Anecdotally, the Unionist vote is really motivated. Indyref2 has really hacked a lot of people off, even some who have been voting SNP as an anti-Tory strategy for years. 30% for the Tories still seems beyond my wildest dreams though. I can't quite bring myself to believe it.
I know many professional people in Scotland, Unionists, prosperous, small c conservatives who like Ruth but still find voting Tory too far. The anger from the poll tax has had an incredible shelf life and even now the Tories are not decontaminated, especially amongst disillusioned ex Labour supporters looking for a home. Reaching that group is going to be very hard.
Nicola Sturgeon has managed to detoxify the Thatcher brand for many people and assumed the mantle of "that woman"
I saw an article yesterday that made the point that Alex Salmond was popular across the political divide, governing for "all of Scotland", until the day he announced the Indyref. At that point he was either on your side, or agin ye.
Nicola made the same mistake. After Indyref1 she was meant to be a unifying figure, until now.
The great irony is the SNP would be looking in much better shape at this election if she had never announced Indyref2.
Except that "Alex Salmond was popular across the polltical divide line" is bollocks. Alex Salmond has always been an intensely polarising figure. Before IndyRef 1 some of my most mild mannered friends would be driven into expletive filled rage by the mere mention of his name.
We all seem to be ignoring the 'trial run’which is the locals, on Thursday week. If, as predicted, Labour does badly, UKIP catastrophically and the Tories and the LD’s well, then that is going to change the narrative. Especially if, for the less observant and thoughtful commentators, the Tories don’t as well as the wilder predictions.
Locals mere months before general elections have not always been a good indicator of the ge result apparently. It's quite possible the Tories do worse than predicted and that alters some markets and predictions, so I can see the narrative shift, but it would have to be dramatically different from what is expected.
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
We all seem to be ignoring the 'trial run’which is the locals, on Thursday week. If, as predicted, Labour does badly, UKIP catastrophically and the Tories and the LD’s well, then that is going to change the narrative. Especially if, for the less observant and thoughtful commentators, the Tories don’t as well as the wilder predictions.
This is correct. This will tell us more than any opinion poll.
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
The Turkish like to claim him as well.
So he's not only a Johnny Foreigner but also a Muslim too?
Anecdotally, the Unionist vote is really motivated. Indyref2 has really hacked a lot of people off, even some who have been voting SNP as an anti-Tory strategy for years. 30% for the Tories still seems beyond my wildest dreams though. I can't quite bring myself to believe it.
I know many professional people in Scotland, Unionists, prosperous, small c conservatives who like Ruth but still find voting Tory too far. The anger from the poll tax has had an incredible shelf life and even now the Tories are not decontaminated, especially amongst disillusioned ex Labour supporters looking for a home. Reaching that group is going to be very hard.
Nicola Sturgeon has managed to detoxify the Thatcher brand for many people and assumed the mantle of "that woman"
I saw an article yesterday that made the point that Alex Salmond was popular across the political divide, governing for "all of Scotland", until the day he announced the Indyref. At that point he was either on your side, or agin ye.
Nicola made the same mistake. After Indyref1 she was meant to be a unifying figure, until now.
The great irony is the SNP would be looking in much better shape at this election if she had never announced Indyref2.
Except that "Alex Salmond was popular across the polltical divide line" is bollocks. Alex Salmond has always been an intensely polarising figure. Before IndyRef 1 some of my most mild mannered friends would be driven into expletive filled rage by the mere mention of his name.
Respected not popular across the divide is how I pictured it. Initially I think sturgeon was also popular as well as respected across the divide, but she really seems to rub some people up the wrong way now. And no, that's not just because of how well she has done, though no doubt it's part of it.
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
This bank holiday policy is completely bonkers. Why the f*** do we want another three holidays in March/April and bloody day off at the end of November?
I would scrap the May 1st bank holiday and move it to the first Monday of July.
I agree that even if people want another four days off, they don't want some of them clustered around Easter (and in fact with two that will probably (*) coincide with Easter in some years).
Also, how do bank holidays effect GDP? If we have roughly 250 working days a year, won't four extra days off be worth between one and two percent of GDP?
Warning: there's almost certainly some poor maths in the above ...
Progressive alliance, offering voters freedom of choice, so long as you vote for who we tell you to.
Oh yes, splits the "right-on" vote, never a bad thing Do they really think one of the "serious" parties are going to step aside for the Lost Deposit Party ?
Ah, splitters. Used to be a problem for the Tories.
When the main opposition are so troubled, all manner of minor pressure groups think they can bully them. Pretty ballsy, if I may use the phrase, for the minnows of the women's equality party to think others should step down in support of the, rather than the other way around.
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
Progressive alliance, offering voters freedom of choice, so long as you vote for who we tell you to.
You must have missed the story about UKIP not standing against Brexiters then...
Yeah, but that doesn't have a patronising name like progressive alliance yet, a term I hate with a passion as adherents assume anyone who doesn't or wasn't vote Tory only cares about stopping Tories rather than voting for who they like best, suggesting if you don't hate Tories you might as well vote for them.
I suppose patriotic alliance would be a suitably silly and patronising name for the kipper approach, since Aaron banks hasn't launched it yet.
Anecdotally, the Unionist vote is really motivated. Indyref2 has really hacked a lot of people off, even some who have been voting SNP as an anti-Tory strategy for years. 30% for the Tories still seems beyond my wildest dreams though. I can't quite bring myself to believe it.
I know many professional people in Scotland, Unionists, prosperous, small c conservatives who like Ruth but still find voting Tory too far. The anger from the poll tax has had an incredible shelf life and even now the Tories are not decontaminated, especially amongst disillusioned ex Labour supporters looking for a home. Reaching that group is going to be very hard.
Nicola Sturgeon has managed to detoxify the Thatcher brand for many people and assumed the mantle of "that woman"
I saw an article yesterday that made the point that Alex Salmond was popular across the political divide, governing for "all of Scotland", until the day he announced the Indyref. At that point he was either on your side, or agin ye.
Nicola made the same mistake. After Indyref1 she was meant to be a unifying figure, until now.
The great irony is the SNP would be looking in much better shape at this election if she had never announced Indyref2.
Except that "Alex Salmond was popular across the polltical divide line" is bollocks. Alex Salmond has always been an intensely polarising figure. Before IndyRef 1 some of my most mild mannered friends would be driven into expletive filled rage by the mere mention of his name.
I must have missed that bit too. Where he was much more successful was in crushing the weakened rural Scotland Conservative party and in keeping his tent broader. Nicola has focussed on replacing SLAB. She has been very successful at it and they will take Glasgow in May but the Salmond coalition is now fraying.
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
Progressive alliance, offering voters freedom of choice, so long as you vote for who we tell you to.
You must have missed the story about UKIP not standing against Brexiters then...
Yeah, but that doesn't have a patronising name like progressive alliance yet, a term I hate with a passion as adherents assume anyone who doesn't or wasn't vote Tory only cares about stopping Tories rather than voting for who they like best, suggesting if you don't hate Tories you might as well vote for them.
I suppose patriotic alliance would be a suitably silly and patronising name for the kipper approach, since Aaron banks hasn't launched it yet.
The anti evil-baby-eating-tory-bastards party name was deemed to be too long by the electoral commission.
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
The Turkish like to claim him as well.
So he's not only a Johnny Foreigner but also a Muslim too?
The EDL will do their nut in.
Lived under Diocletian, so if he was a Muslim he was being a bit previous about it.
Actually, milk maids had a form of leprosy, smooth-skin, I think it's called, which left no scars and made them appear more attractive.
[I think it was a form of leprosy. Off-chance it might've been pox].
The word “vaccination,” coined by Jenner in 1796,[2] is derived from the Latin root vaccinus, meaning of or from the cow.
We know the 'msm' ignoring great news for labour is a problem (Corbyn has said so, so it must be true) so the boss will like this story about media being fined for ignoring a story. Correa in Ecuador does seem a sort of budget Hugo Chavez, though he is actually going apparently.
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
CAE 5 AR ?
Private number plates are great - voluntary taxation!
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
It used to be St Dunstan.
Financial genius who restructured the monestaries to make them a profit centre and is now the patron saint of investment bankers.
Anecdotally, the Unionist vote is really motivated. Indyref2 has really hacked a lot of people off, even some who have been voting SNP as an anti-Tory strategy for years. 30% for the Tories still seems beyond my wildest dreams though. I can't quite bring myself to believe it.
I know many professional people in Scotland, Unionists, prosperous, small c conservatives who like Ruth but still find voting Tory too far. The anger from the poll tax has had an incredible shelf life and even now the Tories are not decontaminated, especially amongst disillusioned ex Labour supporters looking for a home. Reaching that group is going to be very hard.
Nicola Sturgeon has managed to detoxify the Thatcher brand for many people and assumed the mantle of "that woman"
I saw an article yesterday that made the point that Alex Salmond was popular across the political divide, governing for "all of Scotland", until the day he announced the Indyref. At that point he was either on your side, or agin ye.
Nicola made the same mistake. After Indyref1 she was meant to be a unifying figure, until now.
The great irony is the SNP would be looking in much better shape at this election if she had never announced Indyref2.
From what I hear one of the big problems for the SNP at Westminster is their sheer laziness. I have it on good authority they do f**k all except party. No constituenct surgeries and most them don't even bother to visit their constituencies. Sounds OK to me but you know what these Presbyterian Scots are like
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
The Turkish like to claim him as well.
So he's not only a Johnny Foreigner but also a Muslim too?
The EDL will do their nut in.
Lived under Diocletian, so if he was a Muslim he was being a bit previous about it.
You have to think like an EDL member. Turks = Muslims.
The average EDL members' knowledge about St George appalling,
I once saw an EDLer say all this immigration to England was an insult to the heirs to St George.
If Tories copy the bank holiday plan, and frankly I'm surprised it's not already a Tory plan, for god's sake chandelier the ones we have, they are too clustered.
Anecdotally, the Unionist vote is really motivated. Indyref2 has really hacked a lot of people off, even some who have been voting SNP as an anti-Tory strategy for years. 30% for the Tories still seems beyond my wildest dreams though. I can't quite bring myself to believe it.
I know many professional people in Scotland, Unionists, prosperous, small c conservatives who like Ruth but still find voting Tory too far. The anger from the poll tax has had an incredible shelf life and even now the Tories are not decontaminated, especially amongst disillusioned ex Labour supporters looking for a home. Reaching that group is going to be very hard.
Nicola Sturgeon has managed to detoxify the Thatcher brand for many people and assumed the mantle of "that woman"
I saw an article yesterday that made the point that Alex Salmond was popular across the political divide, governing for "all of Scotland", until the day he announced the Indyref. At that point he was either on your side, or agin ye.
Nicola made the same mistake. After Indyref1 she was meant to be a unifying figure, until now.
The great irony is the SNP would be looking in much better shape at this election if she had never announced Indyref2.
From what I hear one of the big problems for the SNP at Westminster is their sheer laziness. I have it on good authority they do f**k all except party. No constituenct surgeries and most them don't even bother to visit their constituencies. Sounds OK to me but you know what these Presbyterian Scots are like
Isn't that what slab used to do?
(In all fairness it could be true or false for both as far as I would know)
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
It used to be St Dunstan.
Financial genius who restructured the monestaries to make them a profit centre and is now the patron saint of investment bankers.
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
It used to be St Dunstan.
Financial genius who restructured the monestaries to make them a profit centre and is now the patron saint of investment bankers.
Would that be better?
I think the Labour Party should consider adopting St Jude as their patron
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
It used to be St Dunstan.
Financial genius who restructured the monestaries to make them a profit centre and is now the patron saint of investment bankers.
Would that be better?
He got made a saint because he was good at making money?
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
It's "AV 1" isn't it?
Surely AV 123?
Very nice. I have it on good authority that it's GO4PM
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
The Turkish like to claim him as well.
So he's not only a Johnny Foreigner but also a Muslim too?
The EDL will do their nut in.
Lived under Diocletian, so if he was a Muslim he was being a bit previous about it.
You have to think like an EDL member. Turks = Muslims.
The average EDL members' knowledge about St George appalling,
I once saw an EDLer say all this immigration to England was an insult to heirs to St George.
Racists would be hilarious if there weren't serious consequences to their idiocy sometimes.
Mr. F, recall reading of a chap in Elizabethan times who had a tin nose for that reason.
But when syphilis first arrived a few centuries before that, it was a different sort of disease (more like a fever) and evolved into modern syphilis.
It's also the source of the Shakespearean: Impiety has made a feast of thee [you've fornicated with prostitutes so much you've caught syphilis, which has dramatically reduced your weight].
Mr. Indigo, not sure, I was thinking from a 14th century perspective
Rawnsley: A member of the cabinet tells me that one of his party’s anxieties is suppressed turn-out among their supporters, some of whom might not bother to vote “because she is going win anyway". This points to one of the ironies of this election. The Conservatives will connive with Mr Corbyn to maintain a fiction that there is a serious possibility that they could lose and the Labour leader could win Number 10.
Anecdotally, the Unionist vote is really motivated. Indyref2 has really hacked a lot of people off, even some who have been voting SNP as an anti-Tory strategy for years. 30% for the Tories still seems beyond my wildest dreams though. I can't quite bring myself to believe it.
I know many professional people in Scotland, Unionists, prosperous, small c conservatives who like Ruth but still find voting Tory too far. The anger from the poll tax has had an incredible shelf life and even now the Tories are not decontaminated, especially amongst disillusioned ex Labour supporters looking for a home. Reaching that group is going to be very hard.
Nicola Sturgeon has managed to detoxify the Thatcher brand for many people and assumed the mantle of "that woman"
I saw an article yesterday that made the point that Alex Salmond was popular across the political divide, governing for "all of Scotland", until the day he announced the Indyref. At that point he was either on your side, or agin ye.
Nicola made the same mistake. After Indyref1 she was meant to be a unifying figure, until now.
The great irony is the SNP would be looking in much better shape at this election if she had never announced Indyref2.
From what I hear one of the big problems for the SNP at Westminster is their sheer laziness. I have it on good authority they do f**k all except party. No constituenct surgeries and most them don't even bother to visit their constituencies. Sounds OK to me but you know what these Presbyterian Scots are like
Some of them turned up expecting to dominate the place, but they turned out to be small fish in a big pond. It was the way it was always going to be, but their ego's ran riot in the SNP echo chamber and then went down full of piss and vinegar.
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
It's "AV 1" isn't it?
Surely AV 123?
Very nice. I have it on good authority that it's GO4PM
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
The Turkish like to claim him as well.
So he's not only a Johnny Foreigner but also a Muslim too?
The EDL will do their nut in.
Lived under Diocletian, so if he was a Muslim he was being a bit previous about it.
You have to think like an EDL member. Turks = Muslims.
The average EDL members' knowledge about St George appalling,
I once saw an EDLer say all this immigration to England was an insult to the heirs to St George.
Was it EDL or UKIP who thought Westminster Cathedral was a mosque?
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
The Turkish like to claim him as well.
So he's not only a Johnny Foreigner but also a Muslim too?
The EDL will do their nut in.
Lived under Diocletian, so if he was a Muslim he was being a bit previous about it.
You have to think like an EDL member. Turks = Muslims.
The average EDL members' knowledge about St George appalling,
I once saw an EDLer say all this immigration to England was an insult to the heirs to St George.
Was it EDL or UKIP who thought Westminster Cathedral was a mosque?
This bank holiday policy is completely bonkers. Why the f*** do we want another three holidays in March/April and bloody day off at the end of November?
I would scrap the May 1st bank holiday and move it to the first Monday of July.
The sting in the tail with these four holidays will be that Jez will abolish Christmas and Easter as they aren't diverse enough. :-)
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
It's "AV 1" isn't it?
Surely AV 123?
Very nice. I have it on good authority that it's GO4PM
You fool, its ZAMA202
There was a police officer who attracted some criticism for having N5DAP as his number plate.
They're two theories: one that he was born in Lydia in what is now Israel, another that he was born in Cappdocia in Turkey. His father was from Cappdocia, his mother from Greece.
Mr. Jessop, pretty sure Lydia was the west of Asia Minor, unless there's a second region of the same name. Cappadocia, upon checking, is indeed the middle of Asia Minor.
Upon checking, again, he was born in the 3rd century AD. No Turks. Cannot be reasonably described as such. Might as well call Boudicca an Englishwoman.
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
It's "AV 1" isn't it?
I think you mean AV 123
AV 12, surely?
Back to AV school with you. 12 would imply ambiguity with the Supplementary Vote whereas AV allows as many preferences as candidates!
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
It used to be St Dunstan.
Financial genius who restructured the monestaries to make them a profit centre and is now the patron saint of investment bankers.
Would that be better?
He got made a saint because he was good at making money?
He was simultaneously Chancellor of England and Archbishop of Canterbury. In his spare time he wrote the Coronation Order that we still use today (albeit slightly updated for linguistic changes)
Edit: in drawings of him he's often depicted as using a long spoon to sup with the Devil
I didn't realise until reading this article that "dominatrices" was the plural of "dominatrix". I'd been using "dominatrixes". I feel kind of stupid now.
To be fair it isn't a word you need to use in the plural very often.
What a quiet life you lead.
TMI, Alistair, TMI...
Blame, I was the one who wrote about hiring 400 dominatrixes in one night, concurrently.
Information overload, Mr Eagles.
(And shouldn't it be 'dominatrices?')
Blinking auto correct
Off topic - saw an open top Mercedes with number plate TSE 1 last Monday. Just wondering.
I do have a private number plate, but not that one.
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
It's "AV 1" isn't it?
I think you mean AV 123
AV 12, surely?
Back to AV school with you. 12 would imply ambiguity with the Supplementary Vote whereas AV allows as many preferences as candidates!
Hm.. if only someone knowledgable on the subject could write a refresher thread for those of us who have forgotten the ins and outs of AV.
Mr. F, recall reading of a chap in Elizabethan times who had a tin nose for that reason.
But when syphilis first arrived a few centuries before that, it was a different sort of disease (more like a fever) and evolved into modern syphilis.
It's also the source of the Shakespearean: Impiety has made a feast of thee [you've fornicated with prostitutes so much you've caught syphilis, which has dramatically reduced your weight].
Mr. Indigo, not sure, I was thinking from a 14th century perspective
The astronomer Tycho Brahe had a metal nose. But that was needed after a duelling injury.
4m voted UKIP 2 years ago, these people like voting. They won't vote for a party that is pro immigration and pro EU which rules out Labour and LDs, I'll be amazed if UKIP manage 100 candidates, the vast majority of which effectively will be paper candidates.
Allowing for abstentions I'd suggest a bare minimum of 2.5m will vote Conservative.
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
It used to be St Dunstan.
Financial genius who restructured the monestaries to make them a profit centre and is now the patron saint of investment bankers.
Would that be better?
He got made a saint because he was good at making money?
He was simultaneously Chancellor of England and Archbishop of Canterbury. In his spare time he wrote the Coronation Order that we still use today (albeit slightly updated for linguistic changes)
Edit: in drawings of him he's often depicted as using a long spoon to sup with the Devil
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
It used to be St Dunstan.
Financial genius who restructured the monestaries to make them a profit centre and is now the patron saint of investment bankers.
Would that be better?
He got made a saint because he was good at making money?
He was simultaneously Chancellor of England and Archbishop of Canterbury. In his spare time he wrote the Coronation Order that we still use today (albeit slightly updated for linguistic changes)
Edit: in drawings of him he's often depicted as using a long spoon to sup with the Devil
The George Osborne of his day then...,
And still time for George to find god and become archbishop. Welsby came to the cloth late, as I recall.
Mr. F, recall reading of a chap in Elizabethan times who had a tin nose for that reason.
But when syphilis first arrived a few centuries before that, it was a different sort of disease (more like a fever) and evolved into modern syphilis.
It's also the source of the Shakespearean: Impiety has made a feast of thee [you've fornicated with prostitutes so much you've caught syphilis, which has dramatically reduced your weight].
Mr. Indigo, not sure, I was thinking from a 14th century perspective
The astronomer Tycho Brahe had a metal nose. But that was needed after a duelling injury.
Justinian II had one made of gold, after his enemies chopped it off.
Lord Hervey, an Irish peer, and Marquess of Bristol, once entered a tavern, and one of his enemies began sniffing loudly, saying "I smell an Irishman.". Hervey's reply? "By God Sir, you will never smell another" and sliced off the Man's nose with a dagger.
Sky News leading with Corbyn's plan for new bank holidays. Is anyone going to ask him about the saints represented, or ask Mrs Bucket about her views on St George's Day parties?
My view on St George's day.
It is a bloody disgrace that we have some Johnny Foreigner as our patron saint. He never set foot in England.
Happy Roman Palestine born in Lydda never stepped foot in England day everybody.
It used to be St Dunstan.
Financial genius who restructured the monestaries to make them a profit centre and is now the patron saint of investment bankers.
Would that be better?
He got made a saint because he was good at making money?
He was simultaneously Chancellor of England and Archbishop of Canterbury. In his spare time he wrote the Coronation Order that we still use today (albeit slightly updated for linguistic changes)
Edit: in drawings of him he's often depicted as using a long spoon to sup with the Devil
I would scrap the May 1st bank holiday and move it to the first Monday of July.
Egad! Ditch the pointless Spring Bank Holiday! Never mind all this new fangled socialist userpery, where would we be without crowning the May Queen, Maypole dancing, Obby-Oss, Jack-in-the-green, Morris Dancing, young maidens abluting at Arthur's Seat, and torch light processions ?
4m voted UKIP 2 years ago, these people like voting. They won't vote for a party that is pro immigration and pro EU which rules out Labour and LDs, I'll be amazed if UKIP manage 100 candidates, the vast majority of which effectively will be paper candidates.
Allowing for abstentions I'd suggest a bare minimum of 2.5m will vote Conservative.
I hope you're right - but I believe someone on this site once said that the 2015 Labour vote would = 2010 Labour plus (2010 Lib Dem/2) - I'm not sure that worked out so well for him.
Mr. F, recall reading of a chap in Elizabethan times who had a tin nose for that reason.
But when syphilis first arrived a few centuries before that, it was a different sort of disease (more like a fever) and evolved into modern syphilis.
It's also the source of the Shakespearean: Impiety has made a feast of thee [you've fornicated with prostitutes so much you've caught syphilis, which has dramatically reduced your weight].
Mr. Indigo, not sure, I was thinking from a 14th century perspective
The astronomer Tycho Brahe had a metal nose. But that was needed after a duelling injury.
Tycho also had a pet dwarf and died from a burst bladder. By all accounts he was a bit of a character. He was, however, a brilliant observational astronomer.
I see it is 4 new bank holidays for everybody not the more sensible one new one based on country. The man is truly bonkers. Do you think he realises how many there will be around this time of year? Probably not as he has never had a proper job.
Serves them right for continually banging on about it
Pre surge i was going to back Con in BRS at 1/8 or better. It's 1/3!
blastermajority at your side, kid.This will tell us more than any opinion poll.
The EDL will do their nut in.
I think the others were Cuthbert and possibly Edward/Edmund.
Mr. Timmo, cheers for that suggestion. I picked the wrong time to leave the site last night...
What about Angus?
Mr. D, that's Grand Moff Tarkin.
Is there a reason (Betfair Exchange) Macron's odds to lead round one have lengthened to nearly 3?
I do find private number plates a bit gauche but my parents bought it for me years ago.
I suppose patriotic alliance would be a suitably silly and patronising name for the kipper approach, since Aaron banks hasn't launched it yet.
The Repulsive Alliance
Or they might need Tory coalition support
[I think it was a form of leprosy. Off-chance it might've been pox].
Sooty - "Yes Mr Corbyn .... don't mind it from you but why has the electorate got it's hand up my bottom ?!?"
Jezza - "We're be stuffed !!"
It can be controlled with a healthy dose of thalidomide.
*that's* why sympathy shags with a leper should be avoided
Far, far worse to meet someone with Black Death than leprosy.
Financial genius who restructured the monestaries to make them a profit centre and is now the patron saint of investment bankers.
Would that be better?
If there is one rule in British politics. It is the higher you fly the harder you fall.
Like Clegg, Blair and Icarus before her, she should enjoy her time in the sun. But not too much.
Governing could be brutal
I was reading about No Nose clubs that were popular in 18th and 19th century England, for people whose noses had dropped off, due to syphilis.
The average EDL members' knowledge about St George appalling,
I once saw an EDLer say all this immigration to England was an insult to the heirs to St George.
(In all fairness it could be true or false for both as far as I would know)
TBF many of them were paper candidates who did not expect to win, but this time they know what's happening and they are standing again
But when syphilis first arrived a few centuries before that, it was a different sort of disease (more like a fever) and evolved into modern syphilis.
It's also the source of the Shakespearean: Impiety has made a feast of thee [you've fornicated with prostitutes so much you've caught syphilis, which has dramatically reduced your weight].
Mr. Indigo, not sure, I was thinking from a 14th century perspective
My current one is just part of my name.
AIUI, might be wrong...
It's that flawed reasoning which leads people to claim Alexander was Greek, because part of Macedon (ancient) is in modern day Greece.
I, being silly, sometimes claim Constantine the Great was a Yorkshireman. It has the same level of accuracy.
Upon checking, again, he was born in the 3rd century AD. No Turks. Cannot be reasonably described as such. Might as well call Boudicca an Englishwoman.
Edit: in drawings of him he's often depicted as using a long spoon to sup with the Devil
Allowing for abstentions I'd suggest a bare minimum of 2.5m will vote Conservative.
Lord Hervey, an Irish peer, and Marquess of Bristol, once entered a tavern, and one of his enemies began sniffing loudly, saying "I smell an Irishman.". Hervey's reply? "By God Sir, you will never smell another" and sliced off the Man's nose with a dagger.
The last Panelbase had the SNP 19 ahead overall but if that gap is down to 11 their clear lead is likely to be restricted to C2DE and under 35 voters.
The Tories were ahead in the last poll with females aged 55+ on the last poll.