Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
Mr. Rabbit, I largely agree, but the better part of a decade ago a claim by Mehdi Hasan on Any Questions (hosted in a mosque) got loud applause when he claimed Muslims in Britain were treated like Jews in Germany in the 1930s.
People are capable of having a victimhood fetish or persecution complex. I'm not saying that's the case in the US situation, just that you can't rely on people to be objective. Some will make a song and dance about anything. Some have a higher tolerance, are more resilient or are afraid to speak up.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Tennis is a quick-fire sport, unlike boring Test Cricket, which is a game invented, played and watched by people with FAR too much time on their hands!
Test Cricket is almost as boring as Golf!
*dives for cover*
Congratulations, Sunil, I have been on this site for several years waiting for you to say something sensible.
His Tebbit chip is on the fritz again...
Cricket is by far the most popular sport in the Subcontinent, whereas Football is the most popular sport in Blighty ;P
Where "Blighty" = "the rest of the world"
When I was at school an Indian classmate taught us how to play kabbadi
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
What gives the British Lefty a much better insight? Oh wait, how am I forgetting? They are morally superior to Tory scum.
I don't view all Tories as scum. I have in my life noticed however, that on complex racial issues those who are right-wing are not likely to be sympathetic to the views of minorities.
I wonder, would a British Conservative living in America have more insight than a British Lefty living in Britain... *innocent face*
Well Republicans aren't exactly engaging well with minorities at this moment in time. Though even I admit British Conservatives are far more moderate than them, generally. It really depends whether someone is willing to listen to the perspectives of minorities in the US.
You're a short step away from actually saying that it's OK to discriminate against whites because in the past there was discrimination against blacks.
I don't know quite how you come to that conclusion, but then this is PB so I shouldn't be surprised. And I'm afraid the issue is that discrimination against Blacks is very much a present and not just a past issue.
I came to that conclusion by applying logic.
The problem, insofar as there is still a problem, is that perceived discrimination against blacks far outstrips the reality.
A baffling conclusion.
Perceived by whom, exactly?
Perceived by blacks, obviously.
So the people who suffer discrimination aren't a good judge of the discrimination they face?
What a patronising attitude.
It's very often an easy excuse, as Sacha Baron Cohen noted.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
You're a short step away from actually saying that it's OK to discriminate against whites because in the past there was discrimination against blacks.
I don't know quite how you come to that conclusion, but then this is PB so I shouldn't be surprised. And I'm afraid the issue is that discrimination against Blacks is very much a present and not just a past issue.
I came to that conclusion by applying logic.
The problem, insofar as there is still a problem, is that perceived discrimination against blacks far outstrips the reality.
A baffling conclusion.
Perceived by whom, exactly?
Perceived by blacks, obviously.
So the people who suffer discrimination aren't a good judge of the discrimination they face?
What a patronising attitude.
It's very often an easy excuse, as Sacha Baron Cohen noted.
... so now they're doing it deliberately?
Of course they're not perfect. But the answer is to address the racism, not accuse ordinary Americans of playing to the audience, when they have none.
You're a short step away from actually saying that it's OK to discriminate against whites because in the past there was discrimination against blacks.
I don't know quite how you come to that conclusion, but then this is PB so I shouldn't be surprised. And I'm afraid the issue is that discrimination against Blacks is very much a present and not just a past issue.
Let's briefly review the data. The US police killed 508 whites and 261 blacks in 2015. Proportionally, that's three times as many blacks as whites. That multiple also applies to incarceration rates for black males.
In order to explain this, therefore, you might argue that police are more likely to encounter (say) young black men at the scene of a crime or in pursuit of a suspect. That is, in situations where violence or resistance is more likely. That's a reasonable hypothesis, absent video evidence (leaving aside criticism that the criminal justice system in the US is also skewed in favour of whites).
Unfortunately, we've been accumulating video evidence that shows at least a proportion of those deaths are due to, bluntly, trigger-happy officers.
I'm surprised to find that the US doesn't collate the outcomes of police shootings at national level. I can't find out how many deaths resulted in the prosecution and/or conviction of the officer(s) concerned. That's really unhelpful - it allows conspiracy theories to abound.
My field was security. Ultimately, that reduces to questions of trust, risk and consequences. If I interact with a UK police officer, I trust that I will be treated fairly. If my trust is misplaced, I might suffer injuries, but I'm unlikely to be shot or killed. We have decent data to show that most UK officers can be trusted - but not all.
In the US, the consequences of misplaced trust are potentially far higher. It is clear that the risks for blacks are higher than for whites. If sections of the US populace believe that their institutional trust has been misplaced, this will break the social contract between law enforcement and citizens. That is pernicious for both sides. We're starting to see this develop in front of our eyes and its incredibly ugly and dangerous.
It's nothing to do with racial superiority. There is clearly a problem that needs to be addressed. Here endeth the sermon.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
I think it was summed up awhile ago that the place is really political discussion, rather than political betting.
The core remains politics, what harm diversions in that case?
I've seen places where people only discuss politics. It's a dreadful hellscape.
Mr. kle4, splendid. I knew you were a sensible chap.
Incidentally, there's a Witcher 3 GOTY edition rumoured to be out next month. So, if you haven't got the DLC [assuming you have the game] you may prefer to wait for that.
You're a short step away from actually saying that it's OK to discriminate against whites because in the past there was discrimination against blacks.
I don't know quite how you come to that conclusion, but then this is PB so I shouldn't be surprised. And I'm afraid the issue is that discrimination against Blacks is very much a present and not just a past issue.
Let's briefly review the data. The US police killed 508 whites and 261 blacks in 2015. Proportionally, that's three times as many blacks as whites. That multiple also applies to incarceration rates for black males.
In order to explain this, therefore, you might argue that police are more likely to encounter (say) young black men at the scene of a crime or in pursuit of a suspect. That is, in situations where violence or resistance is more likely. That's a reasonable hypothesis, absent video evidence (leaving aside criticism that the criminal justice system in the US is also skewed in favour of whites).
Unfortunately, we've been accumulating video evidence that shows at least a proportion of those deaths are due to, bluntly, trigger-happy officers.
I'm surprised to find that the US doesn't collate the outcomes of police shootings at national level. I can't find out how many deaths resulted in the prosecution and/or conviction of the officer(s) concerned. That's really unhelpful - it allows conspiracy theories to abound.
My field was security. Ultimately, that reduces to questions of trust, risk and consequences. If I interact with a UK police officer, I trust that I will be treated fairly. If my trust is misplaced, I might suffer injuries, but I'm unlikely to be shot or killed. We have decent data to show that most UK officers can be trusted - but not all.
In the US, the consequences of misplaced trust are potentially far higher. It is clear that the risks for blacks are higher than for whites. If sections of the US populace believe that their institutional trust has been misplaced, this will break the social contract between law enforcement and citizens. That is pernicious for both sides. We're starting to see this develop in front of our eyes and its incredibly ugly and dangerous.
It's nothing to do with racial superiority. There is clearly a problem that needs to be addressed. Here endeth the sermon.
Thanks for the reply John_M. I think the trouble is, is that many Black Americans feel in these cases of 'trigger-happy officers', race is a factor in these killings. Nonetheless, we can both agree that there is a clearly a problem which needs to be addressed.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
Where is the first rally going to be? Do I have to bring my own placard?
Can I suggest a chant? THUMBS UP, GOOD POST! Repeat until exhausted.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
LOL. Particularly relevant for the Betting Posts Matter campaign.
What gives the British Lefty a much better insight? Oh wait, how am I forgetting? They are morally superior to Tory scum.
I don't view all Tories as scum. I have in my life noticed however, that on complex racial issues those who are right-wing are not likely to be sympathetic to the views of minorities.
I wonder, would a British Conservative living in America have more insight than a British Lefty living in Britain... *innocent face*
H I lived out there and worked across all of the southern states for a number of years . It has been mentioned here already but I did notice
1) there are areas that are exclusively non white 2) Police officers do not enter these areas alone and nor do white Americans. 3) there are many black on black murders and appeared to far outweigh any other. 4) reasons for the murders are mainly gang but close run by drugs quite often both of these combined 5) There are many black police officers in fact in some areas it appears almost exclusive. 6) Media rarely report deaths anymore and if they do it's done in a few seconds. Often they don't.
Until we break this merry go round of distrust and fear from both sides then nothing will change and groups will collect if for nothing else for the perceived comfort and protection that they sense it provides. The completely bizarre thing is in regards to working and going about daily lives this seems not to be half the problem of residential areas.
That's just my own personal observations for what they are worth over 15 years up and down the Gulf coast. I am sure they can all be disproved but these were first hand impressions.
I am not engaging further on this subject as you simply get dragged into racial related arguments which end up as accusations.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Yeah, if you want to bore them to death. Surely you just say:
"A. V."
And then proceed to drop the mic and exit stage left.
It's touching that several of those who were all for dispensing with experts in the recent EU unpleasantness have now discovered that they're experts in the black experience in the USA.
It's touching that several of those who were all for dispensing with experts in the recent EU unpleasantness have now discovered that they're experts in the black experience in the USA.
Hallelujah, as the black folks say.
To be honest I'm impressed with just how many experts in international trade deals we've got on PB.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
In my day before fridges a larder was a cooled area for the storage of foodstuffs. According to my then butler Jeeves a pantry was a small preparation area, commonly with a sink and ability to boil a kettle etc ready for afternoon tea and cake delicacies to be taken on the terrace overlooking the croquet lawn.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Yeah, if you want to bore them to death. Surely you just say:
"A. V."
And then proceed to drop the mic and exit stage left.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
LOL. Particularly relevant for the Betting Posts Matter campaign.
Really posh people have both... a larder is a small room off the kitchen for storage of food that will be eaten in the near future / is partially eaten.
The pantry is for the medium term storage of dry goods, and is usually separate from the kitchen, next to the humidor, laundry, meat store and gun room.
It's touching that several of those who were all for dispensing with experts in the recent EU unpleasantness have now discovered that they're experts in the black experience in the USA.
Hallelujah, as the black folks say.
I don't know what the answers are in the US. It is a hard hard road they have to go down, of course those responsible for today's outrage will feel a punishment far harsher than any that can be delivered in this country.
264 record low score for the Open on a lighter note, and Mickelson's 4 rounds would have won in any other year. Immense.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
Where is the first rally going to be? Do I have to bring my own placard?
Can I suggest a chant? THUMBS UP, GOOD POST! Repeat until exhausted.
Yup but......It also has to have the Socialist Worker Logo and all Tories are scum written on it. All placards seem to have this I seem to recollect
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Yeah, if you want to bore them to death. Surely you just say:
"A. V."
And then proceed to drop the mic and exit stage left.
STV is AV on steroids!
tbh, I think we should dispense with tedious elections and just put @Cyclefree in charge. One woman, one vote. Simple.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
In my day before fridges a larder was a cooled area for the storage of foodstuffs. According to my then butler Jeeves a pantry was a small preparation area, commonly with a sink and ability to boil a kettle etc ready for afternoon tea and cake delicacies to be taken on the terrace overlooking the croquet lawn.
So Ed didn't have two kitchens, he had a pantry. On such things do elections turn.
It's touching that several of those who were all for dispensing with experts in the recent EU unpleasantness have now discovered that they're experts in the black experience in the USA.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Tennis is a quick-fire sport, unlike boring Test Cricket, which is a game invented, played and watched by people with FAR too much time on their hands!
Test Cricket is almost as boring as Golf!
*dives for cover*
Congratulations, Sunil, I have been on this site for several years waiting for you to say something sensible.
His Tebbit chip is on the fritz again...
Cricket is by far the most popular sport in the Subcontinent, whereas Football is the most popular sport in Blighty ;P
Where "Blighty" = "the rest of the world"
When I was at school an Indian classmate taught us how to play kabbadi
They used to show a lot of Indian/British Asian stuff on BBC2 and Channel 4 in the 80s and early 90s, from the classical music show Gharbar, to coverage of Kabbadi, to the epic Hindu mythology serial Mahabharat, but nothing like that on contemporary terrestrial TV.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Yeah, if you want to bore them to death. Surely you just say:
"A. V."
And then proceed to drop the mic and exit stage left.
Cameron tried that in his farewell speech, but he accidentally said "W. H. U."
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
LOL. Particularly relevant for the Betting Posts Matter campaign.
Really posh people have both... a larder is a small room off the kitchen for storage of food that will be eaten in the near future / is partially eaten.
The pantry is for the medium term storage of dry goods, and is usually separate from the kitchen, next to the humidor, laundry, meat store and gun room.
The hotel I stayed at in Lugano, last week, had a "Himalayan Salt Mood Room".
An entire room walled with pink glowing bricks of Tibetan salt, for relaxation.
Can anyone beat that?
A friend of mine back in the 80s had his entire bedsit walls covered floor to ceiling with Marboro packets. That was weird.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Tennis is a quick-fire sport, unlike boring Test Cricket, which is a game invented, played and watched by people with FAR too much time on their hands!
Test Cricket is almost as boring as Golf!
*dives for cover*
Congratulations, Sunil, I have been on this site for several years waiting for you to say something sensible.
His Tebbit chip is on the fritz again...
Cricket is by far the most popular sport in the Subcontinent, whereas Football is the most popular sport in Blighty ;P
Where "Blighty" = "the rest of the world"
When I was at school an Indian classmate taught us how to play kabbadi
They used to show a lot of Indian/British Asian stuff on BBC2 and Channel 4 in the 80s and early 90s, from the classical music show Gharbar, to coverage of Kabbadi, to the epic Hindu mythology serial Mahabharat, but nothing like that on contemporary terrestrial TV.
I remember kabbadi, kabbadi, kabbadi, kabbadi kaaaaaaa . Ch4 also used to show sumo as well.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
LOL. Particularly relevant for the Betting Posts Matter campaign.
Really posh people have both... a larder is a small room off the kitchen for storage of food that will be eaten in the near future / is partially eaten.
The pantry is for the medium term storage of dry goods, and is usually separate from the kitchen, next to the humidor, laundry, meat store and gun room.
The hotel I stayed at in Lugano, last week, had a "Himalayan Salt Mood Room".
An entire room walled with pink glowing bricks of Tibetan salt, for relaxation.
Can anyone beat that?
A friend of mine back in the 80s had his entire bedsit walls covered floor to ceiling with Marboro packets. That was weird.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
LOL. Particularly relevant for the Betting Posts Matter campaign.
Really posh people have both... a larder is a small room off the kitchen for storage of food that will be eaten in the near future / is partially eaten.
The pantry is for the medium term storage of dry goods, and is usually separate from the kitchen, next to the humidor, laundry, meat store and gun room.
The hotel I stayed at in Lugano, last week, had a "Himalayan Salt Mood Room".
An entire room walled with pink glowing bricks of Tibetan salt, for relaxation.
Can anyone beat that?
That's just extravagant.
(Although I have indulged in a little luxury at home of having a room converted into a small library. My wife's idea, but I've decided to expropriate it)
From CBS outlet in #BatonRouge - Witness says he doesn't believe law enforcement officers were "targeted." bit.ly/29EG43q
This has not been confirmed by police but there are reports that the officers were responding to calls that shots had already been fired: Reports indicate there was a shootout between two gangs and then law enforcement arrived on scene.
Latest reports indicate one officer in a critical condition at hospital, one in stable condition and three police officers have died.
It's touching that several of those who were all for dispensing with experts in the recent EU unpleasantness have now discovered that they're experts in the black experience in the USA.
Hallelujah, as the black folks say.
I don't know what the answers are in the US. It is a hard hard road they have to go down, of course those responsible for today's outrage will feel a punishment far harsher than any that can be delivered in this country.
I don't either tbh except unacceptable-to-them gun control, it looks an almighty **** up getting more ****ed up by the day. Can't see a POTUS Trump not making it much, much worse.
Facebook employees had the right idea with "all lives matter " slogan. The bosses rather disgracefully stopped them.
No they didn't. The "all lives matter" counter movement is an attempt to claim there isn't a systematic problem with the American police's interaction with Black people.
He slogan is Black Lives Mater not Only Black Lives Matter. It is drawing attention to the problem of he disproportionate level of unarmed black people who are shot and killed by police. It is not exclusionary or indeed racist - it is a focusing statement.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
And, moreover, the Tories do NOT use anything like AV for leadership elections, but the EXHAUSTIVE BALLOT, with only one vote per voter cast per round.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
And, moreover, the Tories do NOT use anything like AV for leadership elections, but the EXHAUSTIVE BALLOT, with only one vote per voter cast per round.
Wrong. The U.K. public rejected it.
The Tories have rounds of voting where the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated until there are two, and the winner is the one who gets over 50%. How is that not like AV?
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Brnterests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most ler since.
LOL. Particularly relevant for the Betting Posts Matter campaign.
Really posh people have both... a larder is a small room off the kitchen for storage of food that will be eaten in the near future / is partially eaten.
The pantry is for the medium term storage of dry goods, and is usually separate from the kitchen, next to the humidor, laundry, meat store and gun room.
The hotel I stayed at in Lugano, last week, had a "Himalayan Salt Mood Room".
An entire room walled with pink glowing bricks of Tibetan salt, for relaxation.
Can anyone beat that?
A friend of mine back in the 80s had his entire bedsit walls covered floor to ceiling with Marboro packets. That was weird.
He wasn't even a smoker!
Reminds me of a story of my own, from when my friends and I were heroin addicts
One mate - in the depth of his addiction - was so sordidly neglectful he couldn't be bothered to get out of bed to pee, he preferred to lie in bed, happy in his opiated stupor. So he would just pee in empty Evian bottles and then stack them on the window sill.
A week later he woke up and felt his face bathed in a golden and miraculous light, and he thought it was God telling him to quit the drugs, and his heart filled with rediscovered joy. Then he realised the beams of radiance were the morning sun shining through his own rancid pee.
What gives the British Lefty a much better insight? Oh wait, how am I forgetting? They are morally superior to Tory scum.
I don't view all Tories as scum. I have in my life noticed however, that on complex racial issues those who are right-wing are not likely to be sympathetic to the views of minorities.
I wonder, would a British Conservative living in America have more insight than a British Lefty living in Britain... *innocent face*
H I lived out there and worked across all of the southern states for a number of years . It has been mentioned here already but I did notice
1) there are areas that are exclusively non white 2) Police officers do not enter these areas alone and nor do white Americans. 3) there are many black on black murders and appeared to far outweigh any other. 4) reasons for the murders are mainly gang but close run by drugs quite often both of these combined 5) There are many black police officers in fact in some areas it appears almost exclusive. 6) Media rarely report deaths anymore and if they do it's done in a few seconds. Often they don't.
Until we break this merry go round of distrust and fear from both sides then nothing will change and groups will collect if for nothing else for the perceived comfort and protection that they sense it provides. The completely bizarre thing is in regards to working and going about daily lives this seems not to be half the problem of residential areas.
That's just my own personal observations for what they are worth over 15 years up and down the Gulf coast. I am sure they can all be disproved but these were first hand impressions.
I am not engaging further on this subject as you simply get dragged into racial related arguments which end up as accusations.
Nate Silver Verified account @NateSilver538 Gary Johnson up to 9.3% in our national poll average, his high point of the year so far.
Betting Question;
From here, do Gary Johnson's polling numbers go;
A) up B') down
The question is - who does he hurt more ?
I think if Gary Johnson gets to 15% and therefor in to the debates, it wont matter who he takes most from because he could win it!
Yes I probably am living in my Libertarian dream world, but 6 mouths ago who thought he could get to 9.3% average? so please let me enjoy this moment.
P.S. I'm a betting novis, if I did want to place say £100 on him winning, what would be a good site to go to and haw much could I expect to win if he did become President?
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
And, moreover, the Tories do NOT use anything like AV for leadership elections, but the EXHAUSTIVE BALLOT, with only one vote per voter cast per round.
Wrong. The U.K. public rejected it.
The Tories have rounds of voting where the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated until there are two, and the winner is the one who gets over 50%. How is that not like AV?
You can adjust your decision based on the known result of the first round of balloting.
In that respect it is more similar to the French presidential run-off.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
And, moreover, the Tories do NOT use anything like AV for leadership elections, but the EXHAUSTIVE BALLOT, with only one vote per voter cast per round.
Wrong. The U.K. public rejected it.
The Tories have rounds of voting where the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated until there are two, and the winner is the one who gets over 50%. How is that not like AV?
Because, you THICK TEDIOUS TORY TWAT, your MPs only get one vote per round. They CANNOT express a preference for more than one candidate in each round, as with AV.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creatipenings ands what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
And, moreover, the Tories do NOT use anything like AV for leadership elections, but the EXHAUSTIVE BALLOT, with only one vote per voter cast per round.
Wrong. The U.K. public rejected it.
The Tories have rounds of voting where the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated until there are two, and the winner is the one who gets over 50%. How is that not like AV?
You can adjust your decision based on the known result of the first round of balloting.
In that respect it is more similar to the French presidential run-off.
That's why I said quasi-AV.
Plus the Tories are nothing like the French, I ask you to withdraw that horrible slur
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
ands what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
And, moreover, the Tories do NOT use anything like AV for leadership elections, but the EXHAUSTIVE BALLOT, with only one vote per voter cast per round.
Wrong. The U.K. public rejected it.
The Tories have rounds of voting where the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated until there are two, and the winner is the one who gets over 50%. How is that not like AV?
You can adjust your decision based on the known result of the first round of balloting.
In that respect it is more similar to the French presidential run-off.
That's why I said quasi-AV.
Plus the Tories are nothing like the French, I ask you to withdraw that horrible slur
It's not called "quasi-AV", it's the Exhaustive Ballot:
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creatipenings ands what they think about Hannibal Barca.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
And, moreover, the Tories do NOT use anything like AV for leadership elections, but the EXHAUSTIVE BALLOT, with only one vote per voter cast per round.
Wrong. The U.K. public rejected it.
The Tories have rounds of voting where the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated until there are two, and the winner is the one who gets over 50%. How is that not like AV?
You can adjust your decision based on the known result of the first round of balloting.
In that respect it is more similar to the French presidential run-off.
That's why I said quasi-AV.
Plus the Tories are nothing like the French, I ask you to withdraw that horrible slur
Since they have multiple election rounds, it is similar.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
These suggestions to ban posts that are not related to politics and or betting crop up from time to time but OGH has never picked up on them and I hope he never does. I am just coming up to my ninth anniversary of reading this site and whilst it is true to say that the ratio of betting posts has fallen dramatically (used to get lots of good horse tips on here), there have always been posts on other topics.
PB is something like a friendly public bar with, often, three or four separate conversations going on at the same time and you can dip in and out of each as you wish. PB without its pedantry, trains, engineering, history (ancient and modern) and all the rest of stuff we talk about would be a very boring place.
Facebook employees had the right idea with "all lives matter " slogan. The bosses rather disgracefully stopped them.
No they didn't. The "all lives matter" counter movement is an attempt to claim there isn't a systematic problem with the American police's interaction with Black people.
He slogan is Black Lives Mater not Only Black Lives Matter. It is drawing attention to the problem of he disproportionate level of unarmed black people who are shot and killed by police. It is not exclusionary or indeed racist - it is a focusing statement.
The problem is that BLM has turned into only BLM. It is now just a black supremacist movement with its own paramilitary wing, the New Black Panthers. It has become a terrorist organisation and should be treated as such.
Reminds me of a story of my own, from when my friends and I were heroin addicts
One mate - in the depth of his addiction - was so sordidly neglectful he couldn't be bothered to get out of bed to pee, he preferred to lie in bed, happy in his opiated stupor. So he would just pee in empty Evian bottles and then stack them on the window sill.
A week later he woke up and felt his face bathed in a golden and miraculous light, and he thought it was God telling him to quit the drugs, and his heart filled with rediscovered joy. Then he realised the beams of radiance were the morning sun shining through his own rancid pee.
He still took it as a blessing, though.
Thanks for the hearty laugh on an otherwise crappy day!
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
People rarely know what's good for them
The people have an enduring thirst for STV and knew that the AV on offer was merely a pale imitation.
Nate Silver Verified account @NateSilver538 Gary Johnson up to 9.3% in our national poll average, his high point of the year so far.
Betting Question;
From here, do Gary Johnson's polling numbers go;
A) up B') down
The question is - who does he hurt more ?
I think if Gary Johnson gets to 15% and therefor in to the debates, it wont matter who he takes most from because he could win it!
Yes I probably am living in my Libertarian dream world, but 6 mouths ago who thought he could get to 9.3% average? so please let me enjoy this moment.
P.S. I'm a betting novis, if I did want to place say £100 on him winning, what would be a good site to go to and haw much could I expect to win if he did become President?
The best odds you'll get if you want to back him are on betfair - around 450/1 (0.2%)
The American-facing predictit is offering 25/1 (4%) to back, or 33/1 (3%) to lay.
If you place £100 back bet on betfair, you'll win £45,000, -5% commission.
Disclaimer - I have previously been laying @ these odds, so don't take this as a betting tip!
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
People rarely know what's good for them
The people have an enduring thirst for STV and knew that the AV on offer was merely a pale imitation.
Yup. Black Lives Matter and the political pandering to them isn't helping either.
Gunman is still at large, ten shots fired
I knew you'd blame BLM.
I don't understand that view. BLM is a symptom, not a cause. Smartphones are showing US police in an extremely unpleasant light. It's no wonder there's so much anger.
Is it my view you don't understand (or those who oppose BLM)? From what I can see, you are critical of the US police as well. BLM exists because in America all lives are not seeing as mattering, unfortunately. Thus, people say Black Lives Matter to reiterate what should be true: that in 2016 Black Lives do matter, just as much as anyone else does. It is a shame so many people in America do not believe that Black Lives do matter.
BLM are a dangerous agit prop Black Poweresque movement that aren't helping anything. And pandering to them is even worse.
When an organisation encourages through rhetoric/gets approval from politicians the planned murder of law officers - it deserves NOTHING but condemnation. You'd never defend white supremacists killing police offices - what's the difference?
Very true, nothing justifies anyone going out and shooting innocent police officers, anyone who thinks that is acceptable is warped in the extreme, no matter what grievance they nurture.
What makes my blood run cold right now is that there's a deliberate intention to murder officers across the nation.
Thinking your spouse may not come home each night is always a worry for law enforcement families, knowing that a small number of racists are seeking to shoot them is an entirely different kettle of fish.
God knows what's going to happen in Cleveland tomorrow with the Trump convention. IIRC it's a open carry state.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
These suggestions to ban posts that are not related to politics and or betting crop up from time to time but OGH has never picked up on them and I hope he never does. I am just coming up to my ninth anniversary of reading this site and whilst it is true to say that the ratio of betting posts has fallen dramatically (used to get lots of good horse tips on here), there have always been posts on other topics.
PB is something like a friendly public bar with, often, three or four separate conversations going on at the same time and you can dip in and out of each as you wish. PB without its pedantry, trains, engineering, history (ancient and modern) and all the rest of stuff we talk about would be a very boring place.
Unless you were in a Himalayan Salt Mood Room on the night of June 23rd, every PB-er will have had their fill of betting, and in the right way.
As such I feel we can happily meander off betting topics for a while, given our satiety in that department since.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
These suggestions to ban posts that are not related to politics and or betting crop up from time to time but OGH has never picked up on them and I hope he never does. I am just coming up to my ninth anniversary of reading this site and whilst it is true to say that the ratio of betting posts has fallen dramatically (used to get lots of good horse tips on here), there have always been posts on other topics.
PB is something like a friendly public bar with, often, three or four separate conversations going on at the same time and you can dip in and out of each as you wish. PB without its pedantry, trains, engineering, history (ancient and modern) and all the rest of stuff we talk about would be a very boring place.
Meet the philosopher ducklings that engage in abstract thought:
Disneyland, Walt Disney’s metropolis of nostalgia, fantasy, and futurism, opened on July 17, 1955. The $17 million theme park was built on 160 acres of former orange groves in Anaheim, California, and soon brought in staggering profits. Today, Disneyland hosts more than 14 million visitors a year, who spend close to $3 billion.
I still think Donald Duck is the best Disney character ever ever !!
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
To obtain approval from your fellow PBers, you just need to post the following sentence
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
Except the Great British Public REJECTED crappy AV by referendum back in 2011, by a margin of 68% to 32%.
People rarely know what's good for them
Almost all people have almost no idea of what policy option is good for them and the implications of that policy. As was said too recently for its wisdom: democracy can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury.
The Tories have rounds of voting where the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated until there are two, and the winner is the one who gets over 50%. How is that not like AV?
Under AV you can't change your nth preference votes midway through the count due to new evidence, backstabbing, the offer of a government post etc.
The Tories have rounds of voting where the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated until there are two, and the winner is the one who gets over 50%. How is that not like AV?
Under AV you can't change your nth preference votes midway through the count due to new evidence, backstabbing, the offer of a government post etc.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
These suggestions to ban posts that are not related to politics and or betting crop up from time to time but OGH has never picked up on them and I hope he never does. I am just coming up to my ninth anniversary of reading this site and whilst it is true to say that the ratio of betting posts has fallen dramatically (used to get lots of good horse tips on here), there have always been posts on other topics.
PB is something like a friendly public bar with, often, three or four separate conversations going on at the same time and you can dip in and out of each as you wish. PB without its pedantry, trains, engineering, history (ancient and modern) and all the rest of stuff we talk about would be a very boring place.
Meet the philosopher ducklings that engage in abstract thought:
Nate Silver Verified account @NateSilver538 Gary Johnson up to 9.3% in our national poll average, his high point of the year so far.
Betting Question;
From here, do Gary Johnson's polling numbers go;
A) up B') down
The question is - who does he hurt more ?
I think if Gary Johnson gets to 15% and therefor in to the debates, it wont matter who he takes most from because he could win it!
Yes I probably am living in my Libertarian dream world, but 6 mouths ago who thought he could get to 9.3% average? so please let me enjoy this moment.
P.S. I'm a betting novis, if I did want to place say £100 on him winning, what would be a good site to go to and haw much could I expect to win if he did become President?
The best odds you'll get if you want to back him are on betfair - around 450/1 (0.2%)
The American-facing predictit is offering 25/1 (4%) to back, or 33/1 (3%) to lay.
Many thanks, at 450/1 I will do this!
But I don't quite understand how it could be 450/1 on one site and then 33/1 to lay on another site, what is stopping somebody backing on one site and laying on another, and then overall making money whatever the outcome? sorry if this is a stupid question.
The Tories have rounds of voting where the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated until there are two, and the winner is the one who gets over 50%. How is that not like AV?
Under AV you can't change your nth preference votes midway through the count due to new evidence, backstabbing, the offer of a government post etc.
That's the "quasi" bit
And, in an AV election a fair few people can't be bothered to (or don't realise they can) express further preferences (Argclu and Smith take note), whereas in an exhaustive ballot almost everyone votes in every round.
You're a short step away from actually saying that it's OK to discriminate against whites because in the past there was discrimination against blacks.
I don't know quite how you come to that conclusion, but then this is PB so I shouldn't be surprised. And I'm afraid the issue is that discrimination against Blacks is very much a present and not just a past issue.
Let's briefly review the data. The US police killed 508 whites and 261 blacks in 2015. Proportionally, that's three times as many blacks as whites. That multiple also applies to incarceration rates for black males.
In order to explain this, therefore, you might argue that police are more likely to encounter (say) young black men at the scene of a crime or in pursuit of a suspect. That is, in situations where violence or resistance is more likely. That's a reasonable hypothesis, absent video evidence (leaving aside criticism that the criminal justice system in the US is also skewed in favour of whites).
Unfortunately, we've been accumulating video evidence that shows at least a proportion of those deaths are due to, bluntly, trigger-happy officers.
I'm surprised to find that the US doesn't collate the outcomes of police shootings at national level. I can't find out how many deaths resulted in the prosecution and/or conviction of the officer(s) concerned. That's really unhelpful - it allows conspiracy theories to abound.
My field was security. Ultimately, that reduces to questions of trust, risk and consequences. If I interact with a UK police officer, I trust that I will be treated fairly. If my trust is misplaced, I might suffer injuries, but I'm unlikely to be shot or killed. We have decent data to show that most UK officers can be trusted - but not all.
In the US, the consequences of misplaced trust are potentially far higher. It is clear that the risks for blacks are higher than for whites. If sections of the US populace believe that their institutional trust has been misplaced, this will break the social contract between law enforcement and citizens. That is pernicious for both sides. We're starting to see this develop in front of our eyes and its incredibly ugly and dangerous.
It's nothing to do with racial superiority. There is clearly a problem that needs to be addressed. Here endeth the sermon.
Finally some sanity on the issue.
Shooting cops is wrong Shooting innocent people is wrong
Nate Silver Verified account @NateSilver538 Gary Johnson up to 9.3% in our national poll average, his high point of the year so far.
Betting Question;
From here, do Gary Johnson's polling numbers go;
A) up B') down
The question is - who does he hurt more ?
I think if Gary Johnson gets to 15% and therefor in to the debates, it wont matter who he takes most from because he could win it!
Yes I probably am living in my Libertarian dream world, but 6 mouths ago who thought he could get to 9.3% average? so please let me enjoy this moment.
P.S. I'm a betting novis, if I did want to place say £100 on him winning, what would be a good site to go to and haw much could I expect to win if he did become President?
The best odds you'll get if you want to back him are on betfair - around 450/1 (0.2%)
The American-facing predictit is offering 25/1 (4%) to back, or 33/1 (3%) to lay.
Many thanks, at 450/1 I will do this!
But I don't quite understand how it could be 450/1 on one site and then 33/1 to lay on another site, what is stopping somebody backing on one site and laying on another, and then overall making money whatever the outcome? sorry if this is a stupid question.
Not a stupid question at all!
Predictit only accepts US customers, Betfair explicitly rejects US customers.
One thing that really struck me during my trip to the north west this weekend was how every single service person we saw (waiters, front desk at hotels, train ticket office clerks) day a local.
Well, there was one cabbie who was of subcontinental origin, but even he had a Manc accent that showed he was at least educated locally.
Why do some PB'ers think we want all this sports commentary? The title of the site is clear enough. Watching cricket is the only thing I can think of that is worse than watching tennis.
Breaking up the clutter of political minutiae with sports or other inanities not only helps keep the political debate refreshed by offering moments of break, it helps keep things civil by creating a broader community identity rather than just yelling about politics at one another. It's easier to be less enraged by some stubborn political idiot if you permit them to also bring up their favourite fantasy novels, sports interests, business happenings and what they think about Hannibal Barca.
Fair point - if there's betting possibility involved - just a week ago I won enough for a nice bottle of wine with my dinner from backing a horse racing tip someone had kindly put up on here.
But comments that are neither POLITICAL nor BETTING surely belong somewhere else?
It's been like this since day one. You need to set up an organization something along the lines of Betting Posts Matter, BPM, that way we can elevate posts of a betting nature into a different font colour to highlight the blatant discrimination against them.
I'm going to create Good Posts Matter, to petition for the reinstatement of the like button. I think particularly liked comments did actually change colour!
The most liked comment I ever had was on whether there was a difference between 'Larder' or 'Pantry', and which one posh people use (Larder, I believe). I've struggled in vain for approval and relevance ever since.
In my day before fridges a larder was a cooled area for the storage of foodstuffs. According to my then butler Jeeves a pantry was a small preparation area, commonly with a sink and ability to boil a kettle etc ready for afternoon tea and cake delicacies to be taken on the terrace overlooking the croquet lawn.
The LSWR used to have pantry cars. First class passengers pressed a bell push in their compartment to summon their afternoon comestibles.
Most civilized. Don't know what they did in Stagecoach days - Jack W might remember?
(Although I have indulged in a little luxury at home of having a room converted into a small library. My wife's idea, but I've decided to expropriate it)
We have one of those its called my study. Beware though; those shelves get full, then you put up more bookshelves in other rooms, even the downstairs loo, until eventually it is only the family bathroom that does not have books in it. However, still more books arrive and eventually Herself gets the hump. First it is a one in one out - for each new book you buy you have to get rid of one - but of course you circumvent this (smuggling in your latest prized acquisition). You cannot get away with that forever, of course, and then comes the big edict - get rid of books. Its awful, aside from my collection of first edition Flashman, just about my entire collection of fiction had to go. Some of those books were friends.
Having a small library is a great idea, but you have to be careful.
People are capable of having a victimhood fetish or persecution complex. I'm not saying that's the case in the US situation, just that you can't rely on people to be objective. Some will make a song and dance about anything. Some have a higher tolerance, are more resilient or are afraid to speak up.
When I was at school an Indian classmate taught us how to play kabbadi
Of course they're not perfect. But the answer is to address the racism, not accuse ordinary Americans of playing to the audience, when they have none.
In order to explain this, therefore, you might argue that police are more likely to encounter (say) young black men at the scene of a crime or in pursuit of a suspect. That is, in situations where violence or resistance is more likely. That's a reasonable hypothesis, absent video evidence (leaving aside criticism that the criminal justice system in the US is also skewed in favour of whites).
Unfortunately, we've been accumulating video evidence that shows at least a proportion of those deaths are due to, bluntly, trigger-happy officers.
I'm surprised to find that the US doesn't collate the outcomes of police shootings at national level. I can't find out how many deaths resulted in the prosecution and/or conviction of the officer(s) concerned. That's really unhelpful - it allows conspiracy theories to abound.
My field was security. Ultimately, that reduces to questions of trust, risk and consequences. If I interact with a UK police officer, I trust that I will be treated fairly. If my trust is misplaced, I might suffer injuries, but I'm unlikely to be shot or killed. We have decent data to show that most UK officers can be trusted - but not all.
In the US, the consequences of misplaced trust are potentially far higher. It is clear that the risks for blacks are higher than for whites. If sections of the US populace believe that their institutional trust has been misplaced, this will break the social contract between law enforcement and citizens. That is pernicious for both sides. We're starting to see this develop in front of our eyes and its incredibly ugly and dangerous.
It's nothing to do with racial superiority. There is clearly a problem that needs to be addressed. Here endeth the sermon.
The core remains politics, what harm diversions in that case?
I've seen places where people only discuss politics. It's a dreadful hellscape.
Incidentally, there's a Witcher 3 GOTY edition rumoured to be out next month. So, if you haven't got the DLC [assuming you have the game] you may prefer to wait for that.
Can I suggest a chant? THUMBS UP, GOOD POST! Repeat until exhausted.
I lived out there and worked across all of the southern states for a number of years . It has been mentioned here already but I did notice
1) there are areas that are exclusively non white
2) Police officers do not enter these areas alone and nor do white Americans.
3) there are many black on black murders and appeared to far outweigh any other.
4) reasons for the murders are mainly gang but close run by drugs quite often both of these combined
5) There are many black police officers in fact in some areas it appears almost exclusive.
6) Media rarely report deaths anymore and if they do it's done in a few seconds. Often they don't.
Until we break this merry go round of distrust and fear from both sides then nothing will change and groups will collect if for nothing else for the perceived comfort and protection that they sense it provides. The completely bizarre thing is in regards to working and going about daily lives this seems not to be half the problem of residential areas.
That's just my own personal observations for what they are worth over 15 years up and down the Gulf coast. I am sure they can all be disproved but these were first hand impressions.
I am not engaging further on this subject as you simply get dragged into racial related arguments which end up as accusations.
That's is all.
'AV is the greatest voting system known to man, hell even the Tories use a quasi AV system to elect their leader'
"A. V."
And then proceed to drop the mic and exit stage left.
Hallelujah, as the black folks say.
Gary Johnson up to 9.3% in our national poll average, his high point of the year so far.
Betting Question;
From here, do Gary Johnson's polling numbers go;
A) up
B') down
*wanders off looking for the PB naughty step*
The pantry is for the medium term storage of dry goods, and is usually separate from the kitchen, next to the humidor, laundry, meat store and gun room.
264 record low score for the Open on a lighter note, and Mickelson's 4 rounds would have won in any other year. Immense.
(Although I have indulged in a little luxury at home of having a room converted into a small library. My wife's idea, but I've decided to expropriate it)
From CBS outlet in #BatonRouge - Witness says he doesn't believe law enforcement officers were "targeted." bit.ly/29EG43q
This has not been confirmed by police but there are reports that the officers were responding to calls that shots had already been fired: Reports indicate there was a shootout between two gangs and then law enforcement arrived on scene.
Latest reports indicate one officer in a critical condition at hospital, one in stable condition and three police officers have died.
Can't see a POTUS Trump not making it much, much worse.
He slogan is Black Lives Mater not Only Black Lives Matter. It is drawing attention to the problem of he disproportionate level of unarmed black people who are shot and killed by police. It is not exclusionary or indeed racist - it is a focusing statement.
And, moreover, the Tories do NOT use anything like AV for leadership elections, but the EXHAUSTIVE BALLOT, with only one vote per voter cast per round.
The Tories have rounds of voting where the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated until there are two, and the winner is the one who gets over 50%. How is that not like AV?
Yes I probably am living in my Libertarian dream world, but 6 mouths ago who thought he could get to 9.3% average? so please let me enjoy this moment.
P.S. I'm a betting novis, if I did want to place say £100 on him winning, what would be a good site to go to and haw much could I expect to win if he did become President?
In that respect it is more similar to the French presidential run-off.
Got it?
(BTW I was only kidding about the TEDIOUS bit!)
Plus the Tories are nothing like the French, I ask you to withdraw that horrible slur
PB is something like a friendly public bar with, often, three or four separate conversations going on at the same time and you can dip in and out of each as you wish. PB without its pedantry, trains, engineering, history (ancient and modern) and all the rest of stuff we talk about would be a very boring place.
The American-facing predictit is offering 25/1 (4%) to back, or 33/1 (3%) to lay.
If you place £100 back bet on betfair, you'll win £45,000, -5% commission.
Disclaimer - I have previously been laying @ these odds, so don't take this as a betting tip!
2 suspects detained in West BR.
' Bro Rabbit
Even White rabbits deserve their own briar patch. Stop #WhiteGeNOcide'
As such I feel we can happily meander off betting topics for a while, given our satiety in that department since.
Disneyland, Walt Disney’s metropolis of nostalgia, fantasy, and futurism, opened on July 17, 1955. The $17 million theme park was built on 160 acres of former orange groves in Anaheim, California, and soon brought in staggering profits. Today, Disneyland hosts more than 14 million visitors a year, who spend close to $3 billion.
I still think Donald Duck is the best Disney character ever ever !!
Under AV you can't change your nth preference votes midway through the count due to new evidence, backstabbing, the offer of a government post etc.
I'm sure it's not her fault but it is, er, hugely off-putting.
But I don't quite understand how it could be 450/1 on one site and then 33/1 to lay on another site, what is stopping somebody backing on one site and laying on another, and then overall making money whatever the outcome? sorry if this is a stupid question.
Shooting cops is wrong
Shooting innocent people is wrong
Predictit only accepts US customers, Betfair explicitly rejects US customers.
Well, there was one cabbie who was of subcontinental origin, but even he had a Manc accent that showed he was at least educated locally.
The contrast with London was marked.
And this is Britain's second city.
Most civilized. Don't know what they did in Stagecoach days - Jack W might remember?
Having a small library is a great idea, but you have to be careful.
BREAKING NEWS: Olympic hero cyclist Chris Boardman's mother is knocked off her bike and killed by driver
Tragic !!