AP: BREAKING: Ex-Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort and his business associate, Rick Gates, plead not guilty to all charges.
Going to get expensive for them, then - particularly as it's suggested that assets are being seized.
The link to the Podesta group is also of interest - Tony Podesta has now resigned from the firm he founded with his bother because of the Mueller probe it seems.
And who is his brother - Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta. It's a small world - and the alleged wrongdoings of course relate to before Manafort worked for Trump for a few weeks.
Wow. The French don't do things by halves sometimes:
"Many women worldwide have shared accounts of sexual harassment using the Twitter hashtag #MeToo. In France the equivalent is #balancetonporc, meaning "expose your pig". "
BBC news website.
Most unfair.
Despite their reputation pigs are clean living animals.
I was always slightly bemused at school in french classes by having to learn about the charcuterie, a separate shop for pork products (ie not the butchers). Probably totally out dated now.
These days they get puzzled by the concept of a butcher - 'a separate shop for meat sir? Why bother with that?'
Although I have to say I think butchers have survived better than greengrocers, and as for grocers...
My little slice of England still has a couple of thriving butchers, one old-style greengocer and a couple of largish supermarkets. So on a numbers basis, the butchers beat the grocers.
As I'm a veggie - I can't comment on the butchers.
Vibratorgate......doesn't really work and who'd have thought a Tory MP could bring Soho into disrepute!
Which is more disreputable Roger; asking an adult who works for you to buy sex toys, or propositioning a 14 year old you've just carried to your bed?
Btw, it really isn't important to the question how good an actor either of the offenders are.
If you think 18 year old prefects and 50 year old teachers were caning boys from the age of 7 upwards at most public schools during the 70's and 80's when this 'outrage' occured I'd score both a one out of ten.
My experience with the Christian Brothers in the sixties was several were a bunch of sadistic perverts who took pleasure from beating young boys, and mild sexual acts. Your education was beaten in to you. They stopped when you were about 14,as you then both knew it was wrong, and were big enough to retaliate. Fortunately the Brothers are no more, and I am not affected by my schooling.
The Christian Brothers were a ghastly bunch, neither Christian nor brotherly. Violent sadists most of them.
Wow. The French don't do things by halves sometimes:
"Many women worldwide have shared accounts of sexual harassment using the Twitter hashtag #MeToo. In France the equivalent is #balancetonporc, meaning "expose your pig". "
BBC news website.
Most unfair.
Despite their reputation pigs are clean living animals.
I was always slightly bemused at school in french classes by having to learn about the charcuterie, a separate shop for pork products (ie not the butchers). Probably totally out dated now.
These days they get puzzled by the concept of a butcher - 'a separate shop for meat sir? Why bother with that?'
Although I have to say I think butchers have survived better than greengrocers, and as for grocers...
My little slice of England still has a couple of thriving butchers, one old-style greengocer and a couple of largish supermarkets. So on a numbers basis, the butchers beat the grocers.
As I'm a veggie - I can't comment on the butchers.
Had the last two butchers in my town close within a year of each other, but 2 more have since emerged, they do seem more resilient, perhaps simply for providing greater variety.
Wow. The French don't do things by halves sometimes:
"Many women worldwide have shared accounts of sexual harassment using the Twitter hashtag #MeToo. In France the equivalent is #balancetonporc, meaning "expose your pig". "
BBC news website.
Most unfair.
Despite their reputation pigs are clean living animals.
I was always slightly bemused at school in french classes by having to learn about the charcuterie, a separate shop for pork products (ie not the butchers). Probably totally out dated now.
These days they get puzzled by the concept of a butcher - 'a separate shop for meat sir? Why bother with that?'
Although I have to say I think butchers have survived better than greengrocers, and as for grocers...
My little slice of England still has a couple of thriving butchers, one old-style greengocer and a couple of largish supermarkets. So on a numbers basis, the butchers beat the grocers.
As I'm a veggie - I can't comment on the butchers.
Had the last two butchers in my town close within a year of each other, but 2 more have since emerged, they do seem more resilient, perhaps simply for providing greater variety.
Ken Livingstones favourite politician was a Butcher I think I heard.
Wow. The French don't do things by halves sometimes:
"Many women worldwide have shared accounts of sexual harassment using the Twitter hashtag #MeToo. In France the equivalent is #balancetonporc, meaning "expose your pig". "
BBC news website.
Most unfair.
Despite their reputation pigs are clean living animals.
I was always slightly bemused at school in french classes by having to learn about the charcuterie, a separate shop for pork products (ie not the butchers). Probably totally out dated now.
These days they get puzzled by the concept of a butcher - 'a separate shop for meat sir? Why bother with that?'
Although I have to say I think butchers have survived better than greengrocers, and as for grocers...
My little slice of England still has a couple of thriving butchers, one old-style greengocer and a couple of largish supermarkets. So on a numbers basis, the butchers beat the grocers.
As I'm a veggie - I can't comment on the butchers.
Had the last two butchers in my town close within a year of each other, but 2 more have since emerged, they do seem more resilient, perhaps simply for providing greater variety.
About a year ago a chain butcher called Crawshaws opened a shop in Cannock, boasting that it would put the local butcher, Melvyn's, out of business by providing better meat at lower prices.
Well, I gather it has disimproved things somewhat for Melvyn, but not for that reason. Instead it's because the meat in Crawshaws is so bad and so expensive everyone now buys from the supermarket anyway.
Leadsom will make statement on MPs behaviour this afternoon, Guardian reporting
What could go wrong?
One wonders what she thinks of it all, as a mother.
Without wishing to tar anybody without children, for whatever reason, one of May’s (many) problems, is the absence of children and the wider consequences and emotional challenges relating to that. More than most, she could do with being challenged and drawn out of her intellectual and emotional comfort zone.
Also, I’m really thrown by Roger’s response to these recent issues concerning sexual harassment and sexual assault.
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
People find it very hard to accept that someone can be both talented and an absolute shit. And if it turns out that some favoured talented person (whether politician or actor or artist or anything, really) is a shit and has committed a crime or behaved in an utterly horrific way, then there is no end to the rationalisations some people will go through to justify why, in this case, the matter is not so bad, the person should be excused, there are mitigating factors etc......
Trump has not tweeted for five whole hours. He's probably mulling over the Papadopoulos development. I suspect millions are waiting for the next tweet.
Wow. The French don't do things by halves sometimes:
"Many women worldwide have shared accounts of sexual harassment using the Twitter hashtag #MeToo. In France the equivalent is #balancetonporc, meaning "expose your pig". "
BBC news website.
Most unfair.
Despite their reputation pigs are clean living animals.
I was always slightly bemused at school in french classes by having to learn about the charcuterie, a separate shop for pork products (ie not the butchers). Probably totally out dated now.
These days they get puzzled by the concept of a butcher - 'a separate shop for meat sir? Why bother with that?'
Although I have to say I think butchers have survived better than greengrocers, and as for grocers...
My little slice of England still has a couple of thriving butchers, one old-style greengocer and a couple of largish supermarkets. So on a numbers basis, the butchers beat the grocers.
As I'm a veggie - I can't comment on the butchers.
Had the last two butchers in my town close within a year of each other, but 2 more have since emerged, they do seem more resilient, perhaps simply for providing greater variety.
I think that more and more people are coming to appreciate the quality of the meat from local butchers, and maybe to some extent the living-and dying- conditions of the animals. We use a local farm shop near us for pretty much all our meat, and if we want something more exotic, there are lots of ethical farms in the nearby Rutland and Melton areas. It costs a little more, but genuinely tastes a lot better than the supermarket's made up farm names produce.
Trump has not tweeted for five whole hours. He's probably mulling over the Papadopoulos development. I suspect millions are waiting for the next tweet.
Or just waiting for someone to ... DO SOMETHING !
Leadsom will make statement on MPs behaviour this afternoon, Guardian reporting
What could go wrong?
One wonders what she thinks of it all, as a mother.
Without wishing to tar anybody without children, for whatever reason, one of May’s (many) problems, is the absence of children and the wider consequences and emotional challenges relating to that. More than most, she could do with being challenged and drawn out of her intellectual and emotional comfort zone.
Also, I’m really thrown by Roger’s response to these recent issues concerning sexual harassment and sexual assault.
A couple of years ago he tried to justify a senior film director taking advantage of a young runner on a film. "It's what everyone expects - she knew what she was getting in to"
My view ov him fundamentally changed for the worse that day
Isn't Spacey a Democrat and a friend of Bill Clinton? Of course Roger can find no wrong in him!
Why do so people so often denounce what they practice? Anti-gay politicians who are gay? Fundamentalist preachers who are found with call girls? Left wing activists who molest women and boys? Is it just hypocrisy, or self-loathing?
Leadsom will make statement on MPs behaviour this afternoon, Guardian reporting
What could go wrong?
One wonders what she thinks of it all, as a mother.
Without wishing to tar anybody without children, for whatever reason, one of May’s (many) problems, is the absence of children and the wider consequences and emotional challenges relating to that. More than most, she could do with being challenged and drawn out of her intellectual and emotional comfort zone.
Also, I’m really thrown by Roger’s response to these recent issues concerning sexual harassment and sexual assault.
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
People find it very hard to accept that someone can be both talented and an absolute shit. And if it turns out that some favoured talented person (whether politician or actor or artist or anything, really) is a shit and has committed a crime or behaved in an utterly horrific way, then there is no end to the rationalisations some people will go through to justify why, in this case, the matter is not so bad, the person should be excused, there are mitigating factors etc......
The thing that gets me about Polanski (other than the obvious) is when people, and admittedly this does include the victim, talk about how long ago it was. Now, I'm on record being skeptical of the way many historical claims have been investigated, Wiltshire Police and Ted Heath spring to mind, and the length of time since an alleged offence can sometimes be relevant when the accusation may not be credible, or impossible to prove. But with Polanski it doesn't seem relevant at all, since he did it and has not received his punishment for it. Would people apply it to murder? Oh well, sure he fled jail on that murder conviction, but it was 20 years ago and so who minds?
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
The late Barry Norman once commented that Polanski would never be an Oscar winner because of his sexual abuse of a child, part of constructing a case that Scorsese deserved an Oscar for Gangs of New York. What is rather disturbing in hindsight is that he added, 'in truth, Polanski would be an equally worthy winner compared to Scorsese this time around.'
And yet it was Polanski won the Oscar. This man is a self-confessed child rapist and fugitive from justice but let's just give him our highest award, before cooing about our social consciences and how we are in the vanguard of standing up for the poor and oppressed minorities.
The only thing I would disagree with you over is that I don't think 'double standards' even begins to cover it.
Edited because I decided my language was clumsy - it came across as disrespectful to Polanski's victim which was certainly not intended.
Just clicked that link and a page popped up saying "redirecting in 7 seconds..." killed the page so didn't hang around to see where I was being redirected to but thought I'd better let everyone know in case there's a problem with Variety's website.
I find myself thinking of Lord Macaulay: "We know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality." I know this is very wrong of me.
Leadsom will make statement on MPs behaviour this afternoon, Guardian reporting
What could go wrong?
One wonders what she thinks of it all, as a mother.
Without wishing to tar anybody without children, for whatever reason, one of May’s (many) problems, is the absence of children and the wider consequences and emotional challenges relating to that. More than most, she could do with being challenged and drawn out of her intellectual and emotional comfort zone.
Also, I’m really thrown by Roger’s response to these recent issues concerning sexual harassment and sexual assault.
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
People find it very hard to accept that someone can be both talented and an absolute shit. And if it turns out that some favoured talented person (whether politician or actor or artist or anything, really) is a shit and has committed a crime or behaved in an utterly horrific way, then there is no end to the rationalisations some people will go through to justify why, in this case, the matter is not so bad, the person should be excused, there are mitigating factors etc......
The thing that gets me about Polanski (other than the obvious) is when people, and admittedly this does include the victim, talk about how long ago it was. Now, I'm on record being skeptical of the way many historical claims have been investigated, Wiltshire Police and Ted Heath spring to mind, and the length of time since an alleged offence can sometimes be relevant when the accusation may not be credible, or impossible to prove. But with Polanski it doesn't seem relevant at all, since he did it and has not received his punishment for it. Would people apply it to murder? Oh well, sure he fled jail on that murder conviction, but it was 20 years ago and so who minds?
It was only so long ago and not resolved because Polanski fled from justice. He was not convicted, mind, because he fled the US before the trial could take place. But still.....
The interesting thing to me is how many other film producers and stars have done the same as Weinstein. Improbable that he is the only one to have taken advantage, I'd have thought.
Leadsom will make statement on MPs behaviour this afternoon, Guardian reporting
What could go wrong?
One wonders what she thinks of it all, as a mother.
Without wishing to tar anybody without children, for whatever reason, one of May’s (many) problems, is the absence of children and the wider consequences and emotional challenges relating to that. More than most, she could do with being challenged and drawn out of her intellectual and emotional comfort zone.
Also, I’m really thrown by Roger’s response to these recent issues concerning sexual harassment and sexual assault.
A couple of years ago he tried to justify a senior film director taking advantage of a young runner on a film. "It's what everyone expects - she knew what she was getting in to"
My view ov him fundamentally changed for the worse that day
Isn't Spacey a Democrat and a friend of Bill Clinton? Of course Roger can find no wrong in him!
Why do so people so often denounce what they practice? Anti-gay politicians who are gay? Fundamentalist preachers who are found with call girls? Left wing activists who molest women and boys? Is it just hypocrisy, or self-loathing?
I don't know that is is actually that common. I imagine it would be hard to prove for the majority, but obviously cases where for whatever reason do practice that which they denounce will stick so prominently in our minds because of the hypocrisy. I saw a take on that once where it was joked it almost made people have slight inherent sympathy toward such people, but suggested people remember that the person spewing that hate filled homophobia may just be deeply confused and covering up their latent homosexuality because of self loathing and so deserving of our sympathy and help, but it is also possible they are just a dick.
In truth I think people are really really good at compartmentalization, to the point of absurdity, and can say and do things that appear diametrically opposed to values they sincerely believe they hold.
It was only so long ago and not resolved because Polanski fled from justice. He was not convicted, mind, because he fled the US before the trial could take place. But still.....
The interesting thing to me is how many other film producers and stars have done the same as Weinstein. Improbable that he is the only one to have taken advantage, I'd have thought.
I thought he did stand trial and pleaded guilty following a plea bargain, but fled while awaiting sentencing as he heard the judge was going to set it aside and sentence him properly to maybe 20 years rather than to time served (43 days).
But I am not an expert and I could easily be wrong.
Anyone else struggling to keep up with the cascade of news today?
Absolutely - and apparently women are appearing on the lists as well.
It will be more than sensational if a woman is publically named
Why ?
Maybe not then
The media will treat a woman in the same circumstances more harshly as they do with any wrong doing.However any judgment for the same offence , should be equal.
Just clicked that link and a page popped up saying "redirecting in 7 seconds..." killed the page so didn't hang around to see where I was being redirected to but thought I'd better let everyone know in case there's a problem with Variety's website.
You get redirected to the article on Variety....it is perfectly safe.
Whatever the context, you never want to see your name in an url next to the words Nazi child rapist. And that's as much levity as I can wring from this series of grim news.
Leadsom will make statement on MPs behaviour this afternoon, Guardian reporting
What could go wrong?
One wonders what she thinks of it all, as a mother.
Without wishing to tar anybody without children, for whatever reason, one of May’s (many) problems, is the absence of children and the wider consequences and emotional challenges relating to that. More than most, she could do with being challenged and drawn out of her intellectual and emotional comfort zone.
Also, I’m really thrown by Roger’s response to these recent issues concerning sexual harassment and sexual assault.
A couple of years ago he tried to justify a senior film director taking advantage of a young runner on a film. "It's what everyone expects - she knew what she was getting in to"
My view ov him fundamentally changed for the worse that day
Isn't Spacey a Democrat and a friend of Bill Clinton? Of course Roger can find no wrong in him!
Why do so people so often denounce what they practice? Anti-gay politicians who are gay? Fundamentalist preachers who are found with call girls? Left wing activists who molest women and boys? Is it just hypocrisy, or self-loathing?
Don't know, but as the psychiatrist character says in an episode of Faulty Towers: 'there's a whole conference worth of material there'.
It was only so long ago and not resolved because Polanski fled from justice. He was not convicted, mind, because he fled the US before the trial could take place. But still.....
The interesting thing to me is how many other film producers and stars have done the same as Weinstein. Improbable that he is the only one to have taken advantage, I'd have thought.
I thought he did stand trial and pleaded guilty following a plea bargain, but fled while awaiting sentencing as he heard the judge was going to set it aside and sentence him properly to maybe 20 years rather than to time served (43 days).
But I am not an expert and I could easily be wrong.
That was my understanding, but again could be wrong. If it is right, they key is he cannot be forgiven nor should it be forgotten because he's never been punished for wrongdoing.
Just clicked that link and a page popped up saying "redirecting in 7 seconds..." killed the page so didn't hang around to see where I was being redirected to but thought I'd better let everyone know in case there's a problem with Variety's website.
You get redirected to the article on Variety....it is perfectly safe.
Ah right. Thought it looked a bit strange (they must lose a lot of traffic through that "redirection" thing coming up)
Now you've said it's safe I'll go and have a look.
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
The late Barry Norman once commented that Polanski would never be an Oscar winner because of his sexual abuse of a child, part of constructing a case that Scorsese deserved an Oscar for Gangs of New York. What is rather disturbing in hindsight is that he added, 'in truth, Polanski would be an equally worthy winner compared to Scorsese this time around.'
And yet it was Polanski won the Oscar. This man is a self-confessed child rapist and fugitive from justice but let's just give him our highest award, before cooing about our social consciences and how we are in the vanguard of standing up for the poor and oppressed minorities.
The only thing I would disagree with you over is that I don't think 'double standards' even begins to cover it.
Edited because I decided my language was clumsy - it came across as disrespectful to Polanski's victim which was certainly not intended.
Polanski is a great film-maker. And a great criminal. He gets an Oscar for the former.
Schrodinger was a paedophile, Einstein a philanderer, Feynman a sexual harasser.
But, they were all great scientists. They won Nobels for their science.
Just clicked that link and a page popped up saying "redirecting in 7 seconds..." killed the page so didn't hang around to see where I was being redirected to but thought I'd better let everyone know in case there's a problem with Variety's website.
You get redirected to the article on Variety....it is perfectly safe.
Ah right. Thought it looked a bit strange (they must lose a lot of traffic through that "redirection" thing coming up"
Now you've said it's safe I'll go and have a look.
While you are at it, would you like £50 so I can take a mobile phone contract out in your name...
One wonders what she thinks of it all, as a mother.
Without wishing to tar anybody without children, for whatever reason, one of May’s (many) problems, is the absence of children and the wider consequences and emotional challenges relating to that. More than most, she could do with being challenged and drawn out of her intellectual and emotional comfort zone.
Also, I’m really thrown by Roger’s response to these recent issues concerning sexual harassment and sexual assault.
A couple of years ago he tried to justify a senior film director taking advantage of a young runner on a film. "It's what everyone expects - she knew what she was getting in to"
My view ov him fundamentally changed for the worse that day
Isn't Spacey a Democrat and a friend of Bill Clinton? Of course Roger can find no wrong in him!
Why do so people so often denounce what they practice? Anti-gay politicians who are gay? Fundamentalist preachers who are found with call girls? Left wing activists who molest women and boys? Is it just hypocrisy, or self-loathing?
Or, possibly, they think that they will not be caught. Or they think that they are good people and that therefore when they do whatever it is, it's not wrong. People are rarely consistent and few practise what they preach. But most don't go round shouting about how morally virtuous they are. I think that, for some people, saying something is the same as doing it.
So if you proclaim your pro-women credentials then it really does not matter how you behave to actual real life women. It's as if people have forgotten or, more likely, have never really understood, that morality is not about declaration but about action. It's what you do that marks you out as a moral person not what you say.
Those who are all talk are the Pharisees of the Bible. I think our society has become too much about talking and telling people about one's virtue and, sadly, very little about actually exhibiting the behaviours people claim to believe in. "Show not tell" should be the motto. It isn't unfortunately.
We would do well if we were to stop agitating for more laws every time somebody does something horrible to a woman or a black person or whoever and actually tried behaving well to the people around us. Laws which are ignored are worse than useless. They create the illusion of progress while disguising the less than ideal reality.
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
The late Barry Norman once commented that Polanski would never be an Oscar winner because of his sexual abuse of a child, part of constructing a case that Scorsese deserved an Oscar for Gangs of New York. What is rather disturbing in hindsight is that he added, 'in truth, Polanski would be an equally worthy winner compared to Scorsese this time around.'
And yet it was Polanski won the Oscar. This man is a self-confessed child rapist and fugitive from justice but let's just give him our highest award, before cooing about our social consciences and how we are in the vanguard of standing up for the poor and oppressed minorities.
The only thing I would disagree with you over is that I don't think 'double standards' even begins to cover it.
Edited because I decided my language was clumsy - it came across as disrespectful to Polanski's victim which was certainly not intended.
Polanski is a great film-maker. And a great criminal. He gets an Oscar for the former.
Schrodinger was a paedophile, Einstein a philanderer, Feynman a sexual harasser.
But, they were all great scientists. They won Nobels for their science.
Great - he can make movies while he serves time for his crimes or after then, not get a pass for his crimes because he makes great movies.
Great scientists too can do their great work, while still facing consequences for their actions. Not sure what Einstein is doing there though, is philandering a crime?
It was only so long ago and not resolved because Polanski fled from justice. He was not convicted, mind, because he fled the US before the trial could take place. But still.....
The interesting thing to me is how many other film producers and stars have done the same as Weinstein. Improbable that he is the only one to have taken advantage, I'd have thought.
I thought he did stand trial and pleaded guilty following a plea bargain, but fled while awaiting sentencing as he heard the judge was going to set it aside and sentence him properly to maybe 20 years rather than to time served (43 days).
But I am not an expert and I could easily be wrong.
You may be right. I know he fled justice hence the arrest in Switzerland and attempted extradition to the US many years later.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
The late Barry Norman once commented that Polanski would never be an Oscar winner because of his sexual abuse of a child, part of constructing a case that Scorsese deserved an Oscar for Gangs of New York. What is rather disturbing in hindsight is that he added, 'in truth, Polanski would be an equally worthy winner compared to Scorsese this time around.'
And yet it was Polanski won the Oscar. This man is a self-confessed child rapist and fugitive from justice but let's just give him our highest award, before cooing about our social consciences and how we are in the vanguard of standing up for the poor and oppressed minorities.
The only thing I would disagree with you over is that I don't think 'double standards' even begins to cover it.
Edited because I decided my language was clumsy - it came across as disrespectful to Polanski's victim which was certainly not intended.
Polanski is a great film-maker. And a great criminal. He gets an Oscar for the former.
Schrodinger was a paedophile, Einstein a philanderer, Feynman a sexual harasser.
But, they were all great scientists. They won Nobels for their science.
As so often Orwell's essay on Dali, an artist and a horrible human being, is worth reading on the relationship between great achievement and morality.
It was only so long ago and not resolved because Polanski fled from justice. He was not convicted, mind, because he fled the US before the trial could take place. But still.....
The interesting thing to me is how many other film producers and stars have done the same as Weinstein. Improbable that he is the only one to have taken advantage, I'd have thought.
I thought he did stand trial and pleaded guilty following a plea bargain, but fled while awaiting sentencing as he heard the judge was going to set it aside and sentence him properly to maybe 20 years rather than to time served (43 days).
But I am not an expert and I could easily be wrong.
You may be right. I know he fled justice hence the arrest in Switzerland and attempted extradition to the US many years later.
Found this article via google which suggest he had some kind of pre-trial hearing at which he pleaded guilty. As a lawyer you may have a clearer idea of how to interpret it than me:
I really don't want to be in the habit of defending a multi-billion soft drinks company, and I'm pretty sure this story does the rounds every year now (I certainly feel I have seen it before), but if the problem is their product is grossly unhealthy and you don't want them to be able to advertise that, then you might as well just ban the product entirely, since why permit them to advertise it in non flashier ways?
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I did indeed ask. I am sorry to hear your news. I hope you have someone helping you and fighting for you so that you get all the help you can, I really do.
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
The late Barry Norman once commented that Polanski would never be an Oscar winner because of his sexual abuse of a child, part of constructing a case that Scorsese deserved an Oscar for Gangs of New York. What is rather disturbing in hindsight is that he added, 'in truth, Polanski would be an equally worthy winner compared to Scorsese this time around.'
And yet it was Polanski won the Oscar. This man is a self-confessed child rapist and fugitive from justice but let's just give him our highest award, before cooing about our social consciences and how we are in the vanguard of standing up for the poor and oppressed minorities.
The only thing I would disagree with you over is that I don't think 'double standards' even begins to cover it.
Edited because I decided my language was clumsy - it came across as disrespectful to Polanski's victim which was certainly not intended.
Polanski is a great film-maker. And a great criminal. He gets an Oscar for the former.
Schrodinger was a paedophile, Einstein a philanderer, Feynman a sexual harasser.
But, they were all great scientists. They won Nobels for their science.
Great - he can make movies while he serves time for his crimes or after then, not get a pass for his crimes because he makes great movies.
Great scientists too can do their great work, while still facing consequences for their actions. Not sure what Einstein is doing there though, is philandering a crime?
Being good at something should not outweigh the nature of the rest of your personality. I think the Weinstein revelations have opened up a whole shitstorm, where victims now feel they can come forward. Obviously, there will be some bandwagon jumpers and grudge settlers who come crawling out from under stones, but that also should not outweigh the importance of a light being shone into the dark corners.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I know this wasn't addressed to me. I just wanted to say that sucks. Best wishes to you both and I hope you are spared further silly cockups like this.
@Cyclefree the fact that so many actors and actresses praise Polanski really blows my mind. Then there’s the controversy surrounding Woody Allen, and despite it he still has Hollywood backing him.
@rottenborough That story is actually insane. Not surprised House of Cards is going after today.
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
The late Barry Norman once commented that Polanski would never be an Oscar winner because of his sexual abuse of a child, part of constructing a case that Scorsese deserved an Oscar for Gangs of New York. What is rather disturbing in hindsight is that he added, 'in truth, Polanski would be an equally worthy winner compared to Scorsese this time around.'
And yet it was Polanski won the Oscar. This man is a self-confessed child rapist and fugitive from justice but let's just give him our highest award, before cooing about our social consciences and how we are in the vanguard of standing up for the poor and oppressed minorities.
The only thing I would disagree with you over is that I don't think 'double standards' even begins to cover it.
Edited because I decided my language was clumsy - it came across as disrespectful to Polanski's victim which was certainly not intended.
Polanski is a great film-maker. And a great criminal. He gets an Oscar for the former.
Schrodinger was a paedophile, Einstein a philanderer, Feynman a sexual harasser.
But, they were all great scientists. They won Nobels for their science.
Great - he can make movies while he serves time for his crimes or after then, not get a pass for his crimes because he makes great movies.
Great scientists too can do their great work, while still facing consequences for their actions. Not sure what Einstein is doing there though, is philandering a crime?
Being good at something should not outweigh the nature of the rest of your personality. I think the Weinstein revelations have opened up a whole shitstorm, where victims now feel they can come forward. Obviously, there will be some bandwagon jumpers and grudge settlers who come crawling out from under stones, but that also should not outweigh the importance of a light being shone into the dark corners.
Well being very very good at something might outweigh the rest of your personality if you are merely a bit of an arse (it's also the implicit or explicit message of about 150% of American procedural shows), but should not be ignored, and if your 'personality' involves harrassment and crimes, you're damn right it shouldn't outweigh it.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
Sorry to hear this. As a fellow carer, I feel for you.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I know this wasn't addressed to me. I just wanted to say that sucks. Best wishes to you both and I hope you are spared further silly cockups like this.
Thanks it's so frustrating you plan everything like a military operation get all the different parties signed up in advance then one party changes their minds and all your plans come tumbling down like A House of Cards
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I know this wasn't addressed to me. I just wanted to say that sucks. Best wishes to you both and I hope you are spared further silly cockups like this.
I never heard that. Are you sure? I thought Schrondinger liked women of full years - the more the better.
Try Walter Moore's biography for Schrodinger's "Lolita Complex".
"In Germany, if a thing is not allowed, it is forbidden. In England, if a thing is not forbidden, it is allowed. In Ireland, whether it is allowed or forbidden, people do it if they want to" (Schrodinger).
(Schrodinger ended up Dublin after his peculiar attempt to make an accommodation with the Nazi administration in Austria).
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I did indeed ask. I am sorry to hear your news. I hope you have someone helping you and fighting for you so that you get all the help you can, I really do.
Apparently we may well get some clinical negligence payment but would prefer just a bit of our old life back.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I know this wasn't addressed to me. I just wanted to say that sucks. Best wishes to you both and I hope you are spared further silly cockups like this.
Thanks it's so frustrating you plan everything like a military operation get all the different parties signed up in advance then one party changes their minds and all your plans come tumbling down like A House of Cards
Yeah, I know that feeling although I've never had anything as serious and disruptive as what you're having happen in consequence. Can it be sorted or is it only a short break you were planning?
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I did indeed ask. I am sorry to hear your news. I hope you have someone helping you and fighting for you so that you get all the help you can, I really do.
Apparently we may well get some clinical negligence payment but would prefer just a bit of our old life back.
Well, the payment won't give you that but if it helps buy you the care you both need and some respite, don't knock it.
Anyway, lame as this sounds, I wish you both the best. It is nice to see you posting here, even if you are on my list of Corbynistas who should know better..... !
I never heard that. Are you sure? I thought Schrondinger liked women of full years - the more the better.
Try Walter Moore's biography for Schrodinger's "Lolita Complex".
"In Germany, if a thing is not allowed, it is forbidden. In England, if a thing is not forbidden, it is allowed. In Ireland, whether it is allowed or forbidden, people do it if they want to" (Schrodinger).
(Schrodinger ended up Dublin after his peculiar attempt to make an accommodation with the Nazi administration in Austria).
Thank you, I will see if I can get a copy.
There is a Soviet version of that comment:
In Germany everything is prohibited except what is permitted. In America everything is permitted unless it is prohibited. In France everything is permitted even if it is prohibited. In the Soviet Union everything is prohibited even when it is permitted.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I did indeed ask. I am sorry to hear your news. I hope you have someone helping you and fighting for you so that you get all the help you can, I really do.
Apparently we may well get some clinical negligence payment but would prefer just a bit of our old life back.
Sorry to hear it. I am getting a crash course in social care on the other side of the counter at present too.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I did indeed ask. I am sorry to hear your news. I hope you have someone helping you and fighting for you so that you get all the help you can, I really do.
Apparently we may well get some clinical negligence payment but would prefer just a bit of our old life back.
Well, the payment won't give you that but if it helps buy you the care you both need and some respite, don't knock it.
Anyway, lame as this sounds, I wish you both the best. It is nice to see you posting here, even if you are on my list of Corbynistas who should know better..... !
If you want to understand why Trump’s base will never abandon him no matter how much Mueller uncovers, spend a few minutes on the r/The_Donald subreddit. Some scary stuff on there.
If you want to understand why Trump’s base will never abandon him no matter how much Mueller uncovers, spend a few minutes on the r/The_Donald subreddit. Some scary stuff on there.
Be advised this forum is for serious supporters of President Trump. We have discussions, memes, AMAs, and more
I'm already terrified. It has a picture of Trump in the style of Charles II or Louix XIV.
I have to admit I've never gotten into reddit. Just visually something about its style annoyed me.
I discovered last night that I will not be voting Labour here in Norwich North at the next election. In June this year Labour's candidate - Dr Chris Jones - reduced Chloe Smith's majority to just 507 votes. However, the CLP has apparently now decided to select its PPC from an All Woman Shortlist! My vote will go elsewhere as a result.
Leadsom will make statement on MPs behaviour this afternoon, Guardian reporting
What could go wrong?
One wonders what she thinks of it all, as a mother.
Without wishing to tar anybody without children, for whatever reason, one of May’s (many) problems, is the absence of children and the wider consequences and emotional challenges relating to that. More than most, she could do with being challenged and drawn out of her intellectual and emotional comfort zone.
Also, I’m really thrown by Roger’s response to these recent issues concerning sexual harassment and sexual assault.
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
People find it very hard to accept that someone can be both talented and an absolute shit. And if it turns out that some favoured talented person (whether politician or actor or artist or anything, really) is a shit and has committed a crime or behaved in an utterly horrific way, then there is no end to the rationalisations some people will go through to justify why, in this case, the matter is not so bad, the person should be excused, there are mitigating factors etc......
Jack Nicholson "It's not a crime where he comes from" (in reality, forcibly buggering a 13 year old would have got you a long stretch in one of the harshest labour camps in Communist Poland). Whoopi Goldberg "It wasn't rape rape."
I discovered last night that I will not be voting Labour here in Norwich North at the next election. In June this year Labour's candidate - Dr Chris Jones - reduced Chloe Smith's majority to just 507 votes. However, the CLP has apparently now decided to select its PPC from an All Woman Shortlist! My vote will go elsewhere as a result.
Gets the majority down so the seat's winnable, then someone else gets it, must suck a bit.
I discovered last night that I will not be voting Labour here in Norwich North at the next election. In June this year Labour's candidate - Dr Chris Jones - reduced Chloe Smith's majority to just 507 votes. However, the CLP has apparently now decided to select its PPC from an All Woman Shortlist! My vote will go elsewhere as a result.
Is there a reason? Fear of what people might say if a man beat a woman (a la Paxman's interview with Galloway after he ousted Oona King)?
I discovered last night that I will not be voting Labour here in Norwich North at the next election. In June this year Labour's candidate - Dr Chris Jones - reduced Chloe Smith's majority to just 507 votes. However, the CLP has apparently now decided to select its PPC from an All Woman Shortlist! My vote will go elsewhere as a result.
But, what about your niece !!
As I recollect, she loses her legacy if she doesn't vote Labour.
How can you look her in the eye while disinheriting her ...
@Cyclefree the fact that so many actors and actresses praise Polanski really blows my mind. Then there’s the controversy surrounding Woody Allen, and despite it he still has Hollywood backing him.
@rottenborough That story is actually insane. Not surprised House of Cards is going after today.
Another factor with Polanski is that he had a horrible childhood (a Polish Jew during the Nazi period) plus his first wife, Sharon Tate, was brutally murdered when she was about 9 months pregnant. So there was, understandably, a great deal of sympathy for him on a personal level.
But people find it very difficult to understand or accept that someone who has been a victim is not thereby morally virtuous - being a victim does not confer some special status on you, a sort of secular sainthood (which it all too often does these days) - and can also be a horrible person.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I know this wasn't addressed to me. I just wanted to say that sucks. Best wishes to you both and I hope you are spared further silly cockups like this.
Thanks it's so frustrating you plan everything like a military operation get all the different parties signed up in advance then one party changes their minds and all your plans come tumbling down like A House of Cards
Yeah, I know that feeling although I've never had anything as serious and disruptive as what you're having happen in consequence. Can it be sorted or is it only a short break you were planning?
We had to leave our house so it could be extended to include downstairs wet room. Had a lovely one week break on the Coast last week at an adapted property. This week and next was sorted with all 5 parties involved at a local hotels disabled room. The bed supplier told us 2 days before the bed was to be delivered they wouldnt deliver despite previously saying they would. So Mrs BJs nurse, carers OT and hotels arrangements all fall through due to lack of appropriate bed.
We go home on 10th November so short term pain for long term gain but 2 of the 3 week "holiday" in tatters. And Mrs BJ in floods of tears.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I did indeed ask. I am sorry to hear your news. I hope you have someone helping you and fighting for you so that you get all the help you can, I really do.
Apparently we may well get some clinical negligence payment but would prefer just a bit of our old life back.
I discovered last night that I will not be voting Labour here in Norwich North at the next election. In June this year Labour's candidate - Dr Chris Jones - reduced Chloe Smith's majority to just 507 votes. However, the CLP has apparently now decided to select its PPC from an All Woman Shortlist! My vote will go elsewhere as a result.
But, what about your niece !!
As I recollect, she loses her legacy if she doesn't vote Labour.
How can you look her in the eye while disinheriting her ...
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I know this wasn't addressed to me. I just wanted to say that sucks. Best wishes to you both and I hope you are spared further silly cockups like this.
Thanks it's so frustrating you plan everything like a military operation get all the different parties signed up in advance then one party changes their minds and all your plans come tumbling down like A House of Cards
Yeah, I know that feeling although I've never had anything as serious and disruptive as what you're having happen in consequence. Can it be sorted or is it only a short break you were planning?
We had to leave our house so it could be extended to include downstairs wet room. Had a lovely one week break on the Coast last week at an adapted property. This week and next was sorted with all 5 parties involved at a local hotels disabled room. The bed supplier told us 2 days before the bed was to be delivered they wouldnt deliver despite previously saying they would. So Mrs Vs nurse, carers IT and hotels arrangements all fall through due to lack of appropriate bed.
We go home on 10th November so short term pain for long term gain but 2 of the 3 week "holiday" in tatters. And Mrs BJ in floods of tears.
That's just awful. For whatever it's worth (which I appreciate isn't much!) you both have my sympathy. I do hope the wet room at least goes smoothly.
I never heard that. Are you sure? I thought Schrondinger liked women of full years - the more the better.
Try Walter Moore's biography for Schrodinger's "Lolita Complex".
"In Germany, if a thing is not allowed, it is forbidden. In England, if a thing is not forbidden, it is allowed. In Ireland, whether it is allowed or forbidden, people do it if they want to" (Schrodinger).
Schrodinger was a serial seducer with a thing for adolescent girls (12-18), rather than pre-pubescent infants.
All very reprehensible (and illegal in most countries) but not technically "pedophile".
To be a pedophile you have to desire PRE-pubescent children. Schrodinger was a hebephile or a nympholeptic. This is a crucial psychosexual and criminological distinction, which is often blurred or overlooked. Pedophilia is absolutely abnormal, hebephilia is a regrettably licentious, dangerous and selfish form of normality.
e.g. Most heterosexual men will be "involuntarily" aroused by photos of pubescent naked girls aged 14-16, however they might wish they weren't. Most men will have no sexual reaction whatsoever to photos of naked pre-pubescents.
That distinction is new to me but makes a lot of sense. It's amazing what you learn on this site. Thank-you
I discovered last night that I will not be voting Labour here in Norwich North at the next election. In June this year Labour's candidate - Dr Chris Jones - reduced Chloe Smith's majority to just 507 votes. However, the CLP has apparently now decided to select its PPC from an All Woman Shortlist! My vote will go elsewhere as a result.
Is there a reason? Fear of what people might say if a man beat a woman (a la Paxman's interview with Galloway after he ousted Oona King)?
Or have they just done it because they can?
I have no idea as I ceased to be a party member over 20 years ago. It was suggested that perhaps Dr Chris Jones did not wish to run again - and was surprised to have come so close to winning the seat in June! However, that is pure speculation. Regardless - I will not vote for a candidate selected in that way.
I discovered last night that I will not be voting Labour here in Norwich North at the next election. In June this year Labour's candidate - Dr Chris Jones - reduced Chloe Smith's majority to just 507 votes. However, the CLP has apparently now decided to select its PPC from an All Woman Shortlist! My vote will go elsewhere as a result.
But, what about your niece !!
As I recollect, she loses her legacy if she doesn't vote Labour.
How can you look her in the eye while disinheriting her ...
Not so - I said her legacy would have been lost had she voted Tory or UKIP .
@Cyclefree the fact that so many actors and actresses praise Polanski really blows my mind. Then there’s the controversy surrounding Woody Allen, and despite it he still has Hollywood backing him.
@rottenborough That story is actually insane. Not surprised House of Cards is going after today.
Another factor with Polanski is that he had a horrible childhood (a Polish Jew during the Nazi period) plus his first wife, Sharon Tate, was brutally murdered when she was about 9 months pregnant. So there was, understandably, a great deal of sympathy for him on a personal level.
But people find it very difficult to understand or accept that someone who has been a victim is not thereby morally virtuous - being a victim does not confer some special status on you, a sort of secular sainthood (which it all too often does these days) - and can also be a horrible person.
I agree, especially with your second paragraph. Wonder why that’s the case though. We’ve seen plenty of times before how a victim can also be a perpetrator e.g. some victims of child sexual abuse going on to be abusers.
It's come to something when I am possibly - nay, probably - the most morally admirable and sexually conventional person in British politics.
Westminster has always gone from virgins like Ann Widdecombe to occasional cheaters like Prescott and Major to serial adulterers like Alan Clark to those with a thing for interns like Crabb to gay cruisers like Matthew Parris to those whose tastes venture into the illegal like Cyril Smith and Jeremy Thorpe to those whose sexual tastes are bizarre in the extreme like Stephen Milligan, in that it is no different from the population as a whole but with power into the mix probably with added sexual frisson!
@Cyclefree the fact that so many actors and actresses praise Polanski really blows my mind. Then there’s the controversy surrounding Woody Allen, and despite it he still has Hollywood backing him.
@rottenborough That story is actually insane. Not surprised House of Cards is going after today.
Another factor with Polanski is that he had a horrible childhood (a Polish Jew during the Nazi period) plus his first wife, Sharon Tate, was brutally murdered when she was about 9 months pregnant. So there was, understandably, a great deal of sympathy for him on a personal level.
But people find it very difficult to understand or accept that someone who has been a victim is not thereby morally virtuous - being a victim does not confer some special status on you, a sort of secular sainthood (which it all too often does these days) - and can also be a horrible person.
Michael Jackson is a good example from popular music. I remember Guardian columnists aching to forgive him, just because the boogie
I kind of understand. When someone has given you intense personal pleasure through art (especially music, or comedy, for some reason) then the urge to cut them some special slack is enormous.
Wagner is another example. A raging and violent anti-Semite. But, Tristan!
Re Wagner... I have no problem despising the person but adoring the music. Is that hypocritical? I don't think so.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I know this wasn't addressed to me. I just wanted to say that sucks. Best wishes to you both and I hope you are spared further silly cockups like this.
Thanks it's so frustrating you plan everything like a military operation get all the different parties signed up in advance then one party changes their minds and all your plans come tumbling down like A House of Cards
Yeah, I know that feeling although I've never had anything as serious and disruptive as what you're having happen in consequence. Can it be sorted or is it only a short break you were planning?
We had to leave our house so it could be extended to include downstairs wet room. Had a lovely one week break on the Coast last week at an adapted property. This week and next was sorted with all 5 parties involved at a local hotels disabled room. The bed supplier told us 2 days before the bed was to be delivered they wouldnt deliver despite previously saying they would. So Mrs BJs nurse, carers OT and hotels arrangements all fall through due to lack of appropriate bed.
We go home on 10th November so short term pain for long term gain but 2 of the 3 week "holiday" in tatters. And Mrs BJ in floods of tears.
That is so upsetting and really hope matters resolve happily for both of you
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
BJO - how nice to hear from you!
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
I know this wasn't addressed to me. I just wanted to say that sucks. Best wishes to you both and I hope you are spared further silly cockups like this.
Thanks it's so frustrating you plan everything like a military operation get all the different parties signed up in advance then one party changes their minds and all your plans come tumbling down like A House of Cards
Yeah, I know that feeling although I've never had anything as serious and disruptive as what you're having happen in consequence. Can it be sorted or is it only a short break you were planning?
We had to leave our house so it could be extended to include downstairs wet room. Had a lovely one week break on the Coast last week at an adapted property. This week and next was sorted with all 5 parties involved at a local hotels disabled room. The bed supplier told us 2 days before the bed was to be delivered they wouldnt deliver despite previously saying they would. So Mrs BJs nurse, carers OT and hotels arrangements all fall through due to lack of appropriate bed.
We go home on 10th November so short term pain for long term gain but 2 of the 3 week "holiday" in tatters. And Mrs BJ in floods of tears.
That is so upsetting and really hope matters resolve happily for both of you
@Cyclefree the fact that so many actors and actresses praise Polanski really blows my mind. Then there’s the controversy surrounding Woody Allen, and despite it he still has Hollywood backing him.
@rottenborough That story is actually insane. Not surprised House of Cards is going after today.
Another factor with Polanski is that he had a horrible childhood (a Polish Jew during the Nazi period) plus his first wife, Sharon Tate, was brutally murdered when she was about 9 months pregnant. So there was, understandably, a great deal of sympathy for him on a personal level.
But people find it very difficult to understand or accept that someone who has been a victim is not thereby morally virtuous - being a victim does not confer some special status on you, a sort of secular sainthood (which it all too often does these days) - and can also be a horrible person.
Michael Jackson is a good example from popular music. I remember Guardian columnists aching to forgive him, just because the boogie
I kind of understand. When someone has given you intense personal pleasure through art (especially music, or comedy, for some reason) then the urge to cut them some special slack is enormous.
Wagner is another example. A raging and violent anti-Semite. But, Tristan!
Re Wagner... I have no problem despising the person but adoring the music. Is that hypocritical? I don't think so.
It does raise questions about your taste in music, of course
(Disclaimer - I have to play 'Here Comes The Bride' so often it has put me off Wagner for life. If I ever get married, she's coming down the aisle to Sheba!)
One wonders what she thinks of it all, as a mother.
Without wishing to tar anybody without children, for whatever reason, one of May’s (many) problems, is the absence of children and the wider consequences and emotional challenges relating to that. More than most, she could do with being challenged and drawn out of her intellectual and emotional comfort zone.
Also, I’m really thrown by Roger’s response to these recent issues concerning sexual harassment and sexual assault.
A couple of years ago he tried to justify a senior film director taking advantage of a young runner on a film. "It's what everyone expects - she knew what she was getting in to"
My view ov him fundamentally changed for the worse that day
Isn't Spacey a Democrat and a friend of Bill Clinton? Of course Roger can find no wrong in him!
Why do so people so often denounce what they practice? Anti-gay politicians who are gay? Fundamentalist preachers who are found with call girls? Left wing activists who molest women and boys? Is it just hypocrisy, or self-loathing?
Or, possibly, they think that they will not be caught. Or they think that they are good people and that therefore when they do whatever it is, it's not wrong. People are rarely consistent and few practise what they preach. But most don't go round shouting about how morally virtuous they are. I think that, for some people, saying something is the same as doing it.
So if you proclaim your pro-women credentials then it really does not matter how you behave to actual real life women. It's as if people have forgotten or, more likely, have never really understood, that morality is not about declaration but about action. It's what you do that marks you out as a moral person not what you say.
Those who are all talk are the Pharisees of the Bible. I think our society has become too much about talking and telling people about one's virtue and, sadly, very little about actually exhibiting the behaviours people claim to believe in. "Show not tell" should be the motto. It isn't unfortunately. ....
If we're to follow biblical injunctions then it's actually "let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth" when it comes to good deeds. Perhaps 'do, not tell' ?
(Like Wodehouse's Wooster, I have no real religion, but did pretty well in Scripture at school...)
I apologise for having misunderstood and newtered a gallant attempt at being funny.
I'll get my coat...
As I'm a veggie - I can't comment on the butchers.
I am off before she recalls reasons why I should be added to ze list!
Well, I gather it has disimproved things somewhat for Melvyn, but not for that reason. Instead it's because the meat in Crawshaws is so bad and so expensive everyone now buys from the supermarket anyway.
Don't be. Remember that a lot of the Hollywood stars who profess themselves appalled by the Weinstein revelations were on the side of Polanski, who admitted that he drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl. Apparently his artistic skills were more important. Double standards all round.
People find it very hard to accept that someone can be both talented and an absolute shit. And if it turns out that some favoured talented person (whether politician or actor or artist or anything, really) is a shit and has committed a crime or behaved in an utterly horrific way, then there is no end to the rationalisations some people will go through to justify why, in this case, the matter is not so bad, the person should be excused, there are mitigating factors etc......
A while since we engaged. What list have I put you on?
Anyway I hope you and your wife are well.
And yet it was Polanski won the Oscar. This man is a self-confessed child rapist and fugitive from justice but let's just give him our highest award, before cooing about our social consciences and how we are in the vanguard of standing up for the poor and oppressed minorities.
The only thing I would disagree with you over is that I don't think 'double standards' even begins to cover it.
Edited because I decided my language was clumsy - it came across as disrespectful to Polanski's victim which was certainly not intended.
Just clicked that link and a page popped up saying "redirecting in 7 seconds..." killed the page so didn't hang around to see where I was being redirected to but thought I'd better let everyone know in case there's a problem with Variety's website.
The interesting thing to me is how many other film producers and stars have done the same as Weinstein. Improbable that he is the only one to have taken advantage, I'd have thought.
They'll none of them be missed! They'll none of them be missed!
In truth I think people are really really good at compartmentalization, to the point of absurdity, and can say and do things that appear diametrically opposed to values they sincerely believe they hold.
But I am not an expert and I could easily be wrong.
Now you've said it's safe I'll go and have a look.
Schrodinger was a paedophile, Einstein a philanderer, Feynman a sexual harasser.
But, they were all great scientists. They won Nobels for their science.
Or, possibly, they think that they will not be caught. Or they think that they are good people and that therefore when they do whatever it is, it's not wrong. People are rarely consistent and few practise what they preach. But most don't go round shouting about how morally virtuous they are. I think that, for some people, saying something is the same as doing it.
So if you proclaim your pro-women credentials then it really does not matter how you behave to actual real life women. It's as if people have forgotten or, more likely, have never really understood, that morality is not about declaration but about action. It's what you do that marks you out as a moral person not what you say.
Those who are all talk are the Pharisees of the Bible. I think our society has become too much about talking and telling people about one's virtue and, sadly, very little about actually exhibiting the behaviours people claim to believe in. "Show not tell" should be the motto. It isn't unfortunately.
We would do well if we were to stop agitating for more laws every time somebody does something horrible to a woman or a black person or whoever and actually tried behaving well to the people around us. Laws which are ignored are worse than useless. They create the illusion of progress while disguising the less than ideal reality.
Great scientists too can do their great work, while still facing consequences for their actions. Not sure what Einstein is doing there though, is philandering a crime?
Hopefully no list but the one I was referring to is the ever growing list of sexixt males.
Me and Mrs BJ are adapting to our new life. She as a paraplegic me as a full time Carer.
The thing we hate most is how other people have more say over our lives than we do. I am currently sat in a Premier Inn and Mrs BJ is in a Care Home for respite because despite agreeing in advance that a pressure mattress would be delivered to aforesaid hotel. They decided Mrs BJ would be better served surrounded by dementia sufferers and Care Home staff who have no time to meet her needs than delivering the bed as agreed.
You did ask!!
Calls have been made to ban the Coca-Cola truck from Liverpool this Christmas amid concerns about obesity levels in the city.
..believes Coca-Cola's popular festive vehicle promotes a product which is "grossly unhealthy
I really don't want to be in the habit of defending a multi-billion soft drinks company, and I'm pretty sure this story does the rounds every year now (I certainly feel I have seen it before), but if the problem is their product is grossly unhealthy and you don't want them to be able to advertise that, then you might as well just ban the product entirely, since why permit them to advertise it in non flashier ways?
@rottenborough That story is actually insane. Not surprised House of Cards is going after today.
"In Germany, if a thing is not allowed, it is forbidden. In England, if a thing is not forbidden, it is allowed. In Ireland, whether it is allowed or forbidden, people do it if they want to" (Schrodinger).
(Schrodinger ended up Dublin after his peculiar attempt to make an accommodation with the Nazi administration in Austria).
Anyway, lame as this sounds, I wish you both the best. It is nice to see you posting here, even if you are on my list of Corbynistas who should know better.....
There is a Soviet version of that comment:
In Germany everything is prohibited except what is permitted.
In America everything is permitted unless it is prohibited.
In France everything is permitted even if it is prohibited.
In the Soviet Union everything is prohibited even when it is permitted.
Be advised this forum is for serious supporters of President Trump. We have discussions, memes, AMAs, and more
I'm already terrified. It has a picture of Trump in the style of Charles II or Louix XIV.
I have to admit I've never gotten into reddit. Just visually something about its style annoyed me.
Or have they just done it because they can?
As I recollect, she loses her legacy if she doesn't vote Labour.
How can you look her in the eye while disinheriting her ...
Another factor with Polanski is that he had a horrible childhood (a Polish Jew during the Nazi period) plus his first wife, Sharon Tate, was brutally murdered when she was about 9 months pregnant. So there was, understandably, a great deal of sympathy for him on a personal level.
But people find it very difficult to understand or accept that someone who has been a victim is not thereby morally virtuous - being a victim does not confer some special status on you, a sort of secular sainthood (which it all too often does these days) - and can also be a horrible person.
We go home on 10th November so short term pain for long term gain but 2 of the 3 week "holiday" in tatters. And Mrs BJ in floods of tears.
"Farage’s fascist past? Nigel boasted about his NF initials and sang ‘gas them all’, claims schoolfriend"
(Disclaimer - I have to play 'Here Comes The Bride' so often it has put me off Wagner for life. If I ever get married, she's coming down the aisle to Sheba!)
Perhaps 'do, not tell' ?
(Like Wodehouse's Wooster, I have no real religion, but did pretty well in Scripture at school...)