Almost ever since the Copeland by-election was declared the Conservatives have been a very strong odds on favourites. As has been pointed out repeatedly for them to take a seat off Labour while beinf the governing party would be an extraordinary achievement and something that really hasn’t happened in modern times.
Winklebury (Basingstoke & Deane) result:
LAB: 61.6% (+31.1)
CON: 35.3% (-10.5)
LDEM: 3.1% (-2.7)
Lab GAIN from Con.,_1997
Uxbridge and Beckenham 1997 and Eddisbury 1999 were the last by elections a governing party was trying to gain a seat though and of course the last time a governing party did win a by election, Mitcham and Morden in 1982, was when the governing Tories had a huge poll lead in the middle of the Falklands War. So while it is true to say that big poll leads by the governing party do not translate automatically into gaining seats in by elections without a big poll lead a governing party would have no chance at all of gaining a seat from the opposition in a by election
"...government gains in by-elections aren’t just exceptionally rare, the examples that have occurred are mostly the product of freakish circumstances (to repeat – that means electorally, not merely politically), none of which apply to Copeland.
"The last time a governing party gained a seat in by-election by overturning a principal opposition party majority of more than 3 per cent, without a defecting incumbent, a disqualified winner or a material change in the set of parties contesting the seat, was when John Derby Allcroft took Worcester for the Tories on 28th Mar 1878, overturning a 7.6 per cent Liberal majority.
"So the Conservatives are trying to do something that hasn’t been done on a genuine like-for-like basis for 139 years, since a time when women couldn’t vote, secret ballots had only been in use for one general election and Keir Hardie wasn’t yet even a union organiser.
"Which is not to say that they won’t succeed. But if they do, and Theresa May gains an MP mid term, she won’t have done something that hasn’t been done since Thatcher. She’ll have done something that hasn’t been done since Disraeli."
More here:
He's in UKIP these days isn't he?
Is Piers Gaveston the only Piers that wasn't an idiot/knob?
Piers Morgan, Merchant, and Corbyn haven't done much for Piers in recent times.
And this on Stoke: in a tight contest, the winning candidate could take the seat with 6,000 votes (and perhaps less if the Lib Dems can mount a significant challenge.)
For comparison, Tristram Hunt's majority in 2015 was about 5,200.
Macron has something of Pierre Trudeau about him. A real political rockstar.
(*Obviously PB punters are perfect in every way. H/T MP.)
A flawed character, certainly, but not all bad.
I'm not expecting that another to be UKIP.
Of course, I could be wrong, and Labour romp home.
Unlikely to help his winning the French presidency....
I think a low turnout Labour win.
I, on the other hand, continue to be wholly devoid of insight in relation to the by elections. I've not had a bet - I have no idea what is going to happen.
All I can predict with confidence is that tomorrow is Thursday and the day after will probably be Friday but as Shadsy hasn't priced that one, I've not had a bet there either.
The Tories have nothing to lose from either of these by-elections and everything to gain. Labour have nothing to gain but a whole lot to lose.
FPT, "The Lib Dem decline started in 2011 and we all know the reason for that."
The decline started when you lost Charlie. At least, he had something about him, even if some of it was 70 degree proof.
But, I'm not a soothsayer.
If they still score a clear win, then donkeys is a label many of their voters will not unjustly be tagged with.
When are you going to rejoin the Tories? We need more sound people in the Conservative and Unionist (Brexit) Party.
I could cover with a fiver on UKIP/UKIP on Betfair at 100 but why waste a fiver?
When did an insurgent party last make any substantive inroads in parliament. Was it the Labour party?
It will be interesting to see if this catalyses Melanchon and Hamon getting together.
We are told that the whole of the Northern core area is up for grabs now because it voted overwhelmingly for Brexit, Corbyn is viewed as an atrocious leader and the candidates are non-local and of poor calibre. This would lead to much of that being questioned.
The language in my post was deliberately provocative.