The advice Clinton-Bot-2000 has got is wrong here. She should just ignore Trump and play straight bat on every question and just lay out policy. Instead she sounds bad with the "alternative reality" stuff.
Trump keeps repeating the line about Bernie Sanders questioning Clinton's judgement.
Good idea for Trump to try and attract some of Bernie's supporters who hate Hilary. There is a lot of unenthusiatic Democrats at the moment, maybe some might switch.
Daily Mail Trump jabs Hillary: 'Honest Abe never lied. That’s the big difference between Lincoln and you' #debate
If honest Abe had lied, you'd never have found out about it. The joy of the pre internet, pre mass media age. As late as Kennedy and Johnson, Presidents got away with all sorts!
The questions are really scatter gun, not that many which directly affect middle America. Some guy in Ohio who has worked in a factory won't be hearing much about what to look forward to for him and his family.
Why is the moderator challenging Trump on foreign policy so ferociously? Don't like the man but these moderators really are terrible.
Agreed. They are really weak at times and let both talk for ages and have responses when they aren't suppose to. Then all of a sudden start getting into arguments with the candidates rather than moderating.
Why is the moderator challenging Trump on foreign policy so ferociously? Don't like the man but these moderators really are terrible.
Agreed. They are really weak at times and let both talk for ages and have responses when they aren't suppose to. Then all of a sudden start getting into arguments with the candidates rather than moderating.
When Trump loses, I wonder what he is going to do? He is clearly seriously angry about what has happened the past few days, when he get buried at the polls, I hate to think how he will react.
When Trump loses, I wonder what he is going to do? He is clearly seriously angry about what has happened the past few days, when he get buried at the polls, I hate to think how he will react.
Why is the moderator challenging Trump on foreign policy so ferociously? Don't like the man but these moderators really are terrible.
Agreed. They are really weak at times and let both talk for ages and have responses when they aren't suppose to. Then all of a sudden start getting into arguments with the candidates rather than moderating.
They should fly David Dimbleby in for the next one.
Hiliary really is dislikable. HAHAHA, I got 87% of the vote, I was very proud of myself...ohhhh yes yes and humbled..yes don't forget humbled that is what the focus group said.
Trump talks sense on military strategy! Don't announce what you're going to do, do it first and tell people afterwards!
Who'd have thought that
What, like when they killed Osama??
Looking at recent history in Syria, they've talked a good game but achieved very little. ObL is a different story. That's how you achieve a limited and direct objective.
When Trump loses, I wonder what he is going to do? He is clearly seriously angry about what has happened the past few days, when he get buried at the polls, I hate to think how he will react.
He'll do what you're seeing now. He'll say it's rigged against him by the establishment (mention Bernie Sanders) that he was the real winner and he's going to go off and be a great and successful businessman. Then he'll look to leverage it into profit, media business, etc.
@IainDale: Hillary's problem in this debate is that after 75 minutes I can't remember a damn thing she's said. Trump's problem is that I can...
The whole thing has been just surreal. 3hrs of debates, and I still have bugger all idea what their policies actually are...I have zero idea about Clinton's.
@IainDale: Hillary's problem in this debate is that after 75 minutes I can't remember a damn thing she's said. Trump's problem is that I can...
The whole thing has been just surreal. 3hrs of debates, and I still have bugger all idea what their policies actually are...I have zero idea about Clinton's.
She wants to move America forwards, and be good because when America is good it's great...crystal clear, no?
@IainDale: Hillary's problem in this debate is that after 75 minutes I can't remember a damn thing she's said. Trump's problem is that I can...
The whole thing has been just surreal. 3hrs of debates, and I still have bugger all idea what their policies actually are...I have zero idea about Clinton's.
She wants to move America forwards, and be good because when America is good it's great...crystal clear, no?
That really is about the level of the two debates. Secondary school kids could have a higher level of debate on policy than these two.
I think he has some condition. ADHD++++
Of course, that suits Clinton down to the ground, since she's on for 330+ in the electoral college already. No need to take any risks.
At length, mostly no but some limited technical areas maybe yes, possibly.
But in almost all areas no.
"Almost nine out of 10 women would rather be a woman than a man today, compared with just over half in 1947, a Radio 4 Woman's Hour poll suggests."
Trump jabs Hillary: 'Honest Abe never lied. That’s the big difference between Lincoln and you' #debate
Sneering Clinton. It is a really bad look....then Clinton-Bot-2000 focus group answer...focus group answer.
This picture put out by AP - one has to wonder at what point in the debate was this taken.
I wonder how this is going down with female American voters......
Trump has rescued his campaign in this debate. Did not expect to write that.
Hillary is struggling to defend herself. The group simply doesn't believe her. #debate
I am not sure the moderator should be arguing with Trump.
"He and I haven't spoken. I disagree," Trump says of his running mate Mike Pence.
Who'd have thought that
Martha Raddatz is now personally arguing with Donald Trump because she doesn't like his answer. Pathetic.
I did notice how swiftly Trump disagreed with him on Syria - didn't hedge it, he was very stark in his disagreement with his own VP nominee.
Always think big picture - it isn't individual answers - it's will the debate move votes?
So many of the questions have been this....a setup up for one or the other to attack the other.
How about some questions on domestic policy? No questions on energy future, or jobs at home or law and order....
EDIT: Straight back to 1.26.
CORRECTION: Trump is NOT tanking on foreign policy.
This is actually an improvement from the first #debate.