Exactly 5 weeks on from today, on April 23rd, voters in France will participate in the round one of the presidential election and betting interest has been enormous. Currently on the Betfair exchange alone £7.5m of wagers have been matched and looks set to be bettered in size terms only by BREXIT and Trump.
Meantime, my theory that many PB Provincials prioritise getting one over on That There London over what's actually good for the UK economy is further confirmed by the responses to SeanT OPT. Hmm.
I pretty much agree. Macron's clearly the one to beat.
For example we were told repeatedly that Leavers were going to be hoist by their own petard when their request for an EU referendum was met.
Yet its you who is now dangling.
Besides, what is meant by your concept of 'real homes'? I was born and bred in Derbyshire, but I haven't lived there for many years. I have a fondness for the county, and like to visit occasionally, but my home is now Cambridgeshire. Or, when I've moved around a lot transiently in the past, wherever I've lived.
Also: moving away from a place can give you a perspective on it that you may not get if you remain there: warts and all.
Meanwhile self-serving Tony Blair doesn't think there's a problem...
I know who I'd listen to.
I guess when your down to "single digits" you need every MP you can get...
Is that the first time you've posted something positive about Tony in all your years on here Malc?
Your not turning into a NU-Labour supporter are you?
Labour = slightly better than Lib DEms
Lib Dems = Utter Bollocks
Got it !
#Onthisday 1995: Alan Sugar was delivering a boardroom barracking over the idea of using email. It'll never catch on... https://t.co/T4150m3pLz
Raphael Setter
How often does FBI impersonate journalists in the course of investigations? @AP + @rcfp lawsuit looks for answers. https://t.co/tSxqusoHJI
And didn’t he give Katie Hopkins a job?
Welcome to England - yet again winner Calcutta Cup
Some succeed but others fail.
And it can be difficult to 'return home' feeling a failure.
So instead they remain in London and have a lower quality of life than they could have had in their home towns and grow bitter about it. And the one achievement they can cling to is being a Londoner where being a Londoner, with its vicarious sophistication and success, is their equivalent of a good job or nice house.
In my experience people who come from London don't have this issue.
Websites have been shut down for less
He gets very prickly if people pull him up on this though. By prickly I mean he screams no fair, no fair, it wasn't suppose to be a serious article, it was supposed to be fun, I am an economist not a technology person, no fair, no fair...wwwaaahhhhhhh.
Rather than just say hey I simply got it wrong.
Welcome to England HOME of the Calcutta Cup
Do people really still buy Viglen computers? I seemed to remember he made a packet out of the early Sky Boxes, but now I presume is all just made direct in China?
Edit to add linky:
Mike you say that "Things look good at the moment for the 39 year old independent now running for En Marche, Emmanuel Macron. He has a 20%+ second round poll margin over Le Pen but a narrower one over the Republican, Fillon"
I haven't actually seen that there have been any head to head polls between Macron and Fillon since early January, before Penelopegate hit and at a time when Fillon had a 5-7 point lead over Macron in the first round polls. This head to head showed only a 52-48 lead for Macron in a head to head.
However, with the position now reversed, with Macron having a 5-7 point lead over Fillon, after the impact of the financial scandal that has hit Fillon, one would have to assume that the head to head margin between them would have lengthened considerably.
Have there been any more recent Macron/Fillon head to head polls, or are you basing your assumption on that poll from early January?
Edit, there is a more recent poll from 26/27th January which showed Macron winning 58-42. But that was just as Penelopegate was breaking
Alas, for the importance of marketing in book sales.
At least we think it was sent back......
Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943
What is a primary? It can be defined in party terms, or in part of the spectrum terms: help this party or this "wing" of politics choose its candidate. But the most important feature is that candidates are whittled down. The first round of the French presidential election is basically an all-spectrum primary, with three TV debates. Expect surprises.
A novel (lower end) would be around 60-80,000, I'd say. People sometimes overestimate fantasy (mind are slightly on the long side, usually around 95-100,000).
However, try not to just pad or bloat. If adding more improves the book, by all means do it. But don't try to hit a word count. The words are there to tell a story, the story isn't there to hit a word count.
Russia Today won't match the NYT for gall.
Can the Scotsman newspaper please now call for Calexit.