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Unless I blew the lead.
Dimbleby asked the telling question;
'You say you have called the election because of Brexit.
Last week you said 'Leaving the EU would make us MORE prosperous'
Last year you said' Leaving the EU would make us LESS prosperous'
"What's changed?"
"If there is another polling failure Theresa May can argue she didn’t blow a 25% lead against Corbyn because such a lead never existed".
I can't see anything in the figures above that point to anything other than her blowing a 25% point lead?
(But thanks for the orgy etiquette. I foolishly thank everyone)
For interior design Mrs JackW fancies delicate shades of blue whilst I'm for a themed apocalypse orange with sunburst red and edging in a subtle mushroom shade.
I hope we don't fallout over it ....
The chance of all three of these happening? Probably <1% I would estimate.
So we are going to get a marxist government .... it's simply a matter of whether that happens next week or five years hence.
1) There are people in this country that are happy to drop a bomb and kill millions of innocent people.
2) If your not prepared to kill millions of innocent people then your fit to be PM.
If anyone pressed the nuclear button we would all be dead.
Two telling observations - outside the Central belt, Scotland has always been a small c conservative country and the Tories have been in hibernation for 50 years - and the inferred promise of "vote Tory, get fish".
You are confusing justice and decency. A decent society cares for its weaker and less able members. A just society is one where everyone is rewarded according to their efforts.
It would be entirely reasonable to say on that basis our current system is neither fair nor decent. But Marxist societies are both deliberately unfair and deliberately indecent. They give out to their client groups by taking randomly from the ablest and brutally oppress the weakest. Hence two Soviet jokes: 'they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work' and 'if you tried Communism in the Sahara desert, you'd run out of sand.'
Clearly the doctrine is not a perfect defence, but it is part of the set of tools that we have.
I just don't understand why voters want someone to drop a bomb that kills so many innocent people and the appetite and eagerness to see so much death and destruction.
We have someone else joining in 10 days, and are in the process of hiring another senior marketing guy as well
As for Marxism, it's not a proscription for how to run a society, it's a deeply flawed economic theory based on an even more flawed interpretation of history. But one of its central theories - that unchecked capitalism is unsustainable - has been pretty much accepted across the world.
The second element (welfare, health provision, etc) is more about what type of society you want to live in rather than a matter of a "just society". I believe it behoves a decent society to care for the weak/unfortunate, but that's not a question of whether society is "just" or not.
(But then I am a fan of Aquinas)
Innocent people die. I don't understand why people want innocent people to die.
Destroy the planet for the ego.
And it might yet be quite a bit more than decent.
The concept of nuclear deterrence (which belongs to a bygone age in my opinion) is that state actors with nuclear technology will be deterred from using it by the credible threat that another nuclear power is also willing to use it. It breaks down because first it assumes that nuclear technology is inevitably exclusively going to be in the hands of state actors and secondly it assumes those state actors have a minimum level of rationality. But those advocating it aren't genocidal maniacs. Far from seeking nuclear obliteration, they are trying by their words now to prevent precisely what appals you from being carried out by others.
If, in the future, NK obtained ballistic missile technology and it was believed that they might launch a weapon against the West, a pre-emptive nuclear attack on their military targets would be quite justified if it was determined that conventional weapons cannot do the job.
Then there are tactical nuclear weapons to consider.
Nuclear weapons are primarily a deterrent, but there are circumstances in which they should absolutely be used.
Do you have respect for innocent people? If not, press the button and kill millions of innocent people that have done nothing wrong.
Anyone willing to kill just one innocent person should be thrown in jail for life, but for anyone to say I'm willing to kill millions of innocent people, there isn't a sentence worthy enough to justify the complete inhuman action that you've just taken.
I'm totally disgusted that people in this country advocate and promote the killing of innocent people and if your not willing to kill innocent people that makes you unfit to be pm.
Anyone willing to drop nuclear weapons on innocent weapons is a disgrace to human and has no respect for human life. I'm so appalled that people in this country have a belief that killing innocent people can be justified.
The chariity I chair has a request to visit the Fore Trust to discuss our application and bid.
The application was good in itself, as one of the objectives is to fund 'transformative' applications. Very good for the charity to look at itself in these terms regardless of the result.
Thanks for the heads up to apply.
And enforcement of the Treaty of Troyes, of course.
The threat of MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction is the key to not reaching for the red button.
Let me know if I can be helpful.
I've done lots of work with defence companies; Northrup Grumman, Thales, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, BAE and there all trying to spend money or sell products to the Saudis, UAE, Qataris because they can afford to buy their technology. These companies have some incredibly smart people and make products that can do so much damage. We don't need nuclear weapons.
If someone drops a nuclear weapon on your state you can't react because you should be dead.
Would it still be the same answer if they'd assembled in a western city before travelling to ten others?
But you can't exclude circumstances in which it might be appropriate to deploy nuclear weapons.
....you call that statesmanship? I call it an emotional spasm
I was told once that each PM has one "big achievement" in them - that's pretty much all they can really hope to do. I'd imagine that May will negotiate a departure from the EU, and then hand over (possibly towards the end of 2020) to allow a new Conservative PM to bed in before calling an election in 2021.
Saw a tiny bit of the QT nonsense. Enjoyed watching Corbyn have a rough time over nukes, but it was also apparent that whilst the audience was balanced, as far as I could see, some were fanboys of him [didn't see May].
Mr. Junkie, and you could feel proud of your moral superiority when mushroom clouds were rising over London, New York and Paris.
Nukes are never a good option, but sometimes they are necessary. In that scenario, doing nothing would lead to more people being killed.
I am no scientist, but what would be the overall impact of dropping a nuclear bomb on 10 nuclear devices?
Though tbf that's probably the whole foundation of Trump's foreign policy.
You must be very proud of your moral stand.
Jeremy Corbyn would likewise have condemned those ten cities to their fate. Because of his moral stand.
Also, I have a betting question: at this stage, are the odds on ye olde bookies like Ladbrokes effectively set by book-balancing? ie driven by weight of money rather than determined by the actual chances of a given event occurring.