Above is based on YouGov polling from last February when the specific question of the post-Brexit reintroduction of the blue passport was asked. This is something that ministers have just announced will happen. The figure shown is the net one. The total opposed is subtracted from those supporting for each segment.
The burgundy passports were agreed at the Fontainebleau summit where Maggie negotiated the budget rebate. Another part of Thatcher's legacy being trashed by Brexit.
It's a pointless change that sends a nasty, backwards message.
It'll be fine... In 20 years they'll be embarrassed they got upset about the colour of passports changing (those that will actually be prepared to admit it)
A clear majority of Brexiteers support this. It’s therefore not unreasonable that a government enacting Brexit should carry it out.
Can’t say I remember them though...
the heart of the matter, that is the culture war and intense upper middle class left loathing of the other Britain. The passport decision is a symbol, for ultra-Remainers, of the horrors of Brexit Britain. Attack blue passport people and you send a message of ultra liberal virtue about class and social attitudes: I am, it signals, cosmopolitan, sophisticated, post-nation state, modern, international, European and superior. Blue passport people, in contrast, are ghastly.
That and Nicola Sturgeon's 'My nationalism is better than your nationalism'.....
Before they go off quietly and reorder one after so they can actually travel abroad..
In reality what we'll see is quite a few people buying "EU" burgundy passport covers for them, just as you can currently buy old-style blue-black passport covers.
Labour might try and exploit it in the run up to GE2022 by pledging a choice of colours, or yet another redesign.
Hopefully, we'll move on.
Anyway, those who don't want a passport are getting to choose the colour for those who do. I'm sure there's a logic there somewhere.
I'm fussed about there still being French on the front of the passport* of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Did we lose a war?
*Yes, I am aware the word 'passport' has French origins.
Try not to respond with a dig at Leavers or Conservatives, but a genuine answer.
You've previously said building a message around "rewarding good work" might be the right move, which I found interesting.
"Young people are paying the price as high net migration contributes to housing crisis"
Did we lose a war?
Yes. 1066.
The problem is that some of the posher Remainers aren't used to not getting their own way.
Losing a referendum to the thickos is bad enough, but having them flaunt their blue passports would be the ultimate insult.
Think of a petulant child who is spoilt rotten. A Violet Eizabeth who flies off at the merest word.
No grown-ups are bothered.
We've never been conquered by the French.
It is an entirely sensible administrative measure.
You could also phrase it differently. When you arrive home at a busy UK airport - cos most of ours are far busier that most European airports bar holiday destinations in August - would you like a shorter queue as you won't have to join a queue with nationals of 26 other nations (bar the Irish)?
I prefer blue to maroon anyway - it looks classier!
Bar an excuse for extreme remoaners to have another Brexit related whinge I expect the vast majority of people will get over it.
People not used to losing.
Long game.
No, I've got no idea what he's on about either...
La Reyne le veult
I'll be fine.
Turned out I'd bet on Theresa May to survive as PM until 1st July.
Still, as ever, people see what they want to see. If 'nobody else gives a shit', let's not change it and see the ultra-leavers howl about how they want their past back.
Have a butchers at these beauties;
£1.49 out of your millions to save your blushes when you walk through Customs on your way to the Cote D'Azur is cheep at half the price.
A strong Conservative Prime Minister who was trying to be inclusive to those outside the tent would be astonishing the headbangers with her ingratitude, not signalling that she feels they need to be bought off with symbols. Time and again self-described moderate Leavers are failing to distance themselves from the nutters. The only conclusion has to be that they enjoy their company.
"What are you winning?"
They're winning the battle to ignore reality. Still in stage One - denial. Go easy on them, all their nightmares have come true.
If that is all it requires to board the Outrage Bus these days, then you really should be looking at your destination....
It's a concrete example of real change, as at the moment we've been in the phony war. The idea we are Brexiting and things really will change is driven home by this symbolic passport colour.
But lets call a spade a spade. You're conversing with a chap who casually threatens to suicide bomb Brussels if the electorate are ever given the opportunity to have another say.
You couldn't get a fag paper between @casino_royale and the nutters.
He's a pre-Tommy Mair. I honestly don't get why Mike indulges him.
Ain't happening.
Here's an idea. Go invest your energies in something where you can make a difference. Say, helping at at a homeless hostel this Christmas.
I am happy to listen to truths, but you cannot resist bracketing them up with insults and then acting contemptuously and dismissively when they are not well-received.
I note you have completely failed to answer the substance of my question. .
As for the above comment, if they stayed the same I don't think it would really matter. I wouldn't care, at least, though the change is worth it to see the howls of ultra remainers this morning and afternoon.
Neither they nor I give a stuff what colour it is (we are rational like that).
I'm not expecting the hard truths to be well-received. Comforting lies usually get a better reception. That's why Leave won.
Officers from South Yorkshire Police sent a card to a list of wanted people, advising them they had been selected to receive a free hamper and just needed to book a delivery slot.
But when the knock on the door came, the recipients were instead arrested and delivered before the courts.
South Yorkshire Police said it made 21 arrests over two days.
My eldest son exchanged his British passport for an Irish one after the referendum and rang me to explain. "Dad, in light of the family's new Irish majority, we may have to reconsider your family privileges."
"Bloody Eurocrats," I said. "Interfering in things that don't concern them. That's why we voted Leave."
Same happened end 2013 - zoomed up from 200>1200 in about two months, then collapsed to half that.
Doesn't exactly make it appealing as a currency.
How about a rainbow passport? Just to upset the headbangers.
Who remembers in the days of hijacking airliners, in the absence of Americans or Israelis on the plane, possession of a blue UK passport was potentially dangerous? Much easier to hide behind the anonymity of a ubiquitous EU passport.
The latest move is apparently to raise council tax 6% to pay for better policing. But council tax is regressive. So the poor will pay ££ they don't have, e.g. band D will go up by about £120/year.
Before he appeased the bastards so much, Cameron should have taken advice from Major. He saw them off in 1995