You know what I'm starting to doubt PB group think re Corbyn and this statement that he's going make tomorrow being something that will be 'disastrous' for him.
Weren't the polls supposed to swing back to May after this week's events according to PB? That's not happened.
tbf Corbyn has been crashing to disaster on here since well before he was elected leader.
This is a polling disaster for Theresa and the Tories. They've just got to shut up, count the days and pray that the trend somehow goes into reverse. Forget about doing these bludgeoning attacks on Corbyn - the way May's campaign has been going it will probably give him a boost.
The TNS tables for Scotland are of interest. Among the certain to vote the SNP are on 49%, Labour back in second on 18%, and Tories third on 11%. Actually the not sure are in second at 24%!
It is only 100 voters but listed by the polling company as a separate table.
Ultimately Brexit was won on a manifesto of anti- free market, protectionism and sweeties for all with someone else paying.
It is only 100 voters but listed by the polling company as a separate table.
But fear not, look at the best PM figure. Whilst 38% of people say they will vote Labour only 28% think Corbyn makes the best PM.
That does not compute.
Never going to happen.
Anyone who believes Corbyn will poll anything like this level is deluded.