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Do devolved powers and elected Mayors generally work in other countries, eg the US ?
Worse chancellor since Brown, or worse than Brown depending on the subject.
Also I'm sure Sheffield City Region is bigger than Greater Manchester in area.
What area does 'west of England' cover?
This thread header? The greatest number of voters is West Midlands.
Has pb.com become a false news site?
Clear run every morning.
Off-topic, but as we were talking about history:
The lovely Alice Roberts is currently presenting the latest series of 'Digging for Britain', going through some of the best discoveries in UK archaeology in 2016. The next episode is at 20.00 tonight on BBC Four. The first episode should be on iPlayer.
As always, a very interesting program.
I'm hoping they'll find the Ed Stone covering the grave of Ed Miliband's career ...
Since I'm not a fan of either I tend to disregard the threads as more fictional (or wishcasting ) than real.
Mine is only 9 acres.
Am I entitled to welfare?
"Were I in my Castle of Bungay
Upon the river of Waveney,
I would ne care for the King of Cockney."
Does anyone have any scholarly works by him so we can judge his political nous?
The discovery of the bronze age village at Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire must surely the the most exciting find in 2016, and possibly since Sutton Hoo in the 1930s. An amazing archeological treasure trove that stands to overthrow our conceptions of life in the UK 5,000 years ago.
Once these are up and running there is going to be a real question what the point of the DCLG and its 11 (!) associated agencies is. Hopefully it will be largely wound up.
Would it be illegal to vote in both the Manchester and Sheffield City Region Mayoral elections?
I has addresses in both areas
I understand there will shortly be an election in the West Midlands, in which Labour will increase its majority and in so doing utterly shatter the glass paradigm of cyclical politics which has contained us for the century since 1906.
Since you can vote for two Borough elections as they are "different elections" I would have thought you were entitled to vote twice.
What do PBers think of the 13 year sentence handed to the 101 year old today?
northeast! King of thenortheast!"I recall that went well.
I had thought that I had seen a short list for Labour, but will have another looks shortly. I have a feeling that none of the listed candidates were MPs.
The Metro Mayor would be directly elected but so too is the Bristol Mayor. Just as well Bath told Osborne to go and whistle otherwise there would be another of these wretches.
The only way England can have equality is for an English Parliament.
Our ancient ancestors may not have been as primitive as we were taught at school. They were almost certainly more cultured: none of them ever bought an iPhone.
However, this is what we pay election agents for and your "friend" would be best to check with someone who's properly trained.
Or just to stay schtum as it's almost inconceivable that anyone would find out unless, say, they were daft enough to advertise the fact on a widely-read website.
Edit: whilst some parts of coastal Essex are now Doggingland.
Mr. Eagles, so only English MPs will be setting the English income tax rate by voting on the Budget?
"And what insights did it give us on Brexit?"
Interestingly, the dig so far has shown that thousands of years ago the people of the UK traded freely with continental Europe despite not being tied into their political structures. Not that comes as much of a revelation considering we have known that to be the case from time immemorial.
I realise that this might come as shock to some on this site but the UK was trading with, and people were moving between, continental Europe before 1973.
Not sure that any one of these three has much of a profile or chance to be honest. Manchester and Liverpool have current MPs Mr Burnham, and Miss Berger, yet Bristol, BANES & S Gloucs have ex councillors.
@ThescreamingEagles Why have you taken away our lebensraum in Sheffield
Manchester definitely more crowded than I recall
I've asked Mr Smithson to look at the table.
AndyJS said:
What do PBers think of the 13 year sentence handed to the 101 year old today?
He should have got life.
Cardboard box?
You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank
We'll see how the Budget goes.
The Newcastle/North East (whatever they want to call it) Mayoralty has been thrown into chaos when most of the authorities south of the Tyne pulled out.
The Leeds / West Riding (again whatever they want to call it) Mayoralty still hasn't figured out which areas it ought to cover.
As soon as the areas don't fit with established authority boundaries (and not just for councils, but for police and fire too) the whole thing becomes a total shambles.
Why not just go back to the old metropolitan county councils to give Tyne & Wear, West / South Yorks, Greater Manc, Merseyside and West Mids more regional clout?
I always thought it was positively strange that the Arthurian legends had such an emphasis on lands that had been lost to the sea when such things did not really form a part of our recorded history. Maybe a folk memory built into the legend?
Jonathan Haidt talk you might have watched and if you haven't, it's good.
My client is one of several beneficiaries of a very large estate, where the personal representatives have broken every rule in the book. The personal representatives have had an award of £800,000 damages made against them, and have had costs awards totalling about £450,000 made against them during the proceedings (which have lasted about 10 years).
Clearly, the personal representatives are very charitable people who wish to keep members of the legal profession in gainful employment.
The discoveries at Whittlesey certainly throw considerable doubt about the different levels of sophistication between the native Brits and the Romans during their invasion a millennium or so later. The Romans may have jacked up their engineering beyond anything the ancient Brits felt necessary but I am not sure they had much more going for them.
The truth is however, that even if his sentence had been half of that imposed, he is unlikely to ever see the light of day again, in a manner of speaking.
As an aside, the following story about possible Russian assassins operating in Turkey is interesting:
May refuses to rule out UK paying money to EU after it leaves
Philip Davies, a Conservative, asks for an assurance that the UK will not pay money to the EU when we leave.
May says, after the UK leaves, it is important for people to know that it is the British government that decides how British money is spent.
May refuses to rule out UK paying money to EU after it leaves.
@faisalislam: Philip Davies says "betrayal" for money to be continued to be paid into EU Budget, PM response that UK Gov will control money it spends
Paying money depends on the sum involved and the deal achieved.
Brits near the south coast were highly influenced by Rome and Roman civilisation long before the Romans actually got here. Bit like prior to 1973 in fact. It's been a perennial problem.
Fortunately we've got Trump to calm things down.
West Midlands
Greater Sheffield
Tees Valley
Greater Liverpool
Greater Manchester
My presumption that these elections will be under SV by the application of s42 Local Government Act 2000
Witness the pathetic parochialism in Greater Newcastle where Gateshead continues to refuse to work with the City Council despite being just over the river, and is the same city for all intents and purposes. Salford once had a similar little brother complex with the City of Manchester when the rest of the world shrugged its shoulders.
Why London should be the only city-region to have sensible government has always been a mystery. Well done George Osborne for imposing this on the petty minds of local councillors and creating units that make sense.
I agree that an East Anglia Combined Authority is a bridge too far – these super mayors should have been limited to metros.
Manchester, Liverpool and Sheffield have at least settled on sensible names.
I mean, just look at the Brochs in Scotland, or the Orkney houses, and think they were just local structures. It's obvious that our distant ancestors were not as primitive as I was taught at school.
(*) Three archaeologists live on two adjoining streets in my village, and two had babies within a few weeks of each other ...
Delete. Duplicated.