And yet the lemmings remain delusional as they maintain their headlong rush to the bottom of the cliff..
Where they'll bump their heads on the bottom of the cliff? :-)
Or look up admiring the view?
Is that like trying to read a thread on vanilla forums so you can have a quote button?
Very much so!.
Presumably the mooted change in clearing could only take place after Brexit from the Single Market.
I was chatting to a friend in the City earlier in the week. It sounds like several banks have stopped hiring in London and are recruiting in the EU27 instead, mostly in Frankfurt.
The sooner A50 is invoked, the better as I see it. No one wants a decade of uncertainty.
There will be more than a decade of uncertainty after Brexit whatever the government does. Brexit doesn't resolve anything
The UK government took the clearing case to the ECJ on grounds of discrimination. The ECJ awarded them the case on the different grounds of clearing oversight being outside the ECB's remit. If they want that remit they will need to change their articles of association. Presumably that's what they are doing now.
FF43 Unless there is a points system for EU migrants, no single market membership and no continued EU budget contributions it will not be the hard Brexit the staunchest Leavers want
FF43 Unless there is a points system for EU migrants, no single market membership and no continued EU budget contributions it will not be the hard Brexit the staunchest Leavers want
And yet the lemmings remain delusional as they maintain their headlong rush to the bottom of the cliff..
Where they'll bump their heads on the bottom of the cliff? :-)
Or look up admiring the view?
Is that like trying to read a thread on vanilla forums so you can have a quote button?
Very much so!.
Presumably the mooted change in clearing could only take place after Brexit from the Single Market.
I was chatting to a friend in the City earlier in the week. It sounds like several banks have stopped hiring in London and are recruiting in the EU27 instead, mostly in Frankfurt.
The sooner A50 is invoked, the better as I see it. No one wants a decade of uncertainty.
There will be more than a decade of uncertainty after Brexit whatever the government does. Brexit doesn't resolve anything
The UK government took the clearing case to the ECJ on grounds of discrimination. The ECJ awarded them the case on the different grounds of clearing oversight being outside the ECB's remit. If they want that remit they will need to change their articles of association. Presumably that's what they are doing now.
The ECJ said that clearing fell under the regulatory oversight of the EU Commission and ESMA, rather than the ECB. It is of course by no means clear whether the EU Commission would, post Brexit, be comfortable with euro clearing taking place outside the eurozone. It is, as ever, a political consideration.
K4 That is not where we are headed given Davies and Hammond's suggestions there will continue to be budget contributions and May's advisers statement in the summer a job offer requirement will be imposed not a points system
Dave's underlying fatal mistake was not to have been an instinctive disliker of the EU in the first place. He basically lied to the party to win the leadership. The 40 year long festering wound of our relationship with the EU went unaddressed - until it exploded. If everything else about him had been the same but he'd actually striven with genuine passion for the UK to get a much much better deal out of the EU or, failing that, to campaign hard and with sincerity for us to leave, well then he'd still be PM, a hero to the party and much of the country (having won his referendum 65/35) , negotiating from a way stronger position than he bequeathed Mrs May and set for his position in the pantheon of great PMs. But he forgot who we are. And or he was never that much a fan of British identity or history in the first place. Notting Hill is closer to Brussels than it is to Sunderland after all.
I assumed everyone used vanillaforums
The UK government took the clearing case to the ECJ on grounds of discrimination. The ECJ awarded them the case on the different grounds of clearing oversight being outside the ECB's remit. If they want that remit they will need to change their articles of association. Presumably that's what they are doing now.
By this do you mean going to and downloading the free, open source version or is there an app somewhere?