I see there is a lot of outrage about a foreign country deciding who they will and won't let in. I assume you'll all be boycotting the States for the next four years?
My passport is expired . I think it's the dual nationality thing that's vexed me. Hand on heart, I can't summon up any outrage over Sudan or Yemen etc. I think the Syria refugee ban is heartless mind.
It's not just dual nationality. If you are a British citizen solely but born in one of those countries you are covered by the ban. See the Brexit-supporting Tory MP for Stratford upon Avon.
I saw that. But I didn't see anything pertinent in the XO (I'm a bit tired, so may have missed it). I'm doing the old fashioned thing of waiting for some clarity. I appreciate that we might be on the verge of an American Fourth Reich, but it's a tad more likely that this is going to be a few days of diplomatic handbaggery and all will be well with our folk.
Of course. There will be clarifications and there will be backtracking and we'll all move on. Then Truump will do something else. We should be keeping as far away as possible from him, not walking hand in hand.
Our strategy should be to hug the administration, not Trump, distasteful though that may be to some. He's too much of a loose cannon. We also need to build bi-partisan relationships with the two Houses - don't want all our eggs in the Republican basket.
Otherwise, I agree (while rolling my eyes at your symbolism. I don't do symbols, must be a spectrum thing).
Theresa May has great respect with the Republicans and that is where the power lies
It is sickening to witness the snivelling, skin crawling, sinister sycophancy from the PB Leaver Trumptons ramp up a level with every passing day. The pathetic, cap-doffing snotty slugs sliming up to the Grade A twat is a truly disgusting spectacle. Eurgh.
You would make your case better if you were not so hysterical
It is sickening to witness the snivelling, skin crawling, sinister sycophancy from the PB Leaver Trumptons ramp up a level with every passing day. The pathetic, cap-doffing snotty slugs sliming up to the Grade A twat is a truly disgusting spectacle. Eurgh.
Why are you putting yourself through such an ordeal then? Plenty of other places that would be far more congenial to you.
So, how comfortable are pb's Leavers tonight with Britain's current level of dependency on Donald Trump?
Entirely comfortable, given that there is no dependence.
I'm far less comfortable with her visiting Erdogan and the Saudis, given that they have *actually* killed thousands, but even in those cases I recognise it as the duty of a Head of Government.
"I was so disgusted by Corbyn's unprincipled, uncritical waving through of a clearly dishonest UKIP/Tory Right/Daily Mail project that will make workers poorer I resigned a week ago. Cosing up to hatefilled xenophobes is unworthy of Labour. This deserves to be his everlasting mark of shame. Obviously he too thinks foreigners have three heads and are responsible for a failing NHS, undermanned police, overcrowded prisons, railway chaos, child poverty, homelessness, food banks, zero hour contracts, housing crisis, huge national and personal debt, money lending and gambling. Nothing to do with endless British mismanagement so he wants to vote with/ support/kowtow to the Tories. And of course he is scared of UKIP in the north. It won't help him. Pathetic man."
PM's plane just landed. I suppose that she will be steered clear of the press for a while, unless she has the same sort of clowns managing her media as Corbyn.
Her response will be interesting re Nahim Zahawi and others.
So, how comfortable are pb's Leavers tonight with Britain's current level of dependency on Donald Trump?
Entirely comfortable, given that there is no dependence.
I'm far less comfortable with her visiting Erdogan and the Saudis, given that they have *actually* killed thousands, but even in those cases I recognise it as the duty of a Head of Government.
Having seen the front page of The Indy tonight, Trump is being condemned for torture, whilst Erdogan is given a free pass. - good to trade with his government. The press were full of stories from Turkey about the post coup behaviour of Turkish Police, as they were making arrests. Erdogan's mobs lynched some soldiers, so far Trump has not given licence for lynching in the US.
I'm far less comfortable with her visiting Erdogan and the Saudis, given that they have *actually* killed thousands, but even in those cases I recognise it as the duty of a Head of Government.
"I was so disgusted by Corbyn's unprincipled, uncritical waving through of a clearly dishonest UKIP/Tory Right/Daily Mail project that will make workers poorer I resigned a week ago. Cosing up to hatefilled xenophobes is unworthy of Labour. This deserves to be his everlasting mark of shame. Obviously he too thinks foreigners have three heads and are responsible for a failing NHS, undermanned police, overcrowded prisons, railway chaos, child poverty, homelessness, food banks, zero hour contracts, housing crisis, huge national and personal debt, money lending and gambling. Nothing to do with endless British mismanagement so he wants to vote with/ support/kowtow to the Tories. And of course he is scared of UKIP in the north. It won't help him. Pathetic man."
Her response will be interesting re Nahim Zahawi and others.