Liam Fox, the international trade secretary, has been attacked by businesspeople and politicians for suggesting British executives would rather play golf rather than export their goods and services, in an extraordinary attack on the country’s “lazy” business culture.
Can't find anything too recent though.
And I don't play golf...
@Alanbrooke and many others here have made similar observations.
I have critizised Fox in the past, but Fox is right this time.
It's not just british big businesses though that have become "lazy and fat", all large corporations eventually become like that, just look this month at Apple with their crappy iPhone 7 and Samsung with their exploding Galaxy 7.
Of course politically speaking Fox is correct. It's the ultimate gaff in that he's told the truth. The very existence of his International Trade department says we're leaving the Customs Union and looking at far leaner and meaner bilaterals than the European model we're used to. The fact that voters in Sunderland and GM crop fearing Daily Mail readers have no earthly idea what's about to hit them is both tragic and utterly hilarious..
All Fox has done, perhaps deliberately, is quicken the pace on the debate on the sort of Brexit we're going to have.
After all, all three have form...
Dr Sunil
Meanwhile Hillary is channeling her inner Bob Geldof :
"Hillary Clinton calls half of Donald Trump supporters racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamaphobic
Democratic candidate comes under heavy criticism "
Those things maybe true but you should never attack the public, Hillary's war is with Trump not his voters, by attacking the voters you make them rally around Trump even more.
In Ratner's case telling the truth was a disaster, but Fox might provoke a wider debate about why British businesses don't do as well as they might.
It could have the same effect.
If you have noticed instead of investing they buy back their shares to inflate their price and borrow large amounts of money to give to themselves as dividends.
Low interest rates and Q.Easing have made them lazy.
The mistake Ratner made was to insult his customers re the average quality of what they sold. IIRC he was referring to cheap decanters or somesuch, not the jewellery.
IIRC it cost about £250 back then. It was bought on HP!
To defend Apple (spit): as the competition grows better, it's hard to be revolutionary rather than evolutionary. Some have managed it though:
To defend Samsung (spit from Mrs J): this could strike any company that is pushing the envelope. It's just with batteries the consequences of failure can be dire.
Attacking your opponent is common sense.
Attacking voters is campaign suicide. #BasketOfDeplorables
A few years ago I went to the Open and watched with awe as at 6am Phil Mickelson turned up, had a few practice swishes and then proceeded to put on a masterclass...hitting the 100 yard sign with the accuracy of a Glen McGarth over.
Pro Tip: Don't lead with a statement like #BasketOfDeplorables if it takes this long of a statement to explain it.
German government paper says Brexit will cost them billions.
Bill Clinton says slogan he used in the 1990s is racist now that Trump is using it.
It's a bit like trying to choose between Pol Pot and Stalin...
Anyway, must dash, I'm getting my British flags ready for Last Night Of The Proms!
She's spent 10secs feeling smug to core voters - and swapped it for pissing off thousands of others who wouldn't normally turn out.
Mike Pence torches Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment about Trump supporters at #VVS16. His full response.
Great response here
Twenty years ago today, people rushed to stores to get the newly-released Windows 95.
I note the poll figures mentioned in previous thread had Trump up in all JackW's FOP states....
" The vertical order of images is widely believed to be a significant representation of importance, an idea that became so pervasive it entered into common parlance with the phrase "low man on the totem pole". This phrase, indicative of the most common belief of ordering importance, suggests the higher figures on the pole are more important or prestigious. A counterargument frequently heard is that the figures are arranged in reverse hierarchy, with the most important representations on the bottom, at eye level with the viewer to heighten his significance.[25] There are no restrictions on vertical order; many poles have significant figures on the top, others on the bottom, and some in the middle. Other poles have no vertical arrangement, consisting of a lone figure atop an undecorated column.[citation needed]"
Anyway, what he said was "I don't talk about it because if I talk about that, your whole thing will be about that. So I don't talk about it." Which is not the same thin as saying isn't. As it lacked him saying he isn't.
On this date in 1953, #Swanson began selling its first #TVDinner. Today #NationalTVDinnerDay is observed on Sept. 10
Paul Kirkby
Interesting, depressing analysis of the occupations played by film extras, by gender.
Still, small beer compared to Trump's belief that climate change is a "hoax".
Mr. Alistair, Galen didn't need a doctorate, and neither did Hippocrates.
My prediction Hillary would destroy Trump was predicated on the assumption she would not turn into Mitt Romney.
This is about targeting suburban college whites to peel them away from voting Trump.
Trump's African American 'outreach' is also about targeting suburban college educated whites as well, to try and make him seem safe and inclusive enough to vote for.
Maybe Fox is the same. He is shattering the Brexit illusion. When you exclaim, "Emperor's new clothes" you are not supposed to refer to yourself!
Giuliani states several times, providing no evidence, that Trump accepts that Obama was born in Hawaii, and then asserts several times, again providing no evidence, that it's the Clinton campaign that has raised the issue of Obama's birthplace.
Ah, that transient moment after 9/11 when the world thought 'Sir' Rudy might be a half decent human being on conversational terms with truth; what suckahs we were.