Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
Barbara Fielding, aged 78, she called for all immigrants to be repatriated and warns of a “seeping tide of Islamic warriors” according to the Guardian. What’s this about Jews?
She's got some interesting views on that well known Jew, Sir Winston Churchill.
Blimey, what is it about Stoke Central that attracks so many nutters to stand...
That website will rot your brains.
But....... I agree with her, as would many if you give them enough lager. I'd quite like our white European Supremacy back. Speaking as a white European, it was fun when we totally ran the world and decided everything. It was certainly better than now, when we have to let in immigrants who openly hate us and rape our daughters, because the Guardian feels guilty.
She has a point.
She just needs a better sub-editor.
For most of the time that white Europeans ran the world most white Europeans lived in squalor, had no say in how they were governed and died in their 40s, if they were lucky.
I thought life expectancy was low because of infant mortality?
Certainly skews the figures I would think. I recall being told if you made it out of childhood, and were lucky enough to avoid a time of major warfare, most people could expect to make it to their early 60s, but admittedly I have not seen the stats.
Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
Barbara Fielding, aged 78, she called for all immigrants to be repatriated and warns of a “seeping tide of Islamic warriors” according to the Guardian. What’s this about Jews?
She's got some interesting views on that well known Jew, Sir Winston Churchill.
Blimey, what is it about Stoke Central that attracks so many nutters to stand...
That website will rot your brains.
But....... I agree with her, as would many if you give them enough lager. I'd quite like our white European Supremacy back. Speaking as a white European, it was fun when we totally ran the world and decided everything. It was certainly better than now, when we have to let in immigrants who openly hate us and rape our daughters, because the Guardian feels guilty.
She has a point.
She just needs a better sub-editor.
For most of the time that white Europeans ran the world most white Europeans lived in squalor, had no say in how they were governed and died in their 40s, if they were lucky.
I thought life expectancy was low because of infant mortality?
Certainly skews the figures I would think. I recall being told if you made it out of childhood, and were lucky enough to avoid a time of major warfare, most people could expect to make it to their early 60s, but admittedly I have not seen the stats.
While that was probably true in the countryside, I don't think that was true of London or other major conurbations.
Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
Barbara Fielding, aged 78, she called for all immigrants to be repatriated and warns of a “seeping tide of Islamic warriors” according to the Guardian. What’s this about Jews?
She's got some interesting views on that well known Jew, Sir Winston Churchill.
Blimey, what is it about Stoke Central that attracks so many nutters to stand...
That website will rot your brains.
But....... I agree with her, as would many if you give them enough lager. I'd quite like our white European Supremacy back. Speaking as a white European, it was fun when we totally ran the world and decided everything. It was certainly better than now, when we have to let in immigrants who openly hate us and rape our daughters, because the Guardian feels guilty.
She has a point.
She just needs a better sub-editor.
For most of the time that white Europeans ran the world most white Europeans lived in squalor, had no say in how they were governed and died in their 40s, if they were lucky.
They led the world in squalor-abolition, democratization and life-prolongation, though, so not sure what your point is?
Some Europeans did.
Fielding wants us to go back further than the age of European empires. Abolish the Magna Carta, things were better in the 1100s apparently.
Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
Barbara Fielding, aged 78, she called for all immigrants to be repatriated and warns of a “seeping tide of Islamic warriors” according to the Guardian. What’s this about Jews?
She's got some interesting views on that well known Jew, Sir Winston Churchill.
Blimey, what is it about Stoke Central that attracks so many nutters to stand...
That website will rot your brains.
But....... I agree with her, as would many if you give them enough lager. I'd quite like our white European Supremacy back. Speaking as a white European, it was fun when we totally ran the world and decided everything. It was certainly better than now, when we have to let in immigrants who openly hate us and rape our daughters, because the Guardian feels guilty.
She has a point.
She just needs a better sub-editor.
g For most of the time that white Europeans ran the world most white Europeans lived in squalor, had no say in how they were governed and died in their 40s, if they were lucky.
Yeah, but we still had fun. Life was one long stag party.
The average Englishman was arguably the best-fed, best-housed, safest human being on the planet from about 1400-1910. And all we drank was beer, we despised mere water.
Good times indeed.
I want them back, and I expect Brexit to deliver this.
It's already working for me. Since the Brexit vote I've earned maybe £300,000, and had sex with about 15 girls aged 20-28. Can't argue with results like that. Imagine how good it will get once we trigger Article 50! My sex life will probably resemble that of Tiberius in retirement on Capri, and I'll have to use my excess cash to buy large parts of Scotland.
You didn't despise water; It was recognised as unsafe to drink. And your 'average Englishman' (or woman) had about a 1 in 3 chance of raising their children past 5.
Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
A little-known fact re. Oliver Cromwell is that he encouraged the Jewish community to return to England after their expulsion in the 13th century.
I don't think that's little known. Certainly, I knew (and know) it.
I suspect you may have more general knowledge than the average person, in fairness.
As a boring fart I tend to bring up civil war era facts occasionally, since that is what I studied at University and so something has to fuel my anecdotes (modern politics is right out as an option), and most people tend to be surprised when I mention that one.
Unless they are fans of the Monty Python song, most people I've come across 'know' the following things about Cromwell: He killed a king, he killed the irish, and he banned christmas.
Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
Barbara Fielding, aged 78, she called for all immigrants to be repatriated and warns of a “seeping tide of Islamic warriors” according to the Guardian. What’s this about Jews?
She's got some interesting views on that well known Jew, Sir Winston Churchill.
Blimey, what is it about Stoke Central that attracks so many nutters to stand...
That website will rot your brains.
But....... I agree with her, as would many if you give them enough lager. I'd quite like our white European Supremacy back. Speaking as a white European, it was fun when we totally ran the world and decided everything. It was certainly better than now, when we have to let in immigrants who openly hate us and rape our daughters, because the Guardian feels guilty.
She has a point.
She just needs a better sub-editor.
g For most of the time that white Europeans ran the world most white Europeans lived in squalor, had no say in how they were governed and died in their 40s, if they were lucky.
Yeah, but we still had fun. Life was one long stag party.
The average Englishman was arguably the best-fed, best-housed, safest human being on the planet from about 1400-1910. And all we drank was beer, we despised mere water.
Good times indeed.
I want them back, and I expect Brexit to deliver this.
It's already working for me. Since the Brexit vote I've earned maybe £300,000, and had sex with about 15 girls aged 20-28. Can't argue with results like that. Imagine how good it will get once we trigger Article 50! My sex life will probably resemble that of Tiberius in retirement on Capri, and I'll have to use my excess cash to buy large parts of Scotland.
congratulations, you're the right wing Russell Brand
Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
Barbara Fielding, aged 78, she called for all immigrants to be repatriated and warns of a “seeping tide of Islamic warriors” according to the Guardian. What’s this about Jews?
She's got some interesting views on that well known Jew, Sir Winston Churchill.
Blimey, what is it about Stoke Central that attracks so many nutters to stand...
That website will rot your brains.
But....... I agree with her, as would many if you give them enough lager. I'd quite like our white European Supremacy back. Speaking as a white European, it was fun when we totally ran the world and decided everything. It was certainly better than now, when we have to let in immigrants who openly hate us and rape our daughters, because the Guardian feels guilty.
She has a point.
She just needs a better sub-editor.
For most of the time that white Europeans ran the world most white Europeans lived in squalor, had no say in how they were governed and died in their 40s, if they were lucky.
I thought life expectancy was low because of infant mortality?
From memory of when I was studying this, there is a tradition amongst historians of not counting any death under the age of 1 when calculating life expectancy for previous eras. Indeed this was so ingrained into me that I made an error much later when I thought it still applied to modern calculations of life expectancy and so made a right mess of an essay on changing life expectancy through time.
Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
Barbara Fielding, aged 78, she called for all immigrants to be repatriated and warns of a “seeping tide of Islamic warriors” according to the Guardian. What’s this about Jews?
She's got some interesting views on that well known Jew, Sir Winston Churchill.
Blimey, what is it about Stoke Central that attracks so many nutters to stand...
That website will rot your brains.
But....... I agree with her, as would many if you give them enough lager. I'd quite like our white European Supremacy back. Speaking as a white European, it was fun when we totally ran the world and decided everything. It was certainly better than now, when we have to let in immigrants who openly hate us and rape our daughters, because the Guardian feels guilty.
She has a point.
She just needs a better sub-editor.
g For most of the time that white Europeans ran the world most white Europeans lived in squalor, had no say in how they were governed and died in their 40s, if they were lucky.
Yeah, but we still had fun. Life was one long stag party.
The average Englishman was arguably the best-fed, best-housed, safest human being on the planet from about 1400-1910. And all we drank was beer, we despised mere water.
Good times indeed.
I want them back, and I expect Brexit to deliver this.
It's already working for me. Since the Brexit vote I've earned maybe £300,000, and had sex with about 15 girls aged 20-28. Can't argue with results like that. Imagine how good it will get once we trigger Article 50! My sex life will probably resemble that of Tiberius in retirement on Capri, and I'll have to use my excess cash to buy large parts of Scotland.
"Minnows", pornographic paintings, and little nooks of lechery.
There's my memoir title, right there.
Was there ever a better life than being a Roman Senator, or Renaissance millionaire?
Okay, you could suddenly face an appointment with the Imperial or Papal rackmaster, but no society's perfect.
That progressive majority looks a bit, um, farcically ludicrous now, dunnit?
Tories plus UKIP = 54%. An absolute majority.
Lab plus.... half the LDs plus a few Greens and leftier Plaids and Nats are about 35%?
The country is now firmly rightwing. As is reality.
Real local elections Jan and Feb to date , Cons 20.5% plus UKIP 10.1% equals 30.6% Lab 24.9% LDems 26.2%
Mark, I too believe that something is wrong with the current polling. However, it would be nice if you could tell us the overall swings from the above.
I find the argument that the Tories only come out in General elections and stay home for local by-elections difficult to fathom.
Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
A little-known fact re. Oliver Cromwell is that he encouraged the Jewish community to return to England after their expulsion in the 13th century.
I don't think that's little known. Certainly, I knew (and know) it.
I suspect you may have more general knowledge than the average person, in fairness.
As a boring fart I tend to bring up civil war era facts occasionally, since that is what I studied at University and so something has to fuel my anecdotes (modern politics is right out as an option), and most people tend to be surprised when I mention that one.
I stopped doing History two years before GCE and I knew.
That progressive majority looks a bit, um, farcically ludicrous now, dunnit?
Tories plus UKIP = 54%. An absolute majority.
Lab plus.... half the LDs plus a few Greens and leftier Plaids and Nats are about 35%?
The country is now firmly rightwing. As is reality.
Real local elections Jan and Feb to date , Cons 20.5% plus UKIP 10.1% equals 30.6% Lab 24.9% LDems 26.2%
Mark, I too believe that something is wrong with the current polling. However, it would be nice if you could tell us the overall swings from the above.
I find the argument that the Tories only come out in General elections and stay home for local by-elections difficult to fathom.
you need volunteers to drive them out from the care homes to the polling stations?
Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
A little-known fact re. Oliver Cromwell is that he encouraged the Jewish community to return to England after their expulsion in the 13th century.
I don't think that's little known. Certainly, I knew (and know) it.
I suspect you may have more general knowledge than the average person, in fairness.
As a boring fart I tend to bring up civil war era facts occasionally, since that is what I studied at University and so something has to fuel my anecdotes (modern politics is right out as an option), and most people tend to be surprised when I mention that one.
I stopped doing History two years before GCE and I knew.
Cromwell and co were not covered once in my schooling until I chose to do it at university - standards will differ from place to place I have no doubt, as will people's picking up historical facts through cultural osmosis.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
We are already one of the world's richest and most developed nations.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
We are already one of the world's richest and most developed nations.
I think his hypothesis was that our status as such is practically destined.
That progressive majority looks a bit, um, farcically ludicrous now, dunnit?
Tories plus UKIP = 54%. An absolute majority.
Lab plus.... half the LDs plus a few Greens and leftier Plaids and Nats are about 35%?
The country is now firmly rightwing. As is reality.
Real local elections Jan and Feb to date , Cons 20.5% plus UKIP 10.1% equals 30.6% Lab 24.9% LDems 26.2%
Mark, I too believe that something is wrong with the current polling. However, it would be nice if you could tell us the overall swings from the above.
I find the argument that the Tories only come out in General elections and stay home for local by-elections difficult to fathom.
you need volunteers to drive them out from the care homes to the polling stations?
But they have more local councillors than anyone, do they not? It is an interesting question why they are not turning out, at present, or are even more willing to switch (for locals but parliamentary) despite so much approval nationally. There's too many to simply dismiss as local issues.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
Apparently one of the independents in Stoke is head of the "Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy" movement...
Yeah, she was arrested the other day for her more 'interesting' views.
She's not exactly keen on the Jews.
Barbara Fielding, aged 78, she called for all immigrants to be repatriated and warns of a “seeping tide of Islamic warriors” according to the Guardian. What’s this about Jews?
She's got some interesting views on that well known Jew, Sir Winston Churchill.
Blimey, what is it about Stoke Central that attracks so many nutters to stand...
That website will rot your brains.
But....... I agree with her, as would many if you give them enough lager. I'd quite like our white because the Guardian feels guilty.
She has a point.
She just needs a better sub-editor.
g For most of the time that white Europeans ran the world most white Europeans lived in squalor, had no say in how they were governed and died in their 40s, if they were lucky.
Yeah, but we still had fun. Life was one long stag party.
The average Englishman was arguably the best-fed, best-housed, safest human being on the planet from about 1400-1910. And all we drank was beer, we despised mere water.
Good times indeed.
I want them back, and I expect Brexit to deliver this.
It's already working for me. Since the Brexit vote I've earned maybe £300,000, and had sex with about 15 girls aged 20-28. Can't argue with results like that. Imagine how good it will get once we trigger Article 50! My sex life will probably resemble that of Tiberius in retirement on Capri, and I'll have to use my excess cash to buy large parts of Scotland.
"Minnows", pornographic paintings, and little nooks of lechery.
There's my memoir title, right there.
Was there ever a better life than being a Roman Senator, or Renaissance millionaire?
Okay, you could suddenly face an appointment with the Imperial or Papal rackmaster, but no society's perfect.
Being an Englishman of independent means travelling in Europe between 1919 and 1939 would have been quite something.
At first sight, Trump's decision to start his 2020 reelection campaign in Feb 2017 seems like a good idea. Enthuses the base and steals a huge march on any rivals, all of whom now face the prospect of spending money for 3 years instead of 1 and a half.
But it could backfire of course. It'll certainly make it easier for the Dems to raise funds. And if they spend that money wisely they might have done most of the work necessary to defeat Trump before the 2020 campaign begins in earnest.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
Ugh, the 14th century - not one of our better centuries.
At first sight, Trump's decision to start his 2020 reelection campaign in Feb 2017 seems like a good idea. Enthuses the base and steals a huge march on any rivals, all of whom now face the prospect of spending money for 3 years instead of 1 and a half.
But it could backfire of course. It'll certainly make it easier for the Dems to raise funds. And if they spend that money wisely they might have done most of the work necessary to defeat Trump before the 2020 campaign begins in earnest.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
Ugh, the 14th century - not one of our better centuries.
Indeed. Though its effect on society in the centuries that followed was quite profound and almost entirely positive. The 1350s are considered the years that broke the feudal system.
At first sight, Trump's decision to start his 2020 reelection campaign in Feb 2017 seems like a good idea. Enthuses the base and steals a huge march on any rivals, all of whom now face the prospect of spending money for 3 years instead of 1 and a half.
But it could backfire of course. It'll certainly make it easier for the Dems to raise funds. And if they spend that money wisely they might have done most of the work necessary to defeat Trump before the 2020 campaign begins in earnest.
The Democrats will certainly be looking forward to the 2018 midterms, Trump's ratings are the worst at this stage of a presidency since Bill Clinton's in February 1993 and of course the Democrats lost both Chambers of Congress in the 1994 midterms on a huge swing to the GOP
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
Ugh, the 14th century - not one of our better centuries.
Indeed. Though its effect on society in the centuries that followed was quite profound and almost entirely positive. The 1350s are considered the years that broke the feudal system.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
We are already one of the world's richest and most developed nations.
People's perceptions can be quite weird. And they choose to believe what they want to believe. The great Trump upheaval mainly centred around Mexicans taking away US jobs.
The unemployment rate in the US was 9.7% in Jan 2010, it is 4.8% now. The rate in Michigan is very similar and has been falling continuously for the last 7 years.
OK, they are different jobs. But if the same people did the same jobs, there wouldn't be a car industry left.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
Ugh, the 14th century - not one of our better centuries.
Indeed. Though its effect on society in the centuries that followed was quite profound and almost entirely positive. The 1350s are considered the years that broke the feudal system.
But, in retrospect, would we not have been better to keep the feudal system, where everyone knew their place in society?
That progressive majority looks a bit, um, farcically ludicrous now, dunnit?
Tories plus UKIP = 54%. An absolute majority.
Lab plus.... half the LDs plus a few Greens and leftier Plaids and Nats are about 35%?
The country is now firmly rightwing. As is reality.
Real local elections Jan and Feb to date , Cons 20.5% plus UKIP 10.1% equals 30.6% Lab 24.9% LDems 26.2%
Mark, I too believe that something is wrong with the current polling. However, it would be nice if you could tell us the overall swings from the above.
I find the argument that the Tories only come out in General elections and stay home for local by-elections difficult to fathom.
Certainly wasn't true for William Hague, he made big gains in council by elections but lost the 2001 general election by a landslide. He didn't make any gains in parliamentary by elections though so if May wins Copeland (and Opinium confirms it will be neck and neck with Labour) that will be far more significant
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
Ugh, the 14th century - not one of our better centuries.
Indeed. Though its effect on society in the centuries that followed was quite profound and almost entirely positive. The 1350s are considered the years that broke the feudal system.
Thank you Black Death?
Indeed. It created such a shortage of labour that agricultural workers were able to break free from the feudal system and become journeymen working in their own right.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
We are already one of the world's richest and most developed nations.
People's perceptions can be quite weird. And they choose to believe what they want to believe. The great Trump upheaval mainly centred around Mexicans taking away US jobs.
The unemployment rate in the US was 9.7% in Jan 2010, it is 4.8% now. The rate in Michigan is very similar and has been falling continuously for the last 7 years.
OK, they are different jobs. But if the same people did the same jobs, there wouldn't be a car industry left.
Isn't part of the reason behind that fall because some have just left the workforce entirely?
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
Ugh, the 14th century - not one of our better centuries.
Indeed. Though its effect on society in the centuries that followed was quite profound and almost entirely positive. The 1350s are considered the years that broke the feudal system.
But, in retrospect, would we not have been better to keep the feudal system, where everyone knew their place in society?
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
We are already one of the world's richest and most developed nations.
People's perceptions can be quite weird. And they choose to believe what they want to believe. The great Trump upheaval mainly centred around Mexicans taking away US jobs.
The unemployment rate in the US was 9.7% in Jan 2010, it is 4.8% now. The rate in Michigan is very similar and has been falling continuously for the last 7 years.
OK, they are different jobs. But if the same people did the same jobs, there wouldn't be a car industry left.
Isn't part of the reason behind that fall because some have just left the workforce entirely?
You can also go from working on a car production line to working at Walmart, you still have a job but your income has fallen
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
Ugh, the 14th century - not one of our better centuries.
Indeed. Though its effect on society in the centuries that followed was quite profound and almost entirely positive. The 1350s are considered the years that broke the feudal system.
But, in retrospect, would we not have been better to keep the feudal system, where everyone knew their place in society?
Stop being silly Robert. It doesn't suit you.
Hey, it's 11pm, and I've drunk two thirds of a bottle of Ridge
If the Opinium poll is correct, UKIP should be winning Stoke ? Probably not.
No, on the Opinium poll Labour will win Stoke with a majority of about 10% over the Tories. Copeland will be neck and neck though with the Tories and Labour both on 39%
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
We are already one of the world's richest and most developed nations.
People's perceptions can be quite weird. And they choose to believe what they want to believe. The great Trump upheaval mainly centred around Mexicans taking away US jobs.
The unemployment rate in the US was 9.7% in Jan 2010, it is 4.8% now. The rate in Michigan is very similar and has been falling continuously for the last 7 years.
OK, they are different jobs. But if the same people did the same jobs, there wouldn't be a car industry left.
Isn't part of the reason behind that fall because some have just left the workforce entirely?
That's absolutely right: the employment rate in the US is still not particularly great, which is largely due to discouraged workers.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
Ugh, the 14th century - not one of our better centuries.
Indeed. Though its effect on society in the centuries that followed was quite profound and almost entirely positive. The 1350s are considered the years that broke the feudal system.
But, in retrospect, would we not have been better to keep the feudal system, where everyone knew their place in society?
Stop being silly Robert. It doesn't suit you.
Hey, it's 11pm, and I've drunk two thirds of a bottle of Ridge
I have been drinking calvados this evening. I am extremely mellow.
On the halting of Trump's immigration ban, Trump says, It's so sad. The crowd accompanies with boos for the federal courts.
When Trump drafted his Executive Order did he:
(a) not know that it was likely to be overturned in the courts or (b) know it would be overturned
If it is the former, it suggests that the White House is a bit disfunctional under Trump. If the latter, they it would indicate they are simply Machiavelliean.
When I become PM/Directly Elected Dictator one of my first acts will be to launch a Royal Commission that will decide where the North begins/ends, ditto the Midlands, and the South.
North = places where people make "but" and "put" rhyme, "maths" and "baths", etc.
The average Englishman was arguably being on the planet from about 1400-1910.
Oh dear God in heaven above. Bollocks, even relatively speaking. Bear in mind it rains a lot in England, and things like subsidence and damp really kick in. What would you prefer in December in 1800: a stone-and-slate building in Yorkshire or an adobe hut in California?
If the Opinium poll is correct, UKIP should be winning Stoke ? Probably not.
No, on the Opinium poll Labour will win Stoke with a majority of about 10% over the Tories. Copeland will be neck and neck though with the Tories and Labour both on 39%
The average Englishman was arguably being on the planet from about 1400-1910.
Oh dear God in heaven above. Bollocks, even relatively speaking. Bear in mind it rains a lot in England, and things like subsidence and damp really kick in. What would you prefer in December in 1800: a stone-and-slate building in Yorkshire or an adobe hut in California?
Hmm. Judging by the amount of rain California is getting at the moment I think I will go for the stone and slate thanks. There is a good reason stone took over from adobe for most building.
The average Englishman was arguably being on the planet from about 1400-1910.
Oh dear God in heaven above. Bollocks, even relatively speaking. Bear in mind it rains a lot in England, and things like subsidence and damp really kick in. What would you prefer in December in 1800: a stone-and-slate building in Yorkshire or an adobe hut in California?
Hmm. Judging by the amount of rain California is getting at the moment I think I will go for the stone and slate thanks. There is a good reason stone took over from adobe for most building.
viewcode makes a good point, though. If Britain was so great in the last 200 years of Sean's time span, why did so many of our forefathers choose to go to the US, Australia, Canada, etc.?
(Maybe it was because the government of the time had an open doors immigration policy ?)
The average Englishman was arguably being on the planet from about 1400-1910.
Oh dear God in heaven above. Bollocks, even relatively speaking. Bear in mind it rains a lot in England, and things like subsidence and damp really kick in. What would you prefer in December in 1800: a stone-and-slate building in Yorkshire or an adobe hut in California?
Hmm. Judging by the amount of rain California is getting at the moment I think I will go for the stone and slate thanks. There is a good reason stone took over from adobe for most building.
Ouch. Yes, I forgot about the bombogenesis. But my point was that climate matters when it comes to housing, and although the British climate has genuine advantages with respect to prettyness of landscape and general survival, it's not great for homes for the masses.
On the halting of Trump's immigration ban, Trump says, It's so sad. The crowd accompanies with boos for the federal courts.
When Trump drafted his Executive Order did he:
(a) not know that it was likely to be overturned in the courts or (b) know it would be overturned
If it is the former, it suggests that the White House is a bit disfunctional under Trump. If the latter, they it would indicate they are simply Machiavelliean.
Judging by how successful Trump has been during the last year it might be a good default assumption that things are proceeding as he intended..
The average Englishman was arguably being on the planet from about 1400-1910.
Oh dear God in heaven above. Bollocks, even relatively speaking. Bear in mind it rains a lot in England, and things like subsidence and damp really kick in. What would you prefer in December in 1800: a stone-and-slate building in Yorkshire or an adobe hut in California?
Hmm. Judging by the amount of rain California is getting at the moment I think I will go for the stone and slate thanks. There is a good reason stone took over from adobe for most building.
viewcode makes a good point, though. If Britain was so great in the last 200 years of Sean's time span, why did so many of our forefathers choose to go to the US, Australia, Canada, etc.?
(Maybe it was because the government of the time had an open doors immigration policy ?)
To turn those empty spaces into more and bigger Britains and to get themselves a higher standing in their new homes than they had already.
Its revealing that they didn't chose to emigrate to 'foreign' countries.
If the Opinium poll is correct, UKIP should be winning Stoke ? Probably not.
No, on the Opinium poll Labour will win Stoke with a majority of about 10% over the Tories. Copeland will be neck and neck though with the Tories and Labour both on 39%
That would be perfect for Con.
Lab win Stoke by 10% and Copeland by 0.00002%.
Yes, though a solid Labour win in Stoke should secure Corbyn anyway thus allowing a tiny Tory win in Copeland to give May a big boost to secure Brexit's passage through Parliament
The average Englishman was arguably being on the planet from about 1400-1910.
Oh dear God in heaven above. Bollocks, even relatively speaking. Bear in mind it rains a lot in England, and things like subsidence and damp really kick in. What would you prefer in December in 1800: a stone-and-slate building in Yorkshire or an adobe hut in California?
Hmm. Judging by the amount of rain California is getting at the moment I think I will go for the stone and slate thanks. There is a good reason stone took over from adobe for most building.
Ouch. Yes, I forgot about the bombogenesis. But my point was that climate matters when it comes to housing, and although the British climate has genuine advantages with respect to prettyness of landscape and general survival, it's not great for homes for the masses.
Yep I wasn't being too serious in my reply. I am not sure I agree with Sean's claims about life in Late Medieval and Tudor times being anything particularly special compared to the rest of the world. Though I would suggest that post Restoration English peasants did at least no longer have to deal with armies trampling all over them.
The average Englishman was arguably being on the planet from about 1400-1910.
Oh dear God in heaven above. Bollocks, even relatively speaking. Bear in mind it rains a lot in England, and things like subsidence and damp really kick in. What would you prefer in December in 1800: a stone-and-slate building in Yorkshire or an adobe hut in California?
Hmm. Judging by the amount of rain California is getting at the moment I think I will go for the stone and slate thanks. There is a good reason stone took over from adobe for most building.
viewcode makes a good point, though. If Britain was so great in the last 200 years of Sean's time span, why did so many of our forefathers choose to go to the US, Australia, Canada, etc.?
(Maybe it was because the government of the time had an open doors immigration policy ?)
New lands, new opportunities, the chance to make ones fortune.
That progressive majority looks a bit, um, farcically ludicrous now, dunnit?
Tories plus UKIP = 54%. An absolute majority.
Lab plus.... half the LDs plus a few Greens and leftier Plaids and Nats are about 35%?
The country is now firmly rightwing. As is reality.
Real local elections Jan and Feb to date , Cons 20.5% plus UKIP 10.1% equals 30.6% Lab 24.9% LDems 26.2%
Mark, I too believe that something is wrong with the current polling. However, it would be nice if you could tell us the overall swings from the above.
I find the argument that the Tories only come out in General elections and stay home for local by-elections difficult to fathom.
Vote share changes on previous contest ( mostly 2015 )
Con minus 4.2% Lab minus 6.0% LDem plus 14.2% UKIP minus 1.8% Green minus 1.8% Nats plus 1.1% Others minus 1.5%
The average Englishman was arguably being on the planet from about 1400-1910.
Oh dear God in heaven above. Bollocks, even relatively speaking. Bear in mind it rains a lot in England, and things like subsidence and damp really kick in. What would you prefer in December in 1800: a stone-and-slate building in Yorkshire or an adobe hut in California?
Hmm. Judging by the amount of rain California is getting at the moment I think I will go for the stone and slate thanks. There is a good reason stone took over from adobe for most building.
Ouch. Yes, I forgot about the bombogenesis. But my point was that climate matters when it comes to housing, and although the British climate has genuine advantages with respect to prettyness of landscape and general survival, it's not great for homes for the masses.
Yep I wasn't being too serious in my reply. I am not sure I agree with Sean's claims about life in Late Medieval and Tudor times being anything particularly special compared to the rest of the world. Though I would suggest that post Restoration English peasants did at least no longer have to deal with armies trampling all over them.
I see UKIP lies in Stoke continue . They published a photo of a crowd of supporters supposedly in Stoke . Turns out it is an old photo taken at a UKIP conference in Bolton Wanderers car park at the Macron Stadium .
If the Opinium poll is correct, UKIP should be winning Stoke ? Probably not.
No, on the Opinium poll Labour will win Stoke with a majority of about 10% over the Tories. Copeland will be neck and neck though with the Tories and Labour both on 39%
That would be perfect for Con.
Lab win Stoke by 10% and Copeland by 0.00002%.
It's pretty widely accepted that the Tories didn't fight Stoke hard because they hoped UKIP would win it, believing that that result would cause Labour further problemws (as it undoubtedly would).
Norma McCorvey, who was 22, unwed, mired in addiction and poverty, and desperate for a way out of an unwanted pregnancy when she became Jane Roe, the pseudonymous plaintiff of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade that established a constitutional right to an abortion, died Feb. 18 at an assisted-living facility in Katy, Tex. She was 69
If the Opinium poll is correct, UKIP should be winning Stoke ? Probably not.
No, on the Opinium poll Labour will win Stoke with a majority of about 10% over the Tories. Copeland will be neck and neck though with the Tories and Labour both on 39%
That would be perfect for Con.
Lab win Stoke by 10% and Copeland by 0.00002%.
It's pretty widely accepted that the Tories didn't fight Stoke hard because they hoped UKIP would win it, believing that that result would cause Labour further problemws (as it undoubtedly would).
If Stoke stays Labour and helps keep Corbyn in place and the Tories narrowly take Copeland that would probably be a even better result for May than UKIP winning Stoke, especially if the Tories took second in Stoke which is not now impossible
When I become PM/Directly Elected Dictator one of my first acts will be to launch a Royal Commission that will decide where the North begins/ends, ditto the Midlands, and the South.
North = places where people make "but" and "put" rhyme, "maths" and "baths", etc.
Where is it that people pronounce "look" the same as "Luke"? Scotland, maybe...
I see UKIP lies in Stoke continue . They published a photo of a crowd of supporters supposedly in Stoke . Turns out it is an old photo taken at a UKIP conference in Bolton Wanderers car park at the Macron Stadium .
Mark - as if the Lib Dems would ever indulge in that behavior
When I become PM/Directly Elected Dictator one of my first acts will be to launch a Royal Commission that will decide where the North begins/ends, ditto the Midlands, and the South.
North = places where people make "but" and "put" rhyme, "maths" and "baths", etc.
Where is it that people pronounce "look" the same as "Luke"? Scotland, maybe...
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
Ugh, the 14th century - not one of our better centuries.
Indeed. Though its effect on society in the centuries that followed was quite profound and almost entirely positive. The 1350s are considered the years that broke the feudal system.
But, in retrospect, would we not have been better to keep the feudal system, where everyone knew their place in society?
Stop being silly Robert. It doesn't suit you.
Hey, it's 11pm, and I've drunk two thirds of a bottle of Ridge
I have been drinking calvados this evening. I am extremely mellow.
I had a house in Calvados and a neighbor gave me a bottle - that stuff is lethal
"Six Labour peers are poised to defect from Labour, delivering a fresh blow to Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership.
Senior sources in the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats say the peers will resign the Labour whip and have struck secret deals to vote with the rival parties instead.
The peers are expected to become crossbenchers rather than formally sign up with either of Labour’s opponents. But some have privately agreed that the Lib Dems can send them their whipping cards — telling peers how to vote on each issue — enabling them to co-operate. Others have struck similar deals with the Tories."
Interesting to note that Wokingham had the 7th highest REMAIN percentage vote in the EU referendum of any district in England outside London, excluding those districts with universities.
Interesting to note that Wokingham had the 7th highest REMAIN percentage vote in the EU referendum of any district in England outside London, excluding those districts with universities.
Yesterday morning it was "nineteenth" after Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, and all of London were excluded. Now Wokingham has made it to seventh by also excluding any district with a university. It just needs an excuse to rule out a further six council areas and it can claim the prize!
Have a go with Sunderland or Rotherham, where the LibDems also won recently...
I see UKIP lies in Stoke continue . They published a photo of a crowd of supporters supposedly in Stoke . Turns out it is an old photo taken at a UKIP conference in Bolton Wanderers car park at the Macron Stadium .
Nice of Bolton to try and make amends for the naming of Waterloo station, although perhaps somewhat premature?
The average Englishman was arguably being on the planet from about 1400-1910.
Oh dear God in heaven above. Bollocks, even relatively speaking. Bear in mind it rains a lot in England, and things like subsidence and damp really kick in. What would you prefer in December in 1800: a stone-and-slate building in Yorkshire or an adobe hut in California?
Hmm. Judging by the amount of rain California is getting at the moment I think I will go for the stone and slate thanks. There is a good reason stone took over from adobe for most building.
viewcode makes a good point, though. If Britain was so great in the last 200 years of Sean's time span, why did so many of our forefathers choose to go to the US, Australia, Canada, etc.?
(Maybe it was because the government of the time had an open doors immigration policy ?)
To turn those empty spaces into more and bigger Britains and to get themselves a higher standing in their new homes than they had already.
Its revealing that they didn't chose to emigrate to 'foreign' countries.
Because the benefits of greatness were not widely shared, but appropriated by the upper classes?
That progressive majority looks a bit, um, farcically ludicrous now, dunnit?
Tories plus UKIP = 54%. An absolute majority.
Lab plus.... half the LDs plus a few Greens and leftier Plaids and Nats are about 35%?
The country is now firmly rightwing. As is reality.
Real local elections Jan and Feb to date , Cons 20.5% plus UKIP 10.1% equals 30.6% Lab 24.9% LDems 26.2%
Mark, I too believe that something is wrong with the current polling. However, it would be nice if you could tell us the overall swings from the above.
I find the argument that the Tories only come out in General elections and stay home for local by-elections difficult to fathom.
I don't think the polls are 'wrong', as such. Right now people are broadly happy with a Tory government, don't want to see Labour anywhere near power, and want May to keep her hard nut Brexiters in their box. And they are more concerned about the worrying trend of current politics than with what happened prior to 2015. The national VI and local voting behaviour are entirely consistent with all of the above.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
I don't have any links to hand. But I am sure that I came across some info about a serious famine in Scotland/Uk in the late 1700's due to severe winter weather lasting into Spring/Summer which destroyed the annual crops when doing some wider social background for my family history research.
If the Opinium poll is correct, UKIP should be winning Stoke ? Probably not.
No, on the Opinium poll Labour will win Stoke with a majority of about 10% over the Tories. Copeland will be neck and neck though with the Tories and Labour both on 39%
That would be perfect for Con.
Lab win Stoke by 10% and Copeland by 0.00002%.
It's pretty widely accepted that the Tories didn't fight Stoke hard because they hoped UKIP would win it, believing that that result would cause Labour further problemws (as it undoubtedly would).
Talk about Labour continuing to take the voters of Stoke for granted.....
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
When was the last serious famine in England? I'm too tired and shagged out to google, but I'm guessing it was in the late medieval period (Civil War Excepted).
That means England has probably been free of serious famine for longer than any nation on earth, bar perhaps Switzerland? That's quite an achievement and emblematic of England's generally superior development.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
But they were still RELATIVELY better off than all other humans.
As the saying goes, Happy is the Indian peasant who has two underfed cows, when all the other villagers have one.
I've been to some absolute shit holes in my time (as have you), and I'm not sure that saying holds much water. It's Maslow's heirarchy of needs: social status is only important after you've managed to feed you and your family.
We are meant to be one of the world's richest most developed nations, it is our natural role, and hopefully Brexit will restore this. If the Scots don't like it, let them fuck off and eat weevil-infested oatcakes and the seeds of thistles, as is their wont.
A quick check seems to indicate earlier than you might think - 1316 apparently.
I don't have any links to hand. But I am sure that I came across some info about a serious famine in Scotland/Uk in the late 1700's due to severe winter weather lasting into Spring/Summer which destroyed the annual crops when doing some wider social background for my family history research.
Might it have been "The Year Without Summer" following the Tambora eruption?
That progressive majority looks a bit, um, farcically ludicrous now, dunnit?
Tories plus UKIP = 54%. An absolute majority.
Lab plus.... half the LDs plus a few Greens and leftier Plaids and Nats are about 35%?
The country is now firmly rightwing. As is reality.
Real local elections Jan and Feb to date , Cons 20.5% plus UKIP 10.1% equals 30.6% Lab 24.9% LDems 26.2%
Mark, I too believe that something is wrong with the current polling. However, it would be nice if you could tell us the overall swings from the above.
I find the argument that the Tories only come out in General elections and stay home for local by-elections difficult to fathom.
I don't think the polls are 'wrong', as such. Right now people are broadly happy with a Tory government, don't want to see Labour anywhere near power, and want May to keep her hard nut Brexiters in their box. And they are more concerned about the worrying trend of current politics than with what happened prior to 2015. The national VI and local voting behaviour are entirely consistent with all of the above.
Agree, much as I am loathe to poke fun at Lib Dem straw clutching I think the electorate are perfectly capable of telling the difference between local and national government. If I want potholes fixed, vote Lib Dem, if I want a competent national government, Tory.
Interesting to note that Wokingham had the 7th highest REMAIN percentage vote in the EU referendum of any district in England outside London, excluding those districts with universities.
Yesterday morning it was "nineteenth" after Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, and all of London were excluded. Now Wokingham has made it to seventh by also excluding any district with a university. It just needs an excuse to rule out a further six council areas and it can claim the prize!
Have a go with Sunderland or Rotherham, where the LibDems also won recently...
Do you think the LDs can win more than 25 seats at the next election? I'm pretty sure they won't.
The polls are right IMO: the Tories are on about 40% and the LDs about 10%. That's about zero swing since the general election between the two parties. But go on believing that local election results are significant if it makes you feel better. Rallings and Thrasher have concluded that they are not significant as far as the national result is concerned.
As a boring fart I tend to bring up civil war era facts occasionally, since that is what I studied at University and so something has to fuel my anecdotes (modern politics is right out as an option), and most people tend to be surprised when I mention that one.
Unless they are fans of the Monty Python song, most people I've come across 'know' the following things about Cromwell: He killed a king, he killed the irish, and he banned christmas.
Okay, you could suddenly face an appointment with the Imperial or Papal rackmaster, but no society's perfect.
I find the argument that the Tories only come out in General elections and stay home for local by-elections difficult to fathom.
But it could backfire of course. It'll certainly make it easier for the Dems to raise funds. And if they spend that money wisely they might have done most of the work necessary to defeat Trump before the 2020 campaign begins in earnest.
But it could backfire of course. It'll certainly make it easier for the Dems to raise funds. And if they spend that money wisely they might have done most of the work necessary to defeat Trump before the 2020 campaign begins in earnest.
The great Trump upheaval mainly centred around Mexicans taking away US jobs.
The unemployment rate in the US was 9.7% in Jan 2010, it is 4.8% now. The rate in Michigan is very similar and has been falling continuously for the last 7 years.
OK, they are different jobs. But if the same people did the same jobs, there wouldn't be a car industry left.
Right now, wind is providing 19.69% of UK electricity. Hurrah!
Labour had a majority of nearly 17% in Stoke on Trent Central.
On the halting of Trump's immigration ban, Trump says, It's so sad. The crowd accompanies with boos for the federal courts.
(a) not know that it was likely to be overturned in the courts
(b) know it would be overturned
If it is the former, it suggests that the White House is a bit disfunctional under Trump. If the latter, they it would indicate they are simply Machiavelliean.
Lab win Stoke by 10% and Copeland by 0.00002%.
(Maybe it was because the government of the time had an open doors immigration policy
What was that all about? Was it to recharge his batteries by the adoration of his crowd?
The Stones are playing "you can't always get what you want" as he leaves the stage. Is that a coded message?
Its revealing that they didn't chose to emigrate to 'foreign' countries.
Con minus 4.2%
Lab minus 6.0%
LDem plus 14.2%
UKIP minus 1.8%
Green minus 1.8%
Nats plus 1.1%
Others minus 1.5%
....shows how mad Corbyn is.
I see solar is providing 0% at the moment.
Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion nationwide, dies at 69
Norma McCorvey, who was 22, unwed, mired in addiction and poverty, and desperate for a way out of an unwanted pregnancy when she became Jane Roe, the pseudonymous plaintiff of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade that established a constitutional right to an abortion, died Feb. 18 at an assisted-living facility in Katy, Tex. She was 69
Wow, just wow.
"Six Labour peers are poised to defect from Labour, delivering a fresh blow to Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership.
Senior sources in the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats say the peers will resign the Labour whip and have struck secret deals to vote with the rival parties instead.
The peers are expected to become crossbenchers rather than formally sign up with either of Labour’s opponents. But some have privately agreed that the Lib Dems can send them their whipping cards — telling peers how to vote on each issue — enabling them to co-operate. Others have struck similar deals with the Tories."
Interesting to note that Wokingham had the 7th highest REMAIN percentage vote in the EU referendum of any district in England outside London, excluding those districts with universities.
Have a go with Sunderland or Rotherham, where the LibDems also won recently...
The polls are right IMO: the Tories are on about 40% and the LDs about 10%. That's about zero swing since the general election between the two parties. But go on believing that local election results are significant if it makes you feel better. Rallings and Thrasher have concluded that they are not significant as far as the national result is concerned.