Trump won't gain any votes, but Hillary might lose a few.
agreed. She seems to have enough in the can...famous last words
The only people who will get out of bed with any enthusiasm to vote for Hillary are white female college graduates, the rest are just voting for her as the lesser of two evils, this just adds another reason to make her look almost as bad as Trump for them and some may not bother. Trump's white bluecollar voters we know will turn out for him
Lib Dems have been infiltrated by the Social Democrat Party and veered away from liberal principles.
Lib Dems need to return to Gladstone's Liberals.
Gladstonian liberalism consisted of limited government expenditure and low taxation whilst making sure government had balanced budgets and the classical liberal stress on self-help and freedom of choice. Gladstonian liberalism also emphasised free trade, little government intervention in the economy and equality of opportunity through institutional reform.
Gladstonian liberals are 21st century Tories.
Gladstonian liberals are Orange bookers and Osbornian Tories.
If there was a thorough redistribution of wealth so that everyone started with enough to stand on their own two feet then the Gladstonian position would be fine. The problem with classical liberalism was that people were literally left to starve - hence, Labour.
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
Looking at the story in the Guardian, Comey says:
“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant and I cannot predict how long it will take to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.”
So he's not claiming a smoking gun. In God's name then, why ten days before an election? He should have taken emergency holiday leave.
The FBI's reputation is now on the line. They're effectively saying Mrs Clinton is unfit for office.
What are the lizard people doing? Surely they would have shut down the FBI's further nosing around if there was a chance they would stop the elite/goldman sachs/mainstream media candidate winning?
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
On the most generous interpretation, Clinton = Nixon
She's been bugging the offices of her rivals and uttering anti-semitic slurs and obscenity?
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
Looking at the story in the Guardian, Comey says:
“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant and I cannot predict how long it will take to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.”
So he's not claiming a smoking gun. In God's name then, why ten days before an election? He should have taken emergency holiday leave.
The FBI's reputation is now on the line. They're effectively saying Mrs Clinton is unfit for office.
Let's see what they come up with. It better be good.
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
1) The first level of criminality - that classified emails were mis-handled - is self evidently true. The FBI recommended against prosecution on the novel basis that while the law was broken and those who broke the law knew about the law... but it was OK because they didn't intend to break the law.
2) The second level is that emails were withheld deliberately - lying to investigators is a crime.
3) The third level is that the Clinton Foundation was a financial washing machine. Essentially Clinton took the money-for-acceess feature of American politics and turned it up to 11. Rather link Blair and the peerages.
FBI agents were apparently really un-happy about 1 and 2 - especially the sweatheart deals under which potential evidence was destroyed in return for cooperation. Then no cooperation.... The threat is, if I believe my American relatives (hard core Democrats from New York) that several agents will take early retirement and at the same time blow the whistle....
I am writing this as an American citizen (dual national) who wants Hillary to win. She is a crook, but I want her to win - anything rather than Trump.
The FBI has already politicised the investigation by managing, by heroic efforts, to ignore everything up til now.
Oh, and I reckon that Trump is probably worse in his dealings - clumsier to, probably.
Lib Dems have been infiltrated by the Social Democrat Party and veered away from liberal principles.
Lib Dems need to return to Gladstone's Liberals.
Gladstonian liberalism consisted of limited government expenditure and low taxation whilst making sure government had balanced budgets and the classical liberal stress on self-help and freedom of choice. Gladstonian liberalism also emphasised free trade, little government intervention in the economy and equality of opportunity through institutional reform.
Gladstonian liberals are 21st century Tories.
Gladstonian liberals are Orange bookers and Osbornian Tories.
If there was a thorough redistribution of wealth so that everyone started with enough to stand on their own two feet then the Gladstonian position would be fine. The problem with classical liberalism was that people were literally left to starve - hence, Labour.
Indeed, Disraelian Toryism was also far from laissez-faire either
USD falling off a proverbial cliff, traders worried that Clinton will be in trouble before election day.
Does this I can afford a MacBook again?
If Trump wins then Apple might move to the UK!
You'd have thought they would be happy about his plan to allow companies to repatriate all that cash stored abroad.
Doesn't Clinton have a similar plan?
Ah, I had not heard about it!
Not sure it is as fixed as Trump's, but I seem to recall reading something about a 5% tax but also a deal to pump billions into a new infrastructure renewal bank or fund for new roads etc
Possibly what this does mean is that any hopes the Democrats had of regaining the Senate and / or House have been seriously diminished as, even if HRC does get elected, voters may decide they do not want to risk having HRC with no opposition. Betting opportunities for the Senate / House races?
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
Looking at the story in the Guardian, Comey says:
“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant and I cannot predict how long it will take to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.”
So he's not claiming a smoking gun. In God's name then, why ten days before an election? He should have taken emergency holiday leave.
The FBI's reputation is now on the line. They're effectively saying Mrs Clinton is unfit for office.
Do Tell us where the FBI say this.. of course they are not.. So quick to damn, with nothing in front of you to make a judgement.. I guess you are a birther too...
USD falling off a proverbial cliff, traders worried that Clinton will be in trouble before election day.
Does this I can afford a MacBook again?
If Trump wins then Apple might move to the UK!
You'd have thought they would be happy about his plan to allow companies to repatriate all that cash stored abroad.
Doesn't Clinton have a similar plan?
Ah, I had not heard about it!
Not sure it is as fixed as Trump's, but I seem to recall reading something about a 5% tax but also a deal to pump billions into a new infrastructure renewal bank or fund for new roads etc
Sounds sensible, a one-off amnesty whereby they can bring all that money back with a very small tax rate.
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
Looking at the story in the Guardian, Comey says:
“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant and I cannot predict how long it will take to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.”
So he's not claiming a smoking gun. In God's name then, why ten days before an election? He should have taken emergency holiday leave.
The FBI's reputation is now on the line. They're effectively saying Mrs Clinton is unfit for office.
Not really. They have just notified Congress that new evidence of unkown significance has been drawn to their attention.
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
On the most generous interpretation, Clinton = Nixon
She's been bugging the offices of her rivals and uttering anti-semitic slurs and obscenity?
No, didn't think so.
At this point, let's reserve judgment on which of them had a greater contempt for the law, Nixon or Clinton.
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
Looking at the story in the Guardian, Comey says:
“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant and I cannot predict how long it will take to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.”
So he's not claiming a smoking gun. In God's name then, why ten days before an election? He should have taken emergency holiday leave.
The FBI's reputation is now on the line. They're effectively saying Mrs Clinton is unfit for office.
What are the lizard people doing? Surely they would have shut down the FBI's further nosing around if there was a chance they would stop the elite/goldman sachs/mainstream media candidate winning?
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
Looking at the story in the Guardian, Comey says:
“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant and I cannot predict how long it will take to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.”
So he's not claiming a smoking gun. In God's name then, why ten days before an election? He should have taken emergency holiday leave.
The FBI's reputation is now on the line. They're effectively saying Mrs Clinton is unfit for office.
Not really. They have just notified Congress that new evidence of unkown significance has been drawn to their attention.
Wouldn't they have just kept quiet if it was of no significant? Or maybe they like to tease the Trumpers?
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
Looking at the story in the Guardian, Comey says:
“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant and I cannot predict how long it will take to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.”
So he's not claiming a smoking gun. In God's name then, why ten days before an election? He should have taken emergency holiday leave.
He has to inform congress as previously he had informed them that they had reviewed all e-mails.
"Law enforcement sources say the newly discovered emails are not related to WikiLeaks or the Clinton Foundation. They would not describe in further detail the content of the emails. It's also unclear whether the emails in question are from Clinton herself. " - CNN Website.
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
Looking at the story in the Guardian, Comey says:
“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant and I cannot predict how long it will take to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.”
So he's not claiming a smoking gun. In God's name then, why ten days before an election? He should have taken emergency holiday leave.
The FBI's reputation is now on the line. They're effectively saying Mrs Clinton is unfit for office.
Not really. They have just notified Congress that new evidence of unkown significance has been drawn to their attention.
How can the FBI possibly work with this woman should she become President ? The message is loud and clear.
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
I'm sure the FBI is well aware of the gravity of this intervention. Whatever it is must be utterly damning for Crooked Hillary.
I haven't been following the email investigation so closely as it seemed like a storm in a teacup.
Looking at the story in the Guardian, Comey says:
“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant and I cannot predict how long it will take to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony.”
So he's not claiming a smoking gun. In God's name then, why ten days before an election? He should have taken emergency holiday leave.
The FBI's reputation is now on the line. They're effectively saying Mrs Clinton is unfit for office.
Do Tell us where the FBI say this.. of course they are not.. So quick to damn, with nothing in front of you to make a judgement.. I guess you are a birther too...
Yes, he was a birther. He jumps on every mad far right cause going.
USD falling off a proverbial cliff, traders worried that Clinton will be in trouble before election day.
It's basically flat on the day against GBP. Slightly more movement vs EUR. Yes, early movement based on US economic data, but that was arguably an overreaction. Hyperbole, much?
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
1) The first level of criminality - that classified emails were mis-handled - is self evidently true. The FBI recommended against prosecution on the novel basis that while the law was broken and those who broke the law knew about the law... but it was OK because they didn't intend to break the law.
2) The second level is that emails were withheld deliberately - lying to investigators is a crime.
3) The third level is that the Clinton Foundation was a financial washing machine. Essentially Clinton took the money-for-acceess feature of American politics and turned it up to 11. Rather link Blair and the peerages.
FBI agents were apparently really un-happy about 1 and 2 - especially the sweatheart deals under which potential evidence was destroyed in return for cooperation. Then no cooperation.... The threat is, if I believe my American relatives (hard core Democrats from New York) that several agents will take early retirement and at the same time blow the whistle....
I am writing this as an American citizen (dual national) who wants Hillary to win. She is a crook, but I want her to win - anything rather than Trump.
The FBI has already politicised the investigation by managing, by heroic efforts, to ignore everything up til now.
Oh, and I reckon that Trump is probably worse in his dealings - clumsier to, probably.
Nate Silver tonight has Hillary winning 326 ECVs and heading south ..... I wonder what the spreadbetters will offer in the morning. This is the BIG STORY of the night and I'm afraid has been caught flat-footed, still leading on .... yawn .... Zac and Richmond Park.
6% undecided, if they all went for Trump after this news next week he would have a narrow lead. More likely she scrapes home now but will be a nervous final few days for the Clinton camp
I think Trump's going to do it. The Obamas tried valiantly to carry Hillary over the line but their legs are buckling in the last mile under the weight of her baggage.
USD falling off a proverbial cliff, traders worried that Clinton will be in trouble before election day.
Does this I can afford a MacBook again?
If Trump wins then Apple might move to the UK!
You'd have thought they would be happy about his plan to allow companies to repatriate all that cash stored abroad.
Doesn't Clinton have a similar plan?
Ah, I had not heard about it!
Not sure it is as fixed as Trump's, but I seem to recall reading something about a 5% tax but also a deal to pump billions into a new infrastructure renewal bank or fund for new roads etc
Sounds sensible, a one-off amnesty whereby they can bring all that money back with a very small tax rate.
or maybe they are political bettors and wanted to create some value on trump?
USD falling off a proverbial cliff, traders worried that Clinton will be in trouble before election day.
Does this I can afford a MacBook again?
If Trump wins then Apple might move to the UK!
You'd have thought they would be happy about his plan to allow companies to repatriate all that cash stored abroad.
Doesn't Clinton have a similar plan?
Ah, I had not heard about it!
Not sure it is as fixed as Trump's, but I seem to recall reading something about a 5% tax but also a deal to pump billions into a new infrastructure renewal bank or fund for new roads etc
Sounds sensible, a one-off amnesty whereby they can bring all that money back with a very small tax rate.
Apple are said to have something like $150bn in overseas profits outside the US. Uncle Sam's inability to co-operate wih international double-tax treaties mean they'll get hit for something like 25% if they bring it back. Apple have even issued corporate bonds to avoid bringing it onshore.
Several other multinational US-listed companies are in the same position. A 12 month 'amnesty' tax rate of say 10%, could potentially bring in $50-100billion (with a for Uncle Sam. That's a massive amount of money, a few hundred dollars for every American.
I'm not ramping...but my instinct is telling me the FBI investigation is massive news....massive with a capital M. To do this ten days before the has to be.
Kaine is the man, if not Biden. God knows how it happens, but in rulebook chapter 50, clauses 3, sub clause 2.2....there you go....
This is not going to lead to a Trump victory for you righties....... Just in case you got excited
Nate Silver tonight has Hillary winning 326 ECVs and heading south ..... I wonder what the spreadbetters will offer in the morning. This is the BIG STORY of the night and I'm afraid has been caught flat-footed, still leading on .... yawn .... Zac and Richmond Park.
Zac more likely to win Richmond than POTUS Hillary methinks.
I'm not ramping...but my instinct is telling me the FBI investigation is massive news....massive with a capital M. To do this ten days before the has to be.
Kaine is the man, if not Biden. God knows how it happens, but in rulebook chapter 50, clauses 3, sub clause 2.2....there you go....
This is not going to lead to a Trump victory for you righties....... Just in case you got excited
Last time I looked Biden and Kaine are not on the ticket to be POTUS. SO rather a lot of people would have to write their name in.
Kaine still hovering around 200. Way more chance of him than Sanders (80) Biden (220) or Michelle Obama (600) actually becoming president, there's no realistic way it can be either of those last three names.
Betfair have matched something like £400k in the last hour.
Nate Silver tonight has Hillary winning 326 ECVs and heading south ..... I wonder what the spreadbetters will offer in the morning. This is the BIG STORY of the night and I'm afraid has been caught flat-footed, still leading on .... yawn .... Zac and Richmond Park.
To be fair, the Richmond Park poll was news when it broke, because it crushed the LibDems and their five story house.... But yes, events have moved on.
I'm not ramping...but my instinct is telling me the FBI investigation is massive news....massive with a capital M. To do this ten days before the has to be.
Kaine is the man, if not Biden. God knows how it happens, but in rulebook chapter 50, clauses 3, sub clause 2.2....there you go....
This is not going to lead to a Trump victory for you righties....... Just in case you got excited
That requires Hillary to drop out, which she will never do being so close to being the first female president and as nominee she can't be forced out even if the DNC tried to it would hand Trump the election on a platter
Kaine still hovering around 200. Way more chance of him than Sanders (80) Biden (220) or Michelle Obama (600) actually becoming president, there's no realistic way it can be either of those last three names.
Betfair have matched something like £400k in the last hour.
USD falling off a proverbial cliff, traders worried that Clinton will be in trouble before election day.
Does this I can afford a MacBook again?
If Trump wins then Apple might move to the UK!
You'd have thought they would be happy about his plan to allow companies to repatriate all that cash stored abroad.
Doesn't Clinton have a similar plan?
Ah, I had not heard about it!
Not sure it is as fixed as Trump's, but I seem to recall reading something about a 5% tax but also a deal to pump billions into a new infrastructure renewal bank or fund for new roads etc
Sounds sensible, a one-off amnesty whereby they can bring all that money back with a very small tax rate.
Apple are said to have something like $150bn in overseas profits outside the US. Uncle Sam's inability to co-operate wih international double-tax treaties mean they'll get hit for something like 25% if they bring it back. Apple have even issued corporate bonds to avoid bringing it onshore.
Several other multinational US-listed companies are in the same position. A 12 month 'amnesty' tax rate of say 10%, could potentially bring in $50-100billion (with a for Uncle Sam. That's a massive amount of money, a few hundred dollars for every American.
No, corporate bonds are tax efficient. Interest payments are deductible. I agree that it looks odd in the context of repatriating offshore profits but the borrowing is a feature, not a bug.
Edit: an amnesty is easy but hardly a solution. That rests in Congress.
Obama distancing himself from Clinton - did not know about private server. (What on earth were his security staff doing not checking?) Clinton working out how she is going to lie explain her position regarding this story.
I'm not ramping...but my instinct is telling me the FBI investigation is massive news....massive with a capital M. To do this ten days before the has to be.
Kaine is the man, if not Biden. God knows how it happens, but in rulebook chapter 50, clauses 3, sub clause 2.2....there you go....
This is not going to lead to a Trump victory for you righties....... Just in case you got excited
That requires Hillary to drop out, which she will never do being so close to being the first female president and as nominee she can't be forced out even if the DNC tried to it would hand Trump the election on a platter
The cynical view of this (which I and my American relatives consider quite possible) is that this is cover. If Trump wins, crucify Hillary. If Hillary wins, Obama pardons everyone.....
When you engage in industrial scale corruption and think that you are above the law it is only a matter of time before the house of cards comes crashing down.
Kaine still hovering around 200. Way more chance of him than Sanders (80) Biden (220) or Michelle Obama (600) actually becoming president, there's no realistic way it can be either of those last three names.
Betfair have matched something like £400k in the last hour.
Especially the last one. FFsake.
It's funny to watch. I managed to lay Sanders at 60 for a tenner. 1.8% back in 12 days - assuming all Hell doesn't break loose and the market get suspended for weeks pending some legal crap after the election!
Lib Dems have been infiltrated by the Social Democrat Party and veered away from liberal principles.
Lib Dems need to return to Gladstone's Liberals.
Gladstonian liberalism consisted of limited government expenditure and low taxation whilst making sure government had balanced budgets and the classical liberal stress on self-help and freedom of choice. Gladstonian liberalism also emphasised free trade, little government intervention in the economy and equality of opportunity through institutional reform.
Gladstonian liberals are 21st century Tories.
Gladstonian liberals are Orange bookers and Osbornian Tories.
If there was a thorough redistribution of wealth so that everyone started with enough to stand on their own two feet then the Gladstonian position would be fine. The problem with classical liberalism was that people were literally left to starve - hence, Labour.
Indeed, Disraelian Toryism was also far from laissez-faire either
Classical Liberalism (depends on who does the defining, of course) included lots of *help* for the poor.
Some might say unemployment *insurance* and state pensions were among the crowning achievements of the old school Liberal Party....
None of that means it couldn't be damaging; I doubt they would have said anything if the emails found on this device were not relevant to the investigation.
Kaine still hovering around 200. Way more chance of him than Sanders (80) Biden (220) or Michelle Obama (600) actually becoming president, there's no realistic way it can be either of those last three names.
Betfair have matched something like £400k in the last hour.
Especially the last one. FFsake.
It's funny to watch. I managed to lay Sanders at 60 for a tenner. 1.8% back in 12 days - assuming all Hell doesn't break loose and the market get suspended for weeks pending some legal crap after the election!
I'm not ramping...but my instinct is telling me the FBI investigation is massive news....massive with a capital M. To do this ten days before the has to be.
Kaine is the man, if not Biden. God knows how it happens, but in rulebook chapter 50, clauses 3, sub clause 2.2....there you go....
This is not going to lead to a Trump victory for you righties....... Just in case you got excited
That requires Hillary to drop out, which she will never do being so close to being the first female president and as nominee she can't be forced out even if the DNC tried to it would hand Trump the election on a platter
If Hillary wins and was dragged out of the White House under indictment, irony meters would explode everywhere...
Kaine still hovering around 200. Way more chance of him than Sanders (80) Biden (220) or Michelle Obama (600) actually becoming president, there's no realistic way it can be either of those last three names.
Betfair have matched something like £400k in the last hour.
Sporting's ECV market is still suspended. They clearly believe tonight's story is big news, even if PB's lefties don't.
It's huge news. It's a gift to Trump and, understandably, the GOP is spinning it for all its worth. Whether what has actually happened justifies the hysteria is another matter, but the story is out, the headlines have been written and Hillary's campaign is suddenly in deep trouble.
From 3,500 miles away, this re-opening of the enquiry into Hillary's email activities just 10 days prior to the POTUS elections looks to me like pure unadulterated politics and I'm hardly what you would describe as one of her greatest fans.
Clearly, but what's behind the reopening? Up until now, their critics would say that the FBI have gone out of their way to exonerate Clinton, in a way they wouldn't have done for anyone else. There must have been something come to light that makes all the other stuff look insignificant.
Is she about to get arrested, or is Comey about to resign?
The FBI had better have some pretty damning new evidence, or this represents a terrifying intrusion into politics.
1) The first level of criminality - that classified emails were mis-handled - is self evidently true. The FBI recommended against prosecution on the novel basis that while the law was broken and those who broke the law knew about the law... but it was OK because they didn't intend to break the law.
2) The second level is that emails were withheld deliberately - lying to investigators is a crime.
3) The third level is that the Clinton Foundation was a financial washing machine. Essentially Clinton took the money-for-acceess feature of American politics and turned it up to 11. Rather link Blair and the peerages.
FBI agents were apparently really un-happy about 1 and 2 - especially the sweatheart deals under which potential evidence was destroyed in return for cooperation. Then no cooperation.... The threat is, if I believe my American relatives (hard core Democrats from New York) that several agents will take early retirement and at the same time blow the whistle....
I am writing this as an American citizen (dual national) who wants Hillary to win. She is a crook, but I want her to win - anything rather than Trump.
The FBI has already politicised the investigation by managing, by heroic efforts, to ignore everything up til now.
Oh, and I reckon that Trump is probably worse in his dealings - clumsier to, probably.
I'm not ramping...but my instinct is telling me the FBI investigation is massive news....massive with a capital M. To do this ten days before the has to be.
Kaine is the man, if not Biden. God knows how it happens, but in rulebook chapter 50, clauses 3, sub clause 2.2....there you go....
This is not going to lead to a Trump victory for you righties....... Just in case you got excited
That requires Hillary to drop out, which she will never do being so close to being the first female president and as nominee she can't be forced out even if the DNC tried to it would hand Trump the election on a platter
Either it goes nowhere and Hillary gets a sympathy vote; or is it is a story and she stands aside for Kaine or Biden.....whichever, there is no path for the Donald.
Immediate reactions are not always the best when these stories break. I'd wait a bit before coming to any conclusions.
Nor are your usual immediate reactions when England are not doing too well at cricket. David L realised this this morning.. with his tale of woe and hard times for England V India. It doesn't mean England are going to win, but 170-1 doesn't not mean 400 plus, it might it might not, and you never know what might happen in cricket.
Oh dear. Is it time to start stocking up on tinned food and building the fallout shelter yet?
Very interesting Black_Rook, that's one hell of a movement. After repeatedly [and gleefully] reporting on Hillary's steady climb up the greasy pole in the POTUS stakes, can we expect OGH to give equal prominence to this sharp downturn in her fortunes and how he sees this affecting the betting markets.
Lib Dems have been infiltrated by the Social Democrat Party and veered away from liberal principles.
Lib Dems need to return to Gladstone's Liberals.
Gladstonian liberalism consisted of limited government expenditure and low taxation whilst making sure government had balanced budgets and the classical liberal stress on self-help and freedom of choice. Gladstonian liberalism also emphasised free trade, little government intervention in the economy and equality of opportunity through institutional reform.
Gladstonian liberals are 21st century Tories.
Gladstonian liberals are Orange bookers and Osbornian Tories.
If there was a thorough redistribution of wealth so that everyone started with enough to stand on their own two feet then the Gladstonian position would be fine. The problem with classical liberalism was that people were literally left to starve - hence, Labour.
Indeed, Disraelian Toryism was also far from laissez-faire either
Classical Liberalism (depends on who does the defining, of course) included lots of *help* for the poor.
Some might say unemployment *insurance* and state pensions were among the crowning achievements of the old school Liberal Party....
Indeed they were, but they were implemented post-Gladstone in the New Liberal period
I've just dona quick graph of my profit by ECV - 250 - 270 ECVs for Hillary is the sweet spot.
No, didn't think so.
2) The second level is that emails were withheld deliberately - lying to investigators is a crime.
3) The third level is that the Clinton Foundation was a financial washing machine. Essentially Clinton took the money-for-acceess feature of American politics and turned it up to 11. Rather link Blair and the peerages.
FBI agents were apparently really un-happy about 1 and 2 - especially the sweatheart deals under which potential evidence was destroyed in return for cooperation. Then no cooperation.... The threat is, if I believe my American relatives (hard core Democrats from New York) that several agents will take early retirement and at the same time blow the whistle....
I am writing this as an American citizen (dual national) who wants Hillary to win. She is a crook, but I want her to win - anything rather than Trump.
The FBI has already politicised the investigation by managing, by heroic efforts, to ignore everything up til now.
Oh, and I reckon that Trump is probably worse in his dealings - clumsier to, probably.
Clinton 41.7 .. Trump 36.4
FBI probes newly discovered Hillary Clinton emails and reopens investigation - Trump hails news 'bigger than Watergate'
titter on the trump remark
Tom Winter Verified account
NEW: NBC's Pete Williams reports that the e-mails Comey announced today were NOT originally withheld by Clinton or campaign.
This is the BIG STORY of the night and I'm afraid has been caught flat-footed, still leading on .... yawn .... Zac and Richmond Park.
Several other multinational US-listed companies are in the same position. A 12 month 'amnesty' tax rate of say 10%, could potentially bring in $50-100billion (with a
Michelle Obama has just moved in.
More likely to be pres than Pence according to the "Brains" at Betfair.
Kaine is the man, if not Biden. God knows how it happens, but in rulebook chapter 50, clauses 3, sub clause 2.2....there you go....
This is not going to lead to a Trump victory for you righties....... Just in case you got excited
So close, yet so far.......
In the year 3535 you won't need to think.
Betfair have matched something like £400k in the last hour.
Edit: an amnesty is easy but hardly a solution. That rests in Congress.
lieexplain her position regarding this story.Some might say unemployment *insurance* and state pensions were among the crowning achievements of the old school Liberal Party....
Oh dear. Is it time to start stocking up on tinned food and building the fallout shelter yet?
She is very glamorous though
After repeatedly [and gleefully] reporting on Hillary's steady climb up the greasy pole in the POTUS stakes, can we expect OGH to give equal prominence to this sharp downturn in her fortunes and how he sees this affecting the betting markets.