The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that Jezza, for lack of a better word, is good. Jezza is right, Jezza works. Jezza clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the (R)evolutionary spirit. Jezza, in all of his forms; Jezza for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And Jezza, you mark my words, will not only save the Labour Party, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the UK. Thank you very much.
Compared with the alternatives he is presently the only thing that works, and that's why he's winning.
Corbyn will probably win by a larger margin than the last time, though not much larger, probably low 60's.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
To be honest until a couple of weeks ago I had never heard of him and what I have heard since sounded deeply uninspired. Print another £200bn and spend it on infrastructure. Yeah, that would, well, be a bit of a disaster really.
Doesn't mean he is not better than Corbyn though. ABC, it is that simple.
This is a Labour party electorate.
Of course, the government has already dropped its entire fiscal and economic policy and will be spending a shedload of money than had been planned. We're all Corbynites now ;-)
According to the IFS, we can expect a fiscal shock of between £20-40 billion in terms of the PSBR. Split the difference. Call it £30 billion.
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
She's also about to get deselected by Momentum. More steel than all the men put together. I've always had a bit of soft spot for her after seeing a great, humorous performance in the HoC.
What a pity. Sidelined by a mediocre no name without the guts to come out first.
So Corbyn is beating Smith by 20 points in a 2 way match, Eagle calls it quits even though she is beating Smith for second place.
Why are the betting markets not giving Corbyn 90+ % yet ? That's a lot of money being bet on Micheal Foster.
Smith is an unknown. He will be selling himself to Labour members for the first time. There is an outside chance he may appeal to them enough to win their votes. I'd put it at 30% or so rather than less than I0%.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
To be honest until a couple of weeks ago I had never heard of him and what I have heard since sounded deeply uninspired. Print another £200bn and spend it on infrastructure. Yeah, that would, well, be a bit of a disaster really.
Doesn't mean he is not better than Corbyn though. ABC, it is that simple.
This is a Labour party electorate.
Of course, the government has already dropped its entire fiscal and economic policy and will be spending a shedload of money than had been planned. We're all Corbynites now ;-)
Let's wait and see on that. My guess is that the deficit will continue to fall but that they won't bend themselves out of shape to reach balance by a particular date. Of course if 1% of what remainers said was true it would be out of their hands anyway but it wasn't and it isn't.
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
Can we not do both? They should have chosen the rubbish woman instead of the rubbish man.
But the man is less rubbish, you are just pretending otherwise for party purposes.
You can tease Labour about women leaders, or you can argue identity politics don't matter but you can't do both.
My apologies Freggles, I don't mean to tease. It's just very, very hot and life just seems increasingly surreal. I do try to take the mickey out of all sides, including my own.
PS I admire pretty much any woman in the Labour party at the moment. It's a cesspit of misogyny and hate. They must really love the party.
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
You should have chosen the woman you sexists.
By which I mean Lisa Nandy [clutches betting slip].
I think the only woman who came close to being Labour leader was Barbara Castle. And she would have been, if she hadn't slept with a Tory millionaire in his yacht at the middle of a crucial industrial dispute.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
To be honest until a couple of weeks ago I had never heard of him and what I have heard since sounded deeply uninspired. Print another £200bn and spend it on infrastructure. Yeah, that would, well, be a bit of a disaster really.
Doesn't mean he is not better than Corbyn though. ABC, it is that simple.
This is a Labour party electorate.
Of course, the government has already dropped its entire fiscal and economic policy and will be spending a shedload of money than had been planned. We're all Corbynites now ;-)
Let's wait and see on that. My guess is that the deficit will continue to fall but that they won't bend themselves out of shape to reach balance by a particular date.
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
Can we not do both? They should have chosen the rubbish woman instead of the rubbish man.
But the man is less rubbish, you are just pretending otherwise for party purposes.
You can tease Labour about women leaders, or you can argue identity politics don't matter but you can't do both.
My apologies Freggles, I don't mean to tease. It's just very, very hot and life just seems increasingly surreal. I do try to take the mickey out of all sides, including my own.
PS I admire pretty much any woman in the Labour party at the moment. It's a cesspit of misogyny and hate. They must really love the party.
Don't worry about it, it's the same tactic as when Labour complain that the Tories are failing their deficit targets
So Corbyn is beating Smith by 20 points in a 2 way match, Eagle calls it quits even though she is beating Smith for second place.
Why are the betting markets not giving Corbyn 90+ % yet ? That's a lot of money being bet on Micheal Foster.
Smith is an unknown. He will be selling himself to Labour members for the first time. There is an outside chance he may appeal to them enough to win their votes. I'd put it at 30% or so rather than less than I0%.
Well so far what we know about Smith, is that the only contest he can enter with a chance to win is a stupidity one with George W. Bush.
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
Btw my earlier reply to you top of PT
I saw. Thank you. A small world.
I go to Italy for a fortnight and when I come back I find that a Gail's Artisan Bakery (for heaven's sake) has now opened in West Hampstead. The place is going to the dogs. I'd impose a Stupidity Tax on anyone daft enough to pay the sort of prices they charge.
Gail's must be a chain, for I am sure I have seen it somewhere else.
Coming back to London from Italy was always rather grim (although not with today's weather), even when I lived in West Hampstead.
It is a chain. An overpriced chain for people with more money than sense.
Who wants to be the captain of the Titanic after it has hit the iceberg? Labour need a mainstream leader to re-seize the centre ground to have any chance of emerging as the largest party in 2020 (2025?). Owen Smith is not that person - though I shall be happy to win a few quid on his spectacular failure to resurrect the dinosaur movement ...
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
To be honest until a couple of weeks ago I had never heard of him and what I have heard since sounded deeply uninspired. Print another £200bn and spend it on infrastructure. Yeah, that would, well, be a bit of a disaster really.
Doesn't mean he is not better than Corbyn though. ABC, it is that simple.
This is a Labour party electorate.
Of course, the government has already dropped its entire fiscal and economic policy and will be spending a shedload of money than had been planned. We're all Corbynites now ;-)
Let's wait and see on that. My guess is that the deficit will continue to fall but that they won't bend themselves out of shape to reach balance by a particular date. Of course if 1% of what remainers said was true it would be out of their hands anyway but it wasn't and it isn't.
The falling exchange rate will be very helpful. But spending will go up and the tax take will go down.
So Corbyn is beating Smith by 20 points in a 2 way match, Eagle calls it quits even though she is beating Smith for second place.
Why are the betting markets not giving Corbyn 90+ % yet ? That's a lot of money being bet on Micheal Foster.
Smith is an unknown. He will be selling himself to Labour members for the first time. There is an outside chance he may appeal to them enough to win their votes. I'd put it at 30% or so rather than less than I0%.
Well so far what we know about Smith, is that the only contest he can enter with a chance to win is a stupidity one with George W. Bush.
One of the best expressions I heard whilst in the oil patch was someone in Texas claiming George W. Bush was so dumb "he couldn't pour piss out a boot if the instructions were written under the heel..."
Who wants to be the captain of the Titanic after it has hit the iceberg? Labour need a mainstream leader to re-seize the centre ground to have any chance of emerging as the largest party in 2020 (2025?). Owen Smith is not that person - though I shall be happy to win a few quid on his spectacular failure to resurrect the dinosaur movement ...
A bit of 2016 polling, I've noticed a spike for Trump favourables when he selected Pence as his VP on Gallup, a small one but enough to close the gap with Hillary at 4 points, a record low.
When Gallup had the gap at 5 points it was when Trump got the nomination, the national polls gave him then a slight lead, so I expect Trump to move up in national polls to a tie or a small lead.
It's fun witnessing the feeble efforts of the reactionaries falling apart, and watching the inexorable forward march of the progressive project.
Fun is it? Corbyn's achievement will, I think, be to reduce British politics to a choice between a contest between the Conservative Party and a newly emerged coalition of Centre parties, with the left being left to snipe from the unelectable sideslines. UKIP will also be there in the mix somewhere.
Do you remember "A Very British Coup"? The supposed Trots pulling the strings turned out to work for MI5 and had a similar goal of rendering a left wing party unelectable? Could Corbyn be in their pay?
Those hppy at such an outcome: The Conservative Party UKIP as they have a chance of winning large numbers of seats in former Labour heartlands. The Lib Dems including our hero Nick Clegg who may fancy a comeback Tony Blair as it is what he always dreamed of creating and may likewise fancy a comeback Perhaps 20 or so current serving Labour MPs, no more The SNP because Scots will finally vote for secession to save themselves Every myriad left wing fringe party there is, because having started with nothing they'll not lose by ending up with next to nothing, and debating from the sidelines is all they care about. Corbyn, because he's to stupid to understand his true achievement.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
"Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite."
For you, anyone to the right of the Revolutionary Socialist League is a "Blairite".
Given that even Labour centrists now consider it an insult, it's hard to believe that there ever were Blairites. Amazing that Tone ever got on a constituency candidate list let alone become the most electorally successful pm Labour ever had.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
Sky were reporting an hour or so ago that Smith denied he was a *lobbyist* but in fact an *executive*.
On £80k? I really don't see how hair splitting between a Big Pharma boss and a Big Pharma lobbyist really helps here.
He's smoother on the TV by virtue of his radio producer BBC credentials. I've seen no particular reason to elevate him above Corbyn myself - he's very good with a megaphone.
So Corbyn is beating Smith by 20 points in a 2 way match, Eagle calls it quits even though she is beating Smith for second place.
Why are the betting markets not giving Corbyn 90+ % yet ? That's a lot of money being bet on Micheal Foster.
Smith is an unknown. He will be selling himself to Labour members for the first time. There is an outside chance he may appeal to them enough to win their votes. I'd put it at 30% or so rather than less than I0%.
Well so far what we know about Smith, is that the only contest he can enter with a chance to win is a stupidity one with George W. Bush.
One of the best expressions I heard whilst in the oil patch was someone in Texas claiming George W. Bush was so dumb "he couldn't pour piss out a boot if the instructions were written under the heel..."
The Texans are world masters at turning a phrase ...
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
Btw my earlier reply to you top of PT
I saw. Thank you. A small world.
I go to Italy for a fortnight and when I come back I find that a Gail's Artisan Bakery (for heaven's sake) has now opened in West Hampstead. The place is going to the dogs. I'd impose a Stupidity Tax on anyone daft enough to pay the sort of prices they charge.
Gail's must be a chain, for I am sure I have seen it somewhere else.
Coming back to London from Italy was always rather grim (although not with today's weather), even when I lived in West Hampstead.
It is a chain. An overpriced chain for people with more money than sense.
It seems somewhat rude to suggest that West Hampstead nowadays might not be such a bad target market. Sorry.
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
Btw my earlier reply to you top of PT
I saw. Thank you. A small world.
I go to Italy for a fortnight and when I come back I find that a Gail's Artisan Bakery (for heaven's sake) has now opened in West Hampstead. The place is going to the dogs. I'd impose a Stupidity Tax on anyone daft enough to pay the sort of prices they charge.
Gail's must be a chain, for I am sure I have seen it somewhere else.
Coming back to London from Italy was always rather grim (although not with today's weather), even when I lived in West Hampstead.
It is a chain. An overpriced chain for people with more money than sense.
It seems somewhat rude to suggest that West Hampstead nowadays might not be such a bad target market. Sorry.
No need to apologise. I'm sure they've done their research. It's just a bit depressing for me to see overpriced useless shops replace useful ones. Gentrification usually means that in order to buy a nail you have to drive miles but within walking distance there are 35 estate agents and 42 coffee shops, none of which make a decent coffee.
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
Aren't you a LibDem? The Pale Male Party?
My hands are clean. I voted for Angela to be Deputy Leader and have been probably her only champion on here - and it was nothing to do with her tick boxes.
Douglas Murray is channelling SeanT in the Speccie. Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
"Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite."
For you, anyone to the right of the Revolutionary Socialist League is a "Blairite".
Given that even Labour centrists now consider it an insult, it's hard to believe that there ever were Blairites. Amazing that Tone ever got on a constituency candidate list let alone become the most electorally successful pm Labour ever had.
'We were only obeying orders'.
Well Blair was a supporter of the 1983 Labour manifesto, he had too given that he wanted to be selected for Sedgefield and Foot was leader at the time.
But since deselection is difficult, as soon as he got elected he moved his own way, probably under the influence of his father who was a conservative.
Do you remember "A Very British Coup"? The supposed Trots pulling the strings turned out to work for MI5 and had a similar goal of rendering a left wing party unelectable?
You're not confusing "A Very British Coup" with Alan Bleasdale's GBH, are you?
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
Btw my earlier reply to you top of PT
I saw. Thank you. A small world.
I go to Italy for a fortnight and when I come back I find that a Gail's Artisan Bakery (for heaven's sake) has now opened in West Hampstead. The place is going to the dogs. I'd impose a Stupidity Tax on anyone daft enough to pay the sort of prices they charge.
Gail's must be a chain, for I am sure I have seen it somewhere else.
Coming back to London from Italy was always rather grim (although not with today's weather), even when I lived in West Hampstead.
It is a chain. An overpriced chain for people with more money than sense.
It seems somewhat rude to suggest that West Hampstead nowadays might not be such a bad target market. Sorry.
No need to apologise. I'm sure they've done their research. It's just a bit depressing for me to see overpriced useless shops replace useful ones. Gentrification usually means that in order to buy a nail you have to drive miles but within walking distance there are 35 estate agents and 42 coffee shops, none of which make a decent coffee.
Well we can only hope that Brexit will see off at least half of the estate agents!
The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that Jezza, for lack of a better word, is good. Jezza is right, Jezza works. Jezza clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the (R)evolutionary spirit. Jezza, in all of his forms; Jezza for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And Jezza, you mark my words, will not only save the Labour Party, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the UK. Thank you very much.
Compared with the alternatives he is presently the only thing that works, and that's why he's winning.
Corbyn will probably win by a larger margin than the last time, though not much larger, probably low 60's.
Hattie and Ma Beckett are head and shoulders above Corbyn, Smith and Eagles. Two leaders Labour should've had in preference to EdM and Jezza.
I say this as someone who can't stand Harperson's feminism agenda. She was my MP back in the 80s and never failed to impress me with her total trooper attitude. She never shrinks from a fight, and despite Beckett making a complete arse of the RPA - she's another.
Is it that he feels that Corbyn is going to win, and he's sucking up to him already with the hope he won't be kicked out of the party for running against him?
"Please Jeremy, I didn't mean it, honest, I think you're great and you helped me rediscover my radicalism"
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
Btw my earlier reply to you top of PT
I saw. Thank you. A small world.
I go to Italy for a fortnight and when I come back I find that a Gail's Artisan Bakery (for heaven's sake) has now opened in West Hampstead. The place is going to the dogs. I'd impose a Stupidity Tax on anyone daft enough to pay the sort of prices they charge.
Gail's must be a chain, for I am sure I have seen it somewhere else.
Coming back to London from Italy was always rather grim (although not with today's weather), even when I lived in West Hampstead.
It is a chain. An overpriced chain for people with more money than sense.
It seems somewhat rude to suggest that West Hampstead nowadays might not be such a bad target market. Sorry.
No need to apologise. I'm sure they've done their research. It's just a bit depressing for me to see overpriced useless shops replace useful ones. Gentrification usually means that in order to buy a nail you have to drive miles but within walking distance there are 35 estate agents and 42 coffee shops, none of which make a decent coffee.
Well we can only hope that Brexit will see off at least half of the estate agents!
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
You should have chosen the woman you sexists.
By which I mean Lisa Nandy [clutches betting slip].
I think the only woman who came close to being Labour leader was Barbara Castle. And she would have been, if she hadn't slept with a Tory millionaire in his yacht at the middle of a crucial industrial dispute.
Douglas Murray is channelling SeanT in the Speccie. Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
BBC reporter Jon Sopel describes the Republican convention as a "horror show".
I switched off Sky - they're getting like CNBC or CNN for bias re Trump. And most of the adverts are the sonorous emotional blackmail actor appeals for starving Africans/Wateraid/RSPCA etc
I spend more time muting the sound than listening to the reports.
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
You should have chosen the woman you sexists.
By which I mean Lisa Nandy [clutches betting slip].
I think the only woman who came close to being Labour leader was Barbara Castle. And she would have been, if she hadn't slept with a Tory millionaire in his yacht at the middle of a crucial industrial dispute.
You can imagine the front page of the Sun if that scandal happened today.
Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
Well, we in the UK worked out some time ago why people called Paddy kept on shouting "Give Ireland back to the Irish" a killing everone. Not only that, but we worked out how to stop it.
Perhaps our esteemed Boris could offer this information as part of the Brexit negotiations?
I like Gove's tactics here - he's going for full engagement - no fiddling about. Contributing when he can and showing his value as a principled thinker.
I'm very disappointed that May reportedly acquiesced to other senior members that they didn't want him as a colleague. She should have told them to man up and get with the programme.
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
You should have chosen the woman you sexists.
By which I mean Lisa Nandy [clutches betting slip].
I think the only woman who came close to being Labour leader was Barbara Castle. And she would have been, if she hadn't slept with a Tory millionaire in his yacht at the middle of a crucial industrial dispute.
I like Gove's tactics here - he's going for full engagement - no fiddling about. Contributing when he can and showing his value as a principled thinker.
I'm very disappointed that May reportedly acquiesced to other senior members that they didn't want him as a colleague. She should have told them to man up and get with the programme.
I suspect she doesn't want him as a colleague at the moment.
Is it that he feels that Corbyn is going to win, and he's sucking up to him already with the hope he won't be kicked out of the party for running against him?
"Please Jeremy, I didn't mean it, honest, I think you're great and you helped me rediscover my radicalism"
He realises that a good 2/3 of the electorate he's currently seeking to win in either voted for Corbyn at the last election or essentially signed up to support Corbyn. And he doesn't need to worry about the other third because they'll vote for anybody but Corbyn.
And he can't really hope to recruit £3 moderates because of the new rules.
If he can win this, its by telling them that they can have a "hard left" labour party without Corbyn. He needs to convince them that Corbyn's fall doesn't mean "Blairism" wins.
And he'll have plenty of other Labour MPs lining up to run the more aggressive lines against Corbyn, so he can keep his hands clean.
Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
Well, we in the UK worked out some time ago why people called Paddy kept on shouting "Give Ireland back to the Irish" a killing everone. Not only that, but we worked out how to stop it.
Perhaps our esteemed Boris could offer this information as part of the Brexit negotiations?
The IRA had objectives that were subject to negotiation, and were very susceptible to infiltration. Neither apply to Salafism, unless we all adopt the Jim Jones solution and save 'em the bother.
Douglas Murray is channelling SeanT in the Speccie. Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
On a previous thread, someone asked why Christians rarely call themselves Jesus Jesus - even in Spain or Mexico.
Reminded me of the footballing Neville twins - their dad was called Neville Neville.
Douglas Murray is channelling SeanT in the Speccie. Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
May I ask how much your Speccy subs are? I looked a while ago and it looked like a lot more than £100. I'm stopping my DT one that's about £76.
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
Btw my earlier reply to you top of PT
I saw. Thank you. A small world.
I go to Italy for a fortnight and when I come back I find that a Gail's Artisan Bakery (for heaven's sake) has now opened in West Hampstead. The place is going to the dogs. I'd impose a Stupidity Tax on anyone daft enough to pay the sort of prices they charge.
Gail's must be a chain, for I am sure I have seen it somewhere else.
Coming back to London from Italy was always rather grim (although not with today's weather), even when I lived in West Hampstead.
It is a chain. An overpriced chain for people with more money than sense.
It seems somewhat rude to suggest that West Hampstead nowadays might not be such a bad target market. Sorry.
No need to apologise. I'm sure they've done their research. It's just a bit depressing for me to see overpriced useless shops replace useful ones. Gentrification usually means that in order to buy a nail you have to drive miles but within walking distance there are 35 estate agents and 42 coffee shops, none of which make a decent coffee.
Well we can only hope that Brexit will see off at least half of the estate agents!
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
You should have chosen the woman you sexists.
By which I mean Lisa Nandy [clutches betting slip].
I think the only woman who came close to being Labour leader was Barbara Castle. And she would have been, if she hadn't slept with a Tory millionaire in his yacht at the middle of a crucial industrial dispute.
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
You should have chosen the woman you sexists.
By which I mean Lisa Nandy [clutches betting slip].
I think the only woman who came close to being Labour leader was Barbara Castle. And she would have been, if she hadn't slept with a Tory millionaire in his yacht at the middle of a crucial industrial dispute.
Oh come on Plato, we've all done that.
Surely Mandy was the last chance of a sex scandal on a yacht - with a Russian.
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
I presume this was always the strategy - Angela takes the initial flak and someone more electable - "normal," if you will - ends up being the challenger. Respect to her for carrying out a thankless role: you are right to highlight her bravery in particular given the poison within the party.
Lol, the three legged donkey is gone , we now have the two legged donkey standing
Douglas Murray is channelling SeanT in the Speccie. Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
On a previous thread, someone asked why Christians rarely call themselves Jesus Jesus - even in Spain or Mexico.
Reminded me of the footballing Neville twins - their dad was called Neville Neville.
It's not quite true, although much less common in the current generation. The majority of girls in the Philippines over 40 are called Maria, and a pretty fair proportion of guys are called some variation of Joseph or Jesus. Its just that almost everyone here is known by a nickname so you would never know! One of my wife's aunt's has four daughters and a son, all the daughters are called Maria, and the son is called Joseph, so will frequently see names written as "Ma. Christina Dela Cruz".
There was a time not long ago that many priests would refuse to baptise a child if their first name didn't appear (with appropriate connotations) in the Bible. Consider the new vice-president of the Philippines, usually known as Leni Robredo, full name Maria Leonor Santo Tomas Gerona Robredo.
All joking aside, this whole hoo-haa just reinforced that a woman who faces deselection threw herself into the fray first, and a no-name bloke got to contend the leadership.
It sends all the wrong signals. The former shows really courage, the latter opportunism. I detest identity politics at every level - but it does seem to matter a lot in Labour circles. I assume May will be discounted as another token male like Thatcher.
Gail's must be a chain, for I am sure I have seen it somewhere else.
Coming back to London from Italy was always rather grim (although not with today's weather), even when I lived in West Hampstead.
It is a chain. An overpriced chain for people with more money than sense.
It seems somewhat rude to suggest that West Hampstead nowadays might not be such a bad target market. Sorry.
No need to apologise. I'm sure they've done their research. It's just a bit depressing for me to see overpriced useless shops replace useful ones. Gentrification usually means that in order to buy a nail you have to drive miles but within walking distance there are 35 estate agents and 42 coffee shops, none of which make a decent coffee.
Well we can only hope that Brexit will see off at least half of the estate agents!
Let's hope so!
and the bankers?
I've been doing my bit for years to see off crooked bankers. I don't expect I'll be out of a job any time soon.
The City will have to adjust to whatever post-Brexit agreement is reached. But the banks are retrenching and resizing their businesses anyway for market reasons and I expect this to continue. A more focused financial services sector which does what it does well and does it honestly is much to be desired.
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
You should have chosen the woman you sexists.
By which I mean Lisa Nandy [clutches betting slip].
I think the only woman who came close to being Labour leader was Barbara Castle. And she would have been, if she hadn't slept with a Tory millionaire in his yacht at the middle of a crucial industrial dispute.
Is this when PB Tories stop saying "Angela is rubbish" and pivot seamlessly to "You should have chosen the woman you sexists"?
You should have chosen the woman you sexists.
By which I mean Lisa Nandy [clutches betting slip].
I think the only woman who came close to being Labour leader was Barbara Castle. And she would have been, if she hadn't slept with a Tory millionaire in his yacht at the middle of a crucial industrial dispute.
Oh come on Plato, we've all done that.
Absolutely. He that is without sin cast etc.
And what a dull life he led
Outrage the neighbours is more my style.
I've had my moments . Well, decade maybe. Ah, the 80s. If I could remember you, I'd probably miss you.
Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
Well, we in the UK worked out some time ago why people called Paddy kept on shouting "Give Ireland back to the Irish" a killing everone. Not only that, but we worked out how to stop it.
Perhaps our esteemed Boris could offer this information as part of the Brexit negotiations?
The IRA had objectives that were subject to negotiation, and were very susceptible to infiltration. Neither apply to Salafism, unless we all adopt the Jim Jones solution and save 'em the bother.
And in the end the IRA were beaten.
I suspect more could be done re infiltration but in the end we have to defeat Islamism, ideologically as much as on any battlefield. Indeed I would say that the former is more important than the latter.
Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
Well, we in the UK worked out some time ago why people called Paddy kept on shouting "Give Ireland back to the Irish" a killing everone. Not only that, but we worked out how to stop it.
Perhaps our esteemed Boris could offer this information as part of the Brexit negotiations?
The IRA had objectives that were subject to negotiation, and were very susceptible to infiltration. Neither apply to Salafism, unless we all adopt the Jim Jones solution and save 'em the bother.
And in the end the IRA were beaten.
I suspect more could be done re infiltration but in the end we have to defeat Islamism, ideologically as much as on any battlefield. Indeed I would say that the former is more important than the latter.
The IRA were beaten because we could demonstrate that their objectives were ultimately achievable by political means and we made a real effort to deal with legitimate grievances about the administration of Northern Ireland in the meantime.
Unless anyone is happy with taking steps towards the imposition of Islamic government in this country, the same can never be true of Islamism.
Douglas Murray is channelling SeanT in the Speccie. Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
On a previous thread, someone asked why Christians rarely call themselves Jesus Jesus - even in Spain or Mexico.
Reminded me of the footballing Neville twins - their dad was called Neville Neville.
It's not quite true, although much less common in the current generation. The majority of girls in the Philippines over 40 are called Maria, and a pretty fair proportion of guys are called some variation of Joseph or Jesus. Its just that almost everyone here is known by a nickname so you would never know! One of my wife's aunt's has four daughters and a son, all the daughters are called Maria, and the son is called Joseph, so will frequently see names written as "Ma. Christina Dela Cruz".
There was a time not long ago that many priests would refuse to baptise a child if their first name didn't appear (with appropriate connotations) in the Bible. Consider the new vice-president of the Philippines, usually known as Leni Robredo, full name Maria Leonor Santo Tomas Gerona Robredo.
It was surprisingly common in Portugal 40 years ago as well. My mother-in-law, and her sisters were all named Maria X de Andrade. With the X varying with the child. Obviously, they all go by X, and the 'Maria' is restricted to the passport.
Corbyn will probably win by a larger margin than the last time, though not much larger, probably low 60's.
What a pity. Sidelined by a mediocre no name without the guts to come out first.
PS I admire pretty much any woman in the Labour party at the moment. It's a cesspit of misogyny and hate. They must really love the party.
And she would have been, if she hadn't slept with a Tory millionaire in his yacht at the middle of a crucial industrial dispute.
When Gallup had the gap at 5 points it was when Trump got the nomination, the national polls gave him then a slight lead, so I expect Trump to move up in national polls to a tie or a small lead.
Do you remember "A Very British Coup"? The supposed Trots pulling the strings turned out to work for MI5 and had a similar goal of rendering a left wing party unelectable? Could Corbyn be in their pay?
Those hppy at such an outcome:
The Conservative Party
UKIP as they have a chance of winning large numbers of seats in former Labour heartlands.
The Lib Dems including our hero Nick Clegg who may fancy a comeback
Tony Blair as it is what he always dreamed of creating and may likewise fancy a comeback
Perhaps 20 or so current serving Labour MPs, no more
The SNP because Scots will finally vote for secession to save themselves
Every myriad left wing fringe party there is, because having started with nothing they'll not lose by ending up with next to nothing, and debating from the sidelines is all they care about.
Corbyn, because he's to stupid to understand his true achievement.
'We were only obeying orders'.
On £80k? I really don't see how hair splitting between a Big Pharma boss and a Big Pharma lobbyist really helps here.
He's smoother on the TV by virtue of his radio producer BBC credentials. I've seen no particular reason to elevate him above Corbyn myself - he's very good with a megaphone.
But Owen, surely you never lost it!
My hands are clean. I voted for Angela to be Deputy Leader and have been probably her only champion on here - and it was nothing to do with her tick boxes.
Across Europe whole schools of sociology professors will now be being deployed to come up with any explanation for why people called Mohammed keep on shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and killing everyone. With appropriate levels of funding they could well come up with the perfect way in which to miss the point by the middle of the 22nd century.
But since deselection is difficult, as soon as he got elected he moved his own way, probably under the influence of his father who was a conservative.
I say this as someone who can't stand Harperson's feminism agenda. She was my MP back in the 80s and never failed to impress me with her total trooper attitude. She never shrinks from a fight, and despite Beckett making a complete arse of the RPA - she's another.
Why she donated a vote to Corbyn is beyond me.
Is it that he feels that Corbyn is going to win, and he's sucking up to him already with the hope he won't be kicked out of the party for running against him?
"Please Jeremy, I didn't mean it, honest, I think you're great and you helped me rediscover my radicalism"
I spend more time muting the sound than listening to the reports.
Boris is a charmer - it's infectious. I find the sniping at him rather pathetic. I think he's the breath of fresh air/PR gem the FO needs.
Perhaps our esteemed Boris could offer this information as part of the Brexit negotiations?
I'm very disappointed that May reportedly acquiesced to other senior members that they didn't want him as a colleague. She should have told them to man up and get with the programme.
We've the rest of July and August to fill in - years ago on PB we were reduced to discussing vegetables. And they weren't even elected.
And he can't really hope to recruit £3 moderates because of the new rules.
If he can win this, its by telling them that they can have a "hard left" labour party without Corbyn. He needs to convince them that Corbyn's fall doesn't mean "Blairism" wins.
And he'll have plenty of other Labour MPs lining up to run the more aggressive lines against Corbyn, so he can keep his hands clean.
Reminded me of the footballing Neville twins - their dad was called Neville Neville.
paging @Alanbrooke !
There was a time not long ago that many priests would refuse to baptise a child if their first name didn't appear (with appropriate connotations) in the Bible. Consider the new vice-president of the Philippines, usually known as Leni Robredo, full name Maria Leonor Santo Tomas Gerona Robredo.
It sends all the wrong signals. The former shows really courage, the latter opportunism. I detest identity politics at every level - but it does seem to matter a lot in Labour circles. I assume May will be discounted as another token male like Thatcher.
The City will have to adjust to whatever post-Brexit agreement is reached. But the banks are retrenching and resizing their businesses anyway for market reasons and I expect this to continue. A more focused financial services sector which does what it does well and does it honestly is much to be desired.
On the team better able to manage the economy:
T. May & P. Hammond: 53%
J. Corbyn & J. McDonnell: 15%
(via ICM / 13 - 15 Jul)
This splits 45-23 in favour of Corbyn and McDonnell among Labour voters, and 93-2 in favour of May and Hammond among Tories.
(via ICM)
Outrage the neighbours is more my style.
I suspect more could be done re infiltration but in the end we have to defeat Islamism, ideologically as much as on any battlefield. Indeed I would say that the former is more important than the latter.
Unless anyone is happy with taking steps towards the imposition of Islamic government in this country, the same can never be true of Islamism.