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  • nunununu Posts: 6,024
    edited May 2017

    just got in
    So how did Jezza do tonight?
    was he Brilloed or a score draw a la May?

    He done worse then May especially in the first half on he IRA (according to posters, I missed that), but no knockout blow.
  • nunununu Posts: 6,024
    TGOHF said:

    Corbyn got through tonight by lying.

    By next week those lies will see him skewered and dead in the water.

    We keep thinking this will be it for him....but it never seems to be. A bit like Trump in that respect.....
  • nunu said:

    just got in
    So how did Jezza do tonight?
    was he Brilloed or a score draw a la May?

    He done worse then May especially in the first half on he IRA (according to posters, I missed that), but no knockout blow.
    Thank you
    What about his spend and spend policies?
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,714

    Floater said:

    Just out of interest what sort of person was allowed to go on a motorcycling holiday in East Germany.

    This was before the wall fell I assume?

    About 10 years before the wall fell, but it was never an issue going. I travelled to Eastern Europe on an interrail ticket in the Eighties, no problem at all, and quite an eyeopener.
    I travelled through East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia in 1976. Be hard pushed to suggest on the back of that I was a secret Commie subversive.....
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,714

    nunu said:

    just got in
    So how did Jezza do tonight?
    was he Brilloed or a score draw a la May?

    He done worse then May especially in the first half on he IRA (according to posters, I missed that), but no knockout blow.
    Thank you
    What about his spend and spend policies?
    He's going to issue Govt. bonds. Because that isn't borrowing....

  • nunu said:

    just got in
    So how did Jezza do tonight?
    was he Brilloed or a score draw a la May?

    He done worse then May especially in the first half on he IRA (according to posters, I missed that), but no knockout blow.
    Thank you
    What about his spend and spend policies?
    He's going to issue Govt. bonds. Because that isn't borrowing....

    So the average viewer will think he hoe and move on
  • spire2spire2 Posts: 183
    How is it borrowing mark? Surely a government can create money
  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207

    Floater said:

    Just out of interest what sort of person was allowed to go on a motorcycling holiday in East Germany.

    This was before the wall fell I assume?

    About 10 years before the wall fell, but it was never an issue going. I travelled to Eastern Europe on an interrail ticket in the Eighties, no problem at all, and quite an eyeopener.
    I travelled through East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia in 1976. Be hard pushed to suggest on the back of that I was a secret Commie subversive.....
    Mate of mine got stopped at the border trying to get into East Germany - mind you his dad worked ...... err , in a sensitive job.
  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207

    Floater said:

    Just out of interest what sort of person was allowed to go on a motorcycling holiday in East Germany.

    This was before the wall fell I assume?

    About 10 years before the wall fell, but it was never an issue going. I travelled to Eastern Europe on an interrail ticket in the Eighties, no problem at all, and quite an eyeopener.
    thanks for that

  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207
    bobajobPB said:

    ydoethur said:

    And of course he has no degree or other post-GCE qualification (and only 2 Es in that).

    That's a bit sneery. You'll be taking pictures of flags and white vans next.
    The row over Thornberry's tweet was ludicrous. The house was LOL material. Most people on here who alighted the 'outrage bus', as it is known, would run a mile if Flag Man was their neighbour. Instead, we were subject to reams of pious shite about 'sneering'.
    When I rented the Asian family up the road were flying the flag during the footie tournament.

    I remember this as BJO said I must be lying as Asian family would not fly the flag.....

  • Dura_AceDura_Ace Posts: 13,677
    MikeL said:

    Technical Q:

    If Corbyn was PM with a Lab Majority Govt, could he cancel Trident?

    ie would it need a vote in the Commons - on which lots of Lab backbenchers would surely rebel - thus preventing the vote passing.

    Or could it be done without a vote - basically by just cutting off the funding for it?

    He could just order the boomers back to Faslane and leave them there. It wouldn't be too long before it would be impossible to restore them to service - a de facto cancelling and scrapping.
  • CyanCyan Posts: 1,262
    All Labour needs now is a killer psywar move to finish the Tories off. Like a "Trump letter", say. Or something involving Mophead. Some time around next Friday would be best. BANG. Goodbye. Jeremy Corbyn to Palace. Kisses hands. Theresa who?
  • rpjsrpjs Posts: 3,787
    Floater said:

    Floater said:

    Just out of interest what sort of person was allowed to go on a motorcycling holiday in East Germany.

    This was before the wall fell I assume?

    About 10 years before the wall fell, but it was never an issue going. I travelled to Eastern Europe on an interrail ticket in the Eighties, no problem at all, and quite an eyeopener.
    thanks for that

    A friend of mine travelled extensively in Eastern Europe in the 80s. He was smuggling bibles though. Never got caught.

  • scotslassscotslass Posts: 912
    As people on this site know I am not a Corbyn fan.

    However I have just watched his interview with the "great inquisitor". I also saw Theresa May's interview.

    Corbyn was not great but he was better than May and by a margin while batting on a much stickier wicket.

    Above all he came across as human and likeable which makes him substantially better than the Prime Minister who manages neither.

    If I were in England I would vote Labour except in Brighton.
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395
    edited May 2017
    scotslass said:

    As people on this site know I am not a Corbyn fan.

    However I have just watched his interview with the "great inquisitor". I also saw Theresa May's interview.

    Corbyn was not great but he was better than May and by a margin while batting on a much stickier wicket.

    Above all he came across as human and likeable which makes him substantially better than the Prime Minister who manages neither.

    If I were in England I would vote Labour except in Brighton.

    I think Theresa May's style is going to prove to be very popular in the marginal seats in England and Wales amongst the sort of voters who usually keep their opinions to themselves as opposed to shouting their views from the rooftops on Twitter and Facebook. Corbyn may very well pile up useless votes in safe seats.
  • CyanCyan Posts: 1,262
    edited May 2017
    Is Theresa May the only person ever to be appointed prime minister directly from the Home Office?

    Got to wonder whether Philip Hammond - who unlike May probably met with ACPO only very rarely and never had to eat prison food - isn't glad he didn't stand for the leadership and isn't privately having a rollicking good laugh.

    Hopefully as the Tories sink in the polls, Steve Bell will draw some cartoons featuring Theresa May's shoes in place of John Major's underpants!

  • CyanCyan Posts: 1,262
    nunu said:
    McMullin is wrong. It would only be treason under US law if Russia were an enemy.
  • Carolus_RexCarolus_Rex Posts: 1,414
    bobajobPB said:

    Chris said:

    The Scottish party leaders have been having fun, according to the BBC:
    Nicola Sturgeon stopped for an ice cream while campaigning in Edinburgh
    Ruth Davidson also had some ice cream in Giffnock
    Kezia Dugdale went go-karting in East Lothian
    Willie Rennie visited a pharmacy in Glasgow

    What do Kesia and Willie have against ice cream??
    Maybe he'd eaten too much of it and went to the pharmacy to buy rennies?
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