in Scotland, but I’d expect the zeitgeist to be that the union is no longer fit for purpose.
There will.never be an Irish border poll while the DUP remains the largest party in Northern Ireland or indeed until SF and the SDLP win a majority at Stormont. Despite your predictions Unionist parties have won more seats than nationalists in every election in the UK since the EU referendum
The most recent survey by Lucid Talk had 56/34% favouring the UK. Public support for maintaing the UK in its constituent parts is pretty strong.
No it does not, there had to be agreement on how the Irish border issue would be resolved before we were able to start talks on a Canada style FTA with the EU.
So that Sinn Fein sponsored poll is now redundant.
No it does not, there had to be agreement on how the Irish border issue would be resolved before we were able to start talks on a Canada style FTA with the EU
And how will it be resolved, in the event of a Canada-style deal?
Maybe a bit. There is a clear preference for any "hard" border not to be across the island however. Northern Irish prefer to stay in the EU Single Market and Customs Union
No it does not, there had to be agreement on how the Irish border issue would be resolved before we were able to start talks on a Canada style FTA with the EU
And how will it be resolved, in the event of a Canada-style deal?
There will effectively be no tariffs or border controls on goods at the Irish border
The UK, being one of the 128 nations that voted for the resolution, was not invited. Never mind the 'Special Relationship' after yesterday's vote it looks like the UK is not even in the top 65 favoured nations of Trump's USA
Aren’t you overreacting just a bit?
No, Trump is notorious for his grudges and we can probably forget about a trade deal with the US for good or ill any time soon. In my view even if we were not going to vote with the USA and Israel we should at least have abstained like Australia, Canada and Poland, not vote against the US as we did yesterday.
Why not? We are a sovereign nation are we not? Foreign Policy is decided in Whitehall in our interests. You may disagree with the vote, but the President of USA has no right to determine it.
Yes - Europhile though I am, I woluldn't accept Tusk saying unless we voted the way he liked, he'd "take our name" and there would be consequences. The same goes for Trump, Putin or anyone else who tries to use threats.
Going by his posts today, HYUFD would agree to anything that Trump suggested, to try and preserve the 'special relationship'.
So, even if that meant the nuclear anhillation of another country, or setting a chain of events off that plunged an entire continent in to war, it would be worth it to preserve the special relationship. Hmmm.
No I wouldn't, we did not have to vote with the USA to recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital we could have just abstained as Canada, Poland and Australia managed to do, we did not have to vote for the resolution opposing the US and Israeli position.
That would have been entirely in accordance with the official UK policy that Jerusalem should be shared as a capital between Israel and Palestine
Where's the lad that was asking me (among others) to comment on an Indy poll from April?*
*In November.
Given unionist parties will get a majority at Holyrood at the next elections on current polls it probably is the high water mark given that would kill off indyref2 for a generation
"US life expectancy fell last year for a second year running for the first time in more than half a century, reportedly driven by the worsening opioid crisis. Life expectancy in 2016 fell 0.1 years to 78.6, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. It was the first consecutive drop since 1962-63. The last two-year decline before that was in the 1920s."
"The number of drug overdose deaths in the US has soared in recent years, the figures show, climbing to 63,632 last year, compared with 52,404 in 2015. In 1999, the number was 16,849."
"The number of drug overdose deaths in the US has soared in recent years, the figures show, climbing to 63,632 last year, compared with 52,404 in 2015. In 1999, the number was 16,849."
I had a very minor medical procedure last week, and was prescribed a powerful opiate for pain relief. Utterly OTT: paracetamol or ibuprofen would have been fine.
"The number of drug overdose deaths in the US has soared in recent years, the figures show, climbing to 63,632 last year, compared with 52,404 in 2015. In 1999, the number was 16,849."
I had a very minor medical procedure last week, and was prescribed a powerful opiate for pain relief. Utterly OTT: paracetamol or ibuprofen would have been fine.
Which one? I have various different relatives with various different surgical problems, so Christmas conversations revolve around this kind of thing
"The number of drug overdose deaths in the US has soared in recent years, the figures show, climbing to 63,632 last year, compared with 52,404 in 2015. In 1999, the number was 16,849."
I had a very minor medical procedure last week, and was prescribed a powerful opiate for pain relief. Utterly OTT: paracetamol or ibuprofen would have been fine.
It seems obvious to us in the UK that prescribing opiates in this way is a bad idea but there must be something in American culture which views things differently.
"The number of drug overdose deaths in the US has soared in recent years, the figures show, climbing to 63,632 last year, compared with 52,404 in 2015. In 1999, the number was 16,849."
I had a very minor medical procedure last week, and was prescribed a powerful opiate for pain relief. Utterly OTT: paracetamol or ibuprofen would have been fine.
It seems obvious to us in the UK that prescribing opiates in this way is a bad idea but there must be something in American culture which views things differently.
Prescription drug culture is as insidious as gun culture in the US, it’s everywhere. US TV has 20 minutes an hour of adverts, and more than half are for presciption-only drugs being marketed to end users. The drugs themselves are gettting more powerful too, the latest painkillers are basically synthetic heroin and promise the ultimate in pain relief, but they’re highly addictive and there’s a huge black market from the unofficial pharmacists that hang around on street corners. It’s a massive social problem in the US, several million people completely screwed by addiction mostly started by drugs they got from a doctor.
Just on the political implications of the passports, of course no one should care what colour the things are - but they will now, because the worst of the Brexiteers have made it so. If you think this whole thing is a travesty, especially if you're under 40 and were only dimly aware passports were ever blue, then it becomes a symbol of the ridiculousness of those who threw away many of the rights you had with a burgundy passport. It just looks like another insane salvo in the old's culture war against the young.
And the failure of the Tories to reach out and stop Brexit becoming a culture war, is why they're in trouble against someone with as many shortcomings as Jeremy Corbyn.
It doesn't matter in terms of the colour, as a symbol of how the selfish nostalgia of older generations have thwarted the young it does. And anger over that sort of thing is what's turned Corbyn from a no hoper from dragging in votes from those who are sceptical but feel they have no choice but to vote against a party that is doing a very good impression of one that despises them and their values.
the shade proposed would be significantly lighter than the near-black navy used in previous, larger, UK passports.
Fabian Zuleeg, chief executive of the European Policy Centre, agreed that it would depend on the final EU/UK settlement as to whether it would be harder for British passport holders to travel in Europe in future. If UK citizens were treated as nationals of the European Economic Area, the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, then there would be no problem. “Otherwise they could face longer queues”
Claude Moraes, the British Labour MEP, said he was “deeply sceptical” that the EU27 would offer the UK a special deal. He said the UK would be on the other side of policies aimed at strengthening the EU’s external border, including Etias and a stronger border and coastguard agency. “That is something people will have to get used to and the new passport will symbolise that.”
Experts believe it is "quite unlikely" that Brits will be able to go through the EU citizen lanes at passport control in EU airports after Brexit, unless complete freedom of movement remains in place.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
Why wouldn't we reciprocate? It should be: UK nationals, Commonwealth citizens, all other nationalities.
And the Guardian are being a bit cheeky there. The color change isn't going to cause queues for British travelers, leaving the EU will.
Surely we should be encouraging tourists and foreign business types?.
And the EU shouldn’t?
Tell that to the Spanish Tourist trade.....
I think British travellers experiencing longer queues in the EU would welcome shorter queues at home...
"The number of drug overdose deaths in the US has soared in recent years, the figures show, climbing to 63,632 last year, compared with 52,404 in 2015. In 1999, the number was 16,849."
I had a very minor medical procedure last week, and was prescribed a powerful opiate for pain relief. Utterly OTT: paracetamol or ibuprofen would have been fine.
Someone who routinely prescribed like that would be questioned in UK. One of the advantages of the way the NHS works.
Just on the political implications of the passports, of course no one should care what colour the things are - but they will now, because the worst of the Brexiteers have made it so. If you think this whole thing is a travesty, especially if you're under 40 and were only dimly aware passports were ever blue, then it becomes a symbol of the ridiculousness of those who threw away many of the rights you had with a burgundy passport. It just looks like another insane salvo in the old's culture war against the young.
And the failure of the Tories to reach out and stop Brexit becoming a culture war, is why they're in trouble against someone with as many shortcomings as Jeremy Corbyn.
It doesn't matter in terms of the colour, as a symbol of how the selfish nostalgia of older generations have thwarted the young it does. And anger over that sort of thing is what's turned Corbyn from a no hoper from dragging in votes from those who are sceptical but feel they have no choice but to vote against a party that is doing a very good impression of one that despises them and their values.
Good comment.
Im expecting missed connections at schipol etc due to long queues in the non eu national line.
Just on the political implications of the passports, of course no one should care what colour the things are - but they will now, because the worst of the Brexiteers have made it so. If you think this whole thing is a travesty, especially if you're under 40 and were only dimly aware passports were ever blue, then it becomes a symbol of the ridiculousness of those who threw away many of the rights you had with a burgundy passport. It just looks like another insane salvo in the old's culture war against the young.
And the failure of the Tories to reach out and stop Brexit becoming a culture war, is why they're in trouble against someone with as many shortcomings as Jeremy Corbyn.
It doesn't matter in terms of the colour, as a symbol of how the selfish nostalgia of older generations have thwarted the young it does. And anger over that sort of thing is what's turned Corbyn from a no hoper from dragging in votes from those who are sceptical but feel they have no choice but to vote against a party that is doing a very good impression of one that despises them and their values.
Good comment.
Im expecting missed connections at schipol etc due to long queues in the non eu national line.
They already allow Swiss and some others through Non-EU channels all over the EU. It wouldn’t take many missed connections before KLM insist on British being allowed through as they are now at Schipol.
While the EU itself might want to punish the UK for daring to leave, individual European businesses are much more likely to act in their own best interests.
Just on the political implications of the passports, of course no one should care what colour the things are - but they will now, because the worst of the Brexiteers have made it so. If you think this whole thing is a travesty, especially if you're under 40 and were only dimly aware passports were ever blue, then it becomes a symbol of the ridiculousness of those who threw away many of the rights you had with a burgundy passport. It just looks like another insane salvo in the old's culture war against the young.
And the failure of the Tories to reach out and stop Brexit becoming a culture war, is why they're in trouble against someone with as many shortcomings as Jeremy Corbyn.
It doesn't matter in terms of the colour, as a symbol of how the selfish nostalgia of older generations have thwarted the young it does. And anger over that sort of thing is what's turned Corbyn from a no hoper from dragging in votes from those who are sceptical but feel they have no choice but to vote against a party that is doing a very good impression of one that despises them and their values.
Good comment.
Im expecting missed connections at schipol etc due to long queues in the non eu national line.
They already allow Swiss and some others through Non-EU channels all over the EU. It wouldn’t take many missed connections before KLM insist on British being allowed through as they are now at Schipol.
While the EU itself might want to punish the UK for daring to leave, individual European businesses are much more likely to act in their own best interests.
Another variant on the BMW/ Mercedes benz will come to the rescue argument.
Just on the political implications of the passports, of course no one should care what colour the things are - but they will now, because the worst of the Brexiteers have made it so. If you think this whole thing is a travesty, especially if you're under 40 and were only dimly aware passports were ever blue, then it becomes a symbol of the ridiculousness of those who threw away many of the rights you had with a burgundy passport. It just looks like another insane salvo in the old's culture war against the young.
And the failure of the Tories to reach out and stop Brexit becoming a culture war, is why they're in trouble against someone with as many shortcomings as Jeremy Corbyn.
It doesn't matter in terms of the colour, as a symbol of how the selfish nostalgia of older generations have thwarted the young it does. And anger over that sort of thing is what's turned Corbyn from a no hoper from dragging in votes from those who are sceptical but feel they have no choice but to vote against a party that is doing a very good impression of one that despises them and their values.
Good comment.
Im expecting missed connections at schipol etc due to long queues in the non eu national line.
They already allow Swiss and some others through Non-EU channels all over the EU. It wouldn’t take many missed connections before KLM insist on British being allowed through as they are now at Schipol.
While the EU itself might want to punish the UK for daring to leave, individual European businesses are much more likely to act in their own best interests.
Another variant on the BMW/ Mercedes benz will come to the rescue argument.
That discussion was about a trade deal between the UK sand EU, this is about how European businesses will individually treat their British customers.
Schipol I’d expect to bend over backwards, Charles de Gaulle not so much.
Hardly matters either - until 2011/2012 or so UK passports were printed all over the globe.
Do you think we will reciprocate? I think there's a fair chance we won't. EU citizens will be able to sail through Heathrow as now, whilst Brits will be queuing for hours on the continent behind the Africans and Asians getting their Schengen visas examined in minute detail.
Perhaps not a big concern for most but for regular travellers it will be a major pain in the arse.
The cost of a choosing a different colour is zero. The redesign happens every 5 years, it is put out to tender and winner does the redesign and production. In the EU, out the EU, red, blue or bright pink, its the same.
You clearly don't remember the redesign a few years ago. Mrs Bucket did her nut because she said it was sexist.
As the Express says
As part of its tender, De La Rue is expected to undertake major design changes to the passport to combat identity fraud
Even the Express story doesn't say what you thought it said, it doesn't say the change will cost money, just that it is part of the contract tender.
There's so many of them, I cannot see if others have a misleading 'committee' moniker.
Edit: Seriously, so many of them
I must ask Dr Palmer how many he was on.
Never mind 51 is still a bigger number than 49.
And the Guardian are being a bit cheeky there. The color change isn't going to cause queues for British travelers, leaving the EU will.
Now, that that did not in the end signal anything doesn't mean this one will not either, but the National have no concept of hubris, do they?
British Citizens
Jonny Foreigners
Mind you, I remember making the mistake of sharing a night train compartment with an African in pre Schengen days. Between ticket inspectors, passports and customs in great detail neither of us got much sleep, though perhaps she was a bit dodgy as at one border she was hauled off under guard.
And we can see who is a fan of Jazz, and is therefore to be avoided
"...The irony is that the UK could have had a blue passport while an EU member. EU member state Croatia currently has a blue passport, after all... "
Edit. Although it looks like the validity of the waiver is 5 years, so maybe not such an overhead.
So that Sinn Fein sponsored poll is now redundant.
Maybe a bit. There is a clear preference for any "hard" border not to be across the island however. Northern Irish prefer to stay in the EU Single Market and Customs Union
Where's the lad that was asking me (among others) to comment on an Indy poll from April?*
*In November.
That would have been entirely in accordance with the official UK policy that Jerusalem should be shared as a capital between Israel and Palestine
Which didn’t exist 2years ago and is bespoke .
We cannot possibly have any variance from this thing that we created to be variant from other things .
And the failure of the Tories to reach out and stop Brexit becoming a culture war, is why they're in trouble against someone with as many shortcomings as Jeremy Corbyn.
It doesn't matter in terms of the colour, as a symbol of how the selfish nostalgia of older generations have thwarted the young it does. And anger over that sort of thing is what's turned Corbyn from a no hoper from dragging in votes from those who are sceptical but feel they have no choice but to vote against a party that is doing a very good impression of one that despises them and their values.
Fabian Zuleeg, chief executive of the European Policy Centre, agreed that it would depend on the final EU/UK settlement as to whether it would be harder for British passport holders to travel in Europe in future. If UK citizens were treated as nationals of the European Economic Area, the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, then there would be no problem. “Otherwise they could face longer queues”
Claude Moraes, the British Labour MEP, said he was “deeply sceptical” that the EU27 would offer the UK a special deal. He said the UK would be on the other side of policies aimed at strengthening the EU’s external border, including Etias and a stronger border and coastguard agency. “That is something people will have to get used to and the new passport will symbolise that.”
Tell that to the Spanish Tourist trade.....
I think British travellers experiencing longer queues in the EU would welcome shorter queues at home...
Im expecting missed connections at schipol etc due to long queues in the non eu national line.
While the EU itself might want to punish the UK for daring to leave, individual European businesses are much more likely to act in their own best interests.
Schipol I’d expect to bend over backwards, Charles de Gaulle not so much.