The Lochs (Non Party Independent defence) on Fife
Result of council at last election (2012): Labour 35, Scottish National Party 26, Liberal Democrats 10, Conservatives 3, Independents 3, Non Party Independent 1 (No Overall Control, Labour short by 5)
Result of ward at last election (2012) :
Where has the rumour about Rees-Mogg being tipped as future speaker come from?
Just saying ....
The Information Commissioner's Office yesterday said it was probing Virgin Trains's decision to release the CCTV amid claims they may have broken data protection rules.
Anyone want to guess what data protection rules have been broken?
Things not going to plan for West Ham in the UEFA league:
Are you now jam-packed?
(Also, Kezia Dugdale was described in glowing terms by Owen Smith and the assembled crowd laughed. Poor Kez. Expect Alex Rowley/Anas Sarwar to start a leadership challenge as soon as the other unseemliness is over).
That sums it up.
Lab 2042 SNP 753 UKIP 162 Con 143
The deceased Independent was the last of the Fife Communists , Willie Clarke although since Party Registration he has stood and been elected as an Independent
The rules where ignored back then.
Another summing up of the performance of the turd sandwich.
Last post on 538 is Clinton +6 in Michigan - again a state that if Trump wins it will nearly be a landslide.
#obvious joke
Need it for an upcoming thread
I label all those in the jungle as illegal immigrants because they have repeatedly been offered the opportunity to claim asylum and they reject it.
It also has essentially zero illegal immigration.
Why? Because the incentives have been setup to make being an illegal immigrant extremely unattractive. I particularly like the way that - if you're an illegal, and you shop the guy who's employing you, he goes to prison and you get residency. Brilliant: it basically outsources enforcement to illegal immigrants who are incentivised to report citizen transgressors. And you will go to jail if you employ an illegal immigrant.
But I fear changing our rules would still not work whilst the French police basically allow the pas de Calais to be almost lawless come nightfall..
"Farage has called for a ban on the children of legal immigrants from public schools and health services," she continued, "has said women are quote 'worth less' than men, and supports scrapping laws that prevent employers from discriminating based on race - that's who Trump wants by his side."
"Farage has appeared regularly on Russian propaganda programmes," she added.
"Now he's standing on the same stage as the Republican nominee."
Farage responds "Mrs Clinton was "running scared".
"Her attacks on me are completely baseless," he said. "She sounds rather like Bob Geldof and can't accept Brexit.
"Perhaps Mrs Clinton should spend more time speaking to normal, working people in her country than trying to attack me using dodgy half-quotes."
Looks like someone has hit a nerve
Not for the faint hearted
But I also think that everyone should obey the rules. Respecting the law should be the default option.
I'm flying to Australia on Saturday morning (and back on Wednesday). I need video game, book, and movie recommendations for the flight.
There are a couple of books about ancient Rome, plus Stephen King's The Green Mile on my list. But I need suggestions, guys.
The Prestige is a very under rated movie imo. It seemed to pass a lot of people by.
There needs to be zero toleration of illegal immigration, and deportation/detention enforcement for overstayers if we want the rules to be obeyed.
Max Hastings:
Niall Ferguson:
Anthony Beevor:
Chinatown - Neo noir mystery movie
LA Confidential - Neo noir crime movie
Although I've not read Ferguson's Kissinger biography. Thanks.
This week I was interviewing candidates for some of the vacancies in our junior doctor rotations left by Hunt's bodged contract.
There were some good candidates. None were UK or EU graduates, and all were dusky and Muslim. About half were legal to employ as on dependent spouse visas of postgraduate students, the other half will need tier 2 visas to take up their jobs.
It will be interesting to see if the government decides to turn these down to meet its immigration targets.
Mad Max: an excellent idea.
And I love all the early Tom Clancy's and have read them all.
Question: what was the last decent Clancy? Executive Orders?
(Which tells you our tastes are similar.)