politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Labour’s problems go well beyond Corbyn – it’s just that they’re not part of the main political conversation of the day
Jeremy Corbyn reacts angrily to a question from @PaulBrandITV about his leadership https://t.co/oxUZs7yWuj pic.twitter.com/9VD4gsXsZc
Read the full story here
Yesterday was a cracking day for Labour....
Keir Starmer apparently now also shadow minister for exit from UK
Jezza claiming life expectancy falling, when it is rising
Jezza arguing the nasty media lie about him
Jezza's long time buddy not removed from the party for repeating claiming total BS about Hitler and the Jews...tough on antisemitism, tough on the causes of antisemtism...
We are going to have to invent a new word for the GE campaign, because clusterf##k and omnishambles just won't do it justice.
Edit - I see your 6 minutes are up - MODS?
Analysis of the Trump administration response to the Syrian gas attack:
He has been that for sometime. Where have you been ?
@nunu and all - please be careful when directly linking to graphic images like that on Twitter, their image filtering rules do not apply here, and the image is always displayed.
Place the link within the HTML URL tags, or delete the http at the start of the address to prevent it being embedded. Most importantly, please add a warning to the top of your post so users know what they are letting themselves in for.
Bear: I did not shit in woods
"Yesterdays gassing by the Israeli state of Syrian refugees clearly shows their utter disdain for the leadership of the Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn. Has the Jerusalem government not learnt anything from the voluntary experiments at Auschwitz, Belsen and Dachau where millions of Jewish holiday makers were killed by accident after slipping in the showers whilst members of the SS poured the wrong shower gel into the communal plumbing system. They should of course in line with Labour EU policy have employed Polish plumbers."
Exactly. Anyone who has a modicum of sympathy with Corbyn's position will agree with him that the MSM are to blame.
“It’s a strange thing, starting to think that your homeland may be a bit dim”.....
The general thrust of the piece was that a nation that had once been the cradle of the Enlightenment was in its modern-day guise much diminished, populated by unhinged, spittle-flecked conspiracy theorists who believed in secret oil fields, MI5 plots and rigged polls; and that its relentless, exhausting constitutional self-obsession squeezed out any debate about public policy that might make an actual difference to people’s lives.
The only French all-candidate debate is over and worth paying attention to. Melanchon won on performance and virtually tied on programme. Le Pen was 4th. The odds look wildly out of line: Debate report here:
Polls here:
Macron: Poll 25 (and 60-40 in round 2), odds 1.73, my position +204
Le Pen poll 25, odds 4.5, my position -216
Melanchon poll 15.5, odds30, my position +180
Fillon poll 17.5, odds 5.9, my position -23
Hamon poll 10, odds 280, my position -9
DYOR, but if I had the cash I'd bet Macron down to 1.5 and put another £10 on Melanchon as a trading bet - I think he should go down to 20 or so when a poll shows him ovrtaking Fillon. Fillon's odds are puzzlingly good and possibly there's Russian money there - if so, you may as well take their unwise dosh. Hamon could be laid but the silly lay price of 360 makes it unappealing - actually worse than Asselineau, whose poll rating is zero point 5 per cent.
But there really isn't much more to say on this. Surely 1 more month and this will be over.
A couple of Shadow Cabinet resignations really isn't going to cut it this time, the rot isn't going to stop until MPs start resigning from the party, even if they don't have it in them to cross the floor.
If they want to go with the SDP2 option, they can have Anna Soubry as a free bonus MP - I'm sure Broxtowe Conservatives won't miss her too much.
The North Sea oil and gas sector became a net drain on the UK’s public finances for the first time in 2016, Carbon Brief analysis shows.
In total, the sector received £396m in 2016, net of tax payments. This is the first year that the North Sea industry has cost the exchequer more than it has contributed.
They might just be stupid enough to do it too.
Or, is there a simpler subtitle option that makes it slightly more accessible and there are more philistines out there than at first I thought? ;-)
I haven't read such a vacuous set of pointless cliches since the last time I read an op-ed piece by Tristram Hunt. Many of them differ from current Tory policy in name only (see that house building pledge). Even the policy on education is based on a complete misunderstanding of what's actually going on so would not cause any change in practice,
Where he does have clearly different policies - e.g. on Trident - they tend to be, to put it mildly, controversial.
I have long thought the real problem with Corbyn is not that he's basically nasty, although he is, or that he's intellectually deficient, although he's that too, or that his supporters appear to be suffering from some form of quasi-religious hysteria, although they are. What will kill him in an election campaign is that people won't vote for his policies. And there's nothing that he will do about it because he's kidding himself that when people know about them, they'll love him.
Good old Malcy G, never short of bile and hatred for The UK/England
Melenchon has come in slightly at Macron's expense, which is fine as I have him as a slightly better result.
Poutou -> Melenchon -> Macron -> Dupont Aignon (All +ve)
Uncle Tom Cobley -> Hamon -> Asselineau -> Fillon / Le Pen (All -ve)
is my results order now.
Why have you got a photograph of Miss Marple as your new avatar?
Not sure I agree Corbyn will toddle off. He might, but he's had plenty of opportunity so far.
Maybe the PLP will try another challenge and a big hitter will actually tilt at the job.
Well we could talk about what labour is doing with Ken if you like, Jeremy?
Corbyn does not handle interviews well, that clip reminded me of Bilbo seeing the Ring again.
That moment when they put this forward and Theresa says, "there can be no cherry picking of the UK single market" is going to be delicious.
But one last time - corbyn, if the media obsesses over your leadership, it's still your fault because you're incapable of changing the narrative.
Well, well, well, it seems Tony Blair was right to try every possible way to block Ken Livingtson from standing as a Labour London Mayor candidate.
If not, then the party doesn't think his remarks bring the party into disrepute, they really are just punishing him for the initial furore it caused, like he claims.
As Jess Philips said yesterday:
there is "nothing socialist about knowing that you were going to make the people you cared about the poorer".
I think that avatar is of Margaret Rutherford as Professor Hatton-Jones in "Passport to Pimlico". Malcolm is making a subtle reference to his belief that England is a vassal state of Scotland and when England leaves the EU the newly formed Scottish/Burgundian nation will have to bail out the impoverished English with food parcels of haggis and Irn Bru.
As bad as the stuff Ken has said is, it's nowhere near as bad as the things his defenders are saying on Twitter. There appear to be a lot of deeply strange Labour supporters out there.
A Final Solution To My Jewish Problem And The Labour Party.
How big should our deficit be right now and were you agitating during Osbnorne's time that 'austerity' wasn't being hard enough? Seems not. Is 7 years enough to eliminate a £160bn overspend? Are you advocating cuts now? Or are you a hypocrite?
New Labour immigration and 'rub their noses in it'. What should the government do? Mount the Wayback machine and recast history? Brexit was Tony n Gordo's doing.
The ugly truth is that when Labour do very occasionally get in to power they invariably cause a clusterfuck, and that the time needed to deliver on Project Unclusterfuck is a decade or more.
Please can this country get itself a not clownishly incompetent centre left party.
To modify the standard unbalanced union argument, d'ye stick with your own unhinged, spittle-flecked conspiracy theorists, or remain sat on by your much larger neighbour with (at least) 10 times as many, and some of them in government?
Morning all,
Well, well, well, it seems Tony Blair was right to try every possible way to block Ken Livingtson from standing as a Labour London Mayor candidate.
Well he blocked him the first time then welcomed him back the second. Typical Blair, really, big on grandstanding, but then never quite following through. Anyway it is all his fault. He should never have let him back in. So what if Ken had won the second mayoral election, would that have significanly hurt Labour?
((Dan Hodges)))Verified account @DPJHodges 1m1 minute ago
Understand statement Livingstone made going into the hearing, about Jewish collaborators, may not have been factored in by the inquiry.
I found this very funny but on reflection not surprising. Advertising is pretty scientific and with some smart market research it's not diffiicult to work out which celebrity is of most value to a product and for them to charge accordingly.
So the idea that Corbyn became angry when someone at ITV questioned the wisdom of Labour using him to sell their message is a strange one. It's a question you would expect never to be far from his mind. The research is there for all to see. He might not like it but if his interest is in selling the Labour brand he'd surely understand why the question is being asked.
Can't wait for a general election campaign. The best day would make Brown's worst look fabulous...
The predictions were well off last year. I do remember Hague and IDS leading into local election which the narrative was "it's a bad night for the tories" yet getting exceptionally good results. We can't discount the possibility of labour holding its own in England and Wales.
Also understand those comments could potentially form basis of new inquiry. Which would be ironic...
"The Holocaust was massively exaggerated by Zionist leaders."
Additionally Ken is to institute a Jewish Heath Trust with the first Josef Mengele Bursaries for the advancement of heathcare in Israeli railway stations. Passengers will be allocated to the left and right (mainly leftward) at their final destination for treatment for the devastating pre-existing Jewish condition - breathing.
For the time being, it seems that Le Pen may have taken a hit.
How does this look from Moscow? What will Fancy Bear do next?
Ken is David Irving and I claim my new threepenny bit.
What is he saying?