Is Trump in with a chance in Virginia? 8% ahead with 38% counted.
But I'm still close in calling the CNN exit poll for Virginia an american Bullsh*t again, Trump may lose Virginia but not with the margins of the exit poll it seems.
Is Trump in with a chance in Virginia? 8% ahead with 38% counted.
But I'm still close in calling the CNN exit poll for Virginia an american Bullsh*t again, Trump may lose Virginia but not with the margins of the exit poll it seems.
Look where the vote still has to come. As in 08/12 GOP will be swamped by the DC suburbs.
Is Trump in with a chance in Virginia? 8% ahead with 38% counted.
But I'm still close in calling the CNN exit poll for Virginia an american Bullsh*t again, Trump may lose Virginia but not with the margins of the exit poll it seems.
Look where the vote still has to come. As in 08/12 GOP will be swamped by the DC suburbs.
Even calling them suburbs is misleading. Places like Arlington are outright inner city urban.
Is Trump in with a chance in Virginia? 8% ahead with 38% counted.
But I'm still close in calling the CNN exit poll for Virginia an american Bullsh*t again, Trump may lose Virginia but not with the margins of the exit poll it seems.
Look where the vote still has to come. As in 08/12 GOP will be swamped by the DC suburbs.
But is there not reason to think that the votes to come in these areas may not be as Democrat as the votes already counted in those areas?
The learning point for the UK is that each polling station should count its own votes and phone the results into the constituency count, declaring as they go.
Is Trump in with a chance in Virginia? 8% ahead with 38% counted.
But I'm still close in calling the CNN exit poll for Virginia an american Bullsh*t again, Trump may lose Virginia but not with the margins of the exit poll it seems.
Look where the vote still has to come. As in 08/12 GOP will be swamped by the DC suburbs.
But is there not reason to think that the votes to come in these areas may not be as Democrat as the votes already counted in those areas?
Trump outperforming exit polls in Florida it seems with almost 90% in
The three Democratic counties in the South East account for a third of the population, and are only about half in. So most of that 10% remaining must be there...
The learning point for the UK is that each polling station should count its own votes and phone the results into the constituency count, declaring as they go.
Just for us spectators, of course.
Terrible idea. Speaking as a Cllr with 9 polling stations in my ward
Trump outperforming exit polls in Florida it seems with almost 90% in
Shy Trump.
Well, would you admit it?
Let's just see. HRC may win tonight but it's not over just now, and it certainly wasn't over 2 hours ago. There's a long way to go with some very mixed demographics ahead.
Trump outperforming exit polls in Florida it seems with almost 90% in
Shy Trump.
Well, would you admit it?
Let's just see. HRC may win tonight but it's not over just now, and it certainly wasn't over 2 hours ago. There's a long way to go with some very mixed demographics ahead.
Sorry, Trump has lost. Question is by what ECV margin.
I take back my earlier retraction.
Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton
That's 28 votes!!!
Trump 48.5%
Clinton 48.5%
Worth 160,000 net to Clinton STILL TO COME
Hillary wins FL.
Urban centres count late, and count big Dem.
Looking Clinton +2
Lots still to come in from Rural states where Trump is 70%+
Even if she loses Ohio and NH in fact.
Trump 48.6%
Clinton 48.4%
8.4m votes in 2012
8.2m in so far in 2016
The man is a straight up genius.
If more like 9.5m then maybe not.
It's possible Trump wins Florida which means the CNN exit poll was again Bullsh*t for a 3rd swing state tonight.
They know that now is not the time for interviews.
Edit: working now. Was on the wrong page.
It just means 20% of precincts have some votes left.
Best check is go back to 2012 total vote and add 10% which is what I did in posts below.
450,000 to come in Palm Beach + Broward.
Dade just about done.
Which is why I'm confident Clinton wins FL.
In Prince William and Fauquler counties (DC suburbs), he is actually doing quite well, better than Romney.
He is doing worse in Fairfax, but better in the rest of the state.
Just for us spectators, of course.
Clinton 68 electors
Trump 66
Well, would you admit it?
Let's just see. HRC may win tonight but it's not over just now, and it certainly wasn't over 2 hours ago. There's a long way to go with some very mixed demographics ahead.
Then there is still some to come from the bit Metro areas.
V close, but I think this is Clinton by 50-100,000.
Trump needs both.
I may have been too confident...
No idea if they know what they're doing though
If the exit poll is that far out in Florida it's going to be a very late night....
I think a critical mistake was counting 18-29 year old's as a greater share than over 65's in the exit polls.