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I don't believe their figures.
I reckon a pretty low turnout myself.
Also, Trump was up at 3 am again...
“Just landed in Ohio. Thank you America- I am honored to win the final debate for our MOVEMENT,” Trump tweeted
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/trump-3-am-tweet-third-debate-230078#ixzz4Ncu4gVC1
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The evidence so far such as it is is that Dem turnout is pretty robust comparative to 4 years ago and that GOP turnout is not holding up as well. That is possibly why some Republican strategists are concerned about down ticket effects.
Meanwhile, the Economist use a picture to say the same about Vladimir Putin.
On the IMF estimates for 2016, Chinese nominal GDP is $11,391,619M, US is $18,561,930M.
If China GDP grows at 7% per year it will take 8 years for them to surpass where the US is in 2016. That takes us to 2024 even if US GDP doesn't grow at all. Realistically if the US grows at somewhere between 1-4% annually, China won't overtake until around 2030. And as Josias Jessop says, Chinese GDP figures are widely disbelieved by many credible organisations.
Let me see if I can follow the Brexiteer logic here
"Damn foreigner telling us what we can and can't do! That's it, we're staying in the single market whether they like it or not!"
The strawiest of straw men.
As John Sawers writes in this morning's FT the world is moving back into the period of great powers.
Russia is constantly on manoeuvres and their propaganda machine is superb. They also know where the fault lines lie in the West. Why else decide to set up a unit of Pravda in Scotland?
Pram -----> Toys
The GOP establishment would want to enable George P Bush to stand so the (statewide) role of Texas Land Commissioner and other similar offices would need to get over the bar.
A tricky line to draw in the sand.
By 2020 it doesn't matter who runs for the republicans. If Hillary wins the demographics will have changed so much they can never win.
But leaving such things aside, what makes you believe China's figures?
Take care. There may be lawyers about.
A rule on political office held would though.
Meanwhile, 4% say we should prioritise neither the single market nor immigration. These are the silent minority who think Brexit should be about more moon landings.
Well Jezza's tweets might become a bit funnier now.
Romney wasn't a racist. How many black votes did he get? How many hispanic votes?
The US election is already an election about race, and the demographics completely favour the democrats.
After Trump, the Republicans are pretty much finished, whatever happens.
Realistically, the list ought to be something like:
- President (for re-election)
- Vice President
- Senators
- Congressmen
- Governors
- Holders of federal office which were subject to congressional ratification
- 4* officers of the armed forces (this might be included in the above; I don't know).
The GOP had a post mortem which set out how to try and win back these voters. They ignored it and doubled down on Trump.
I vowed not to discuss 2016 any more, and I am not. I am talking about 2020 and beyond.
You are aware I trust that Little Englander was coined by right wing imperialism enthusiasts to insult those who opposed the idea of colonising other territories in general and the boer war in particular?
To be honest its all getting a little tedious here. Aside from handbags at dawn insult matches as we saw from two contributers on a thread last night we are just seeing two entrenched and incompatible positions over an issue that will take years to play through and things starting to descent into traded insults and resentment.
None of it will change anything. 52-48 was the result and thats that. I've had enough for a while.
Ta Ta
if we take a big step back, and we sort of take a look at the big picture, we'll see increased voting across the board, not only early, but also on Election Day in the Southern states. But yet, in the Midwest, we may see early voting levels lower and then overall turnout levels lower as well.
Overall, that sounds like a turnout not too different from 2012.
I think there's good value in the 54.0% to 57.99% band, maybe with a saver on 50% to 53.99%.
FWIW there are compelling arguments for turnout to be either high or low, there's probably not a lot of value in this.
I have to say, it does come across as so much after-the-fact rationalising. Comments like "There are those who argue that we should have pushed Europeans harder and been willing to demand more. But I don’t see how that would have worked better." do provoke outbursts like "But as things turned out, it couldn't have worked much f*cking worse mate!" It talks of "ill-timed developments" that were developments many months before the Referendum itself. Provoking the response of "So don't hold it then, you muppet!".
My after-the-fact rationalising? It's astonishing you got as much as 48%....
Kasich and Rubio were doing well in the H2H polling vs Clinton, even though Kasich's foreign policy was crackers and Rubio is as right wing as the best of them on social issues.
"1992, Republicans won among Asian-Americans by a 22-point margin in the presidential election, according to exit polls; in 2012, Asian-Americans voted Democratic by 47 points, which was nearly double the margin in 2008."
"Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon managed to win 39 and 32 percent of the African-American vote.
Lyndon Johnson’s support for The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Fair Housing Act of 1968 and the GOP’s subsequent “southern strategy” to win white voters hostile to such progressive policies put about 85 percent of African-Americans reliably in the Democratic column."
If the GOP have a demographic problem its one of their own making.
Yes. The timing was very much down to Cameron, and it felt like he was rushing it, to get it out the way.
Well I guess it's out the way now.
Maybe but neither enthused the republican base whatsoever, so its just a dog with different fleas.
Have a kitkat
They could just make KitKats smaller. Like Carney did with his rubbish new fivers.
What a full-fat idiot. Consigned to history as the PM who has made the biggest policy mistake since at least 1914.
The reduction in size of chocolate bars is something that has been going on for years and has sod all to do with any current political events.
Mr. Mark/Mr. Rentool, wouldn't be surprising.
Cameron's had graver consequences, though.
"Was Wednesday the final presidential debate of 2016 or the opening night of the Trump News Channel?"
The link between chocolate covered Turkish Delight and Narnia eludes me. Could you perhaps explain it for me, please?
Where do I get them at 50p each, please? In my local sweetshop they are 69p. I buy three every Sunday morning for Herself.