Fake news. PM confirms health petition was delivered and received by No 10 yesterday
If they turned up without an appointment they'd have been refused entry to Downing St by the policeman at the gate.
So either they left it with the policeman (and missed their photo op outside the big black door) or the MP involved left it with the PM's office later.
Job well done by the PM either way.
The petitioners say they had an appointment, and as one was an MP I suspect knew the rules.
I suspect that more Copeland voters read the paper than listen to PMQ's.
A local election for local people, on local issues.
"Germany has called for the European Union to scrap human rights safeguards so migrants can be deported to countries currently considered unsafe.
Under the plan, asylum-seekers who cross the Mediterranean illegally could be sent back to transit countries such as Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria while their cases are considered.
The proposals come as a leaked German government paper warned that as many as 5.9m people could seek to enter the EU from countries around the Mediterranean."
Ah, those civilized European values we will be leaving behind........
Fake news. PM confirms health petition was delivered and received by No 10 yesterday
If they turned up without an appointment they'd have been refused entry to Downing St by the policeman at the gate.
So either they left it with the policeman (and missed their photo op outside the big black door) or the MP involved left it with the PM's office later.
Job well done by the PM either way.
Indeed, that’s far more likely the reality of events, given the circumstances revealed so far.
Great to see Milo toppled by his own side. Strange that it is only now that it's happened. Milo was one of the class of true professional trolls like Katie Hopkins, who have these controversial opinions that spring out of nowhere and get more extreme over time, simply as part of their persona. At least with other 'contrarians' like Farage or Mensch, you get the sense that they genuinely believe the majority of what they are arguing.
Incidentally I don't believe that the old maxim of ignoring a troll like you should ignore a bully is really possible. I've never actually seen a case IRL where a bully stopped bullying because you ignored them, it is always better to confront the problem. Likewise, for trolls it's never seemed clear to me that ignoring people like Milo or Hopkins is going to stop them. I'm not saying hysterical reactions are the way forward, but rather that it is better to engage, disprove, and discredit them (as has happened with Milo here).
The question is: where does Yiannopoulos go from here? Disowned and humiliated by the American Right, perhaps he could reinvent himself as a man of the Left. What about marketing himself as a sadder-and-wiser figure, misguided by a lust for attention but fundamentally always 'a liberal at heart'? It might work.
All Labour's focus has to be today is to get the conversation onto the NHS. It is the one subject they poll OK in. As for the technicalities of whether the petition was blocked or accepted or not - noone is going to care either way. Labour have their front cover of the local paper and Corbyn has shown he isn't a complete idiot by sticking to the NHS in PMQs (I assume).
Fake news. PM confirms health petition was delivered and received by No 10 yesterday
If they turned up without an appointment they'd have been refused entry to Downing St by the policeman at the gate.
So either they left it with the policeman (and missed their photo op outside the big black door) or the MP involved left it with the PM's office later.
Job well done by the PM either way.
The petitioners say they had an appointment, and as one was an MP I suspect knew the rules.
I suspect that more Copeland voters read the paper than listen to PMQ's.
A local election for local people, on local issues.
A local paper who it is now clear were wrong and took up the spin of a Labour activist as the PM has just confirmed on the BBC and which the local paper will have to report tomorrow anyway
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
So poisonous the Tories will get a swing towards them in 2 by elections tomorrow since the last general election and now have a bigger poll lead than any winning Tory general election margin since 1983
Fake news. PM confirms health petition was delivered and received by No 10 yesterday
If they turned up without an appointment they'd have been refused entry to Downing St by the policeman at the gate.
So either they left it with the policeman (and missed their photo op outside the big black door) or the MP involved left it with the PM's office later.
Job well done by the PM either way.
The petitioners say they had an appointment, and as one was an MP I suspect knew the rules.
I suspect that more Copeland voters read the paper than listen to PMQ's.
A local election for local people, on local issues.
A local paper who it is now clear were wrong and took up the spin of a Labour activist as the PM has just confirmed on the BBC and which the local paper will have to report tomorrow anyway
Won't reporting restrictions be in place tommorow ?
I'm sure the correction will be in the paper... page 28 para 3 if there needs to be one. And it won't be in tommorow.
Absolubte truth and politics ceased to be bedfellows a long time ago anyway.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
These things change very quickly though. Remember the Brown bounce? Some of the micro-management and apparent inertia isn't entirely dissimilar. Although she is up agains Corbyn rather than Cameron I suppose.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
These things change very quickly though. Remember the Brown bounce? Some of the micro-management and apparent inertia isn't entirely dissimilar. Although she is up agains Corbyn rather than Cameron I suppose.
Brown did not have ratings anywhere near as high as May's 6 months into his premiership
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
These things change very quickly though. Remember the Brown bounce? Some of the micro-management and apparent inertia isn't entirely dissimilar. Although she is up agains Corbyn rather than Cameron I suppose.
The "Brown bounce" was merely a function of "thank fvck Blair has gone". It was not a long-lived phenomenon.
All Labour's focus has to be today is to get the conversation onto the NHS. It is the one subject they poll OK in. As for the technicalities of whether the petition was blocked or accepted or not - noone is going to care either way. Labour have their front cover of the local paper and Corbyn has shown he isn't a complete idiot by sticking to the NHS in PMQs (I assume).
Job done for Labour.
If the only thing Corbyn can ask the PM about is the NHS Labour are in deep trouble.
Fake news. PM confirms health petition was delivered and received by No 10 yesterday
If they turned up without an appointment they'd have been refused entry to Downing St by the policeman at the gate.
So either they left it with the policeman (and missed their photo op outside the big black door) or the MP involved left it with the PM's office later.
Job well done by the PM either way.
The petitioners say they had an appointment, and as one was an MP I suspect knew the rules.
I suspect that more Copeland voters read the paper than listen to PMQ's.
A local election for local people, on local issues.
A local paper who it is now clear were wrong and took up the spin of a Labour activist as the PM has just confirmed on the BBC and which the local paper will have to report tomorrow anyway
Won't reporting restrictions be in place tommorow ?
I'm sure the correction will be in the paper... page 28 para 3 if there needs to be one. And it won't be in tommorow.
Absolubte truth and politics ceased to be bedfellows a long time ago anyway.
If they do not report it tomorrow and the Tories lose Copeland narrowly they would certainly have a case to report the paper to the Press Complaints Commission
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
When real election results show evidence that contradict the ratings , sensible people begin to suspect that the ratings are wrong .
That includes election results that show Lib Dem votes falling?
You look at election results as a whole . They all show Conservative vote falling , the majority show Lib Dem support increasing . Conservatives have now defended 8 seats this year held 2 lost 6 1 to Lab 4 to Lib Dem 1 to Ind
All Labour's focus has to be today is to get the conversation onto the NHS. It is the one subject they poll OK in. As for the technicalities of whether the petition was blocked or accepted or not - noone is going to care either way. Labour have their front cover of the local paper and Corbyn has shown he isn't a complete idiot by sticking to the NHS in PMQs (I assume).
Job done for Labour.
That's my take,too. Hopefully, it won't be enough.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
These things change very quickly though. Remember the Brown bounce? Some of the micro-management and apparent inertia isn't entirely dissimilar. Although she is up agains Corbyn rather than Cameron I suppose.
Brown did not have ratings anywhere near as high as May's 6 months into his premiership
He probably would have done if he was against the Tory equivalent of Corbyn (IDS) however.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
These things change very quickly though. Remember the Brown bounce? Some of the micro-management and apparent inertia isn't entirely dissimilar. Although she is up agains Corbyn rather than Cameron I suppose.
Brown did not have ratings anywhere near as high as May's 6 months into his premiership
He probably would have done if he was against the Tory equivalent of Corbyn (IDS) however.
Not his personal ratings no though Labour may still have led the polls
As someone who was not in the UK during the whole Iraq War aftermath, and even as a libertarian, I have never fully comprehended the hate he generates, but I do accept it as a clear reality.
I'll give Blair this: It is a very difficult decision to make and I understand why bringing cases against some of these people is difficult.
What I have no time for is the bs about him being a really nice person and all the rest of it. That was blatantly rubbish that they made up. They didn't know him at all and as such should not have made a comment on what he was like.
Painful to admit but Blair has some very good points in that letter.
The Daily Mail looks bang to rights to me.
Typical Daily Mail. I thought when this all blew up last night that I had a vague memory of DM leading the charge about Gitmo, but couldn't be bothered to google it. Thanks Tony.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
When real election results show evidence that contradict the ratings , sensible people begin to suspect that the ratings are wrong .
That includes election results that show Lib Dem votes falling?
You look at election results as a whole . They all show Conservative vote falling , the majority show Lib Dem support increasing . Conservatives have now defended 8 seats this year held 2 lost 6 1 to Lab 4 to Lib Dem 1 to Ind
Blair lost council by elections every week against Hague but at the 2001 general election he was re elected by a landslide.
As someone who was not in the UK during the whole Iraq War aftermath, and even as a libertarian, I have never fully comprehended the hate he generates, but I do accept it as a clear reality.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
When real election results show evidence that contradict the ratings , sensible people begin to suspect that the ratings are wrong .
That includes election results that show Lib Dem votes falling?
You look at election results as a whole . They all show Conservative vote falling , the majority show Lib Dem support increasing . Conservatives have now defended 8 seats this year held 2 lost 6 1 to Lab 4 to Lib Dem 1 to Ind
Given May is so poisonous, how far do you expect the Tory vote share to fall in Copeland & Stoke?
"No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote'"
Is that's why her personal ratings are so crap?
I think she's over-rated, but you have to face facts.
Bear in mind that Parliamentary elections (and Assembly elections) don't count. Only local by-elections are "real elections."
Do we even know what happened in the ward in Basingstoke? Usually there's local factors behind such unusual looking swings, such as a scandal that resulted in the resignation of the councillor which caused the vacancy.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
When real election results show evidence that contradict the ratings , sensible people begin to suspect that the ratings are wrong .
That includes election results that show Lib Dem votes falling?
You look at election results as a whole . They all show Conservative vote falling , the majority show Lib Dem support increasing . Conservatives have now defended 8 seats this year held 2 lost 6 1 to Lab 4 to Lib Dem 1 to Ind
Blair lost council by elections every week against Hague but at the 2001 general election he was re elected by a landslide.
Yep - loads of people enjoy just voting for the government come general election time.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
These things change very quickly though. Remember the Brown bounce? Some of the micro-management and apparent inertia isn't entirely dissimilar. Although she is up agains Corbyn rather than Cameron I suppose.
Brown did not have ratings anywhere near as high as May's 6 months into his premiership
He probably would have done if he was against the Tory equivalent of Corbyn (IDS) however.
We'll agree to disagree there I think. Corbyn v IDS would have been a close run thing. I accept he wouldn't have remained popular for long.
Don't get me wrong I'm no apologist for his premiership just pointing out the similarities between two unelected PMs with apparently similar MOs and hence the potential pitfalls for May.
"No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote'"
Is that's why her personal ratings are so crap?
I think she's over-rated, but you have to face facts.
Bear in mind that Parliamentary elections (and Assembly elections) don't count. Only local by-elections are "real elections."
Do we even know what happened in the ward in Basingstoke? Usually there's local factors behind such unusual looking swings, such as a scandal that resulted in the resignation of the councillor which caused the vacancy.
Labour came very close to winning this ward in both 2014 and 2011 - though they have really romped home this time.
Not sure Milne & Co have helped Corbyn, can't imagine Alistair Campbell failing to drop a little bombshell about a Labour gain from the Tories in Basingstoke. May say something about Milne's general uselessness as a political operator.
Missed opportunity for a good unexpected TV & radio news soundbite.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
When real election results show evidence that contradict the ratings , sensible people begin to suspect that the ratings are wrong .
That includes election results that show Lib Dem votes falling?
You look at election results as a whole . They all show Conservative vote falling , the majority show Lib Dem support increasing . Conservatives have now defended 8 seats this year held 2 lost 6 1 to Lab 4 to Lib Dem 1 to Ind
Blair lost council by elections every week against Hague but at the 2001 general election he was re elected by a landslide.
Yep - loads of people enjoy just voting for the government come general election time.
Britain's semi-apathetic voter main hobby.
It's very unusual for governments not to lose ground in local elections mid-term, In fact, the Conservatives' overall position on local councils is very strong for a government which is 7 years old.
Interesting article in NS on the FN's strong support among millennials. Interesting how it's the reverse in the UK, with UKIP drawing much more strongly from the old.
While anti-immigrant sentiment is obviously a big driver behind it, more general anti-globalisation sentiment (and euroscepticism) seem to be the biggest driver amongst the youth FN vote. I think UKIP is still seen by many young people as stuffed with old retired colonel tories, whereas MLP has been able to more convincingly go left on economics.
Fake news. PM confirms health petition was delivered and received by No 10 yesterday
If they turned up without an appointment they'd have been refused entry to Downing St by the policeman at the gate.
So either they left it with the policeman (and missed their photo op outside the big black door) or the MP involved left it with the PM's office later.
Job well done by the PM either way.
The petitioners say they had an appointment, and as one was an MP I suspect knew the rules.
I suspect that more Copeland voters read the paper than listen to PMQ's.
A local election for local people, on local issues.
A local paper who it is now clear were wrong and took up the spin of a Labour activist as the PM has just confirmed on the BBC and which the local paper will have to report tomorrow anyway
Won't reporting restrictions be in place tommorow ?
I'm sure the correction will be in the paper... page 28 para 3 if there needs to be one. And it won't be in tommorow.
Absolubte truth and politics ceased to be bedfellows a long time ago anyway.
why would they need to issue a correction? The story is quite clear that the petitioners were refused admission (despite an agreed appointment and including an MP), but that the police at the gate took the petition after a delay.
"No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote'"
Is that's why her personal ratings are so crap?
I think she's over-rated, but you have to face facts.
Bear in mind that Parliamentary elections (and Assembly elections) don't count. Only local by-elections are "real elections."
Do we even know what happened in the ward in Basingstoke? Usually there's local factors behind such unusual looking swings, such as a scandal that resulted in the resignation of the councillor which caused the vacancy.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
These things change very quickly though. Remember the Brown bounce? Some of the micro-management and apparent inertia isn't entirely dissimilar. Although she is up agains Corbyn rather than Cameron I suppose.
Brown did not have ratings anywhere near as high as May's 6 months into his premiership
He probably would have done if he was against the Tory equivalent of Corbyn (IDS) however.
Not his personal ratings no though Labour may still have led the polls
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
These things change very quickly though. Remember the Brown bounce? Some of the micro-management and apparent inertia isn't entirely dissimilar. Although she is up agains Corbyn rather than Cameron I suppose.
Brown did not have ratings anywhere near as high as May's 6 months into his premiership
He probably would have done if he was against the Tory equivalent of Corbyn (IDS) however.
Not his personal ratings no though Labour may still have led the polls
That was 2 months into Brown's premiership not 6 months in. Although I agree had Brown taken over in 2003, 6 years into the government's term as May has, he would likely have beaten Howard in 2005
Interesting article in NS on the FN's strong support among millennials. Interesting how it's the reverse in the UK, with UKIP drawing much more strongly from the old.
While anti-immigrant sentiment is obviously a big driver behind it, more general anti-globalisation sentiment (and euroscepticism) seem to be the biggest driver amongst the youth FN vote. I think UKIP is still seen by many young people as stuffed with old retired colonel tories, whereas MLP has been able to more convincingly go left on economics.
FN does best of all with the middle aged though, Macron best with the young and Fillon the old
"No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote'"
Is that's why her personal ratings are so crap?
I think she's over-rated, but you have to face facts.
Bear in mind that Parliamentary elections (and Assembly elections) don't count. Only local by-elections are "real elections."
Do we even know what happened in the ward in Basingstoke? Usually there's local factors behind such unusual looking swings, such as a scandal that resulted in the resignation of the councillor which caused the vacancy.
Labour came very close to winning this ward in both 2014 and 2011 - though they have really romped home this time.
The only news article in the local paper was one where Labour were campaigning against a possible school closure in the ward, as well as the introduction of fortnightly bin collections. There's also an ongoing row about proposed rising parking charges in the town centre. Maybe these are what swung the vote behind Lab this time - straightforward local politics resulting a a win for the local Opposition. http://www.basingstokegazette.co.uk/news/15100870.Leaflet_sparks_spat_in_lead_up_to_ballot/
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
When real election results show evidence that contradict the ratings , sensible people begin to suspect that the ratings are wrong .
That includes election results that show Lib Dem votes falling?
You look at election results as a whole . They all show Conservative vote falling , the majority show Lib Dem support increasing . Conservatives have now defended 8 seats this year held 2 lost 6 1 to Lab 4 to Lib Dem 1 to Ind
Blair lost council by elections every week against Hague but at the 2001 general election he was re elected by a landslide.
The council by elections Blair was losing to Hague were ones Labour should not have won in the 1st place .
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
When real election results show evidence that contradict the ratings , sensible people begin to suspect that the ratings are wrong .
That includes election results that show Lib Dem votes falling?
You look at election results as a whole . They all show Conservative vote falling , the majority show Lib Dem support increasing . Conservatives have now defended 8 seats this year held 2 lost 6 1 to Lab 4 to Lib Dem 1 to Ind
Blair lost council by elections every week against Hague but at the 2001 general election he was re elected by a landslide.
Yep - loads of people enjoy just voting for the government come general election time.
Britain's semi-apathetic voter main hobby.
Yes when Labour start gaining parliamentary rather than council by elections is when the government should start to worry, at the moment Labour cannot comfortably even hold its current parliamentary seats
Is there provision for elections to be called off/postponed if the weather conditions are too bad, etc?
An election can be abandoned on the day of polling in case of "Force Majeure" i.e. flood, storm, earthquake, meteorite impact, treacle pudding, etc. I'm not sure how precisely it is defined, and I don't think it's ever been done in real life.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
When real election results show evidence that contradict the ratings , sensible people begin to suspect that the ratings are wrong .
That includes election results that show Lib Dem votes falling?
You look at election results as a whole . They all show Conservative vote falling , the majority show Lib Dem support increasing . Conservatives have now defended 8 seats this year held 2 lost 6 1 to Lab 4 to Lib Dem 1 to Ind
Blair lost council by elections every week against Hague but at the 2001 general election he was re elected by a landslide.
The council by elections Blair was losing to Hague were ones Labour should not have won in the 1st place .
Yet in 2001 Labour held many of the parliamentary seats containing some of those self same council seats they lost in by elections
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
When real election results show evidence that contradict the ratings , sensible people begin to suspect that the ratings are wrong .
That includes election results that show Lib Dem votes falling?
You look at election results as a whole . They all show Conservative vote falling , the majority show Lib Dem support increasing . Conservatives have now defended 8 seats this year held 2 lost 6 1 to Lab 4 to Lib Dem 1 to Ind
Blair lost council by elections every week against Hague but at the 2001 general election he was re elected by a landslide.
The council by elections Blair was losing to Hague were ones Labour should not have won in the 1st place .
Yet in 2001 Labour held many of the parliamentary seats containing some of those self same council seats they lost in by elections
Tbf after 17 years in government the Tories had been hollowed out in local government. Even Hertsmere went Labour in the 90's. We haven't made that mistake again.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
When real election results show evidence that contradict the ratings , sensible people begin to suspect that the ratings are wrong .
That includes election results that show Lib Dem votes falling?
You look at election results as a whole . They all show Conservative vote falling , the majority show Lib Dem support increasing . Conservatives have now defended 8 seats this year held 2 lost 6 1 to Lab 4 to Lib Dem 1 to Ind
Blair lost council by elections every week against Hague but at the 2001 general election he was re elected by a landslide.
The council by elections Blair was losing to Hague were ones Labour should not have won in the 1st place .
Yet in 2001 Labour held many of the parliamentary seats containing some of those self same council seats they lost in by elections
Tbf after 17 years in government the Tories had been hollowed out in local government. Even Hertsmere went Labour in the 90's. We haven't made that mistake again.
True but in the 1999 local elections the Tories won councils like Carlisle, Derbyshire Dales and Welwyn Hatfield none of which they won at the 2001 general election
He said. She said. No 10 says they didn't follow the procedure. They say they did.
Who knows?
It looks bad to turn people away and with sensitive stuff people will bend procedure as much as they can to allow people to submit their views, so I'm inclined to believe No.10 on this one. Stunt.
A swing to Labour of 20.8%. Must have been local circumstances surely? No more meaningful than the LibDem gain in Sunderland earlier this month.
So it's not all 'LibDem surge' then?
No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote .
I expect that's why she has better ratings than her party, let alone Corbyn or whatshisname...
These things change very quickly though. Remember the Brown bounce? Some of the micro-management and apparent inertia isn't entirely dissimilar. Although she is up agains Corbyn rather than Cameron I suppose.
She's not going to be up against Jezza for ever though, is she? McDonnell is quite obviously a cunt of the first order but he would do way better in the polls against May than Jezza just by dint of being less stupid and lazy.
Postal votes will be worth double what they usually are if the weather is bad in Stoke and Copeland on Thursday. This is probably best for the incumbant Labour party.
I suspect that more Copeland voters read the paper than listen to PMQ's.
A local election for local people, on local issues.
"No it is an anti May swing . She is poisonous to the Conservative vote'"
Is that's why her personal ratings are so crap?
I think she's over-rated, but you have to face facts.
As for the technicalities of whether the petition was blocked or accepted or not - noone is going to care either way. Labour have their front cover of the local paper and Corbyn has shown he isn't a complete idiot by sticking to the NHS in PMQs (I assume).
Job done for Labour.
I'm sure the correction will be in the paper... page 28 para 3 if there needs to be one. And it won't be in tommorow.
Absolubte truth and politics ceased to be bedfellows a long time ago anyway.
"British Isil fighter was 'enemy of state' who should never have been given £1m Guantanamo payout, says Tony Blair's anti-terror chief"
If the only thing Corbyn can ask the PM about is the NHS Labour are in deep trouble.
'Sticking it to the PM?:
The Daily Mail looks bang to rights to me.
As someone who was not in the UK during the whole Iraq War aftermath, and even as a libertarian, I have never fully comprehended the hate he generates, but I do accept it as a clear reality.
What I have no time for is the bs about him being a really nice person and all the rest of it. That was blatantly rubbish that they made up. They didn't know him at all and as such should not have made a comment on what he was like.
Britain's semi-apathetic voter main hobby.
I accept he wouldn't have remained popular for long.
Don't get me wrong I'm no apologist for his premiership just pointing out the similarities between two unelected PMs with apparently similar MOs and hence the potential pitfalls for May.
Missed opportunity for a good unexpected TV & radio news soundbite.
While anti-immigrant sentiment is obviously a big driver behind it, more general anti-globalisation sentiment (and euroscepticism) seem to be the biggest driver amongst the youth FN vote. I think UKIP is still seen by many young people as stuffed with old retired colonel tories, whereas MLP has been able to more convincingly go left on economics.
What is it that they need to retract?
Food for thought
The only news article in the local paper was one where Labour were campaigning against a possible school closure in the ward, as well as the introduction of fortnightly bin collections. There's also an ongoing row about proposed rising parking charges in the town centre. Maybe these are what swung the vote behind Lab this time - straightforward local politics resulting a a win for the local Opposition.
What with his recent speech and Lord Mandelson's daily activities it shows that the big push is underway.
Are Lib Dems more internet savvy?