Trump promises to clash corporation tax and renegotiate trade deals, Hillary promises 'smart and fair trade deals' and a tax system that rewards work and not a tax cut for the rich 'Trumped up trickle down'
Thought that Hillary personal jibe looked cheap and small - no reason for it, well pushed back from Trump - she opened the door and he walked right through it
I am sure that plays super well on the coasts. Not sure it plays that well in Mid-West, having her banging on about solar panels going to solve every problem.
Trump claims he will push through the biggest tax cut since Reagan and slash regulation unlike Hillary who will increase them, Hillary will raise taxes 'bigly'
I don't actually think the substance of what he's said so far is that wild (even to me as a dyed-in-the-wool lefty) but it's the shouty tone that's making him look bad. People don't want someone who doesn't seem to have self-control with their finger on the nuclear button.
Clinton isn't doing herself any favours with the bitchy comments. Why not just take the high road, rather than basically "I'm debating a crazy". It makes her look just like the women who called 30% of America Deplorables.
I don't actually think the substance of what he's said so far is that wild (even to me as a dyed-in-the-wool lefty) but it's the shouty tone that's making him look bad. People don't want someone who doesn't seem to have self-control with their finger on the nuclear button.
Softly softly wins the election. Screamy screamy loses it.
Jobs and income inequality.
Hillary is talking about her granddaughter's birthday, she is not answering the question.
Profit sharing, that's a new idea.
Hillary is veering off topic.
Err seriously?
The problem is not the federal debt.
Hillary sounds evasive and detached.
Trump needs to up his plugging game. Trump University? Trump Steaks?
And now she's plugging her website?!?!
Who cares about business regulations in an election.
I'll get me coat...
I was thinking olden times ....
Clinton isn't doing herself any favours with the bitchy comments. Why not just take the high road, rather than basically "I'm debating a crazy". It makes her look just like the women who called 30% of America Deplorables.
Screamy screamy loses it.
No problem with this but will the sAme question be passed to Clinton?