For the past few days I’ve watched all ten parts of the “The Crown” – the compelling big budget series from Netflix which centres on the life of the Queen. One you’ve watched the opening minutes of episode one you become hooked and I can heartily recommend it.
Comments STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
Mind you everyone is still waiting for the instant disasters prophesied by project fear for Day 1 after a leave vote. They are also remembered though rarely if ever mentioned now by Remainers following positive news including comments of Mervyn King.
We haven't left yet... I will repeat that "We haven't left yet."
As such we are duty bound to contribute to the EU
systemPonzi scheme until we do. A basic principle you seem to forget or at least ignore simply to make a point.Delays for this are caused by Remainers using every tiny excuse or even legal challenge available to prevent this. Until these challenges stop and the democratic will is recognised then nothing stated can be delivered so we won't know will we? Claiming non delivery when you are the very people preventing it is totally hypocritical to say the least.
No mention of project fear again then either? How unsurprising?
To say nothing of lefties.
You want the genie to produce while you keep a cork in the spout. Well done!! this is taking utter hypocrisy to a whole new level.
Good day sir.
I think we should be told!
You seem to have lost all perspective or grasp of nuance....the world is shades of grey, not black & white....
Because the country post-EU membership, will be able to spend the gross contribution on anything the govt chooses, it is not a totally specious amount.
There are two big points to remember. Very few voted Leave because of NHS funding. And without the assination of Jo Cox, a much bigger margin for out would have resulted. That also would have had a positive effect on the current level of whining.
save your laughter lines, it aint gonna happen.
Netflix? When I were a lad our TV were broke. We had to light a candle and make shadow puppets to re-enact the programmes we watched through a shop window, in the rain.
While the free marketeers would regard the collapse of the NHS to be a BOGOF special for Brexit, the voters are not likely to see it the same.
That bus slogan has the potential to be the #Edstone for the next election, though helpfully concise.
However, I would agree that the Project Fear campaign was overegging the pudding. It was one of the worst campaigns, by both sides that I can recall. And I’ve been watching, or involved with, election campaigns for a very long time.
Twitter doesn't really allow nuanced diplomacy does it?
I should have more correctly referred to it as a democratic majority .... My bad.
Neither the previous nor incumbent Conservative leader supported the Leave side, let alone the specific campaign upon whose bus that slogan appeared.
Miliband stood next to the Stone of Doom as it was unveiled and prognosticated on carving (rather bland) promises into limestone to show how serious he was.
That Bus Slogan will feature heavily in the next election, it would be wise for the Tories to neutralise it before it becomes part of Jezzas Red Brexit programme.
Why should the government be held to promises made by a campaign many of them opposed? Are you suggesting governments ALWAYS fulfil ALL their manifesto commitments?
Well exactly. It's insane, frankly. Even if the darkest interpretation of the public motivation behind its vote is correct, all that means is the government would be well advised to try to address or mollify that somehow, but they are free to take the actions they think best for the country and take the political consequences if they fail to convince us it meets our desires. Manifesto commitments are not legally enforceable, and the campaigns, not being homogenous party bodies, had suggestions not even that powerful as a promise.
The leave campaign overdid it in many ways, and yes I said so at the time as well. It is true that this government cannot deliver all that campaign suggested or promised. But that's part of the point. There will be disappointment for the most believing and naive anyway, they're not obliged to even attempt some things if they think they would be destructive, it's a question of what would hurt them most democratically if they don't try them. It's why future elections will be heavily influenced by post Brexit plans being different. It's supremely idiotic to think single courses of action must be taken because of what the leave campaign said. Why even have any more elections, apparently our entire government programme is set in stone now?
I don't think 'you know, there might be political costs to not addressing public concerns as interpreted by the referendum campaign' is as stunning and unique an insight as portrayed. No kidding. It doesn't mean things must happen, only indicates potential costs if they don't, but of course we the public can be convinced some trades are worth it, ence why u turns and failed commitments don't usually break governments. Scale and frequency key.
I would agree fully with that. ( I was trolling Meeks to be fair but he deserved it)
Both sides were as you say " over egging" but only one side seems to be held to account by certain people on a daily basis without reference to the multitude of prophesies from day 1 that have failed to happen.
Your more open and balanced view makes much more sense and of course starts to provide a way forward into what are the undoubted challenges that lie ahead.
It wasn't spoken, endorsed or supported in any way by either the then Prime Minister or the current Prime Minister. That's a pretty clear line of reasoning why it won't affect (or shouldn't, at least) May.
I'm not enthused by May, but this is not a legitimate line of attack.
I also remember similar 'squeal' comments following Obama's killer blow for Leave, or Leave supporters being 'over-sensitive' about Cameron's clever Little Englander line. It's not squealing to point out why I think you're mistaken about something.
The Leave campaign was won by making the white folks angry and by splashing the cash around with preposterous promises. That now has to be delivered on. That ugly reality is one that far too many Leavers are frantic to deny that they participated in creating.
“The ambassador said that he had indeed found it very hard to explain. Indeed, there was a certain irony. Five years ago they had party coups in the Soviet Union and elections in Britain. Now it seemed to be the other way round.”
What's that - you did? But you weren't believed? Now why would that be I wonder. Nothing to do with the rest of the Remain campaign being bogged down in lies and hyperbole of its own I'm sure.
We get it. Your Beautiful People and their Beautiful Minds lost out to a bunch scuzzy old thickoes with expanded waistlines and narrow minds. We've been getting that since June. Every conceivable opportunity to stick your hand-made loafers into the underbelly of the Leave voters has been taken. We get it. You're in pain yourself, so it' OK for you to lash out. No, you couldn't make a convincing argument at the time, because these Leavers were just too damn impervious to your perfectly crafted logic, too stupid to see nuance, too hate filled to see your carpet-bombing was just love-bombing, honestly. Therefore you have a burning need to keep re-running the Referendum in perpetuity. In homage to the way your beloved EU treats democracy. Re-run it often enough, and they'll get it right one day. Except, no, they won't. Because they're thickoes. As you keep telling us.
Suggestion. You have a little under 40 hours of 2016 to get it out your system. But then, please, for the sake of this site - knock off the Remain mono-mania in 2017. Or I will have to resort to the lowest blow of all against your ego.
And tell you you're just fucking boring. You make the site boring. You are that Faragista with his own pewter tankard hanging from a beam above the bar, giving forth to no-one in particular about your views on the EU.
There was a time you were better than that. I hope you refind your way next year.
Remain's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were meant to be wreaking havoc with the economy on Day 1, and they simply aren't.
Much more worrying, though, is the amount of energy which is being expended on unravelling what seemed to me, as a Remainer, to be perfectly sensible arrangments and setting up new ones. It’s also alarming to see the concerns of citizens of other European countries who have been working here for some time.
One thing that did surprise me over Christmas was the friend of my ‘children’ who, having discovered that her mother was born in the Irish Republic had applied for an Irish passport, and whose student son was also applying. 'Just to make sure the son could work anywhere in the EU!"
Whoa! 3Q...... Please Don't bring logic to an illogical argument.
Let's play along though. Just say if there was an election next year and Labour won ( yeah I know we are moving through the rear of the wardrobe here) would it be expected that the then new Labour government on leaving also allocated 350 million to the NHS? After all there were as many leavers on the Labour benches including their leader ( in his case very covertly of course).
Or is it just the Toreees with a large number of Remainers including the present and past Tory PM that would be held to account on this Measure?
For the next few years just about everything is going to be about Brexit. So the referendum campaign is going to be relevant for years. The lies, the pandering to xenophobia, that stuff.
So no, it won't be left behind. Long after those Leavers who thought leaving would be fun find the reality of it boring and frightening, Brexit will be dominating political conversation.
As for raising the issue about the £350m lie during the referendum I think all right thinking people pointed this out but weren't believed as the electorate would rather believe in the Unicorns on offer from the other side. I expect this will be taken on board by all parties at the next election and no one will be suggesting that a vote for a party supporting Leave will result in anything less than Armageddon. If the recent post by OGH regarding abuse was meant to be taken seriously then I expect you will be rightly dispatched to the naughty step MM and close the door behind you please.
That bus slogan has the potential to be the #Edstone for the next election, though helpfully concise.
The difference, of course, is that Leave will not be standing in the next general election... "
Leave MPs will be.
That indeed is an issue and I work with a very large number of such people residing in the UK mainly from Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Spain but also Venezuela and Australia. They are all most valuable in their contribution to projects on which they are engaged and the benefit as a country as a whole.
I would really wish to see these issues resolved quickly and to be fair it has never been a doubt for me they would be able too and only the most extreme Remainer states they are to be thrown out. The illegal entry's though have to be assessed and removed if they are illegal. This is no different to any other country and even Morrocco says it will not take people back without the correct paperwork. Why should we then accept people without the correct paperwork or due reason for not having this. There are many of course that won't for example refugees as opposed to economic migrants and we have to consider this. From first hand experience economic migrants tend to destroy their documents purposely to hide their true identifies and prevent deportation. Deportation is of course very difficult even in the simplest of cases.
At the moment May has proposed solutions to EU nationals and it was rebutted by Junker. It is in everyone's best interest to get this reolved but I do not see why Junker has a major issue here? He certainly should not be standing in the way while the rest of Europe throw up border fenceing and the southern most countries are brought to their knees. This by the shear influx of uncontrolled economic migrant groups other than refugees from war zones with genuine needs. The refugees who we must help are simply lost in the masses.
Tweetists may prefer the Twitter poll:
Sadly they are over-represented amongst the political and media classes, and here.
Or for short.
Off out......
Simultaneously conspiring to stop us leaving while moaning that promises that are dependent on our leaving are not being fulfilled is borderline crazy.
"The food here is awful"
"Yes and such small portions"
So no, the Four Horsemen did not turn up.
If you really think 52% of your countrymen are racists, you have I think a moral obligation to emigrate to somewhere less horrible, and not come back. I do not jest. How can you sleep at night?
The 350m figure was the most thoroughly debunked claim in UK politics ever, well before the vote. It is, furthermore, unquestionably of the right order of magnitude. If you cranked it down to 100m its impact would probably not be measurably different.
If "making the white folks angry" means pointing to Remain's temporising and prevaricating over Turkey joining the EU, that strikes me as a very good thing to be angry about. How do you feel about being patronised and lied to?
None of the above considerations persuaded me to vote leave, so I voted remain. But I have resisted very successfully any temptation to re-classify 52% of my fellow-citizens as untermenschen, so it can be done.
I'm sure May has a plan though. Sure of it. Yep, definitely sure of it.
Leave's programme for Brexit can be seen here. See under 'Immediate action' about two thirds of the way down.
Anyone who thinks the referendum result would have been different if the ordinary punter thought we 'sent' £250m to the EU rather than £350m is deluding themselves.
SNP....... 'the Nokia of politics'......has a ring to it.......
Economists eh ?
Nearly half (49%) of leave voters said the biggest single reason for wanting to leave the EU was “the principle that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UK”. One third (33%) said the main reason was that leaving “offered the best chance for the UK to regain control over immigration and its own borders.” Just over one in eight (13%) said remaining would mean having no choice “about how the EU expanded its membership or its powers in the years ahead.” Only just over one in twenty (6%) said their main reason was that “when it comes to trade and the economy, the UK would benefit more from being outside the EU than from being part of it.”
Mr. D, one advantage of two versions (abridged and full) is that two different artworks can attract more eyes than just one would.