In an excellent article the former YouGov President, Peter Kellner, says there could be signs of buyer’s remorse amongst LEAVE voters particularly amongst the C2DEs. He based this in Prospect on an analysis of the trend to YouGov’s “in hindsight was referendum outcome right or wrong” tracker. Last Friday this showed “wrong” at its highest level with a 5% lead.
You could also point out more ABC1 voters now back Brexit than in the previous Yougov poll, with the lead for opponents of Brexit amongst the middle classes falling by 2%
Hence their near spot seat model at the general election.
Macron finds it funny.
Look at them. They're laughing at us.
Of course this is also a lot of snobbery due to the fact the EU referendum was the first time the working class C2DE voters beat the ABC1 voters since Harold Wilson's 1974 victories over Edward Heath
And their seat model still underestimated the Conservatives by 14.
It sounds awfully like choosing between syphilis and gonorrhea.
And I speak as someone who considers football to be very marginally less fascinating than watching paint dry.
What has happened? Nothing just a lot of hot air from politicians and the media. 5% is a who cares margin after the event. Same anti-establishment feeling now that Brexit is being run by the establishment.
When Watford win the PL it will be the first club to win the PL in a CON seat since er 2017!
(IS Chelsea still CON?)
Rough flight I'd imagine. Turning to land for third time now.
Looks to me like the pilots going to Cardiff or somewhere.
O/T it looks like the Greens are definitely out of the Austrian Parliament. The SPO narrowly finished second, and the FPO get to choose whether to put the them or the OVP into office.
...and I was asked what I was smoking?
It's a pity the rest of my predictions were so shit really otherwise I would have had a good election campaign.
Yep, arrogance.....
If the promise of Brexit turns to pain, voters won't blame themselves for believing snake oil salesmen. They'll blame the salesmen for not delivering
Has still not landed anywhere.
It must be pretty scary to be on board.
If there is a mode effect in place then you have to judge which mode is correct and discard the polls that use the other mode. The "poll of polls" concept doesn't help in these cases.
Are there any betting markets on this?
For my part, I assume that there will be difficulties during the Brexit process, but most of us don't want to be part of a new nation called Europe, so we should disengage.
Seriously, must be no fun at all to be on board that flight.
Edit - turned east, but well south of London. Can't think what they're doing unless it's Gatwick or Heathrow.
I have already said many times that I will not get my preferred version of Brexit but that I absolutely accept that, still think it will be better than staying in and do not believe it will be a disaster. There is no arrogance there at all.
Those who are unwilling to bend to the will of the people, who think the people are 'wrong' or who do not think the people should be allowed to make such decisions are the ones who are arrogant.
I'm sure it's more fun watching the tracker than being on the plane!
Ah well, I have a full teaching day tomorrow, so good night all. Thank you as ever for your company.
Five new Crossbenchers have also just been announced.
Meanwhile RYR119 LGW-DUB has been holding just outside Dublin for half an hour
(*'Middle class elite' is an oxymoron surely?)
Somewhat illogical I would suggest. And certainly looking at the crop of MPs we have sitting in Parliament at the moment I wouldn't trust them to make any more of an informed and reasoned decision than the public at large. I am afraid you are displaying just the sort of arrogance I was referring to.