politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » The Sun re-does its classic front page on the day of the 1992 general election
Tomorrow's Sun front page is a straight lift of its paper on the day of the 1992 General Election pic.twitter.com/jpKmFRH3ty
Read the full story here
The original headline worked, this one doesn't.
The sun reliving its glory days is just a bit tragic.
Therefore, the UK is really being asked to make concessions on departure payments in return for nothing other than the right to start talks on trade. This is a ridiculous position and the Commission know it.
My view is that the Commission have no intention whatsoever of doing a deal with the UK. The Council are meant to instruct them, yet Barnier has come up with this 'policy' without any direction from the Council. When Tusk refers to EU unity, as usual it means that the Council is unified in doing what the Commission tell them to do.
In any event, I do not see how negotiations will even start - expect a huge blow up on this issue in March. The UK will ask for the negotiations to be done in parallel, the EU (Commission) will refuse. What would be the point of May having discussions on payments to the EU when she is not allowed to discuss trade in return?
It will be entertaining watching the tabloid press battle over the next 2 years, that's for sure.
It might actually help the negotiations, funnily enough, by providing a space through which both sides can vent and sensationalise, whilst the real work is done behind the scenes.
I'm starting to wonder which event/headline could possibly make you believe that we might not stay in the EU and departure will actually happen.
Well done for your essay earlier by the way, you should really have submitted it to OGH as a header.
Although I would concede that a reappraisal of Britain's role in that war is long overdue. We didn't win World War 2. We lost.
My newspaper is the Guardian of democracy.
Your newspaper is a tacky tabloid
His newspaper is an affront to democracy.
I have never read the Sun.
Thank you
Why do you think they really don't want an EU Army when the Germans would be the major force within it?
Rugby Union.
Paul Nuttall watch out.
Their underlying resentment and hostility, in my personal experience, is far greater than ours .
For those who haven't seen it on Netfix "Look Who's Back" is worth catching. It is a bit odd at first, but then gets into its stride. No spoilers for the ending, but this scene where Hitler discovers the internet explains a lot:
Believe in BRITAIN! Be LEAVE!!
On another topic: Diary of a snowflake: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/18/teenage-diary-latino-donald-trump-california
"I'd like to cancel my netflix subscription"
"But I still want to watch everything"
"It's called global netflix"
And which countries in Europe have not joined, or are now leaving? Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Great Britain...
Reality Strikes Again.
Netflix and Amazon must guarantee 20% of content is European
I'm excited.
[1] "something something Britain/ish something" programs: Ray Mears' Wild Britain, Penelope Keith's Great British Villages, Britain's Greatest Bridges ("Tonight: Menai Bridge!") Great British Bake Off, Great Britain's Greatest Benefit Cheats Great, Great Britain's British Great Britain Greatness, Botched-up Bodies ("They went abroad for surgery! FOOLS!") and Michael Portillo's Fucking Midlife Crisis on a Train.
That is just dreadful
I also have Union Jack wheel badges, and door trim steps. Natch.
It shouldn't depreciate too badly actually and will still be worth 50% of its brand new price in 4 years.
According to these recent figures, The Guardian is down to not much more than 150,000 copies, and is now being outsold by both the FT and the Daily Record (the latter of which, of course, is not widely available outside of Scotland.)
The Sun is down to about 1.7 million. Both Sun and Guardian show year-on-year decline of a little under 6%.
The Sun - for the time being - is still viable. Rumour has it that The Guardian will have burnt through the Scott Trust's entire cash pile in a few years and it will then go the way of The Independent - hence the pathetic begging messages at the end of all the articles on their website.
My wife and I manage as we recycle plastic, glass, cardboard and food waste weekly but it is very difficult for many.
Coming to an authority near you apparently
This guy on YouTube is good.
Sometimes I wonder if most people have any idea what we are losing.
Daily Mail: "Ministers [sic] secret bid to block Trump-Putin pact: Britain practices deploying TANKS through the Channel Tunnel as Whitehall officials try to convince incoming Pentagon counterparts to remain wary of the Russian leader".
Do you know what this is? This is SAD!
Britain now has the US, Russia and Germany against her. When you're in a hole, for goodness sake stop digging!
But no. Mophead Boris puts his foot in his mouth and digs away, talking of punishment beatings. Number Ten has to say oh he was just being theatrical, with the implication that anyone who thinks this twat is a twat must be stupid. We didn't understand. We didn't get the joke. We've got no culture. It couldn't possibly be that he is an "entitled" twat of twats who is utterly unfit for his office.
If May wants to win just a tiny amount of my respect, she should sack him. But she won't.
As they say in Easy Rider, "this used to be a great country". (And before I get jumped on: I am not attacking this country. I am expressing exasperation at the pathetic fools that run it.)
Regarding the topic of this thread: yes Mike, you're right. Many aspects of what makes good propaganda don't change much over the decades. Bernays on propaganda, Linebarger on psychological warfare, Ogilvy on Advertising, Cialdini on influence - they're all as worth reading now as they ever were.
AntibRape undies were invented some years ago in New York.
Though with the pussy grabber at large there, I can understand why.