What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
I presume this was always the strategy - Angela takes the initial flak and someone more electable - "normal," if you will - ends up being the challenger. Respect to her for carrying out a thankless role: you are right to highlight her bravery in particular given the poison within the party.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Don't even go there. I got told off for pointing out that the number of candidates is irrelevant because apparently that muddies the waters and people might put down a different second preference...
If, for the sake of argument, we assume that Michael Crick is right and the court does end up deciding Corbyn needs 51 nominations, then presumably they'd have to start all over again, re-opening nominations. In that case, it's interesting to work through various scenarios:
1. Corbyn gets 51 nominations, presumably so does Owen Smith, so we're back to where we are now;
2. Corbyn doesn't get 51 nominations, Owen Smith is the unity candidate: no member ballot, oops, BETRAYAL.
3. Corbyn doesn't get 51 nominations, someone else enters the race, and it's Smith vs A.N.Other (or conceivably more than one other).
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
Who wants to be the captain of the Titanic after it has hit the iceberg? Labour need a mainstream leader to re-seize the centre ground to have any chance of emerging as the largest party in 2020 (2025?). Owen Smith is not that person - though I shall be happy to win a few quid on his spectacular failure to resurrect the dinosaur movement ...
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
So, the moderates have left themselves 23 hours to persuade the general public to pay £25 to support this man - with a high probability that the money will actually be used for a hard left general election campaign. Good luck, guys. https://twitter.com/corbynjokes/status/755362915298009088
Well, he has a better chance with the membership than Eagle, at any rate. Not that that's saying much.
But the keys are, firstly, whether he actually shows any kind of ability to win a General Election himself. As much as the PLP delusionally think it is self-evident that they know how to win elections, that is far from obvious to us, given their recent record in elections and referendums. Is Smith good in the media? Would he seen as a vaguely plausible PM? Does he have any kind of understanding of what Joe Public thinks, rather than just parroting the opinions of the London intelligentsia like most of the Labour "moderates" do? Time will tell, but the early signs are not that promising - considering that after less than a week, he's already made a couple of gaffes in media interviews, and he's made one of his headline pledges that Labour should stay in favour of the EU, even after TWO THIRDS of Labour constituencies just voted to Leave.
The second thing is whether members actually trust any policy pledges that Smith makes. No matter how much his policy platform is to the liking of Labour members, there's going to be suspicion about whether he'll actually follow through. I don't think it's going to be ignored that the PLP (all of whom will be supporting Smith) have been utterly full of contempt for the Labour membership, saying how members were all just crazy Trots, how their opinions didn't matter and MPs should just ignore them, etc. No matter how exasperated members are with Corbyn's incompetence, they are NOT going to want to hand the keys back to the PLP unless they're reassured that it won't be a return to the dark days of abstaining on the Welfare Bill and generally enabling Tory austerity.
I'd say Corbyn still a pretty strong favourite, but odds not quite as short as they were.
If, for the sake of argument, we assume that Michael Crick is right and the court does end up deciding Corbyn needs 51 nominations, then presumably they'd have to start all over again, re-opening nominations. In that case, it's interesting to work through various scenarios:
1. Corbyn gets 51 nominations, presumably so does Owen Smith, so we're back to where we are now;
2. Corbyn doesn't get 51 nominations, Owen Smith is the unity candidate: no member ballot, oops, BETRAYAL.
3. Corbyn doesn't get 51 nominations, someone else enters the race, and it's Smith vs A.N.Other (or conceivably more than one other).
I'd argue 3 is the most likely scenario of those. If Corbyn is off the list, I highly doubt the PLP will not challenge Smith.
There are too many huge egos in the Labour party for there not to be more throwing their hat in the ring.
Who wants to be the captain of the Titanic after it has hit the iceberg? Labour need a mainstream leader to re-seize the centre ground to have any chance of emerging as the largest party in 2020 (2025?). Owen Smith is not that person - though I shall be happy to win a few quid on his spectacular failure to resurrect the dinosaur movement ...
Welcome to PB. Your first post belies your posting name - it's entirely reasonable.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
re: porridge. It has to be a sound test, the sound engineer probably asked her for her name and what she had for breakfast. I just can't think what else it could be!
Well, he has a better chance with the membership than Eagle, at any rate. Not that that's saying much.
But the keys are, firstly, whether he actually shows any kind of ability to win a General Election himself. As much as the PLP delusionally think it is self-evident that they know how to win elections, that is far from obvious to us, given their recent record in elections and referendums. Is Smith good in the media? Would he seen as a vaguely plausible PM? Does he have any kind of understanding of what Joe Public thinks, rather than just parroting the opinions of the London intelligentsia like most of the Labour "moderates" do? Time will tell, but the early signs are not that promising - considering that after less than a week, he's already made a couple of gaffes in media interviews, and he's made one of his headline pledges that Labour should stay in favour of the EU, even after TWO THIRDS of Labour constituencies just voted to Leave.
The second thing is whether members actually trust any policy pledges that Smith makes. No matter how much his policy platform is to the liking of Labour members, there's going to be suspicion about whether he'll actually follow through. I don't think it's going to be ignored that the PLP (all of whom will be supporting Smith) have been utterly full of contempt for the Labour membership, saying how members were all just crazy Trots, how their opinions didn't matter and MPs should just ignore them, etc. No matter how exasperated members are with Corbyn's incompetence, they are NOT going to want to hand the keys back to the PLP unless they're reassured that it won't be a return to the dark days of abstaining on the Welfare Bill and generally enabling Tory austerity.
I'd say Corbyn still a pretty strong favourite, but odds not quite as short as they were.
Corbyn sets the bar unbelievably low, so for non-cultists Smith may well look a more likely PM because he can, at least, bring the PLP with him and he does, at least, believe in collective responsibility. Unlike Corbyn, he is also prepared to go on TV and argue Labour's case. As for policies, we know that, unlike Corbyn, Smith is in favour of Trident and does not want to abolish the monarchy. Neither has he ever been an apologist for the IRA or Hamas. In terms of broad public opinion these will all put him well ahead of Corbyn.
I agree that Corbyn is well ahead with members and is very likely to win. But that's basically because most Labour members have no serious interest in Labour ever winning elections again.
Back by popular demand, the latest from the Momentum mailing list:
The window to sign up as a Registered Supporter of the Labour Party closes at 5pm tomorrow. The NEC’s decision to charge registered supporters £25 to vote is undemocratic and unfair. Yet, despite the high cost, thousands of people have already signed up to ensure they are able to vote for Jeremy and an open, inclusive Labour Party.
If you haven’t already registered you can do so here. Unsure if you need to register? Use this Vote Check tool to find out.
We need your help to spread the word:
We are contacting our supporters until 9pm tonight and all day tomorrow to remind them to register. If you can spare a few hours to make some calls, you can do so through the Jeremy for Labour web app.
When you’ve registered, share one of our memes on to your social media with #Register4Change to remind others to do the same.
Support our Twitterstorm by signing up with your Twitter account here. In solidarity,
Is there any chance that as this interminable Labour leadership saga drags on, with Corbyn ultimately remaining in place, the average voter will (a) become more aware of this Corbyn chappie and (b) actually feel more endeared towards the embattled old leftie; resulting him being widely recognised, more warmly received and Labour going up in the polls?
I can't help feeling that, assuming he survives, which seems likely, this is all doing Corbyn some good in the country at large....
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
Btw my earlier reply to you top of PT
I saw. Thank you. A small world.
I go to Italy for a fortnight and when I come back I find that a Gail's Artisan Bakery (for heaven's sake) has now opened in West Hampstead. The place is going to the dogs. I'd impose a Stupidity Tax on anyone daft enough to pay the sort of prices they charge.
The Labour Party will probably go to the wall never having had a woman leader. They will never elect one.
Not because they are sexist, but because the political culture at the top of the Labour party makes them think it is a good thing to put their gender at the heart of their campaign.
If you present your vagina as your most compelling political quality people are always going to think you a bit pathetic.
Do Twitterstorms and Memes really work? I suspect they connect pretty well for the Corbynista key demographics.
Am astonished by how you can effectively man a phonebank from your computer with such little screening/training. Has this been the direction that party phonebank campaigns have started to take too?
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
To be honest until a couple of weeks ago I had never heard of him and what I have heard since sounded deeply uninspired. Print another £200bn and spend it on infrastructure. Yeah, that would, well, be a bit of a disaster really.
Doesn't mean he is not better than Corbyn though. ABC, it is that simple.
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
I don't think that Eagle would allow herself to be used. I don't see her as a victim at all - except of vile abuse from Corbyn cultists.
The fact is that the only way to beat Corbyn is to have a unity candidate who does not have Iraq hanging over their shoulders. And if Labour is to survive as a parliamentary party Corbyn has to be beaten.
The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that Jezza, for lack of a better word, is good. Jezza is right, Jezza works. Jezza clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the (R)evolutionary spirit. Jezza, in all of his forms; Jezza for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And Jezza, you mark my words, will not only save the Labour Party, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the UK. Thank you very much.
What a brave, principled, selfless woman Angela Eagle has proved herself to be. I actually feel a little bit emotional about it. Unlike some, she has put the Labour party first. She has gone up massively in my estimation.
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
Yeah, yeah: I don't doubt your sincerity. But it looks as if the woman was used to do what no-one else had the guts to do and then was discarded.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
Btw my earlier reply to you top of PT
I saw. Thank you. A small world.
I go to Italy for a fortnight and when I come back I find that a Gail's Artisan Bakery (for heaven's sake) has now opened in West Hampstead. The place is going to the dogs. I'd impose a Stupidity Tax on anyone daft enough to pay the sort of prices they charge.
Gail's must be a chain, for I am sure I have seen it somewhere else.
Coming back to London from Italy was always rather grim (although not with today's weather), even when I lived in West Hampstead.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
"Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite."
For you, anyone to the right of the Revolutionary Socialist League is a "Blairite".
Keep an eye on this backbench Tory, he will go far
@jimwaterson: ..and in central lobby, as Owen Smith does TV interviews, a backbench Tory called David Cameron briefly pauses to find out what's happening.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
"Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite."
For you, anyone to the right of the Revolutionary Socialist League is a "Blairite".
I'm somewhat to the right of Ghengis Khan. Fiscally at least. But I speak fluent Corbynite.
Shock as man beats woman in Labour party leadership contest.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
Corbyn just flat out won in the first round didn't he?
We've not had it yet, but yes.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
That's the one. At least now it's just head to head. So, ex-BBC, ex-SPAD, ex-PR hack versus the immortal God King of the Labour Left. Looks like a Blairite, smells like a Blairite, says he's not a Blairite. Hmm.
To be honest until a couple of weeks ago I had never heard of him and what I have heard since sounded deeply uninspired. Print another £200bn and spend it on infrastructure. Yeah, that would, well, be a bit of a disaster really.
Doesn't mean he is not better than Corbyn though. ABC, it is that simple.
This is a Labour party electorate.
Of course, the government has already dropped its entire fiscal and economic policy and will be spending a shedload of money than had been planned. We're all Corbynites now ;-)
The Labour Party will probably go to the wall never having had a woman leader. They will never elect one.
Not because they are sexist, but because the political culture at the top of the Labour party makes them think it is a good thing to put their gender at the heart of their campaign.
If you present your vagina as your most compelling political quality people are always going to think you a bit pathetic.
But...but...she'd had it vajazzled and everything. How could you not go for it, Labour?
New party?
No doubt, though, that Owen Smith is better placed to beat Corbyn. He has a tiny chance, but it does exist. If by some miracle it happens, Angela Eagle will earn the undying gratitude of millions of Labour voters.
But doesn't Angela Eagle understand how AV works, both she and Owen Smith could have both stood.
It's not FPTP
But then, this is the Labour party. Patricide is not their specialist subject.
The NEC/Corbyn 51 nominations one and the Article 50 one.
My cup well and truly runneth over, it's like Bush v Gore all over again.
Also helps the poor, hard up legal profession, what's not to love?
The Labour Party. 2016
We need that AV thread TSE!
1. Corbyn gets 51 nominations, presumably so does Owen Smith, so we're back to where we are now;
2. Corbyn doesn't get 51 nominations, Owen Smith is the unity candidate: no member ballot, oops, BETRAYAL.
3. Corbyn doesn't get 51 nominations, someone else enters the race, and it's Smith vs A.N.Other (or conceivably more than one other).
- it avoids that Spatacus moment - "I'm the unity candidate"; "no, I'm the unity candidate"...
- you and I understand AV, but a not insignificant number of voters fail to cast a second preference
Oh wait ...
Who is your Twtter Avatar? (not Kim Walsh, I mean the Twitter avatar). I know I've seen him somewhere but can't remember the programme.
And this is the party which, its insufferable sense of moral superiority intact, has the gall to lecture the rest of us on equality.
It stinks.
Better for Corbyn to stay, be roundly defeated and from the ashes maybe decent Labour party members like you can create a left of centre party which actually acts on the liberal principles it claims to believe in and which the rest of us could even consider voting for.
I spent those couple of days laying her heavily, if anyone was stupid enough to bet her at 2.0 then of course I'll take the other side of that.
Paid off.
Btw my earlier reply to you top of PT
- Margaret Thatcher on BBC Television, 5 March, 1973
But the keys are, firstly, whether he actually shows any kind of ability to win a General Election himself. As much as the PLP delusionally think it is self-evident that they know how to win elections, that is far from obvious to us, given their recent record in elections and referendums. Is Smith good in the media? Would he seen as a vaguely plausible PM? Does he have any kind of understanding of what Joe Public thinks, rather than just parroting the opinions of the London intelligentsia like most of the Labour "moderates" do? Time will tell, but the early signs are not that promising - considering that after less than a week, he's already made a couple of gaffes in media interviews, and he's made one of his headline pledges that Labour should stay in favour of the EU, even after TWO THIRDS of Labour constituencies just voted to Leave.
The second thing is whether members actually trust any policy pledges that Smith makes. No matter how much his policy platform is to the liking of Labour members, there's going to be suspicion about whether he'll actually follow through. I don't think it's going to be ignored that the PLP (all of whom will be supporting Smith) have been utterly full of contempt for the Labour membership, saying how members were all just crazy Trots, how their opinions didn't matter and MPs should just ignore them, etc. No matter how exasperated members are with Corbyn's incompetence, they are NOT going to want to hand the keys back to the PLP unless they're reassured that it won't be a return to the dark days of abstaining on the Welfare Bill and generally enabling Tory austerity.
I'd say Corbyn still a pretty strong favourite, but odds not quite as short as they were.
There are too many huge egos in the Labour party for there not to be more throwing their hat in the ring.
Oh you mean the last time when the so called clever ones were spending all of their energy trying to position themselves for second preferences?
Owin' Even-more-than-last-time.
Have they even vaguely thought this through? 170 other MPs are looking at their feet, slowly shaking their heads....
I am not sanguine about his chances.
Always raises a laugh
Angela Eagle spent longer talking about standing for leader than actually doing it.
@iainjwatson: Owen Smith says if he wins Angela Eagle will be 'at his right hand'
Your first post belies your posting name - it's entirely reasonable.
Can't see it stated anywhere on here.
I agree that Corbyn is well ahead with members and is very likely to win. But that's basically because most Labour members have no serious interest in Labour ever winning elections again.
Why are the betting markets not giving Corbyn 90+ % yet ?
That's a lot of money being bet on Micheal Foster.
The window to sign up as a Registered Supporter of the Labour Party closes at 5pm tomorrow. The NEC’s decision to charge registered supporters £25 to vote is undemocratic and unfair. Yet, despite the high cost, thousands of people have already signed up to ensure they are able to vote for Jeremy and an open, inclusive Labour Party.
If you haven’t already registered you can do so here. Unsure if you need to register? Use this Vote Check tool to find out.
We need your help to spread the word:
We are contacting our supporters until 9pm tonight and all day tomorrow to remind them to register. If you can spare a few hours to make some calls, you can do so through the Jeremy for Labour web app.
When you’ve registered, share one of our memes on to your social media with #Register4Change to remind others to do the same.
Support our Twitterstorm by signing up with your Twitter account here.
In solidarity,
Team Momentum
Momentum is funded entirely by membership fees and donations from thousands of supporters across the UK.
I can't help feeling that, assuming he survives, which seems likely, this is all doing Corbyn some good in the country at large....
I go to Italy for a fortnight and when I come back I find that a Gail's Artisan Bakery (for heaven's sake) has now opened in West Hampstead. The place is going to the dogs. I'd impose a Stupidity Tax on anyone daft enough to pay the sort of prices they charge.
Not because they are sexist, but because the political culture at the top of the Labour party makes them think it is a good thing to put their gender at the heart of their campaign.
If you present your vagina as your most compelling political quality people are always going to think you a bit pathetic.
Am astonished by how you can effectively man a phonebank from your computer with such little screening/training. Has this been the direction that party phonebank campaigns have started to take too?
Doesn't mean he is not better than Corbyn though. ABC, it is that simple.
Mysoginist, backstabber, red Tory baby killer.
The fact is that the only way to beat Corbyn is to have a unity candidate who does not have Iraq hanging over their shoulders. And if Labour is to survive as a parliamentary party Corbyn has to be beaten.
(R)evolutionary spirit. Jezza, in all of his forms; Jezza for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And Jezza, you mark my words, will not only save the Labour Party, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the UK. Thank you very much.
Coming back to London from Italy was always rather grim (although not with today's weather), even when I lived in West Hampstead.
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more!
For you, anyone to the right of the Revolutionary Socialist League is a "Blairite".
@jimwaterson: ..and in central lobby, as Owen Smith does TV interviews, a backbench Tory called David Cameron briefly pauses to find out what's happening.
Of course, the government has already dropped its entire fiscal and economic policy and will be spending a shedload of money than had been planned. We're all Corbynites now ;-)
Forget the porridge, cue Angela's Catchphrase:
"Well, that was a fucking disaster..."
You can tease Labour about women leaders, or you can argue identity politics don't matter but you can't do both.