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Stoke Central is set to rank alongside Darlington in 1983 as one of the great by-elections of modern times
That statement may be a hostage to fortune.
It really is only FPTP that's keeping Labour in place as the dominant Opposition party now, and they seem to have no hope at all of returning to power in the foreseeable future without the help of the SNP - something that a very large fraction of the English electorate would loathe.
Boundary reform will erase a significant number of undersized Labour rotten boroughs in urban England and in Wales, and they're vulnerable to a swing of 5% or less in nearly 40 of their remaining seats under the latest available projections for the revised boundaries (mostly facing the Tories, with a small handful e.g. Cambridge versus other parties.) If Labour does go into a General Election under Corbyn, it will suffer an epoch-making defeat which will take at least two electoral cycles to recover from - even if that's possible, which must be open to question.
And if Scotland either secedes or begins to return Tory MPs again in numbers, then God help them.
Ruth Davidson will benefit from the Union and not being the labour party vote
Looks like its bollocks and Mrs T was correct, the facts of life are conservative.
One would like to think that the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats could make more progress than that outside of Greater Glasgow, but the SNP are extremely strong and still appear to have all of the 45% in the bag.
If Scotland stays in the Union then it is possible that it will keep returning solid blocs of SNP MPs ad infinitum, a little bit like what happened with the IPP in late 19th/early 20th century Ireland. But I don't rule out the possibility of more Unionist gains if Labour dwindles further and more anti-SNP electors demonstrate willingness to vote tactically.
WRONNNNNGG...... 21st Century Socialism sweeping the nation.Meanwhile PBers acting like these leads are some kind of shock - really? Also the Conservatives are getting voted in right now because they are the least worst option - not because 'the facts of life are conservative'.
Wonder what happened to the million quid we gave this terrorist?
2019/20. It does to some extent depend on governmental spending plans, but I suspect we will see a much reduced programme of government in the next two years as far as that is concerned.
If Tories win, I will go all Norwegian football commentator when they beat England.
I once did an ad using a famous snooker player who had been on the front page of the Sun after being photographed sneaking out of a woman's hotel room just before a semi final and I always remember him saying that it was really horrible and he couldn't stop thinking that everyone in the hall was looking at his groin.
It stuck in my head and after Nuttall's humiliation I can't help wondering how he must be feeling.
This clearly implied corollary with by-election swingback still to come is why I can't believe the Tories are about to gain stoke in the first place.
Re taking on a part of Ed Miliband's agenda - that doesn't make the agenda a 'conservative' one. Socialised medicine hasn't become a part of Conservative ideology because the Conservatives won't get rid of the NHS.
I agree the Conservatives are good at keeping power - but that doesn't mean that the 'facts of life are Conservative'
You've captured my own emotions quite well there.
I feel *sorry* for Paul Nuttall.
I detest his politics and really want to hate him. I expected to hate him.
But I don't hate him.
I just feel sorry for him.
Mr. Pulpstar, can't see that either, to be honest. Corbyn definitely helps the Conservatives, but 500 seats would be a majority, in a 600 seat Parliament, of 400.
An extinction level event might be an asteroid wiping out the dinosaurs. The above result would be more like what Grand Moff Tarkin did to Alderaan.
You should feel sorry for him. He was a Liverpool fan at Hillsborough that everyone is accusing of not having been there, with no evidence, because they disagree with his politics. If he were a regular joe on the street it would be condemned by all and sundry, esp those who promote the deceit.
An 8.4+% swing from the principle opposition party (For the moment I guess) towards the government to gain the seat in a by-election ?!?
Never remotely like that has ever happened before.
We're into uncharted waters IF that happens, which is why I doubt it will.
The fact that the SNP MPs achieve practically nothing is entirely incidental. The voters who send them there mostly aren't paying any attention to what happens at Westminster anymore, and the main purpose for the party of having its bloc in the Commons is to hope that they one day control the balance of power in a Hung Parliament - so that they can exploit the situation to try to goad England into telling Scotland to fuck off. Until then they just sit tight and collect the Short Money.
It would be nice to think that Unionist parties could make significant inroads at a General Election in Scotland, but I'll believe it when I see it. Certainly, it's entirely possible that the Westminster electoral map up there may not change for many decades.
"The health services of the country will be made available to all citizens. Everyone will contribute to the cost, and no one will be denied the attention, the treatment or the appliances he requires because he cannot afford them.
We propose to create a comprehensive health service covering the whole range of medical treatment from the general practitioner to the specialist, and from the hospital to convalescence and rehabilitation; and to introduce legislation for this purpose in the new Parliament."
it's clearly worrying you
just think in 30 years you'll be happily remembering that nice Boris as you coiffe your blue rinse and go off you to your line dancing evening :-)
It was just regurgitating a consensus, the orthodox view. It's not so long ago the Conservatives were tearing themselves apart and utterly disunited.
I do agree people tend to shift to the right as they age, but I agree with you (as well) that things happen in cycles. It was only in 2007, before the Conservative Party conference, when people were genuinely questioning whether the Conservatives would survive.
Also I plan to avoid line dancing in the future.
I was more interested in something I read here on Democrats versus Republicans
The Democrats are becoming the party of big business, its dependents ( eg lawyers ) and the public sector
The Republicans are more for family owned and the self employed plus the fall out of globalism
I think we're heading the same way
corporatism versus enterprise is the new left right
every so often I still have to suppress the desire to buy tartan slippers
You are mistaken in your belief that all such state funded services are necessarily socialism - perhaps you should look more into the roots of these ideas, and where they grew.
4th on the paper is BRICK The Incredible Flying!