politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » After decades we should be getting the Heathrow expansion decision tomorrow
It has been an awful long time coming but we are promised that the long awaited decision on the expansion of Heathrow will come tomorrow.
Read the full story here
Let them all build more runways..
On Brexit some interesting trade tariff figures here...
"Germany, not surprisingly, would be the biggest net loser: its exporters would pay £3.4 billion in tariffs, compared with the £0.9 billion worth of tariffs paid by UK exporters selling to Germany. France, too, would be a big loser, not least due to the higher tariffs allowed for agricultural goods under MFN rules. French exporters to the UK would pay £1.4 billion in tariffs, compared with £700 million paid by UK exporters to France."
Yeah right .... Rasmussen, LA Times, IBD/TIPP ....
firstly by pissing off her biggest trading partner and then by insisting the EU will also want a Wallonia on our side of the fence
We have needed a new runway (or more) for a decade or more (when did this all start?) and we're still years away from actually doing anything other than start inquiries and we have numerous years of judicial reviews ahead of us. And this is for a project that we actually need!
As an aside: in the unlikely event Boris ever lies down in front of a bulldozer, you could offset most of the cost of Brexit by raffling tickets to be the driver.
we will bring forward specific proposals over the next few weeks which would keep Scotland in the single market even if the rest of the UK leaves.
What do ailes, trump and this guy all seem to have in common?
It'd be hilarious if they chose Boris Island. But the inquiry involved experts, and we all know how we're supposed to feel about experts now ...
The French have a certain efficiency about them when they want it.
[edited change of figure]
When the evil Russkyes do it, it's called subversion, destabilisation and propaganda. When the West does it it's called SOFT POWER.
But on a serious point: the Internet is just the newest battleground for nations. It is cheaper than missiles or planes, and favours governments that control their media and websites strongly - such as Russia or China. It disadvantages those where the media is freer.
@faisalislam: Corbyn says "Brexit indecision" is "starting to hit the economy severely"
Brexit is even making Corbyn look good...
In fact it seems that no-one is questioning the authenticity of wikileaks' data and this is simply a case of journalistic misinterpretation, whether deliberate or through incompetence.
I am sure Russia is funding Wikileaks. I don't really care, because that's what nations do. This Potato Potahto stuff is for infants.
Corbyn was a disaster a year ago. He is a disaster now. In a year, he will still be a disaster.
In fact scratch that last - I suspect it's always been that way.
But you know this very well and your oft repeated meme is just boring drivel.
Nailed on.
You'd rather we be in the EU with Corbyn as PM than out with someone else?
Criminal really.
"In 1997 Davies was appointed Chairman of the newly established Financial Services Authority, serving until 2003."*
Also "From 2003 to 2011 Davies served as Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science. He stepped down from the position on 3 March 2011 following concern over the institution's decision to accept funding from a foundation controlled by the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi's son, Saif, and other LSE Libya Links" *wikipedia
I am not a lawyer, and am often not in a position to cast views of legality or illegality on topics, especially when they are complex. By presenting information in a certain way they can paint a picture that might make the layperson, such as myself, take an incorrect or biased view.
There is no attempt whatsoever to understand this phenomenon, what lies behind it and what it might take to bring the millions that will vote for him back onside.
THose that do back Trump can expect no quarter from Hillary, if she wins.
How about BRIE - British Regional Import/Export area.
However, in practice, we can't have substantial discussions with anyone until the outline of our deal with the EU is clear, for the very simple reason that that is the first question we'd be asked. We might even end up in the EU customs union, in which case there won't be any trade deals other than those the EU has set up.
C) 'No Quarter'? Don't be silly. She isn't a vindictive person, unlike 'Texting at 3AM' Trump
Until the headbangers start whining. Expect the tone at PMQs to be HARDER...
Alanbrooke said:
» show previous quotes
which is also why Mrs May is correct in stopping McWallonia from having a UK trade veto.
She will rue the day Alan
Interestingly, the 1970s series is much more faithful to the book.
I have little time for Winston Graham's son's argument: his father also wrote a very dubious scene in Marnie that might not withstand modern views. (An excellent book, BTW, made by Hitchcock into a terrible film).