Mr Meeks' posts this evening somehow remind me of the Monty Python 'arguments are next door' thing. Oddly though for once this wasn't the location of 'Abuse'
I wasn't expecting the overt racism to surface quite so quickly on pb after Trump's inauguration. I thought we might get a few months' grace,
Yep - that's just the unfamiliar though. And of course any racism that you or I might have in us was almost certainly germinated by unfamiliarity.
Peoples experiences in life can of course also be important -
My experience of children is that they are extremely tolerant of
It is only at the age of 7-8 that children start to fear difference, and bullying begins. They have to learn it from grown ups.
You're probably just seeing a fear of bullying rather than a fear of difference. (If you're different then you might get bullied because of that so you fear difference)
Bullying itself has to just be a survival thing. You make sure there's a very obvious target so that even if you become weak you're not the obvious target.
Not really, young children do not have that sort of sophisticated thought. Bullying comes later., typically 7-8 years or so.
Ok, so you're saying that at the point that children can form a useful part of society they start to discriminate in some way or other? That has to be learned behavior though doesn't it? And if so then we don't care as our data is meaningless.
I believe it is learned behaviour, but would be more positive about humanity. What can be learned, does not have to be learned, and can be unlearned.
Remember the song from South Pacific -
You've got to be taught To hate and fear, You've got to be taught From year to year, It's got to be drummed In your dear little ear You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid Of people whose eyes are oddly made, And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade, You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught before it's too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate, You've got to be carefully taught!
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Sadly I think you are right !!
NZ really is a fabulous country to visit-its like an all encompassing Geography field trip in one country.
Totally agree. My brother has lived there for 25 years and has built a great life. Here he is with his missus:
Good for him!
My sister in law and her husband emigrated to NZ 12 years ago. They had never been before-i recommended Nelson as their initial base -they have never left and absolutely love the place.
Possibly my most favourite town in the World
If they've ever rented paddle boards at the beach in Nelson it's been from my brother!
Nelson is great. All the country round there is. I'd live there very happily.
They have !!
Seen the film- the kids have a dodgy accent as well !
Ha, ha!!
What a small world. I'll see you there for a pint one day ;-)
Nothing further North than Hexham. Truly, the borders are a foreign country.
Or Herefordshire - about 80/km2 and one Waitrose. The Welsh borderlands do quite well.
Hereford is my favourite Cathedral city, modest and unassuming, but very pretty, particularly around St James.
or the great state of Georgia, the Empire State of the South - 68.6/km2, Unfortunately no Waitrose locations. But many Kroger, Publix, Piggly Wiggly, Ingles, Costco and Food Lion.
Will be in Dubai starting Sunday 29 Jan for a week. Busy pretty much all day every day with meetings, but any suggestions on what to do in the free evenings if I have any (hosts may fill them up)? I believe we'll have a cruise dinner one night.
Will be in Dubai starting Sunday 29 Jan for a week. Busy pretty much all day every day with meetings, but any suggestions on what to do in the free evenings if I have any (hosts may fill them up)? I believe we'll have a cruise dinner one night.
Ooh, that's a good question. Let me do some digging at what's on and I'll send you a PM in the next couple of days. Please remind me if I forget!
Northumberland has 63/km2 if you want to stay in England! Even less so the further north you go.
Stay away from Northumberland. We are full
It's wet - the only time it doesn't rain is when it snows. There a bogs full of midges and mosquitoes, no culture, no sport, no motorways. No Waitroses or Harrods (or virtually anything really). It's 350 or more miles from London. It has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
If I was a New Zealander, no way would I chose to have FoM with Britain though.
In my experience, having visited twice and worked on technical studies there, NZ is a very outward looking nation that would not see an advantage in entering any kind of governmental relationship with the UK.
Tonight's PB Tory fantasy of a union of white Commonwealth nation states is really most amusing.
So, let me get your thinking straight here...
Do outward looking nations not want to enter any governmental relationships with other nations? Best to stay independent with free trade, open relations etc with all possible nations? (In which case May's vision of Brexited Britain sounds like just an ideal sort of outward looking nation.)
Or is it that you don't think they would want such a relationship specifically with the UK? In which case, why not? Who would they prefer to have any such relationship with instead?
And why shouldn't nation states that are so culturally similar not come closer together? (The fact that they're (still) majority white is nothing to do with it.) I have a feeling you regard geography more important than culture (Europe being "our neighbourhood"/"next door" etc) - well, that's an argument for the past. This is the 21st century, where distances mean diddly squat.
Northumberland has 63/km2 if you want to stay in England! Even less so the further north you go.
Stay away from Northumberland. We are full
It's wet - the only time it doesn't rain is when it snows. There a bogs full of midges and mosquitoes, no culture, no sport, no motorways. No Waitroses or Harrods (or virtually anything really). It's 350 or more miles from London. It has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
Northumberland has 63/km2 if you want to stay in England! Even less so the further north you go.
Stay away from Northumberland. We are full
It's wet - the only time it doesn't rain is when it snows. There a bogs full of midges and mosquitoes, no culture, no sport, no motorways. No Waitroses or Harrods (or virtually anything really). It's 350 or more miles from London. It has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
As a Lancastrian I can assure you it is a virtual desert up here. 350 miles from London is one of many great features.
Will be in Dubai starting Sunday 29 Jan for a week. Busy pretty much all day every day with meetings, but any suggestions on what to do in the free evenings if I have any (hosts may fill them up)? I believe we'll have a cruise dinner one night.
Ooh, that's a good question. Let me do some digging at what's on and I'll send you a PM in the next couple of days. Please remind me if I forget!
Will do. I'll also let you know which hotel I'll be in if you'd like to meet up for a drink one evening.
Northumberland has 63/km2 if you want to stay in England! Even less so the further north you go.
Stay away from Northumberland. We are full
It's wet - the only time it doesn't rain is when it snows. There a bogs full of midges and mosquitoes, no culture, no sport, no motorways. No Waitroses or Harrods (or virtually anything really). It's 350 or more miles from London. It has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
The Northumberland coast is probably the best stretch of coastline in England. Lots of history, sand and castles.
Northumberland has 63/km2 if you want to stay in England! Even less so the further north you go.
Stay away from Northumberland. We are full
It's wet - the only time it doesn't rain is when it snows. There a bogs full of midges and mosquitoes, no culture, no sport, no motorways. No Waitroses or Harrods (or virtually anything really). It's 350 or more miles from London. It has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
Just found this in the comments of a NZ blog. Posted by Wayne Mapp, a former Cabinet Minister in the ruling National (centre right) government.
"But the big new opportunity for the UK (and for NZ) is a FTA with the US. Trump wants to do this, so does May. It will be a great selling point for the UK people.
In my view there is a strategic opportunity, which is a multilateral FTA covering the US, the UK, Australia, NZ and Canada. All of them will want to do a deal with the UK. Australia has a FTA with the US, so does Canada through NAFTA. Why not knit them altogether?
Obviously this would benefit NZ, but at a strategic level it is a win for the US and also the UK.
Trump can show he can do deals of the type that interest him. It ties the “Five Eyes” partners together, so it is has security advantages. All five have similar culture and language, so it can include a work visa rules.There is no need for a investor dispute provision; all five have high quality common law courts.
Having Tim Groser (former Trade Minister, now NZ ambassador) in Washington could now be a masterstroke. His function last week was a brilliant manoeuvre. He has got past all the inbuilt institutional prejudice against Trump. With his trade credentials Groser will be able to drive this, from the NZ perspective. But he also knows how to put a strategic focus on this."
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
Nothing further North than Hexham. Truly, the borders are a foreign country.
Or Herefordshire - about 80/km2 and one Waitrose. The Welsh borderlands do quite well.
Hereford is my favourite Cathedral city, modest and unassuming, but very pretty, particularly around St James.
An indifferent cathedral where the West end second tower fell down in 17-something leaving an oddly truncated, cold interior. A dual carriageway through the centre. A Castle Pool (15% of a moat) but no castle. St James' is all by the book Victorian villas - the Barratt houses of their day. Britain's worst department store -Chadds, decd. A modest city with much to be modest about.
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
Written by a notorious europhile quisling. Really, we need to start burning these people at Smithfield*
*metaphorically, moderators, metaphorically
I had a drink last night ('work' drinks, following a team away day) with an Islington socialist and Labour Party member, who really admires Emily Thornberry (his local MP), who bellowed to me that Theresa May was a total idiot and that Brexit was thanks to the 'fascists' up North.
And he knows full well I voted Leave.
Seats like Islington and Hartlepool are currently held by the same party. At some point - for whatever reason - they won't be, and they'll probably never be held together again.
Is the mismatch between a seat like Westminster and Weston Super Mare any less?
Northumberland has 63/km2 if you want to stay in England! Even less so the further north you go.
Stay away from Northumberland. We are full
It's wet - the only time it doesn't rain is when it snows. There a bogs full of midges and mosquitoes, no culture, no sport, no motorways. No Waitroses or Harrods (or virtually anything really). It's 350 or more miles from London. It has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
My family moved to Berwick on Tweed when I was 9 and I left to start work in Edinburgh when I was 18.
I had a fantastic childhood playing football, cricket, golf, tennis, canoeing and sailing and watching Berwick Rangers on Saturdays. It and Northumberland is a great secret kept away from the rest of the UK.
And fantastic for arguments with the SNP - it changed hands between Scotland and England 13 times
Just found this in the comments of a NZ blog. Posted by Wayne Mapp, a former Cabinet Minister in the ruling National (centre right) government.
"But the big new opportunity for the UK (and for NZ) is a FTA with the US. Trump wants to do this, so does May. It will be a great selling point for the UK people.
In my view there is a strategic opportunity, which is a multilateral FTA covering the US, the UK, Australia, NZ and Canada. All of them will want to do a deal with the UK. Australia has a FTA with the US, so does Canada through NAFTA. Why not knit them altogether?
Obviously this would benefit NZ, but at a strategic level it is a win for the US and also the UK.
Trump can show he can do deals of the type that interest him. It ties the “Five Eyes” partners together, so it is has security advantages. All five have similar culture and language, so it can include a work visa rules.There is no need for a investor dispute provision; all five have high quality common law courts.
Having Tim Groser (former Trade Minister, now NZ ambassador) in Washington could now be a masterstroke. His function last week was a brilliant manoeuvre. He has got past all the inbuilt institutional prejudice against Trump. With his trade credentials Groser will be able to drive this, from the NZ perspective. But he also knows how to put a strategic focus on this."
Not sure America would agree to a deal without ISDS Tribunals. But a Five Eyes trade deal would be a great thing. Wouldn't be possible to agree but I'd be perfectly happy with a free movement deal between the Five Eyes nations.
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
Northumberland has 63/km2 if you want to stay in England! Even less so the further north you go.
Stay away from Northumberland. We are full
It's wet - the only time it doesn't rain is when it snows. There a bogs full of midges and mosquitoes, no culture, no sport, no motorways. No Waitroses or Harrods (or virtually anything really). It's 350 or more miles from London. It has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
The Northumberland coast is probably the best stretch of coastline in England. Lots of history, sand and castles.
An indifferent cathedral where the West end second tower fell down in 17-something leaving an oddly truncated, cold interior. A dual carriageway through the centre. A Castle Pool (15% of a moat) but no castle. St James' is all by the book Victorian villas - the Barratt houses of their day. Britain's worst department store -Chadds, decd. A modest city with much to be modest about.
Northumberland has 63/km2 if you want to stay in England! Even less so the further north you go.
Stay away from Northumberland. We are full
It's wet - the only time it doesn't rain is when it snows. There a bogs full of midges and mosquitoes, no culture, no sport, no motorways. No Waitroses or Harrods (or virtually anything really). It's 350 or more miles from London. It has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
My family moved to Berwick on Tweed when I was 9 and I left to start work in Edinburgh when I was 18.
I had a fantastic childhood playing football, cricket, golf, tennis, canoeing and sailing and watching Berwick Rangers on Saturdays. It and Northumberland is a great secret kept away from the rest of the UK.
And fantastic for arguments with the SNP - it changed hands between Scotland and England 13 times
While there's a great deal to be said for the Essex climate, Northumberland is a wonderful place to visit.
It does occur to me that Theresa May will need all her powers of diplomacy when meeting Trump next week. A commentator has said that she has provisionally agreed that the US and UK will work together on NATO and European security in addition to a new trade deal for the UK, with some tariffs being waived for the UK almost immediately.
There are obvious dangers from the sisterhood for TM but she has the opportunity of becoming a very serious player on the International stage and in some ways stand as an arbitrator between the US and the EU which Trump dislikes
The rumoured state visit to the UK by Trump later in the year with time spent with the Queen at Windsor will be a security nightmare.
I do believe that a US, UK, Aus, NZ, Canada trade deal is very much a possibility.
An indifferent cathedral where the West end second tower fell down in 17-something leaving an oddly truncated, cold interior. A dual carriageway through the centre. A Castle Pool (15% of a moat) but no castle. St James' is all by the book Victorian villas - the Barratt houses of their day. Britain's worst department store -Chadds, decd. A modest city with much to be modest about.
It finally has a Waitrose mind you.
And they re-opened the racecourse.
For a while and on the graces of the televised bookmakers.....
Point to point's more fun in that part of the world. Better atmosphere to lose money in.
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
Post Brexit, in the longer term, more cityfolk will retire to the South Coast, as the Costas become less viable. Ditto second homes in Cornwall rather than Tuscany or Provence.
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
TBH, I can sympathise with Mr P. A relative was advised to ask £45k for a very tired static caravan. I asked how the average local fisherman or agricultural worker managed. The agent shrugged and said 'they don't'!
It does occur to me that Theresa May will need all her powers of diplomacy when meeting Trump next week. A commentator has said that she has provisionally agreed that the US and UK will work together on NATO and European security in addition to a new trade deal for the UK, with some tariffs being waived for the UK almost immediately.
There are obvious dangers from the sisterhood for TM but she has the opportunity of becoming a very serious player on the International stage and in some ways stand as an arbitrator between the US and the EU which Trump dislikes
The rumoured state visit to the UK by Trump later in the year with time spent with the Queen at Windsor will be a security nightmare.
I do believe that a US, UK, Aus, NZ, Canada trade deal is very much a possibility.
PS . She is featuring in the April American Vogue. Expect millions of pounds of trade for UK designers
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
TBH, I can sympathise with Mr P. A relative was advised to ask £45k for a very tired static caravan. I asked how the average local fisherman or agricultural worker managed. The agent shrugged and said 'they don't'!
I wouldnt mind if they actually lived there. The trouble is if they only live there a few weeks a year it guts the community. Shops close down, jobs go and best of all they dont pay council tax. Just makes the whole area ever poorer
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
Post Brexit, in the longer term, more cityfolk will retire to the South Coast, as the Costas become less viable. Ditto second homes in Cornwall rather than Tuscany or Provence.
They aren't retiring its second homes for holidays, retiring wouldnt be an issue they would need year round shops and services which keeps people employed
Other people had fairies at the bottom of their garden, I had edward woodward
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
Post Brexit, in the longer term, more cityfolk will retire to the South Coast, as the Costas become less viable. Ditto second homes in Cornwall rather than Tuscany or Provence.
They aren't retiring its second homes for holidays, retiring wouldnt be an issue they would need year round shops and services which keeps people employed
Other people had fairies at the bottom of their garden, I had edward woodward
I know. My family on the Isle of Wight have the same beef.
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
TBH, I can sympathise with Mr P. A relative was advised to ask £45k for a very tired static caravan. I asked how the average local fisherman or agricultural worker managed. The agent shrugged and said 'they don't'!
I wouldnt mind if they actually lived there. The trouble is if they only live there a few weeks a year it guts the community. Shops close down, jobs go and best of all they dont pay council tax. Just makes the whole area ever poorer
Went to a small North Welsh seaside town out of season a few years ago.. Street after street had no lights in the houses. Bloke in the pub confirmed that when the English went home it became a ghost town.
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
TBH, I can sympathise with Mr P. A relative was advised to ask £45k for a very tired static caravan. I asked how the average local fisherman or agricultural worker managed. The agent shrugged and said 'they don't'!
I wouldnt mind if they actually lived there. The trouble is if they only live there a few weeks a year it guts the community. Shops close down, jobs go and best of all they dont pay council tax. Just makes the whole area ever poorer
Went to a small North Welsh seaside town out of season a few years ago.. Street after street had no lights in the houses. Bloke in the pub confirmed that when English went home it became a ghost town.
In the seventies the Nationalists set fire to holiday homes in North Wales. There were also sustained attacks on Estate Agents throughout North Wales.
These attacks stopped after several arsonists/vandals were jailed
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
TBH, I can sympathise with Mr P. A relative was advised to ask £45k for a very tired static caravan. I asked how the average local fisherman or agricultural worker managed. The agent shrugged and said 'they don't'!
I wouldnt mind if they actually lived there. The trouble is if they only live there a few weeks a year it guts the community. Shops close down, jobs go and best of all they dont pay council tax. Just makes the whole area ever poorer
Went to a small North Welsh seaside town out of season a few years ago.. Street after street had no lights in the houses. Bloke in the pub confirmed that when English went home it became a ghost town.
second homes are a huge problem for rural areas, pushes up the price of housing and creates a place its only worth being open a few weeks a year
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
TBH, I can sympathise with Mr P. A relative was advised to ask £45k for a very tired static caravan. I asked how the average local fisherman or agricultural worker managed. The agent shrugged and said 'they don't'!
I wouldnt mind if they actually lived there. The trouble is if they only live there a few weeks a year it guts the community. Shops close down, jobs go and best of all they dont pay council tax. Just makes the whole area ever poorer
Went to a small North Welsh seaside town out of season a few years ago.. Street after street had no lights in the houses. Bloke in the pub confirmed that when English went home it became a ghost town.
In the seventies the Nationalists set fire to holiday homes in North Wales. There were also sustained attacks on Estate Agents throughout North Wales.
These attacks stopped after several arsonists/vandals were jailed
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
Post Brexit, in the longer term, more cityfolk will retire to the South Coast, as the Costas become less viable. Ditto second homes in Cornwall rather than Tuscany or Provence.
Why would they become less viable? My family emigrated to Tenerife in the late 60s. Had to get residence permits but it was no problem. I used to fly home for school vacations and just showed my passport. Why would now be any different post-brexit?
Jim Acosta has to be loving this - he's the CNN reporter Trump wouldn't allow a question. The whole crowd sizer thing is a big loser for Trump. There was no way he - or anyone else - was going to attract anywhere near Obama size crowds. Accept that and move on.
All our joint assets are in the UK. If I died the tax implications for my wife would be horrendous. I cannot allow my wife to be exposed to that kind of uncertainty.
When anyone with substantial assets dies the tax is a pain in the arse. You just need to appoint a bank as executor, or pay a lawyer to do stuff for you. They will take some obscene percentage of the estate, but that is better than having major life decisions dictated to you by the tax laws.
I sympathise with your plight, but it is a first-world plight. There are tons of migrants in Tuscany who would love to have your problem. They could also, surely, be paid fairly affordable sums to act as carers for your inlaws?
If you're really fussed about it, just create a foundation in Lugano like every other self-respecting Italian.
Or leave it to a child (assuming you have one - who will have UK citizenship ) or to a British based trust but let your wife have a life interest in the income and capital drawdown rights.
Alternatively you could incorporate it as a company (some stamp duty issues but you can manage through staggering the process) and then take average of business transfer rollover relief
Jim Acosta has to be loving this - he's the CNN reporter Trump wouldn't allow a question. The whole crowd sizer thing is a big loser for Trump. There was no way he - or anyone else - was going to attract anywhere near Obama size crowds. Accept that and move on.
Not so. Trump drew massive crowds today worldwide.
Jim Acosta has to be loving this - he's the CNN reporter Trump wouldn't allow a question. The whole crowd sizer thing is a big loser for Trump. There was no way he - or anyone else - was going to attract anywhere near Obama size crowds. Accept that and move on.
Not so. Trump drew massive crowds today worldwide.
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
TBH, I can sympathise with Mr P. A relative was advised to ask £45k for a very tired static caravan. I asked how the average local fisherman or agricultural worker managed. The agent shrugged and said 'they don't'!
I wouldnt mind if they actually lived there. The trouble is if they only live there a few weeks a year it guts the community. Shops close down, jobs go and best of all they dont pay council tax. Just makes the whole area ever poorer
Went to a small North Welsh seaside town out of season a few years ago.. Street after street had no lights in the houses. Bloke in the pub confirmed that when English went home it became a ghost town.
In the seventies the Nationalists set fire to holiday homes in North Wales. There were also sustained attacks on Estate Agents throughout North Wales.
These attacks stopped after several arsonists/vandals were jailed
It was a load of bollocks really. Only a couple of loonies involved. Hardly ISIs, but kept the local plod on their toes. Os keep out of Pembrokeshire. Too many Saes here already.
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
Post Brexit, in the longer term, more cityfolk will retire to the South Coast, as the Costas become less viable. Ditto second homes in Cornwall rather than Tuscany or Provence.
Why would they become less viable? My family emigrated to Tenerife in the late 60s. Had to get residence permits but it was no problem. I used to fly home for school vacations and just showed my passport. Why would now be any different post-brexit?
Partly it will be the cost, due to Sterling depreciation, partly it will be the difficulty with health insurance, partly legal difficulties over residence and partly it will be increased insularity of attitudes.
It certainly is not going to be easier retiring abroad post Brexit, and that in combination with an ageing population and an agricultural depression will make retiring and second home-ing in the UK more common.
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
Jim Acosta has to be loving this - he's the CNN reporter Trump wouldn't allow a question. The whole crowd sizer thing is a big loser for Trump. There was no way he - or anyone else - was going to attract anywhere near Obama size crowds. Accept that and move on.
There's no way the protesters can overturn November's election result. Accept that and move on.
Nothing further North than Hexham. Truly, the borders are a foreign country.
Or Herefordshire - about 80/km2 and one Waitrose. The Welsh borderlands do quite well.
Hereford is my favourite Cathedral city, modest and unassuming, but very pretty, particularly around St James.
An indifferent cathedral where the West end second tower fell down in 17-something leaving an oddly truncated, cold interior. A dual carriageway through the centre. A Castle Pool (15% of a moat) but no castle. St James' is all by the book Victorian villas - the Barratt houses of their day. Britain's worst department store -Chadds, decd. A modest city with much to be modest about.
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
Thinking about it further, I wouldn't want the Aussies here: all we'd get are endless whinges about how crap our weather is compared to that of their 'island paradise'. They all do it. No, give me Poles and Latvians any day - they are all our climatic brethren.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
Post Brexit, in the longer term, more cityfolk will retire to the South Coast, as the Costas become less viable. Ditto second homes in Cornwall rather than Tuscany or Provence.
Why would they become less viable? My family emigrated to Tenerife in the late 60s. Had to get residence permits but it was no problem. I used to fly home for school vacations and just showed my passport. Why would now be any different post-brexit?
Partly it will be the cost, due to Sterling depreciation, partly it will be the difficulty with health insurance, partly legal difficulties over residence and partly it will be increased insularity of attitudes.
It certainly is not going to be easier retiring abroad post Brexit, and that in combination with an ageing population and an agricultural depression will make retiring and second home-ing in the UK more common.
Second homes should carry punitive council tax rates
Jim Acosta has to be loving this - he's the CNN reporter Trump wouldn't allow a question. The whole crowd sizer thing is a big loser for Trump. There was no way he - or anyone else - was going to attract anywhere near Obama size crowds. Accept that and move on.
There's no way the protesters can overturn November's election result. Accept that and move on.
Jim Acosta has to be loving this - he's the CNN reporter Trump wouldn't allow a question. The whole crowd sizer thing is a big loser for Trump. There was no way he - or anyone else - was going to attract anywhere near Obama size crowds. Accept that and move on.
There's no way the protesters can overturn November's election result. Accept that and move on.
It's all childish nonsense. My crowd was bigger than your crowd. Both are bad as each other
For the record, I think we should definitely have a freedom of movement deal with the Aussies and Kiwis. They are our brothers. Not sure they'd want it though.
I would support FoM with Aussies, Kiwis [ in every sense ], Poles, Latvians or for that matter from anywhere. Including Cornwall.
fuck off we dont want you in cornwall
This post was sponsored by the Cornish Tourist Board, Mebyon Kernow branch.
that was a direct response to surbiton in particular, my home town was ruined by people like him. My mother got the right to buy her two bedroom council bungalow they only wanted 500k for it after the money off and then they wonder why no locals can afford to live there
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
Post Brexit, in the longer term, more cityfolk will retire to the South Coast, as the Costas become less viable. Ditto second homes in Cornwall rather than Tuscany or Provence.
Why would they become less viable? My family emigrated to Tenerife in the late 60s. Had to get residence permits but it was no problem. I used to fly home for school vacations and just showed my passport. Why would now be any different post-brexit?
Partly it will be the cost, due to Sterling depreciation, partly it will be the difficulty with health insurance, partly legal difficulties over residence and partly it will be increased insularity of attitudes.
It certainly is not going to be easier retiring abroad post Brexit, and that in combination with an ageing population and an agricultural depression will make retiring and second home-ing in the UK more common.
Second homes should carry punitive council tax rates
A house should carry an appropriate level of council tax. Whether it's a first, second or third home for somebody should have nothing to do with it. Own 2 homes - you pay two lots of property tax.
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
I think very sane person would be concerned about events but peoples resentment has been smouldering for years and is now coming to the fore
I heard tonight that Merkel is very worried about Theresa May receiving favoured status and that Germany and the EU will be marginalised
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
I think very sane person would be concerned about events but peoples resentment has been smouldering for years and is now coming to the fore
I heard tonight that Merkel is very worried about Theresa May receiving favoured status and that Germany and the EU will be marginalised
That's certainly a possibility, but the whole post-brexit EU, UK, US relationship will take a while to work out.
Just found this in the comments of a NZ blog. Posted by Wayne Mapp, a former Cabinet Minister in the ruling National (centre right) government.
"But the big new opportunity for the UK (and for NZ) is a FTA with the US. Trump wants to do this, so does May. It will be a great selling point for the UK people.
In my view there is a strategic opportunity, which is a multilateral FTA covering the US, the UK, Australia, NZ and Canada. All of them will want to do a deal with the UK. Australia has a FTA with the US, so does Canada through NAFTA. Why not knit them altogether?
Obviously this would benefit NZ, but at a strategic level it is a win for the US and also the UK.
Trump can show he can do deals of the type that interest him. It ties the “Five Eyes” partners together, so it is has security advantages. All five have similar culture and language, so it can include a work visa rules.There is no need for a investor dispute provision; all five have high quality common law courts.
Having Tim Groser (former Trade Minister, now NZ ambassador) in Washington could now be a masterstroke. His function last week was a brilliant manoeuvre. He has got past all the inbuilt institutional prejudice against Trump. With his trade credentials Groser will be able to drive this, from the NZ perspective. But he also knows how to put a strategic focus on this."
Not sure America would agree to a deal without ISDS Tribunals. But a Five Eyes trade deal would be a great thing. Wouldn't be possible to agree but I'd be perfectly happy with a free movement deal between the Five Eyes nations.
The US will never give free movement to another country. The nearest things the US offers are the E-3 visa for Australians which is a quota-limited super H-1B skilled worker visa, or the on-arrival NAFTA TN visas which are only available for a selected range of occupations. Both require a job offer and neither offer a route to permanent residency.
And given that Trump has made statements against both NAFTA and H-1B visas, I'd say the chances of any new visa categories anything like those are miniscule.
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
I think very sane person would be concerned about events but peoples resentment has been smouldering for years and is now coming to the fore
I heard tonight that Merkel is very worried about Theresa May receiving favoured status and that Germany and the EU will be marginalised
For the next 2 years, possibly longer, we are going to be in the EU customs union. Trumps huuuge tarrifs will be not only on Germany, but on us too.
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
Wow. You are utterly deranged.
China and the EU as beacons of democracy? Two entities that are inherently and undeniably undemocratic... a one-party state with an appalling human rights record and a bureaucratic suppressor of democratic nation-states.
Two constitutional democratic decision of citizens (Brexit and electing Trump) by free citizens of long-standing liberal democratic nations.
You've lost it. Please, fellow PBers, I can't be the only one who feels bewildered how anyone could think like 'tyson'. Can someone explain it to me? Is this a side-effect of the modern world with its social media etc? Because I'm sure someone plucked out of say 50 or 100 years ago would look at the facts, then look at tyson's comments, and conclude only that he's an utter idiot.
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
I think very sane person would be concerned about events but peoples resentment has been smouldering for years and is now coming to the fore
I heard tonight that Merkel is very worried about Theresa May receiving favoured status and that Germany and the EU will be marginalised
The E.U will be marginalised no matter what. This is Asia's century.
Jim Acosta has to be loving this - he's the CNN reporter Trump wouldn't allow a question. The whole crowd sizer thing is a big loser for Trump. There was no way he - or anyone else - was going to attract anywhere near Obama size crowds. Accept that and move on.
There's no way the protesters can overturn November's election result. Accept that and move on.
To what? Canada? Since when do you have to give up when you lose an election? You start fighting the next one. Maintain pressure
On light (F16) versus heavy (F35) fighters this Wikipedia article is an interesting read. The relative superiority is not straightforward. However the trend is to heaviness for air forces that can afford it. eg the next generation Saab Gripen will be heavier than the plane it replaces.
Jim Acosta has to be loving this - he's the CNN reporter Trump wouldn't allow a question. The whole crowd sizer thing is a big loser for Trump. There was no way he - or anyone else - was going to attract anywhere near Obama size crowds. Accept that and move on.
There's no way the protesters can overturn November's election result. Accept that and move on.
To what? Canada? Since when do you have to give up when you lose an election? You start fighting the next one. Maintain pressure
Except these loonies are not fighting the next election - they're having a tantrum about the one that's just gone. They're fighting (in the manner that a toddler does) their own democracy and constitution.
From 5-2 down in a first-to-six, and needing a snooker to stay in the frame and match, Joe Perry has brought it back to 5-5 in his Masters semifinal against Barry Hawkins.
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
Wow. You are utterly deranged.
China and the EU as beacons of democracy? Two entities that are inherently and undeniably undemocratic... a one-party state with an appalling human rights record and a bureaucratic suppressor of democratic nation-states.
Two constitutional democratic decision of citizens (Brexit and electing Trump) by free citizens of long-standing liberal democratic nations.
You've lost it. Please, fellow PBers, I can't be the only one who feels bewildered how anyone could think like 'tyson'. Can someone explain it to me? Is this a side-effect of the modern world with its social media etc? Because I'm sure someone plucked out of say 50 or 100 years ago would look at the facts, then look at tyson's comments, and conclude only that he's an utter idiot.
If I tried to diagnose every nutjob on the Internet, I'd never get anything done. Night all.
Jim Acosta has to be loving this - he's the CNN reporter Trump wouldn't allow a question. The whole crowd sizer thing is a big loser for Trump. There was no way he - or anyone else - was going to attract anywhere near Obama size crowds. Accept that and move on.
There's no way the protesters can overturn November's election result. Accept that and move on.
To what? Canada? Since when do you have to give up when you lose an election? You start fighting the next one. Maintain pressure
Except these loonies are not fighting the next election - they're having a tantrum about the one that's just gone. They're fighting (in the manner that a toddler does) their own democracy and constitution.
It's worse than that: all the news networks have been interviewing participants - it has to be said it's an impressive turnout - and it's clear many of them have little or no idea what they're protesting - some say reproductive rights, some say he's not my prez, some say they are there for equality, some just to be there to lend their voice to the masses, some to hold Trump accountable, etc etc. There appears to be no cohesive theme to the protests, other than an exercise in civil disobedience, exercising their 1st amendment rights.
They're a bit late - it was mooted yesterday, mentioned by Trump earlier today and confirmed by Sean Spicer over 30 minutes ago. She's arriving Thursday apparently.
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
Wow. You are utterly deranged.
China and the EU as beacons of democracy? Two entities that are inherently and undeniably undemocratic... a one-party state with an appalling human rights record and a bureaucratic suppressor of democratic nation-states.
Two constitutional democratic decision of citizens (Brexit and electing Trump) by free citizens of long-standing liberal democratic nations.
You've lost it. Please, fellow PBers, I can't be the only one who feels bewildered how anyone could think like 'tyson'. Can someone explain it to me? Is this a side-effect of the modern world with its social media etc? Because I'm sure someone plucked out of say 50 or 100 years ago would look at the facts, then look at tyson's comments, and conclude only that he's an utter idiot.
Trump and Brexit show that Democracy is clearly failing...I used to believe once that democracy would provide the best outcomes by and large (even Thatcher 3 times)...but now with Trump and Brexit, the collective will of the people leads to this load of old bollocks......
Churchill, the advocate of global institutions, would think likewise.......
They're a bit late - it was mooted yesterday, mentioned by Trump earlier today and confirmed by Sean Spicer over 30 minutes ago. She's arriving Thursday apparently.
All economics......
Trump's probably saving some money by having his old man's enlarged prostate tested carefully by Theresa's probing tongue.....
Sorry BigG from North Wales....but I am a bit juvenile at the end of the day
Two constitutional democratic decision of citizens (Brexit and electing Trump) by free citizens of long-standing liberal democratic nations.
A pedant writes: Brexit is not yet a constitutional decision. It remains to be seen how that can happen.
Brexit is a constitutional decision. Westminster authorised the referendum for us to decide it and now Westminster will implement our decision. In 20 years time nobody will care about Article 5p votes etc as being the decision just as for Welsh devolution the incredibly tight non-binding referendum is what is viewed historically and rightly as being the decision.
If Westminster doesn't want non binding referendums to be constitutional democratic decisions it should stop passing and then implementing non binding referendums for us to vote on.
Northumberland has 63/km2 if you want to stay in England! Even less so the further north you go.
Stay away from Northumberland. We are full
It's wet - the only time it doesn't rain is when it snows. There a bogs full of midges and mosquitoes, no culture, no sport, no motorways. No Waitroses or Harrods (or virtually anything really). It's 350 or more miles from London. It has absolutely no redeeming features whatsoever.
I guess you live there, then.
Close - County Durham. (The only 'County' in England.)
Two constitutional democratic decision of citizens (Brexit and electing Trump) by free citizens of long-standing liberal democratic nations.
A pedant writes: Brexit is not yet a constitutional decision. It remains to be seen how that can happen.
Brexit is a constitutional decision. Westminster authorised the referendum for us to decide it and now Westminster will implement our decision. In 20 years time nobody will care about Article 5p votes etc as being the decision just as for Welsh devolution the incredibly tight non-binding referendum is what is viewed historically and rightly as being the decision.
If Westminster doesn't want non binding referendums to be constitutional democratic decisions it should stop passing and then implementing non binding referendums for us to vote on.
They're a bit late - it was mooted yesterday, mentioned by Trump earlier today and confirmed by Sean Spicer over 30 minutes ago. She's arriving Thursday apparently.
All economics......
Trump's probably saving some money by having his old man's enlarged prostate tested carefully by Theresa's probing tongue.....
Sorry BigG from North Wales....but I am a bit juvenile at the end of the day
Not for the first time my notepad and myself have run out of battery.
As I am a leap year baby of 18 I am a juvenile every day
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
Wow. You are utterly deranged.
China and the EU as beacons of democracy? Two entities that are inherently and undeniably undemocratic... a one-party state with an appalling human rights record and a bureaucratic suppressor of democratic nation-states.
Two constitutional democratic decision of citizens (Brexit and electing Trump) by free citizens of long-standing liberal democratic nations.
You've lost it. Please, fellow PBers, I can't be the only one who feels bewildered how anyone could think like 'tyson'. Can someone explain it to me? Is this a side-effect of the modern world with its social media etc? Because I'm sure someone plucked out of say 50 or 100 years ago would look at the facts, then look at tyson's comments, and conclude only that he's an utter idiot.
Trump and Brexit show that Democracy is clearly failing...I used to believe once that democracy would provide the best outcomes by and large (even Thatcher 3 times)...but now with Trump and Brexit, the collective will of the people leads to this load of old bollocks......
Churchill, the advocate of global institutions, would think likewise.......
You mean that democracy has situated you in the losing minority. It is still democracy and neither Brexit nor Trump are failures.
In some ways, both Brexit and Trump's victory are triumphs of democracy over the Establishment. They may not lead to the best possible outcomes for their respective countries, but by allowing the left-behinds to express themselves democratically, such elections and referenda as these save democracy (while simultaneously showing its strength and strong health in the US and UK), rather than destroy it (which is what would happen if the Establishments were allowed continually to dismiss the concerns of the unwashed as disastrous emotions of the uneducated, as you seem to).
The purpose of populist ballot box results such as these is to let of steam before a much more damaging explosion results. You seem to wish the pressure cooker weights were jammed shut.
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
Wow. You are utterly deranged.
China and the EU as beacons of democracy? Two entities that are inherently and undeniably undemocratic... a one-party state with an appalling human rights record and a bureaucratic suppressor of democratic nation-states.
Two constitutional democratic decision of citizens (Brexit and electing Trump) by free citizens of long-standing liberal democratic nations.
You've lost it. Please, fellow PBers, I can't be the only one who feels bewildered how anyone could think like 'tyson'. Can someone explain it to me? Is this a side-effect of the modern world with its social media etc? Because I'm sure someone plucked out of say 50 or 100 years ago would look at the facts, then look at tyson's comments, and conclude only that he's an utter idiot.
Trump and Brexit show that Democracy is clearly failing...I used to believe once that democracy would provide the best outcomes by and large (even Thatcher 3 times)...but now with Trump and Brexit, the collective will of the people leads to this load of old bollocks......
Churchill, the advocate of global institutions, would think likewise.......
Yes Tyson.
People should only have a vote if they vote for someone you approve of.
As much as it saddens me, but it looks like China has the best political model to negotiate the way forward. Democracy with the stupid, ideological nihilism of Trump and Brexit speaks for itself.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
Wow. You are utterly deranged.
China and the EU as beacons of democracy? Two entities that are inherently and undeniably undemocratic... a one-party state with an appalling human rights record and a bureaucratic suppressor of democratic nation-states.
Two constitutional democratic decision of citizens (Brexit and electing Trump) by free citizens of long-standing liberal democratic nations.
You've lost it. Please, fellow PBers, I can't be the only one who feels bewildered how anyone could think like 'tyson'. Can someone explain it to me? Is this a side-effect of the modern world with its social media etc? Because I'm sure someone plucked out of say 50 or 100 years ago would look at the facts, then look at tyson's comments, and conclude only that he's an utter idiot.
Trump and Brexit show that Democracy is clearly failing...I used to believe once that democracy would provide the best outcomes by and large (even Thatcher 3 times)...but now with Trump and Brexit, the collective will of the people leads to this load of old bollocks......
Churchill, the advocate of global institutions, would think likewise.......
Yes Tyson.
People should only have a vote if they vote for someone you approve of.
You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!
What a small world. I'll see you there for a pint one day ;-)
Do outward looking nations not want to enter any governmental relationships with other nations? Best to stay independent with free trade, open relations etc with all possible nations? (In which case May's vision of Brexited Britain sounds like just an ideal sort of outward looking nation.)
Or is it that you don't think they would want such a relationship specifically with the UK? In which case, why not? Who would they prefer to have any such relationship with instead?
And why shouldn't nation states that are so culturally similar not come closer together? (The fact that they're (still) majority white is nothing to do with it.) I have a feeling you regard geography more important than culture (Europe being "our neighbourhood"/"next door" etc) - well, that's an argument for the past. This is the 21st century, where distances mean diddly squat.
"But the big new opportunity for the UK (and for NZ) is a FTA with the US. Trump wants to do this, so does May. It will be a great selling point for the UK people.
In my view there is a strategic opportunity, which is a multilateral FTA covering the US, the UK, Australia, NZ and Canada. All of them will want to do a deal with the UK. Australia has a FTA with the US, so does Canada through NAFTA. Why not knit them altogether?
Obviously this would benefit NZ, but at a strategic level it is a win for the US and also the UK.
Trump can show he can do deals of the type that interest him. It ties the “Five Eyes” partners together, so it is has security advantages. All five have similar culture and language, so it can include a work visa rules.There is no need for a investor dispute provision; all five have high quality common law courts.
Having Tim Groser (former Trade Minister, now NZ ambassador) in Washington could now be a masterstroke. His function last week was a brilliant manoeuvre. He has got past all the inbuilt institutional prejudice against Trump. With his trade credentials Groser will be able to drive this, from the NZ perspective. But he also knows how to put a strategic focus on this."
It finally has a Waitrose mind you.
I had a fantastic childhood playing football, cricket, golf, tennis, canoeing and sailing and watching Berwick Rangers on Saturdays. It and Northumberland is a great secret kept away from the rest of the UK.
And fantastic for arguments with the SNP - it changed hands between Scotland and England 13 times
When I grew up it was a thriving fishing port, now its a marina for a posh people
when I grew up the shops sold buckets and spades in the summer now they sell designer furniture and original art pieces
When I grew up the majority of houses were occupied year round now they are occupied for a few weeks in the summer, killing off local shops for ordinary people because they cant make enough money in a few weeks to stay open all year
So yes people like surbiton can fuck off right now
There are obvious dangers from the sisterhood for TM but she has the opportunity of becoming a very serious player on the International stage and in some ways stand as an arbitrator between the US and the EU which Trump dislikes
The rumoured state visit to the UK by Trump later in the year with time spent with the Queen at Windsor will be a security nightmare.
I do believe that a US, UK, Aus, NZ, Canada trade deal is very much a possibility.
Point to point's more fun in that part of the world. Better atmosphere to lose money in.
Other people had fairies at the bottom of their garden, I had edward woodward
These attacks stopped after several arsonists/vandals were jailed
Or leave it to a child (assuming you have one - who will have UK citizenship ) or to a British based trust but let your wife have a life interest in the income and capital drawdown rights.
Alternatively you could incorporate it as a company (some stamp duty issues but you can manage through staggering the process) and then take average of business transfer rollover relief
Or sell everything and buy farmland?
But I'm not a tax lawyer.
That is real. That is a real quote.
He's shares a common interest with Mark Oaten. And Lord Sewell.
It certainly is not going to be easier retiring abroad post Brexit, and that in combination with an ageing population and an agricultural depression will make retiring and second home-ing in the UK more common.
The EU is the last bastion of collective democracy....if that goes by the wayside as the extreme nationalistic morons want, then the China model....... here we come.
Brexit and Trump......a word of are pushing us all the more quickly into totalitarianism.,,
I heard tonight that Merkel is very worried about Theresa May receiving favoured status and that Germany and the EU will be marginalised
Take a look at @CNN's Tweet:
And given that Trump has made statements against both NAFTA and H-1B visas, I'd say the chances of any new visa categories anything like those are miniscule.
China and the EU as beacons of democracy? Two entities that are inherently and undeniably undemocratic... a one-party state with an appalling human rights record and a bureaucratic suppressor of democratic nation-states.
Two constitutional democratic decision of citizens (Brexit and electing Trump) by free citizens of long-standing liberal democratic nations.
You've lost it. Please, fellow PBers, I can't be the only one who feels bewildered how anyone could think like 'tyson'. Can someone explain it to me? Is this a side-effect of the modern world with its social media etc? Because I'm sure someone plucked out of say 50 or 100 years ago would look at the facts, then look at tyson's comments, and conclude only that he's an utter idiot.
Theresa should send the lookalike.
Deciding frame is on at
(potential NSFW-ery!)
Churchill, the advocate of global institutions, would think likewise.......
All economics......
Trump's probably saving some money by having his old man's enlarged prostate tested carefully by Theresa's probing tongue.....
Sorry BigG from North Wales....but I am a bit juvenile at the end of the day
If Westminster doesn't want non binding referendums to be constitutional democratic decisions it should stop passing and then implementing non binding referendums for us to vote on.
As I am a leap year baby of 18 I am a juvenile every day^tfw
In some ways, both Brexit and Trump's victory are triumphs of democracy over the Establishment. They may not lead to the best possible outcomes for their respective countries, but by allowing the left-behinds to express themselves democratically, such elections and referenda as these save democracy (while simultaneously showing its strength and strong health in the US and UK), rather than destroy it (which is what would happen if the Establishments were allowed continually to dismiss the concerns of the unwashed as disastrous emotions of the uneducated, as you seem to).
The purpose of populist ballot box results such as these is to let of steam before a much more damaging explosion results. You seem to wish the pressure cooker weights were jammed shut.
People should only have a vote if they vote for someone you approve of.