CNN saying trump could have an edge in the undeclared FL votes
Yes - uber close.
I may have been too confident...
Pennsylvania might also be up to a shocker, only 3 counties in but Trump is doing much much better than Romney in rural Pennsylvania, in one of them he is up 23% higher than Romney.
CNN saying trump could have an edge in the undeclared FL votes
Yes - uber close.
I may have been too confident...
Pennsylvania might also be up to a shocker, only 3 counties in but Trump is doing much much better than Romney in rural Pennsylvania, in one of them he is up 23% higher than Romney.
CNN saying trump could have an edge in the undeclared FL votes
Yes - uber close.
I may have been too confident...
Pennsylvania might also be up to a shocker, only 3 counties in but Trump is doing much much better than Romney in rural Pennsylvania, in one of them he is up 23% higher than Romney.
Florida, plus Pennsylvania plus Ohio, say hello President Trump
Trump pulling away in FL, still a net 120-130k for Clinton to come in Broward and Palm beach, but more to come for Trump elswhere. Going to be very, very close.
Republican Todd Young has won Indiana in a shock. Hard for Democrats to win Senate now.
Not really, Indiana was about the 6-7th target for the Democrats and they need 4 if Hillary wins to get control. They have gained IL and will get WI almost certainly as well. NH,Missouri and Penn all more likely gains with NC about the same chance as Indiana.
Based on what? I'll give you 5/1. Great thing about CNN is that he's explaining in detail why the running state vote totals are less than half the story.
I don't know why e.g. Miami area is always so slow to report, but it always is.
No, he is going to win the whole thing. Clinton is under-performing in too many key areas. Florida is going to be repeated across the EST and CST zones.
Based on what? I'll give you 5/1. Great thing about CNN is that he's explaining in detail why the running state vote totals are less than half the story.
I don't know why e.g. Miami area is always so slow to report, but it always is.
Meanwhile as Trump has probably won in Florida and is leading in Virginia and the exit polls have him at a tie in Michigan, he is getting closer in N.C.
CNN saying trump could have an edge in the undeclared FL votes
Yes - uber close.
I may have been too confident...
Pennsylvania might also be up to a shocker, only 3 counties in but Trump is doing much much better than Romney in rural Pennsylvania, in one of them he is up 23% higher than Romney.
Is the issue here that the position in every state worsens for Clinton over time as on the day voters get counted? So that even in heavily democrat counties, votes to come may be very close or even favouring Trump?
Should be enough to overcome Marion. Just.
If big if Trump takes Floriday and Ohio at the moment I only have Clinton on 267. So many knife edge states could settle the outcome.
Trump 50%
Clinton 45%
Texas 45% counted Dems ahead. I'd just assumed this was locked in Republican. Is it the Dem. counties early or is this in play?
I'm out of dodge there.
He is leading in Florida, he is leading in Virginia, the exit polls were wrong in Trumpian Bigly ways.
Marion 32% in, trump +100,000.
2012 - 750k total
2016 - 620k in so far
(Ignoring minor candidates)
Surely 180k to come with population growth.
I don't know why e.g. Miami area is always so slow to report, but it always is.
WIth the Michigan exit , I've put some money on him
Mimai Dade all in
Broward + Palm Beach only likely to bring 60-70k in for Clinton.
I wonder what data Luntz and co were seeing which seemed to show this would be a short night?